Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Quotes of the day

Maya Angelou
We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

All great achievements require time.

Nothing will work unless you do.

I simply love everything Maya Angelou says. She's a great writer, poet, and she even cooks! Read more about her at


Sengal Ubi said...

"I don't need someone to fly me to the top. I just need my legs so that can climb to the top myself..."

-Amiruddin Fadzli, in being independent.

Have your class started blogging yet? Just want to share some experience being a blogger for four years. Blogging is about expressing yourself, it's a journey of emotion. You might find blogging difficult when you're about to give title for your blog and posting your first entry. My advice: title your blog with something metaphoric or something hyperbolic that represents you. Creativity doesn't come from your surroundings, it comes from the inner you. And to test your creativity in writing, have the guts to write about yourself that you don't want other people to know verbally. Be sincere and honest in writing, let it come from your heart, then creativity won't be a problem to you anymore.

"I may not be perfect but at least I don't pretend to be one..."

-Sengal Ubi

Madam Jumani, do you still have the Interview Success In Your Pocket book? May I borrow of you have one? Would really appreciate it.

Guru said...

Hi Amir, about the book, don't borrow when you can own one. I'll even autograph one for you LOL

It's great that you come post your comments in here and be a motivating force for your juniors. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Maya Angelou's speech is really inspiring especially the part " we may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated". Remember failure is the stepping stone for success.

Yup. all great achievemnet require time as " Rome is not built in a day". You must start now to build your own empire. Equip yourselves with lot of knowledges, experiences and others that will bring benefit to you.

Last, but not least, bear with the thick and thin you'll undergo these few years. May the force be with you. Haha.

Anonymous said...

After i see the profile of Maya Angelou, i really impress her.Her speech also inspire me especially"We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated".In our lives, we faces many challenges on the way to success although we are different of religious, races and living style.For an example, Maya Angelou was raped by her mother’s boyfriend when she was seven-years old. She never gave up and overcame the problem to become tougher.Finally, she got a scholarship to the California Labor School for dance and drama.So, we must never give up and attempt the challenges to be success.I also learn that never feel afraid of failure.This is because the failure will help us to be success.Then, we keep up our effort to study,work , research and do many things to get great achievemnet.Consquently, i will equip myself with everythings those benefit me such as get presentation experience, improve english language, and so on when i study in this unversity although this live is hard to me.Finally, i say thank you to Madam for posting something is so useful.

Anonymous said...

I like this Qoute,"i've learned that people will forget what you said,people will forget what you did,but people will never forget how you made them feel''
For me this qoute really touch my heart.Yeah,in reality,we always forget about the advices from our parent.But we clearly remember how our parent treat us when we are child because that is the sweeties moment in our life.People easily remember about the things that really touch their feeling than a thousand words that they hear before.So,we must treat people with respect and always be a friendly person.So,they will remember us always..=).If we always make people hurt,they will remember us as abad person and never forget about the thing we do to them..
