Ooh, wow! How fast time flies! It's now March and soon, the semester will be over, but not without some pain. You guys heard it before, "No pain, no gain!"
Remember, your proposal is due this week. Then be ready to make that invention happen before you can present it to the the world. In between, there's your progress report some time in week 12.
Okay, and for those still unclear on what you need to do when you see this "Reading Entries" heading, here's what you need to do:
- Read anything you like. It could be a book, a short story, a poem, an article in a magazine, or from your nasi lemak wrapper, or an online article, information off a cereal box, anything - but the reading materials have got to be in English.
- Then, go to your own blog or this one, whichever first is okay, and share with us the following info: (a) what you read (b) where you read it from - e.g., if it's from a magazine, state the article title, name of magazine and page of article and if it's an online article, share the link. You may copy and paste the article but that should not be the only content of your blog entry. (c) what you thought about the article - i.e., whether you liked it or not and why OR (d) what the article reminded you of OR (e) a summary of the article OR (f) all c, d and e.
- Sign off with your name, matric number and section.
- Then after you have posted your entry, copy and paste what you've written into the other blog depending on which blog you went to first. If you have no blog of your own, then you just need to come here to post your comments.
Okay? Any questions, ask me when you see me. :) By the way, for the reading entries, you may post as many entries as you like. There's no limit. It all depends on how much you've read and how much you'd like to share with us.
1 – 200 of 306 Newer› Newest»I picked this really interesting article from Malay Mail: http://www.mmail.com.my/No_swearing_please.aspx
No swearing please
March 03, 2009 Categories: News
The minds of those who believe they can make the world a better place is dominated by one thought: the campaign.
Some people are addicted to campaigning, as are some governments.
In democratic nations, individuals often lead the charge, in authoritarian ones it’s often the State.
Now comes the latest campaign – A No Swearing Campaign – led by a 15-yearold. Apparently not everyone is enthused by his idea and his No Cussing Club, as swearing is referred to over there, often has people (let’s call them pro-cussers) barging in on club meetings, letting go of four-lettered expletives.
Of course, to the educated, expletives come in all kinds of sizes. “Next year I want to try to get California to have a cuss-free week. And then, who knows, maybe worldwide,” said the American lad.
Leaping Lizards, the boy’s got ambition.
My opinion:
May God Bless this boy, as he is at least trying to do something with the "swearing" behaviour. Now some questions I would like you guys to think about. How would you feel if someone you know or dont "swears" something bad to you, even worse with the intention to insult you? Those finger signals? Do you feel happy about it? Do you wish to "swear" this person back? Well if you say "yes" to my last question, then I'm sure this campaign will go nowhere. I think people need to master the art of being patient. Well me myself do have limits of patience, but at least I tried my best to be as patient as I can. I will avoid provokers if nessesary because they just intend to burn your "anger" inside you.
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
Another one from Malay Mail> http://www.mmail.com.my/Apathy_is_the_greatest_crime.aspx
Some of the bits of the news:
ON Feb 26, a clerk in her 20s was gang-raped and abused for six hours at a Chinese cemetery in Sungai Buloh by three men, and last Wednesday an 18-year-old woman, five-months pregnant, was abducted outside her house in Tanjung Sepat and raped by four men at an oil palm estate.
It is a stain on our collective conscience that we are no longer shocked, outraged or horrified by such news.
My own opinion;
Well I can't totally agree by what the reporter said. I see all those paragraphs as though Ikan Sepilar (the writer) is blaming us, society for not being sensitive enough to this issues. If we are to blame for being ignorant enough to these crimes, then how we're supposed to do about it? By just read those crime cases and wrap our news/ magazines, the end? NO!! My suggestion is to print all those criminal's faces and broadcast it daily to the public by the television or newspapers. I can see sometimes those situation but i prefer if its memorable enough for us.
And about forgiveness of sins through prayer. I think the writer is being quite emotional at this paragraph. What really matters is how to solve this issue not by blaming somebody about it.
Poor those victims, and I feel quite upsed for not being able to do something about it. All I can give right now is my prayer.
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
Ex-con wants prison life so he can eat
February 25, 2009 Categories: Weird News
TAIPEI: A jobless man released from prison two years ago asked police to send him back so he could eat, police and local media said yesterday, a grim sign of hard economic times on the island.
When police found the 45-year-old convicted arsonist lying on a street in a popular Taipei shopping district, he requested a return to life behind bars, nostalgic for the 10 years he had already served, the China Post newspaper reported.
Wang had also contacted police separately with his request, a spokesman said. Officers who found him bought him a boxed lunch but declined to send him back to prison, the police spokesman said.
"I don't know why he can't find a job. Maybe employers think he's not suitable or that he's too old," he said.
Taiwan is in recession, with a slump in exports leading a record economic contraction in the fourth quarter of last year. Economists see more weakness through 2009, given falling demand for Taiwan's electronics goods in overseas markets. — Reuters
taken from Malay mail.http://www.mmail.com.my/Ex-con_wants_prison_life_so_he_can_eat.aspx
My opinion: I want to laugh and at the same time I feel sorry for this man. It seem the ressision there is really bad till he's that desperate to get some food to eat. Is prison that luxury to him? Well I guess if its for basic need, one will do everything for it..
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
This article is from NST (online)
Our deputy prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has said stability is the key for overcome crisis.
A Barisan Nasional victory in the Bukit Gantang would help efforts by the government to stave off the challenges.
"If we want to overcome the challenges, we cannot afford to have political instability. If we have political stability and certainty, we could step up efforts to improve our economy," he said when launching the BN Bukit Selambau state seat by-election machinery at SM Teknik Sungai Petani II 14/03/09.
I think
Datuk Seri Najib is right about stability the key of overcome crisis in Malaysia. Malaysia has face crisis since now.Political stability will certainty would speed up efforts by the government to overcome the impact of the global economic crisis.
Sasi Devi A/p Vibinasanthirabalan.
Four men robbed a goldsmith shop and escaped with RM 40,000 worth of jewellery.
The robbers were armed with axes, which they used to smash the glass over the trays of jewellery .
They took less than a minute to remove two trays and bag the contents before they went.
They left behind a hammer and a ski mask in the hurry. Police is looking for the suspect.
I feel sorry to owners of the goldsmith shops.
I think the crime rate in Malaysia is keep on increasing day to day.The robbers are not afraid of the police this days. The robbers just think of themself without thinking the society.
Sasi Devi
today i want to share with you all about the match bettwen livepool n MU.the liverpool win 4-1 .when we all get the result my friend very disppointed because they are very fanatic with Mu club.they gamble about the match.so they lost some of money to pay.but the imprtant i want to advice to all n friend ,please don't gamble because it can ruin your self.so you all must think before do the something n ensure you do the right way.
assalamualaikum everyone...
Today i read about sport in berita harian. in sports badminton atlet lee chong wei will fight with atlet from denmark and lee chong wei win in competition. I'm so proud with her. This because now atlet from malaysian can bet with atlet in international.Now in malaysian sports, we are waiting improvement in football. i hope after this football sports can give something to all malaysian people proud.thats all.tq
siti hajar
An inspiring woman, with an awful experience/past of her life, Mukhtar Mai, a rape victim in Pakistan, is made known to world by her brave actions to bring her rapists to justice. More of her story here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/5323858.stm
One of her quote really inspires me to keep forward to carry on in live no matter what. " I set up my school because I believe education is the key to ending the cruelty I see around me every day," she says.
She never gives up until now, hopefully she never will.
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
Hello everyone…….
Just now I read about article how to learn English in website. For the learn English many ways we can do. Firstly, in everyday must spend one or two hour for read any article in English. After that we can listen any song in English and translate in Malay. If we listen any new words we can write in one book and after that we try to speak with friends about new words. If wants the improve English you must brave and not shy to speak with people in English although your English is wrong. In your speak the people can help to improve your English. This is a little ways to improve your English. Beside that have many ways you can use for the learn English. What is important wants or not you learn English. If you wants you must be find many ways and if you don’t wants you cannot find any ways to learn or improve your English. That all….tq
Siti hajar
From The Star online: China girl wants father who murdered mother spared :http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/3/19/worldupdates/2009-03-19T134651Z_01_NOOTR_RTRMDNC_0_-385896-1&sec=Worldupdates
My opinion, should he be sentenced to death or should he not? Its a dilemma in my part, because I am concern with her daughter, who lost her mother. And now, is on the edge of losing her father too, who murdered her mother. I'm biased between mercy for the child and justice for crimes her father has commited. The attorney said "If he doesn't receive capital punishment, there will be even more harm done to society. We cannot sacrifice justice and equality for mercy." How far this is true there? In China? lets give a thought about that shall we?
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
a very great day to everyone..
u must ever heard abou YOGA.It is one kind of exercise.But have you ever heard about Muslims' YOGA?an article i read mentioned that muslims do yoga by PRAYING.It is so simple as ABC but it offers a lot of benefits such as physical,mental and spiritual.They just need to do the same thing for 5 times everyday.Guys,sciencetists have proven it.They too agree that by praying
(in muslim way) really benefits you and ensure your body physiology.So for MUSLIM,don't ever miss your YOGA(PRAY)
Hello everyone…
Before this I read article about a Barbie doll. Barbie doll is very unique doll in world and this doll is very glamour in the world. The Barbie doll is a one doll made in American. I think Malaysian can make one doll like this and can sell all towns. Now we have a cartoon like “ipin and upin” . If we can make this cartoon to the doll is a very interesting. Like a Barbie doll there are can make movie from this doll. I hope one day Malaysian can make one thing like a Barbie doll. They can make all people can proud. We can make a cartoon movie about Malaysian and culture in Malaysian and make doll from this cartoon. That all from me……tq
Siti hajar
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060907211209AABJvpi. Today I read article in this website. Chocolate is a very delicious food. I think all people like to eat chocolate. For me eat chocolate can release stress and I like to eat chocolate. But one thing very important to think is the chocolate can make we are fat if we taken in large quantity. This is very important thing and this chocolate can give many disease for human body. So if you want to take chocolate you must be careful.tq…
siti hajar
Morning everyone
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendship I read article about friendship. I think all people in the world need friend in your life. Don’t mine girls or boy with friends we are can share all moment in your world happy or sad. Now in the world friend with you if you happy is very easier to find but friend can help you in your sad is very difficult to find. So if you wants to find a good friend you must to be careful.
Siti hajar
Do you have been heard about BERMUDA TRIANGLE???The vast three sided segment of the Atlantic ocean bordered by Bermuda,Puerto Rico and Fort Lauderdale.The bermuda triangle has long been full of mysteries.More than 100 ships and planes have vanished there since 1945 and lost with them have been more than 1000 lives.Others belive that Bermuda Triangle is caused by the lost great city of Atlantis,sunk thousands of feet below the water's surface.Besides that the Bermuda Triangle has generated thousands of debates between psyhic phenomena experts and 'traditional' science ever since Flight 19 disappeared.For over 50 years the public's imagination has run riot,sometimes through lack of understanding,sometimes through media hype,trying to explain the disappearance of dozens of ships,yachts and planes off the coast of Florida.But so far no one has explained the reason why at least three areas of the planet Earth have mysterious magnetic forces at work.Why is that???? for more detail information just log on http://www.unex-t.com/thetruth/bermuda.htm
From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:
What Equals 100%?
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?
We have all been in situations where someone wants you to
How about ACHIEVING 101%?
What equals 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help
answer these questions:
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:
12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4 = 101%
Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:
While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will
get you there, It's the Love of God that will put you over the top!
Taken from:http://stranges-world.blogspot.com/2009/02/amazing-maths.html
My Opinion, This is really amazing to me, I seriously hate Mats but then again I realised I can't live without them!! One more thing, the main keys to success are hardwork,knowledge, attitude but the most important of all is your Faith in God!
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
Armless Girl Gets A Pilot License
"Jessica Cox, 25, a girl born without arms, stands inside an aircraft. The girl from Tucson, Arizona got the Sport Pilot certificate lately and became the first pilot licensed to fly using only her feet."
Taken from:http://stranges-world.blogspot.com/2009/02/armless-girl-gets-pilot-license.html
At first I can't believe she's exist, so I made my research, and guess what? She's real!! This story goes for everyone to get inspired. This is another proff that nothing is impossible in life.. God Bless this woman.
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
From Malay Mail: http://www.mmail.com.my/Cleric_arrested_for_marrying_12-year-old.aspx
Cleric arrested for marrying 12-year-old
"Pujiono Cahyo Widianto, 43, revealed in August that he had taken a 12-year-old girl as a second wife in a traditional Islamic wedding ceremony, sparking criticism from child protection groups"
My opinion, this news is seriously horrifying! Imagine having your 12 year old sister marrying a man between an age of 40-50 years old? How would you feel? This is simply ridiculous, well its true in ancient age this case is common. But I strongly believe that this isn't nessesary already nowadays, this child need education more than a marrige, and moreover she don't need to share her husband.Tsk tsk..
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
What is happening?
"HANOI: Large supermarkets have stopped selling Johnson & Johnson products on news that the company’s baby shampoo sold in the US contained chemicals that could cause cancer, the supermarkets said yesterday."
I don't want to comment about boycotting Holland product issue. But this is extremely serious! For those parents who used this brand of products, I advise you to consider using modern products, it seems that its not reliable anymore in my opinion. Going traditional doesn't sound bad right?
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
Friendship is a most beautiful thing happened to human being.Many poets have described friendship as one of the most fascinating bond in our life and the most beautiful thing happens to us.i also has a best friend but sometimes i fail to continue the friendship as i do not know my real role to be his bestfriend.As i read an article about tips for a special friendship.Firstly,i should be a secrete admirer of my friend like praising him for what he is good at.Then don't proved him wrong in public to prevent the feeling of hatred by himself.Next is try to understand my friend.If he has any problem, i should ask him and help him if i supposed to.Forthly, i need to pull my friend away from making mistakes.In other words.i should not let him to do what is surely wrong for him.Then the ego problem.Actually,to be a good friend to my friend,i must not put my ego over my friendship.I'll minimize it..hehehe
Another tips is try to teach good thing.As mentioned before,i need to pull my friend from wrong but i need to teach him the good things.Most important point that i should take care of is to not interfere in his life if he don't want me to do so.As a good friend i supposedly not to interfere in his llife at all.So by following all these tips i am sure my friendship with my bestfriend will stay forever.You too guys can follow these tips if you really care of your friendship.
Zilawati binti yusof
Source:Berita Harian
(jumaat,20 Macrh 2009)
New product for all. Namely tent coleman sunsire. This tent is latest products Coleman Universal Fitness's circulation and Leisure Sdn Bhd.
Sunsire is equipped front part act as door which owns good window to aeration system.
It its in making of polyester, while framework part is made from glass fibre and measuring 200cm x 120cm x 100cm.
Sunrise yag silver coloured and orange is waterproof. By heavy total this tent only 1.9 kilogrammes and portable and foolproof.
that all.thanks
Zilawati binti yusof
Source:Berita Harian
(jumaat,20 Macrh 2009)
Hello everyone..
to all angler, 1 latest creation namely Viper's boom - vernom has been in the market.
This latest products boom is made from composite graphite but own same curve force with graphite. It much lighter , sensitive and high quality to durable.
Good flexible level facilitate more throwing and it can-do further throwing. It its badly fitting bye technique casting use fly or mother-of-pearl.
this boom is designed specifically for fishing fresh water. Beside the, this boom own comfortable holder and generated through concept fuji.
Ii can be didapti in different-size 5 legs 6 inches, 6 legs , 6 legs 6 inches, and 7 legs.
that all. thanks
"In 2009, Earth Hour is being taken to the next level, with the goal of 1 billion people switching off their lights as part of a global vote. Unlike any election in history, it is not about what country you’re from, but instead, what planet you’re from. VOTE EARTH is a global call to action for every individual, every business, and every community. A call to stand up and take control over the future of our planet. Over 74 countries and territories have pledged their support to VOTE EARTH during Earth Hour 2009, and this number is growing everyday"
Well, ready to turn off the lights everyone? Try NOT to buy candles because it's like supporting to "open burning" *lol*. Not just the lights, all the electricities should be shut down too, so that we can consume less energy so that we don't have to "pay" extra for the electric bills. Lets make our earth a better place for future generations shall we? May a small step like this leads to bigger awareness.
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
hello everyone...
i just want to share something about the article i had read before.it is about the kites.
soure-Berita Harian paper..
there was Pasir Gudang International Kites festival at Bukit Layang-Layang, Pasir Gudang, Johor.What interesting about this festival is the people from around the world participated on this festival like people from Australia,New Zealand,Japan,France,German and so on.Furthermore, people from Brazil and Portugal also join this festival.Can you gus imagine all these guys plays kites?it just so amazing!Our culture,playing kites is played by all people around the world.It proud me a lot as an malaysian.I hope you guys feel the same ways.
the local resident also do not miss to participate it.This time more kites,shapes and sizes played.the different characters of kites played like peguins,lizard,bee,clownfish and so on.When i saw all these shapes, it showed that how creative they are when creating such of things and to make that things can fly on the sky.
Sometimes i feel it is quite funny when saw the shapes of kites.And it is also remind me the sweet memory when i used to play flying kites when i was childhood before..so miss that time!i think you guys ever plays it right?
i think thats all i want to share with you all.
nurul ain bt abdullah
The Black Butler: Kuroshitsuji.
This is a manga written and illustrated by Yana Toboso. Since its debut on September 16, 2006, it has been serialized in Square Enix's shōnen manga magazine Monthly GFantasy.[1][2] The series follows Sebastian Michaelis, a demonic butler who is obligated to serve Ciel Phantomhive, the twelve-year-old head of the Phantomhive noble family, due to a contract he made with Ciel.
As cliche as it gets, this is a fantasy story based comic/manga. Set up in historical England especially the Industrial Revolution era. The thing I love in this manga is the writer/mangaka has Integrated the Indian element there, through introduction of 2 Indian characters, Agni and Soma. Which ironically these name represent one of the Hindu gods. Honestly, reading comic is not just for the fun of it, there are lots of aspects that we should search by ourselves through the story. For Example, the historical element. As history facts shows, European country has made international trades with China and India and other country also.
I am just reading an article about the Canadian investments in HIV/AIDS programming are achieving results worldwide...where we can see how their distributions to the worldwide in health of worldwide especially on HIV cases....here the article is..
Canada’s leadership in HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care, and support initiatives has had a life-saving impact on people around the world. Canada’s commitment to fighting HIV/AIDS globally is evident through its partnerships with dedicated Canadian and international organizations, as well as donor and recipient countries. Together, we are helping to advance HIV prevention, addressing the feminization of HIV/AIDS, strengthening health systems to ensure access to care and treatment, protecting children infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS, and supporting the development of a globally accessible HIV vaccine.
canadian doing such things to help the country especially the poor country that came with great population...like the African continent..let us do the same things to help others..thinks about it..
Defroy Kudong
Hello I am going to post about Earth hour again;
"KUALA LUMPUR: Tenaga Nasional Bhd will not turn off the power supply during the Earth Hour celebration between 8.30 and 9.30pm tomorrow.
Its president and chief executive officer, Datuk Seri Che Khalib Mohamad Noh, said the power utility company would ensure reliable electricity supply at all times."
Oh my, seriously, people should not just take this campaign seriously. This desision does make sense. Take for example, hospitals need constant power supply in order for the patients to say alive, during operation or during treatment, same goes to Food Freezing industry or else, the patients may die and the frozen foods might get frozen!! This campaign in my opinion is especially to create awareness to the world wide on how much we as a whole community can contribute to reduce global warming, so the target is especially to society, not the bussiness market. Those who in need critically for power supply should not be sacrifised. Don't be so single minded for God's sake.. tsk tsk..
Cyetha Binti P.K.
Sorry for my spelling error on my previous post..
This time, I got another from MalayMail: http://www.mmail.com.my/How_low_can_car_dealers_go-e-.aspx
Retirees can’t make ends meet (March 18)
“The problem with giving money to your parents is that you then have less money to put aside for your own future, ensuring you will be a burden to your own children.
Your money should be invested towards your children’s education so they can get further in life, and next towards your own retirement. The backward cycle has to stop — where it stops is the difficult part.” — Eina
I can't totally agree with what she said here. Everyone needs money that is a truth. I want to ask this person, how did she pays for her education? For the past 9 years ago who pays for her to go to school? Her parents of course! Or else one of her caretaker or relatives. I can sense her selfishness in her post there, as if parents can keep on being the bank withdrawer even you already have a job and family and your parents can take care of themselves afterwards. I bet she is the best candidate to send her parents to "Rumah Kebajikan Golongan Orang tua". I'm quite irritated with her attitude towards who should deserve better in life and others. So my friends, please don't ever consider her option, no matter how much or little you get for your job afterwards, leave some of them for your parents, they have been doting enough to send you to a University. Everybody deserves what they should get, that's my bottomline.
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
Broilers Anyone?
Well according to cambridge dictionary, Broilers refers to a young chicken suitable for roasting, grilling or barbecuing.
And guess what, the broiler is getting cheaper!
"KUALA LUMPUR: Broiler chicken is 40 sen to 55 sen a kilo cheaper now, the Federation of Livestock Farmers Associations of Malaysia said."
Behold, the power of consumers! Or it might be people prefer adult chicken than their children because they have more flesh? I have no guess. I still think this change is not going anywhere because chicken is one of great demands from the society, but then again, its up to the society to decide. Majority counts!
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
Good news for unhygenic people, ahaha just joking!
Stink-free underwear at http://www.mmail.com.my/Stink-free_underwear.aspx
"HOUSTON: Teenage boys, are you tired of embarrassing questions about when you last changed underwear? Japan’s space scientists may have just the answer – a line of odour-free underwear and casual clothing.
Koichi Wakata (right), the first Japanese astronaut to live on the International Space Station, is testing the clothes, called J-ware and created by textile experts at Japan Women’s University in Tokyo."
Really impressive findings! Now you don't have to change your underwear everyday. But still I think you have to take bath, because the cloth just absorbs the parts you got sweat not the parts that doesn't touch your skin. I really want one just to try it out *lol*
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
hello good morning everyone..have a nice day..now i want to share with you about the movie i had watched..the title is DragonBall evolution it's so interesting movie well do watch it together by you own..i belive you all already heard about this movie before,this movie actually adaptation from DragonBall comic book written by akira toriyama..but now the comic characters come into real..well do not miss it because it nice story and also we can learn something in it..how actually the different people can cast together in this film and learn from that especially in malaysia need to be united as a malaysian even whatever our race..respecting other and understanding is so important..thanks for read my blog...let enjoy the movie..and have a nice dream everyone..
Defroy Kudong
welcome back..since a few minutes ago i leave you all..now i want to share again one article..then let read this one first..the history of robots:Stories of artificial helpers and companions and attempts to create them have a long history, but fully autonomous machines only appeared in the 20th century. The first digitally operated and programmable robot, the Unimate, was installed in 1961 to lift hot pieces of metal from a die casting machine and stack them. Today, commercial and industrial robots are in widespread use performing jobs more cheaply or with greater accuracy and reliability than humans. They are also employed for jobs which are too dirty, dangerous, or dull to be suitable for humans. Robots are widely used in manufacturing, assembly and packing, transport, earth and space exploration, surgery, weaponry, laboratory research, safety, and mass production of consumer and industrial goods...what we can see now in this world many inventions done by people actually to help decreased our burden,time and also our safety and so on in our working area,and our daily also depend on robots to work it easy..many countries invented the more advanced robot but some of them not used it appropriate..by the way let us develop our country and make it better for the next generation..like other country like japan also long time ago so poor but now they can build their own nation and now known in the world as a great invention country..we can do malaysian..
Defroy Kudong
Source: New Straits Time
(Thursday, 27 Macrh 2009)
Malaysian baby dies after parents' drinking binge: report
A Malaysian baby who died at less than one month of age may have starved to death after his drunken parents allegedly forgot to feed him, a report said Friday.
The Star daily said relatives found the infant unconscious at his home in Sarawak state on Borneo island, and that he was rushed to hospital but died in the intensive care unit.
"We are investigating claims that the parents had indulged in a prolonged drinking spree and had neglected the baby," police superintendent Ismail Paduka Idris told the daily.
"Initial investigations show that the baby might have been so severely neglected that he suffered fatal consequences," he said.
In my opinion, I think that this is very bad news. How can we imagine that the parent is not care about their baby? This case is very seriously and we must avoid this incident happen again. From there, I want to give some advises to all of you. Firstly, we must care about our child at the future. Then, we must ensure that we are not neglected them because anything will happen such as the news on the above. Lastly, I hope that this case are not happen again. That’s all from me, thanks you.
hello everyone...
its me again..
i just want to share a sad story that i just has read on news strait times online..http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Saturday/National/2516961/Article/index_html
the news state that the girl student,8 years old accused of stealing food.Because of that She was called for a counselling session.She is believed that the reason why she stole the food is her foster mother do not give the food before she went to the school.She was resorted to stealing food to abate her hunger.
Furthermore,based on the sources which is can believe that girl suffered bruises,beated and scolded by her foster mother.she was also said that to have been constantly beaten beaten for defecating around her home.How could her mother do like that?she is just a little girl.I feel so pity of her.
her teachers realised that the girl had the bruises all over her during counselling session.As a result, Welfare Department stepped in and took her away for protection on March 17 following report.But the girl's foster mother has yet to be detained for the alleged abuse.
when i read this news,i just wondering that how could the foster mother beat and let the children hungry?if they want do wrongs that just do not took anyone as their children.That is my opinion...
see you guys next time..
nurul ain bt abdullah
Snake bite victim exhumed
from :http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/3/28/nation/3578853&sec=nation
"KLANG: The body of an 11-year-old boy who died from a snake bite on March 21 was exhumed to facilitate police investigations into his death.". More of the story, "He said the family felt that it was the duty of the camp to ensure that the boy was not harmed while under its care. He said they believed there was an element of negligence on the part of the camp which led to the boy’s death."
This story saddens me. I used to feel upset long time ago when my parents used to refuse to sign my permission letter to join any outer activity by the school, primary of secondary. Its was because those letters indicates that they (the school) will not be responsible for anything happens to the students/children. Now here I'm wondering, if the schools insist so much to let go of their basic responsibility to the students, then why make the activities? I personally think this case will be a long lasting at court (if it ever happens) because I'm sure the school "prepares" well. Hopefully you know what I mean.
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
Six Years Needed just to Hang this Rapist and Murderer?!
"PUTRAJAYA: Ahmad Najib Aris, convicted of the rape and murder of IT analyst Canny Ong Lay Kian six years ago, lost his final appeal against conviction."
"Zulkefli said a DNA test confirmed Ahmad Najib’s semen in Ong’s vagina which proved that he had intercourse with the victim."
*sigh* So this is how courts handle crimes? No offence but, isn't it too long decision to make? I guess that's why crimes never seem to decline significantly. Well this is only one of examples on justice stands after such a long time. But anyway, RIP dear Canny.
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
I had read a book entitled "Global Warming" by John Houghton. I am sure that the phrase "global warming" has become familiar among us.This book is actually explain about the problem of global warming.
Nowadays, this issue has become more worst. I think that, we can not solve this problem since there is no awareness among the human in this world. They should realize the effect of this problem in the future. So, I hope that all the people in this world will realize and take action on it.
Ever thought that your mobile phone might be life threatening?
Well, in the case of these 18 year Japanese boy, it's not life threatening but has already made him taken his life by jumping off a building.
Why? Because through his mobile phone,constant bullying and extortion is done to him by sms.
Now, To my opinion, every new technology gadget has it's own pros and cons.
Not only does it has it's benefits, but also it's disadvantages.
To me, this technological gadget, must be used correctly and wisely.
It is as though to me that, people who did this to the boy, must be heartless human beings who only cares for their own gains. To be frank, who doesn't but not to the degree of sacrificying one's life.
Taken from http://www.mmail.com.my/Mobile_phone_bullying_turns_ugly.aspx
Eurica Ak Dihem
Zilawati binti Yusof
Hello guys!!
Now I want share my story I read about geological wonders you didn't know.
First The Wave (between Arizona and Utah -USA) the Wave is a red-rock stunner on the border of Arizona and Utah, made of 190-million-year-old sand dunes that have turned to rock. L.A. Times photographer Spencer Weiner captured the swirling drama of this little-known formation that's accessible only on foot via a three-mile hike and highly regulated.
Second is about Great Blue hole (Belize) Part of the Lighthouse Reef System, The Great Blue Hole lies approximately 60 miles off the mainland out of Belize City. A large, almost perfectly circular hole approximately one quarter of a mile (0.4 km) across, it’s one of the most astounding dive sites to be found anywhere on earth. Inside this hole, the water is 480 feet (145 m) deep and it is the depth of water which gives the deep blue color that causes such structures throughout the world to be known as "blue holes."
If you all want to know details you can surf this web site http://oddee.com/item_96619.aspx. That all. Bye
Do you want your children to be exposed to school in that very early age and expects them to be advanced than any other children that is his or her age?
And at the same time can you afford the fees that when calculated equivalent to 4 college student yearly tuition fees?
I'm sure this will make the parents of these children thinking twice before sending their children to a preschool in China.
But the fact that can this guarantee the child to be accepted to a good middle school,not forgetting a good university..
In my opinion, the school is charging too much and they are trying in any means that they can to gain as much as possible. Again, human beings are very greedy especially when it comes to money. This reminds me of the very popular story during my primary school days, the dog who has already got a bone in his mouth looking into a river and saw a shadow of himself..not knowing that was his shadow, he wanted the bone of his shadow..well, i guess You know how the story ends..
Now, we human also must learn from that dog that, one day, we even can lose what we already have, if we are greedy.
Taken from http://www.mmail.com.my/Pre-school_expensive_in_China.aspx
Eurica Ak Dihem
Zilawati Binti Yusof
Source: http://oddee.com/item_96587.aspx
Today I was read one article about Plastic surgery disasters. Hong mioku is one of the victims. Her face looks like injected cooking oil. Very ugly and frighten when I saw her picture.
This is article about her I read. Hang Mioku, a 48 year-old woman from South Korea, became so addicted to plastic surgery that she was left unrecognizable after her obsession led her to inject cooking oil into her face. She had her first plastic surgery procedure when she was 28. Following operation after operation, her face was eventually left enlarged and disfigured, and the surgeons she visited refused to carry out any more work on her and one suggested that her obsession could be a sign of a psychological disorder. So Hang resorted to injecting cooking oil into her face. It became so grotesquely large that she was called "standing fan" by children in her neighborhood - due to her large face and small body. As Hang's notoriety spread she was featured on Korean TV. Viewers seeing the report took mercy on her and sent in enough donations to enable her to have surgery to reduce the size of her face. During the first procedure surgeons removed 60g of foreign substance from Hang's face and 200g from her neck. After several other sessions her face was left greatly reduced but still scarred and disfigured. Were several more people who failed in doing plastic surgery such as Jocelyn Wildenstein, Michael Jackson and many more.
Zilawati Binti yusof
Source: http://oddee.com/item_96587.aspx
Now I want sare about Article I read today it about the world's smallest animals.
World’s Smallest Dog: 12.4 cm (4.9-inch) tall
At 1.4 pounds and 4.9 inches tall, Ducky, a yappy short-coat Chihuahua from Charlton (Massachusetts, USA), holds the Guinness World Record for the world's smallest living dog (by height). Ducky succeeds Danka Kordak of Slovakia, a Chihuahua who measured 5.4 inches tall. The smallest dog ever, according to Guinness, was a dwarf Yorkshire terrier who stood 2.8 inches tall.
World's Smallest Snake: 10.1 cm (4-inch) long
Leptotyphlops carlae is the world's smallest species of snake, with adults averaging just less than four inches in length. Found on the Caribbean island of Barbados, the species --which is as thin as a spaghetti noodle and small enough to rest comfortably on a U.S. quarter--, was discovered by Blair Hedges. World’s Smallest Cat: 15.5 cm (6.1-inch) high and 49 cm (19.2-inch) long
Meet Mr. Peebles. He lives in central Illinois, is two years old, weighs about three pounds and is the world's smallest cat! The cat's small stature was verified by the Guinness Book of World Records on 2004. If you want to see the picture you can go the web site above.
Zilawati binti yusof
Source: Wikipedia ensiklopedia bebas.
Today I want to share with you about California Sea Lion. California Sea Lion was either from animals occurs at this earth. His science name Zalophus californianus.
Sea lion is animal came under living object category, animal kingdom, bony back (vertebrate), class of mammals. Sea lion is hot-blooded animal, produce and taking care of child.
Sea lion is animal predators or carnivorous. Sea lion staple are varied seafood, including fish, shellfish, and squid.
As mammal, sea lion breed like childbirth.
Scientific classification
Natural: Animal
Phylum: Chordatal
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Mammalian
Order: Carnivore
Family: Ottaridae
Genus: Zalophus
Species: Z. californianus
That all thanks
Thai 'spider-man' rescues autistic boy
"BANGKOK (AFP) – A Thai fireman turned superhero when he dressed up as comic-book character Spider-Man to coax a frightened eight-year-old from a balcony, police said Tuesday. Teachers at a special needs school in Bangkok alerted authorities on Monday when an autistic pupil, scared of attending his first day at school, sat out on the third-floor ledge and refused to come inside, a police sergeant told AFP."
From: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/thailandchildrenoffbeat
Haha, this story is totally hilarious in seriousness. This boy is the luckiest boy ever to meet his superhero! Talking about childhood, my superhero of my own time was Ultraman!! I admire this character soo much till I bought his figure and masks and was hoping to see him soo much, and being so silly for hating big lizard because Ultraman always fight them *lol*. Now that I've grown up, I shall keep those memories till the end of time. Nowadays, kids still love Ultraman. Yey!!
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
Zilawati binti Yusof
I always read article At this web site http://oddee.com/item_96492.aspx. The article in this web very unique and interesting to read. Now I want to share about awesome carvings TAGS: Watermelon art, watermelon carvings. Melounovy Festival
From 2006, the Melounovy Festival in the Czech Republic reunites some of the best watermelon artists from around the world every year. We've selected some of their finest works below.
Takashi Itoh's Watermelons
Japanese artist Takashi Itoh taught himself to carve watermelons on 2001. Since then, he has been creating some of the best figures we've seen, take a look.If you want to see the carve watermelons you can surf this web site. oddee.com... I bail all of you will be enjoy with article in this web site.
Want to know how many percent of Malaysian shower before going to bed?
well, i think most of you will be surprise to know that only 44% of us Malaysians showers before going to bed.
According to the article, it is vital to shower before bed to cleanse all the germs and bacteria that is accumulated all day long.
Not only that, extra attention should be given to areas of the body where most people neglect, such as the back, behind ones ear and ankles, and between the toes.
we also must not forget that, the bed itself is a perfect breeding ground for all bacteria, dust mites and bed bugs.
However, morning shower is also recommended. Because it freshens up the body, removing the build-up of bacteria during the night, and of course, perks you up to start the day. The lesson learnt here is that, dear fellow Malaysians please improve on our personal hygiene. Because from good practice of hygiene..we can prevent any possible health problems..like we always hear, prevention is better than cure..
Taken from http://clovetwo.com/articles/story.asp?file=/2009/3/23/healthnfitness/20090323085520&sec=healthnfitness
Eurica Ak Dihem
Zilawati binti Yusof
Source: Wikipedia ensiklopedia bebas.
Hello…Today I want to share with you about volcano. Volcano is opening, or crack, in surface or Earth crust, which allowed gas, ash, and hot liquid stone free deep below surface of earth. Volcanic activity involving extrusion of rock tends to shape mountain or shaped nature mountain through period. Volcano normally exists where plaque tectonic separated or meets. Middle Crest Sea, such as Rabung Tengah Atlantic (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Api Pacific’s spiral also having volcano example resultant clash tectonic result plaque. On the other hand, volcano usually availed where two plaque tectonic rub against each other. Volcano can also be forms in area where there will be strong gravity in Earth crust and where Earth crust becomes thin.Last of all, volcano can be generated through plume mantle (mantle plumes), which is known as hotspot; this hotspot can occur far from plaque border, such as Hawaii's archipelago. Very attractive, hotspot volcano also found elsewhere in solar system, are particularly at month and planet stone. That all thanks.
Guys.. I'd like to share about a movie;my favourite anime which is Detective Conan.This is really a great anime which give the audience a lot of knowledge.It is about a boy who become small like a kid after he drank a solution given by a person.He is very brilliant in solving mysterious cases successfully.That's why he was known as a great Detective Conan.I like the way he use his intelligence in solving many mysterious cases.This anime is suitable for every children at home as it is also about education.It will help children to generate their minds to think.This anime is my favourite as I like something about investigation and mysteries.I wish to be like Conan if I got the chance.
Green tea is a type of tea made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis, that has undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green tea originates from China and has become associated with many cultures in Asia from Japan to the Middle East. Recently, it has become more widespread in the West, where black tea is traditionally consumed. Many varieties of green tea have been created in countries where it is grown. These varieties can differ substantially due to variable growing conditions, processing and harvesting time.
Green tea is one of other drink giving nutrition in person especially for them have problem of high cholesterol. This is because green tea can lose weight. Besides, it can also be have lower chance of heart disease and developing certain types of cancer. Although his sense is bad such as different other water but it have many benefit especially for health.
Today I want share to all especially for girls about ‘ Precipitating factors in Acne’. This is the article I’ve read about that.
Precipitating factors in Acne
Factors contributing to blocked pores: Cosmetics, oils, greases, and hairsprays, humidity, sweating and damp clothing may lead to blockage of pores.
Medications: Certain drugs increase oil production and cause blocked pores. Anabolic steroids and progestin (contained in birth control pills) are examples of drugs that cause acne.
Inflammation: Frequent squeezing or picking and repeated cleansing may damage the skin and worsen the inflammatory process.
Menstruation: This is one of the most common acne triggers. Women tend to develop new spots 2-7 days before the menstrual cycle begins.
From what I read, it shows this problem have many factor and the use of the goods that may cause a pimple. Thus, to maintain the beauty and deflect from the whelk, we should keep nutrition and other beauty goods. So, from now on we always must keep the skin of the face to avoid pimple.
Today I have a read about mouth ulcers. I think all you know what mouth ulcers and maybe all of you have experience about that. So, I want share to all what is mouth ulcers? And what causes mouth ulcers.
From the article “Mouth Ulcers are a very common condition and usually appear suddenly, causing pain. They are like small sores that appear on the inside of your cheeks. They can also be found on the edge of your tongue or underneath it and more rarely on the roof of your mouth. They usually go away in one or two weeks without treatment but can come back within three months in some people.”
Still now, no one knows the exact cause of mouth ulcers. In my opinion, mouth ulcers maybe causes lack drink water and it causes the mouth dry. Besides, it maybe causes very hot or acidic food or drink.
I just read an article entitled “The Salt Hotel” in http://www.oddee.com/item_96532.aspx. Well, I was so impressed with that hotel because it was made up from salt. Just imagine, almost 90 percent of that building was made up from salt. This unique hotel located over the Uyuni Flats. The hotel was actually built in 1993 by salt artisan. The designer should proud with his amazing idea. I hope that one day, I can go there.
Have you ever watch the movie Talentime by Yasmin Ahmad? Since I have watched this movie, I can conclude that this is the best Malaysian movie that I have watch where there is some joy, pain, hope and despair. Not just interesting story to describe the multiple races in Malaysia, but it is also containing some moral value which we can apply in or daily life. For an example, we should respect other religion, we should struggle to achieve the thing that we wish for and we should respect other people’s decision. You can also access to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talentime to know about the character, plot and songs for this movie
I have been in Ipoh for 11 years and how abou you? Have you ever visit any area in Ipoh? Since I am growing up here, I will say that Ipoh is the best city for me and for any other who love peaceful and relaxation. Ipoh, is a place where not too warm but a bit cold even though in the summer. It is also famous with the food where many people as far as Singapore Travel to this city just to taste the food. You can also find some interesting place and food in Ipoh by wikitravel.org/en/Ipoh
Did you know what leaf morphology is? It is the external leaf characteristics such as shape and margin. In the process of identifying the plant species, the leaf characteristic is very important. In many different designative schemas, this leaves classification can be occur. For describing the leaf characteristics, botanist has developed a rich terminology where it is a part of what makes leave determinant.
Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaf
I have been in Penang for a year during study period at Penang Matriculation College. It is a really wonderful life in Penang. I do miss the memory so much!!! To recall it back, I search some information about Penang from www.geocities.com/webunicorns/tpenang.htm website. From that site, I would know the best place to go for holiday such as Fort Cornwallis, Penang Bird Park, Bukit Mertajam Recreational Park, Penang Butterfly Farm, Penang Hill and many more. There are more than thirteen interesting place including the Penang Bridge. To me, the greatest thing in Penang is the ferry and the scenery of the ocean. If you want to spend your holiday in Penang, you should not worry about transportation because you can easily find bus anywhere you go.
good evening everyone..hope you happy just now..i think that all of all must be felt so relax and can do a lot of activities in here or also outside of UMP..our work increased and have a lot of assignment to submit..especially this last two weeks before study week, but i hope we all still got a time to know what happen around us..like whatever changed or what has been done by you through the week..last week we already done a campaign to switch off our lamps for an hour it was great because what i can see everybody excited to do it and to support it..i think that this was great for us doing it continuously not only that time..let us loved our land and the earth..who will do it if not us..it our responsibility..think about it everyone..have a nice day..
Defroy Kudong
Earth Hour 2009
In 28 March 2009 from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm almost all have Malaysians people switching off their lights and other electrical appliances for Earth Hour nationwide. Malaysians enjoyed an hour of quiet darkness. I very proud to Malaysians people because they very mindful and working together endorse this campaign. In the heart of the capital, famous skyscrapers such as the Petronas Twin Towers, KL Tower, office towers, hotels and banking institutions went "missing" from the skyline this is because all that switching off the light. So I hope this campaign will be held each year to reminded youths of the importance of saving energy.
Did you know that stress can also be occur when we are feeling exciting and fun? Yes, Eustress is a stress that occur when you are feeling exciting. Stress actually occurs when changes in physical, emotional or psychological strain and not all types of stress are harmful. You can also read about stress on stress.about.com/od/stresshealth/a/stresshealth.htm
A survey conducted by Lifebuoy on Kosmo newspaper and CloveTWO.com found that a total of 52% of respondents wash their hands more than seven times a day, while 34% do so four to six times a day. The remaining 14% wash their hands less than three times a day. So, how many times do you wash your hand every day? Then, if you wash your hand, can you confirm that your hand is clearly clean? Just think about it. In my opinion, the important is we should always wash our hand after we do something to prevent any some serious health issues such as fungal infections and mouth rashes. Always keep remind this!
Taken from http://clovetwo.com/articles/story.asp?file=/2009/3/10/healthnfitness/20090310093253&sec=healthnfitness.
Today I want share with you all about "blog".I know people already familiar with that word.But do you ever been think what the blog is all about??Blog is a type of website usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary,description of events or other material such as graphics or video."Blog" can also be used as verb,meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.Most blogs are primarily textual,although some focus on art,photographs,skecthes,videos,music,audio which are part of a wider network of social media.Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject or others funtion as more online diaries.A typical blog combines text,image and links to other blogs.The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs.Most of people nowadays like to create their own blog to share knowledge,information and their feelings.This space is one of the communication way with other peolpe.But some people use this space in wrong way,such as they say unpleasant or untrue information.Sometimes they use this space to embarrass someone for their own good.But its depend on ourself whether to take it as a negative or positive.We also can get information from this space from those have their own blog such our ex-prime minister Tun Dr.Mahathir.In his blog he shared with other people about his opinion and let them comment his blog.In conclusion whatever blogger said whether want to trust or vice versa,its depend on ourself.So believes yourself!!!
Tips for Women. Every woman outside there should be more alert about this article which I found in http://clovetwo.com/tips/default.asp?c=Women%27s%20safety. There are a few tips provided for women’s safety in this article. We, as a woman should be more concerned about our safety especially when we are alone. This is because we are easy to incline on crime when we are alone. So, friends watch out, and be careful.
Hi, evrybody.
Today i have a interesting topic to share with you all.
Malaysians generally are unaware that they are suffering from hypertension and many are not seeking treatment for it.
Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad revealed that a random health screening a fortnight ago of 100 adults showed that 44 per cent suffered from hypertension.
He said the percentage confirmed a ministry study three years ago, which found that 43 per cent of adults suffered from hypertension. In 1996, the figure was 33 per cent.
This shows that Malaysians get tension quickly. They cannot release their tensions until it formed to hypertension.This tensions are cause by over work,stress,anger and many more.If you realized, you are hypertension person quickly refer to a doctors advice.
To live a healthier life we should release tension by doing meditation and yoga.
So guys don't be tension with the assignments. Because you may get hypertension.
Hi, evrybody.
Today i have a interesting topic to share with you all.
Malaysians generally are unaware that they are suffering from hypertension and many are not seeking treatment for it.
Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad revealed that a random health screening a fortnight ago of 100 adults showed that 44 per cent suffered from hypertension.
He said the percentage confirmed a ministry study three years ago, which found that 43 per cent of adults suffered from hypertension. In 1996, the figure was 33 per cent.
This shows that Malaysians get tension quickly. They cannot release their tensions until it formed to hypertension.This tensions are cause by over work,stress,anger and many more.If you realized, you are hypertension person quickly refer to a doctors advice.
To live a healthier life we should release tension by doing meditation and yoga.
So guys don't be tension with the assignments. Because you may get hypertension.
I read poem for relaxation since the lyrics is very beautiful and sometimes romantic. When I am solitary, depressed and tension, poem is my friend. The word and meaning that full with classical value can relax and refresh my mind. I love to read poem since it need a few minute only to feel and understand the meaning. You can also read some poem at www.classic-poems.com
Do you guys still remember with Sufiah Yusof?A girl who is expected to be one of the genius malaysian student but further her study in oversea.She is missing for many years and then she was found becoming a hooker or something like that.As I read a latest news in The Star online,it mentioned that Sufiah Yusof has been confirmed to be a victim of black magic.Somebody has used this way in order to use Sufiah for something else.She now is following a treatment maybe theraphy.A source said that she may have been living in traumatic as her chilhood was not like other children.She live in suffers as her father treat her badly.Maybe by the theraphy Sufiah will become normal again an lead a happy life.Lets us do pray for her.Its not fair to see a genius who has a big potential to develop country in the future being so.
do you ever hear 'Shopaholic'?'Remember Me'?'The Undomestic Goddes'?'Confessions'?If you know all these you must know Sophie Kinsella, a famous author.She have wrote a lot of stories and make them in form of novels or story books.But thats not my point.What I am going to let you all know is Sophie now goes to the movie!!! It may sound weird as an author becoming a director but thats what happen to Sophie now.After she wrote a series novels on Shopaholic,she then decided to make them a movie.Good job Sophie!!!You have make a step forward for your career.To see Sophie successfulness,this really inspired me.I like her way to make money.Simple thing but very rewardable.
Let’s talk about our national flower which known as Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Other than Malaysia, Hibiscus also a national flower for South Korea which is Hibiscus syriacus. Other than that, there are many types of Hibiscus such as Hibiscus paramutabilis and Hibiscus paramutabilis. From many species of Hibiscus, I like the Hibiscus splendens most which can be found in east Australia. And how about you? Which species do you like most?
Source : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hibiscus
Have you seen any strangely shaped of tree in the world? When I saw those pictures, it is so amazing and incredible. Some of those trees liked ladder and the other one is liked people hugging between each other. If you do not believe it, see these in http://oddee.com/item_95628.aspx. It is unbelievable. However, it is not under our jurisdiction. Well, there are a lot of strangest things in this world. So, as a human we should realize that there is other one that more powerful than us.
Assalamua’laikum and havea nice day,
I would like to share to everyone about beauty. Did anybody care about the beauty?? Perhaps mostly will answer “Yes, of course I am” so totally may give me the same answer. Not only limited for female but also for male. So let me tell you, what means by beauty. By Lauren Suess, it is close to insanity, the extent to which women have gone to achieve 'beauty'. Yet, they have missed the entire point, beauty cannot be associated with flawlessness or sexiness, beauty is not necessarily a certain look, it is perhaps, more of an attitude, of modesty, for lack of better words. True beauty is to be confident in one's self, not to believe that you are anything less than lovely. Beauty is not a contest, there are no prizes for being the most 'beautiful'. Beauty is timeless and hard to define. However an old saying captures its underlying meaning perfectly which is "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." So, I hope all of us get know what meaning of the real beauty in nowadays perception.
Nurrahma Binti Hj. Romainor
I have always thought that creating a website is easy as changing a Friendster's layout. Well, I was wrong. To have the basics of creating a website, one must learn the HTML tags. This is not easy of course. While using a WYSIWYG editor it can be tempting to ignore the tags, but learning them will help you understand how one's site works. The next step is learning CSS. There is no point for me to elaborate more because I assume not many of us understand the terms like HTML or CSS. And maybe just a few people are interested on web designing. I have heard that the course to learn this can cost about thousands of ringgit. Isn't it much more worthy to learn it on your own with the internet? But of course you have to be smart. I am not smart. Ha-ha. Please check this article at:
I have poor vision and I wear glasses. I have heard about Lasik which is the latest eye surgery but I want to know the cost, the risks and the complications about it. So I searched through the internet and read an article Lasik Eye Surgery Tips by BB Consumer Topics. I have learnt that almost every Lasik eye surgery is successful. However, not all the patients can have a vision of 20/20. At the age of 45, one might have to wear a spectacle to read. So, I conclude that Lasik can better our vision but not necessarily make our eyes see with a perfect 20/20. You can further read this article at:
The article that I have read this time is How to Select the Best Gaming Laptops written by Tim Childree. After reading this article, I regretted that I had selected the wrong laptop when I bought it a month before entering UMP. My laptop has no graphic card which makes the graphics clearer and my laptop's RAM is 1GB using windows vista which is not suitable to play hardcore games. Now I have to upgrade thanks to the valuable information supplied by this article which you can find at:
One of the most important elements in any management fields is time management. Even in UMP, if we do not manage our time efficiently, we will end up submitting assignments late and probably tend to miss out big opportunities that are rare in UMP. If you would like to learn about time management, you should read this article Practical Time Management written by CJ Williams. This article can be easily obtained at:
Laughter And Sayings About It is an informative article about health which I have read on the internet. It says that humour is not only fun but healthy too. It also stated that heart attack is shown to be less likely to happen for people who have an active sense of humour. I think when I laugh a lot with friends, our bonds become closer and we will build trust amongst us faster. Check this article at this website:
I wanted to become a lawyer and in the same time I enjoyed watching the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. I stumbled upon an interesting article about Lawyers and Pirates by Edward Chupack. Lawyers are the opposites of pirates. Lawyers uphold the law and are required to abide by strict ethical standards. In contrast, pirates are not known for seeking out truth and justice.
I think it is funny that I adored of becoming a pirate in my dream but actually wanting of becoming a lawyer in reality world. You can find this article on this website:
The article that I have read is about "Make Sure You Remember Every Memory" written by Bryan Smith. Explaining just how you retrieve the information. The best and latest science strongly suggests that the brain activates the same pattern of neurons that was used to store the information. In other words, memory is like an electronic map route that lights up when you want to remember something. Now I finally understand how the brain works to remember things. This is a very informative article which can be referred on the webpage:
Nowadays, we always exposed with the issues of child abuse. What makes this situation happened in our society? Did child are really protected? Where’s a parents role?? What will happen for our next generation if there is no prevention of these issues?
From the resources I got, Child abuse is the physical mistreatment of children. Most child abuse happens in a child's home, with a smaller amount occurring in the organizations, schools or communities the child interacts with. There are four major categories of child abuse: neglect, physical abuse, psychological or emotional abuse, and sexual abuse. Child abuse is a complex problem which has multiple causes. Understanding the causes of abuse is crucial to addressing the problem of child abuse. Parents who physically abuse their spouses are more likely to physically abuse their children. Victims of childhood abuse also suffer from different types of physical health problems later on in life.
Humanly, I disagreed with the child abuse. The prevention is really needed to make sure that they are safe and free from any danger.
Nurrahma Binti Haji Romainor
My truly best friend.
Our relation begun since forms one because we’re in the same class and study at Secondary School of St. Michael Sandakan, Sabah. Then, we’re further study lower and upper six at Secondary School of St. Mary. Day to day we get know each other and getting closer together. Now, she already married and study at University Islam Antarabangsa (UIA) in Bachelor of Accountant. Even though we’re not together right now but she always in my heart. For me, she’s among the best friends in my life. The memories I had been through with her make me great and proud to have friends like her, almost every problem, happiness, sadness and so on we share together. It is not easy for us to have someone who’s really understood and carrying about our self more than herself. I can feel her sincerity being my best partner. Why? No matter situation that I had faced she always be with me and try to solve my problem hardly. I really appreciate this kind of relationship and thanks a lot to ALLAH give me the meaningful of relationship...
She was sent to me a message on Monday, 19th January 2009, 8.08am.
“You are my only one best friend in my life, there’s no one can replace your place in my heart. So, cheer up today and tomorrow is your blessing day. Hope you will smile every time even there is problem you facing every day. Eat your breakfast and pray a lot, InsyaALLAH it will help you to continue your very long journey”
She always motivated me to improve myself.
By hand,
Nurrahma Binti Haji Romainor
Do you know lip gloss might increase risk of cancer?
Accentually I also do not know about this. I have read an article ‘Lip Gloss Might Increase Risk Of Cancer by Jeffrey Benabio. He says that the shiny lips are beautiful so most of the girl or women like to use lip gloss to bring out the natural shiny lips on their lip. But a research data from University of California Los Angeles show that lips gloss is really can increases the risk of skin cancer woman.
This is because your lips are already more susceptible to sun damage. Not protection at your lips so the ultraviolet light will again damage your lips. So when you use the lips gloss try to protect your lips is actually allow more ultraviolet light to penetrate the lips, potentially causing damage. The damage can lead to pre-skin cancer growths.
But for glossy-lip girls and women don’t worry, there is a simple solution can save you from the cancer.
Lipsticks and lip balms containing sunscreens can protect your lips, even while wearing lip gloss. Liberally apply a lip balm with SPF of 15 (or preferably SPF of 30 if you are going to be in the sun for more than 30 minutes) before you apply your lips gloss.
Ng Swee Nee
hello everyone...let us explore a theme park at Genting Highland..my first time be there is so wonderful because there is cool and as a hot climate country we supposed to get this opportunity to fell and stay in cold place like what i mentioned you before there was cool but there also got a wonderful theme park which we could play with..just enjoy at the peak..with friends are more better than alone..but for me..the Snowworld is so different with me and first time i entered to a sub-zero temperature...i belive that all of you know this place it situated at pahang jsut 45 minutes from kuala lumpur city..but if you all want to experience this unique place you can go there by yourself..for more information you can log on:www.genting.com.my..have a nice day everyone...
Defroy Kudong
do you have heard about a Goodnight sleep trainer..it's sound weird to me but this is what i had found from a newspaper and after i have read it i just figured out that this thing was so important to help our mother who has to make us can sleep even she tired to a lot of activities in home..this specially for mom and this device cost US$29.95(RM110)..expensive one but this would help mom to know about her baby sleep patterns online and also know the progressing while comparing data against statistical norms...well for more information can directly log on:http://www.goodnightsleeptrainer.com...good bye..got class now..see then.
Defroy Kudong
Would you like to watch the love story movie? How about twilight?
Twilight is a movie talk about vampire love story. A family of vampire stay in a small town name Forks. Father is doctor, another vampire cover them self like a student. All of them have their own power such as read mind and see the future vision. The vampire name Edward fall in love with a human name Bella. Bella don’t know him identity but she feels strange and she start to find out who is him.
After she know him identity she still very love him and they start couple. On day they hang out and meet another group of vampire was eat people. Bella identity was know by them and they try to kill Bella. But Edward try to protect Bella very well. This is what I can give the summary of this movie. This is a very good love story movie. Must watch it.
Ng Swee Nee
Hey smoker do you know how to blow smoke rings? Come I can teach you.
I have read an article about ‘ How to Blow Smoke Rings’. They got nine step to make the smoke rings try it.
1. Pick out cigarettes that tend to have thick smoke - full flavor, 100s, menthols, etc. Light cigarettes will still work, but the lighter the cigarette, the thinner the smoke will be.
2. Pack the cigarettes as best as you can. Packing cigarettes involves repeatedly striking the top of the pack on a flat hard surface or your hand to condense the tobacco further towards the filter, leaving that empty paper space on top.
3. Light the cigarette, and just enjoy the first few drags. The first two are usually lighter anyways, and relax! Trying too hard is one of the main causes of failure.
4. Take a drag of smoke into your mouth, just like you normally would. Only, try to take a fairly large drag, as the more smoke you have, the more you have to work with. If you're using menthol cigs, Newports especially, you will know when you have enough smoke by the cold hitting your throat.
5. Partially inhale the smoke, just enough to keep the smoke in your throat. This may take getting used to, simply because it may make some people cough.
6. With your mouth closed, draw your tongue back in your mouth towards your throat, keeping it pointing down toward the bottom of your mouth so that the smoke moves away from your lips.
7. Shape your mouth into an "O" shape, but stick your lips out as if you were making an "oo" sound (like in the word 'boot'). The circle should be as big as you can comfortably make it. Don't stress too much--leave room for movement. You will look rather ridiculous to everyone else, until they realize you're about to blow their minds.
8. Push small amounts of smoke out. The best way to describe this is the sound you make when you sigh, or the sound you make when someone tells you you have to do something you don't want to do. You will feel pressure and then a quick burst of smoke, but your vocal chords should not be used.
9. As you feel, or know, that the smoke is leaving your lips, push the tongue forward, still keeping it pointing down, and bring the lower jaw slightly but rapidly up at the same time. Tuck your lips inward very slightly, but rapidly. This will put a "spin" on the smoke, helping the ring stay tight. This should create a very beautiful, thick ring of smoke.
Ng Swee Nee
Resource: News Straits Time
Date: (Thursday, 27 March 2009)
People who drink their tea piping hot run a higher risk of throat cancer than counterparts who prefer a cooler cuppa, according to an investigation published Friday by the British Medical Journal.
Inhabitants there sip large quantities of hot black tea -- typically drinking more than a litre (1.8 pints) per day per person -- but also have a low incidence of tobacco and alcohol use.
A team led by Reza Malekzadeh of the Digestive Disease Research Centre at Tehran University of Medical Sciences looked at 300 people who had been diagnosed with a throat tumour and a matched group of 571 healthy people who lived in the same area.
Those who drank hot tea (between 65-69 degrees Celsius, 149-156 degrees Fahrenheit) were twice as likely to develop throat cancer compared with those who drank warm or lukewarm tea, whose temperature was 65 C (149 F) or less.
Drinking very hot tea (at least 70 C, 158 F) was associated with an eightfold increased risk compared with warm or lukewarm tea.
In an editorial, The Lancet said the study backed evidence that scorching fluids may cause damage to the throat's epithelial lining and lead to cancer, although exactly how this happens remains unclear.
But it also said that there was no cause for panic, as most people tend to drink tea at a warm temperature. Previous studies in Britain have reported an average temperature preference of 56-60 C (133-140 F).
It recommended that tea junkies wait at least four minutes before drinking from a freshly boiled cup.
The study said there was no association between the amount of tea that was consumed and the risk of cancer.
Its scope did not include an assessment of risk for coffee and other hot beverages
According the resource, i want to give some comment. In my opinion, i think that all of people must take note about this research. Actually, it is very important to ensure that most of people can avoid themselves from any dangerous disease such as cancer and others. Other than that, all must care about their beverages and selecting the best choice to ensure that their health in a good condition.
It is my time to comment..
Do you all busy blogging every day? Actually, do you know what is blog? Why do you wanna comment?
A blog (a contraction of the term weblog) is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.
Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (artlog), photographs (photoblog), sketches (sketchblog), videos (vlog), music (MP3 blog), audio (podcasting), which are part of a wider network of social media. Micro-blogging is another type of blogging, one which consists of blogs with very short posts. As of December 2007, blog search engine Technorati was tracking more than 112 million blogs.With the advent of video blogging, the word blog has taken on an even looser meaning — that of any bit of media wherein the subject expresses his opinion or simply talks about something.
There are many types of blog:
Personal blogs
The personal blog, an ongoing diary or commentary by an individual, is the traditional, most common blog. Personal bloggers usually take pride in their blog posts, even if their blog is never read by anyone but them. Blogs often become more than a way to just communicate; they become a way to reflect on life or works of art. Blogging can have a sentimental quality. Few personal blogs rise to fame and the mainstream, but some personal blogs quickly garner an extensive following. A type of personal blog is referred to as "microblogging," which is extremely detailed blogging as it seeks to capture a moment in time. Sites, such as Twitter, allow bloggers to share thoughts and feelings instantaneously with friends and family and is much faster than e-mailing or writing. This form of social media lends to an online generation already too busy to keep in touch.[2]
Corporate blogs
A blog can be private, as in most cases, or it can be for business purposes. Blogs, either used internally to enhance the communication and culture in a corporation or externally for marketing, branding or public relations purposes are called corporate blogs.
Question blogging
is a type of blog that answers questions. Questions can be submitted in the form of a submittal form, or through email or other means such as telephone or VOIP. Qlogs can be used to display shownotes from podcasts[3] or the means of conveying information through the internet. Many question logs use syndication such as RSS as a means of conveying answers to questions.
By media type
A blog comprising videos is called a vlog, one comprising links is called a linklog, a site containing a portfolio of sketches is called a sketchblog or one comprising photos is called a photoblog.[4] Blogs with shorter posts and mixed media types are called tumblelogs. Blogs that are written on typewriters and then scanned are called typecast or typecast blogs; see typecasting (blogging).
A rare type of blog hosted on the Gopher Protocol is known as a Phlog.
By device
Blogs can also be defined by which type of device is used to compose it. A blog written by a mobile device like a mobile phone or PDA could be called a moblog.[5] One early blog was Wearable Wireless Webcam, an online shared diary of a person's personal life combining text, video, and pictures transmitted live from a wearable computer and EyeTap device to a web site. This practice of semi-automated blogging with live video together with text was referred to as sousveillance. Such journals have been used as evidence in legal matters.[citation needed]
By genre
Some blogs focus on a particular subject, such as political blogs, travel blogs, house blogs,[6][7] fashion blogs, project blogs, education blogs, niche blogs, classical music blogs, quizzing blogs and legal blogs (often referred to as a blawgs) or dreamlogs. While not a legitimate type of blog, one used for the sole purpose of spamming is known as a Splog.
Do you know about David Beckham is ready to act as Wayne Rooney's minder to keep the fiery England?
Based on the information that I get, England coach Fabio Capello called Rooney a "crazy man" following the Manchester United star's petulant red card for throwing the ball at the referee against Fulham last weekend.
Capello's joke hid concern that a lack of individual discipline could damage England's hopes of a successful World Cup campaign in South Africa next year.
Rooney has often struggled to control his temper with England and was sent off for stamping on Ricardo Carvalho in the 2006 quarter-final defeat against Portugal. He was also substituted by Sven Goran Eriksson after losing his rag in a friendly against Spain in 2004.
Beckham knows from personal experience how the red mist can descend quickly on the pitch following his costly red card for kicking Diego Simeone in the 2002 World Cup defeat to Argentina.
The on-loan AC Milan midfielder is a more mature figure now but he knows it is essential that Rooney retains his fire or he will become a less dynamic player.
Beckham believes it is impossible to completely tame Rooney but he is keen to keep an eye on Rooney so he can avoid the kind of explosions that could lead to more disciplinary problems.
In my opinion, I think that David Beckham is the best player than Wayne Rooney. It is because Rooney cannot improve his performance with high level skills and lack of individual discipline. Actually, David Beckham must receive this chance to make England’s hopes of a successful World Cup campaign in South Africa next year become true. Lastly, I am happy with this news, thanks you.
Assalamualikum ya sahabat wa sahabiah..
Comments, comments, and comments..
Haha now I wanna comment what you all comments.
I choose what Nurrahma commented, about a truly friend. Actually, for me it is hard to find a truly friend that can always be with us. Thats is my opinion, I don't know what you all think about.Hm,can you all help me find one? A true friend..
Hm, friend + ship = friendship. What I think of it? For me a true friend my have a strong relation with us, someone who can always be together with us either in good or bad condition. Someone who can help us to guide the ship of life. Someone who can give a positive value to us. Someone, someone, someone? Who is it? A girl or a boy? Sometimes, a man have a true friend who is a girl and on the other hand. It doesn't matter because friend is friend...Nothing more than friend..
This is what I think but not what I read..What about you guys??
I have read an article ‘Benefit of drinking water’. As I know most of people do not like drinks water because people feel water is bitter. So most of them like to drink water can.
The benefit of drinking water in elimination of the body wastes and toxins. Our organs are made of cells. The cells are made of and live in a water solution. Our blood also is mostly water and serves to dissolve, process and transport nutrients, and eliminate waste materials.
But the major benefit of drinking water is maintaining the body ph balance in order to prevent and cure disease. Dr .Shang Whang say the water can reverse the dirty thing in our body. Water can save us from the disease. So we have to drink much water to save our self.
Ng Swee Nee
This semester we have take the course Industry physiology. So we study on the job satisfaction, human factory and job descriptions. We have to know or study on how to make sure the employee have improve on their job satisfaction. I think the article is very interesting to my course mate. I found an article wrote that have 4 ways to improve job satisfaction there is:
1. Create good job descriptions
2. Establish regular evaluations
3. Raise skill levels
4. Help employees reach personal career goals
For more detail please read at:
Ng Swee Nee
Names? Names? Names? what is your name?
Why we must have name? What is your name means? In Islam, my name means "my lover, my beloved"
Whose name is same as my name's mean? Anybody? I need the guide and the "lights"..
What is name?
A name is a label for a noun, (human or animal, thing, place, product [as in a brand name] and even an idea or concept), normally used to distinguish one from another. Names can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context. A personal name identifies a specific unique and identifiable individual person. The name of a specific entity is sometimes called a proper name (although that term has a philosophical meaning also) and is a proper noun. Other nouns are sometimes, more loosely, called names; an older term for them, now obsolete, is "general name".
What is important about name?
Firstly, name is use to introduce ourselves to other people. Name can explain our own characteristic. This is because without name, who are you?, who is me? Can you know what your own characteristic without a name?
Actually, name can guide us to achieve what we need in this life. It is important to us to know what the meaning of our name. Let flashback...
When we were born, our parents gave us a name. Why?? That is to give a guide to us..
A guide...
A guide....
What is Guide?
Please think of it...
Extraterrestrial life or the more commonly known, ET is actually the life that does not originate from Earth. According to the Wikipedia, the suggested location which might have these beings includes Venus, Mars, moon of Jupiter and Saturn. From what I know, ET or aliens usually possess a pair of big-rounded black eyes and with knob-like fingers. Even though after watching all the movies on aliens, I am still skeptical about their existence. But who knows, there could be some possibilities that they do exist since this universe is so vast. Just like Bermuda Triangle. This information can be obtained from the web page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extraterrestrial_life
Elizabeth Davidson
What do we really know about insomnia? It is actually a symptom whereby an individual has difficulty in initiating or maintaining sleep or both. From the article ‘Insomnia’, there are three types of insomnia, namely transient insomnia, short-term insomnia and chronic insomnia. Due to heavy workloads, sometimes I do encounter this health problem mainly because I am worried about the assignments that I could not finish on time as expected by lecturers. Believe me, staying up all night until the next day is extremely difficult and the chances of becoming sick is very high. For more information on this symptom, do view the article on the web page: http://www.emedicinehealth.com/insomnia/article_em.htm
Elizabeth Davidson
What is yoga?
Yoga is same kind of the exercise to keep your body maintain and soft. Yoga also is the good stress management. It just focus on the yoga poses and focus on body balance.
Yoga is very good for health, but at Selangor the Malay is not allow to practice in yoga. Somebody say that the yoga is including some poses like pray in Chinese. So this is the reason but still got many exercise can maintain body and healthy for body. Want to know mare about the yoga please check on:
Ng Swee Nee
The article ‘Roses Information Directory’ which I found on the web page: http://roses.newarticles2go.com/ is yet another interesting piece of information that I would like to share on this blog. For those who love roses, I am sure this is the most suitable web site where you can find abundant of information on roses. From what is written on the web page, one can actually grow roses as a groundcover. In order to grow them, there are a number of important criteria to take into consideration especially the area of planting roses where there is a need for no foot traffic which can hinder their growth. I personally do love roses as they are one of the most beautiful plants on Earth. I had grown Japanese roses before in my garden and they were extremely pretty. This article can be viewed on the web page: http://roses.newarticles2go.com/
Elizabeth Davidson
Be a good project manager, it is not easy for me. Honestly, I never taught that I’m in this course. There’s a lot new thing I learned especially about management. So, to let me clear what actually manager I decided to search some information on this career. I found that a good manager has to understand group dynamics and how best to facilitate employees working together. If we see a challenge in interacting with coworkers and their personalities, then management will provide us with those challenges on a daily basis. It takes patience and understanding to be able to guide employees and to build consensus during team meetings. A good manager knows how to bring out the best in his team and that usually requires maintaining a delicate balance between team members’ personalities.
Becoming a manager may mean that the status of a project becomes more important than the technical nuances of that project. It’s going to be a different focus from what we’re used to so we will need to prepare our self for it. One change that the shift to management will bring is that we will now represent our coworkers when interacting with our boss. Our boss may not want to hear every technical detail and may be more focused on whether the project will be completed successfully and on time. We’ll need to start thinking like a manager before we can act like one.
Nurrahma Binti Haji Romainor
Anybody here has a pet? I don’t have any. My mother does not allow me to adopt any pet. This is because of my brother got asthma since he was small. Actually, I wish a kitten as my pet. For me, kitten is a lovely and pampered animal too. According to what I had just read in http://www.buzzle.com/articles/benefits-of-adopting-a-pet.html, there are lots of benefits in adopting a pet. Pets can make us happy, relax and help us focus on things effectively. I hope that one day I can adopt a pet.
Hello friends….
Actually on last Sunday I had read many articles on “new Sunday times” at 27 march 2009. On paper I found much news about politic in country… but today I didn’t liked to talk about politics. Have one article that I liked to share with you all, “Dressing the part important, too”. This title I liked because today have many people liked dressing very well especially for the ladies or women. Dressing is important that we look after appearances. It’s not only about how we look but how we carry ourselves too. Women or ladies will dress well when they have party or function that they must dress up very well. They think when dress up well they will be look liked the leader but that not I means. I mean she will be getting more attention from people and people will be respecting them. When you want dress up very well you must be get more time to prepare. Actually, I don’t like to use more time to dress up or something else. I like dressing simple but look elegant. so I think dressing the part important ,too especially for the women or ladies to get more attention and look beautiful.
Thank you…
Siti Rosnani Binti Suliaman
hi, let me share with you all about this one article which i found with the title"How to dress for success in meeting..personally i do not care to much about my dress and my appearance in public..i like to be simple and easy going..but what i just read in the Klassifieds dated on monday, february 9,2009..the headline attracting me to read it and now share to you all..now i imagine that after finished my study here i am going to be a manager where i have to work with many person and importantly do business..and our positive image is needed for it to show our credibility as a business person..as people perception on our first impression and they will see us to be seriously or not...as the conclusion the article gives us an advice to recheck our wardrobe and do shopping ..but i depend on us how we are respond on it..think about it..
Defroy Kudong
I will continue what I thus read on ‘new Sunday times’. The title that I liked interested to share is “New Immigration System from UK student visas”. The new system, student need to prove they have been accepted for a course run by UKBA licenses education institution, there will be support themselves and supply their biometric details at their local visa application centre. This will be allowed international students to undertake part-time work and full time during holidays. The details on student visa will be application at internet. So, that will be easy for student to know what the required by applying for a general student visa.
Thank you….
Siti Rosnani Binti Suliaman
are you taken vitamin c and are felt hurt in your stomach..this is becuse of the acid on the vitamin c..as imformation Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid is perhaps the most popular vitamin known to man..it is consumedas a supplement by milions of people for its antioxidant properties,which are well documented im medical research..however,the acid in ascorbic acid may not be well tolerated in sensitive individuals..and this one product called Kordel C-time acid free C 1000mg is formulated with Calcium Ascorbate,and this vitamin C is Acid free that lessening possible tummy upsets and also added with Bioflavanoids,such as rutin and hesperidin for better absorption...well for more imformation you can read on the newpaper..or contact the person..
this is taken from starspecial, sunday 18 january 2009...
Defroy Kudong
Hi everyone...
How about your life? Good or not? heh3..today I would like to share with you all something interesting that i had learned. Did you know about "the good life style"? I will give you more tips how to get good life style...firstly, we must doing some activity thats we can get healthy liked doing jogging or gymnasium...doing 5 to 30 minutes per day or doing 3 to 4 day per weeks this will be help you get more energy and health in your life
secondly, about your food that you get everyday..You must carefully if you get some food everyday especially at cafe ump have more cholesterol food. Get more fruit and green vegetable that’s will be help your body and mind active to doing some activity that use to think or studies..
Lastly, please found the doctor if you think not good and don't think that’s not serious.
That’s all that i can share with you all if you want to more please entered at internet ok...thank you..
Siti Rosnani Binti Suliaman
Is there any way to stop a smoker from smoking? According to the article entitled ‘Natural Ways to Quit Smoking’, one can discontinues his or her smoking habits by following the natural ways proposed by the author, Amy Hudson. From the article, I would say one of the most effective methods proposed by her is to decrease the cigarette consumption. This is because I can see the changes especially on the smoking habits of my dad. He smoked quite frequent 10 years ago compared to nowadays. He seldom buys cigarettes these days in which he reduces it to around two packets per month. As his daughter, I am very glad on these changes. I hope people will appreciate their health and avoid being influenced by other smokers. This article can be viewed on the web page: http://stopsmoking-articles.com/stop-smoking/natural-ways-to-quit-smoking.html
Elizabeth Davidson
Feel sleepy in class?
This is not a rare situation during classes or lectures. When a student got asleep, they cannot concentrate well in class. Some experts said that there are a few reasons why those students fell sleepy. One of them is if you felt sleepy one day, and now, revisiting the same environment, your behavior is repeated. Two, the environment in the classroom causes you to feel sleepy which the classroom may be too warm or might not have enough stimulation in the teaching method.
In my point of view, those reasons are correct, but I have my own opinions. For me, a student can also feel sleepy if he or she did not get enough sleep and rest. A teenager needs 9 to 10 hours of sleep a night. So, if we are staying up for several hours during the week and trying to catch up on weekends by sleep all day, we may be suffering from some diseases.
So, the best way is, try to get more rest and enough bedtime. Do not push yourself so hard for staying up and studying because once you fall sick, then you will realize how much precious your rest and sleep. If you can practice this, I can guarantee you something; you will not face any problem include feel sleepy in class anymore!!
Source: http://wiki.answers.com
Have you realised what have you been saying lately? Thoughts and words can make or break us. Our spoken words will not only affect ourselves, but also the people around us. Once it is out of our mouth, it can never be taken back. Therefore, it is very important to think before we speak.
I still remember when I was in primary school, I was kind of naughty and often being punished by the teachers. However, I would not cry or drop a single tear for that punishment. When I was in Form 3, there was a discipline teacher scolded me loudly during assembly time with all sorts of unpleasant words just because I left a resignation (as a prefect) letter on her table. She might not realise that whatever came out from her mouth could be hurting people’s feelings so badly that it left a scar deep inside my heart. I didn’t cry on the spot until I went back to class where all my friends thought she was too over and tried to comfort me. From this experience, I really find that our spoken words are very powerful and once we do not think carefully before saying something, we could hurt other people’s feeling without us realising it. Sometimes, I just think that it would be better to just keep quiet rather than to say something that shouldn’t be said. I have been the victim before so I always try my best not to let any of my family or friends to become the next victim.
Here are some examples to positive thoughts and words:
• Avoid gossip and unhealthy talk.
• Stay away from complaining about others.
• Look at the good qualities and strength of others.
• Do not allow unpleasant emotion to control you.
• Take control of spoken words rather than letting the words control you.
• The choice of words used should be in alignment with your vision and dreams to see personal success.
In conclusion, we should always think and analyse before we speak as whatever unpleasant words we say about others is actually a mere reflection of ourselves. We should view things with compassion because no one is born perfect and we are bound to make mistakes. Before you speak, it is best that you imagine yourself as the listener or put yourself in the listener’s situation. Words are poured out of our mouths easily but it can never be taken back.
From: The Star Metro; Sunday, March 15, 2009
Today, there are too many problems happened in our country. One of them is corruption which is usually related to politician. Corruption is very common with power, glory and money. Corruption scandals have toppled governments in both major industrial countries and developing countries. Many people are greedy and dreaming of having more than anyone else. In other word, another way of getting profit easily.
Here, I will state some forms of corruption like bribery, extortion, cronyism and nepotism. For me, these corruption activities are also another type of criminal. This is because they take others' right illegally. Poor people will face more difficulties in life while people in the another side enjoy their life with luxuries ad glories.
This is against humankind and cruel action. As a leader, he or she should be able to help poor people and people in need. By doing that, we will life happily together by helping each other.
Source :
Hi, today i want to talk another article about "DVD copying software".
From the article, nowadays, DVD is using rapidly by everyone among public. Therefore, DVD software is needed to allow copy one DVD on to another DVD. Beside that, DVD software can create backup for DVDs if the original becomes scratched or damaged.
While choosing suitable DVD software, able to copy DVD protected with CSS while is a kind of copyrighted protection.Some DVD software even can repair scratched DVD. Therefore, select the DVD software need to do research from internet or the market. If download from internet, it is possible have the risk to have virus in it.
For my opinion, since the DVD use very commonly in the daily life in variety kind such as video, games, music or etc, therefore the compatible software with DVD is needed. I recommend Nero StartSmart because this software is easily to be use and have a lot of functions such as make, copy, delete a DVD, CD, VCD. Just if from the market, will be cost some money. If download from internet, need to find a cracked version. But need to beware that got virus inside the installer or not.
Hello everyone;
I have been watched Twilight movie for many times that adapted from Twilight novel that was written by Stephenie Meyer. This story is about a young-adult vampire, Edward Cullen and seventeen years old girl, Isabella Swan. Bella moves from sunny Phoenix, Arizona to rainy Fork, Washington as she follows her father, Charlie that works as a policeman at there. She finds that her life in danger when she falls in love with Edward, a vampire.
But she was wrong that Edward really protective to her as he saved her life from been hit by her classmate’s van. Bella also make a conclusion that Edward and his family are vampires that drink animal blood than human blood. Edward confesses that he initially avoided Bella during her first class because the scent of her blood was so desirable to him and he said that he could not read Bella brain than others.
Then during playing the baseball with all of Edward family members, James who is a tracker vampire found that Bella is a human and he chase her until Phoenix. James called Bella when she was hide from him and James said he want to meet Bella at ballet room where Bella have been there when she was a little girl. At there, James attacks Bella but Cullens rescues Bella and Edward sucks the venom from Bella hand that James had bitten before it can spread and transform her into a vampire and she was sent to hospital.
After return to Fork, Bella attend their prom night and Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, which Edward refuses it. But then in the sequel of this novel and movie, Bella will become a vampire after her graduation and then they have a baby that half-blood human and vampire which grown faster than normal baby. Their baby are hunting by Victoria, James mate that want to revenge them for losing his mate.
Fuih! That was my review for this movie and novel as really love the plot of this story. For me, Stephenie Meyer thinking was powerful as she could imagine the storyline very carefully. And I think this love story is so adorable and I really like this story. I will give 4.5 stars for this movie and novel and for its sequel too although the sequel movie not release yet, but I have read a little bit for the novel sequel.
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight_(novel)
[2] http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1099212/
[3] http://www.twilightthemovie.com
hi, now i want to post my next blog..i believe that we like eating food but are we know what the best for us to make sure our safe consumptions..do you know this product The LOTUS Sanitising System from Giabo that has been proven to be 99.9% effective at killing bacteria and sanitising produce..this system's swirling action to ensure distribution of ozone...we can enjoy crispy,fresh-tasting vegetabled and particular law in a salad...let me tell more you about the product advantages..
i.sanitised fruits last longer and retain a crispy texture and sweet taste.
ii.when we cut an apple and keep half in refrigerator,we will find that it does not turn brown.
iii.meat can also be processed.
iv.take a bit time but we should not never compromise on health,perticularly in the face of latest strings of contaminations.
v.not longer worried about overstocking the refrigerator.
vi.ozonated water can also used to sanitise cutlery and clean floor,windows and other surfaces.
after you read this..make sure your food always be clean and safe to eat..i not ask you to buy this product because there still be a many products in the market i just want to share imformation..just make sure to take a healthy food..have a nice day....
to know more about you can log on www.mor-marks.com...thanks to read..
Defroy Kudong
hi,smarter water filters for your home..i sure that all of have a water filters at home at least one..nowdays people would like to use water filters than boiling..this product i want to tell you is..KINETICO whole-house water filters and water softeners give you fast,powerful and efficient performance with high flow rates throughout our house,saving on regenerate and water as well as installation flexibility...this product also provided clean water by removing suspended solids...non-electric operation with two filtration tanks providing filtered water 24/7 even during back-wash...as conclucion this product will provide the best quality water in home...for more information can contact solartech sales and sdn bhd at 03-61574888 or email info@solartech.com.my..thank you...
Defroy Kudong
hi,hope you not boring read this blog..next product i want to share is Honeywell..all of you must be wondered what i am just told you..this product actually a breathe cleaner air...the turbo technology gives Honeywell air purifiers extraordinary suction power to draw in dirty air foam every corners of the room...this is designed for those afflicted with severe allergies and who require an environment of superme air quality...Honeywell air purifiers are medically graded and have been recommended by the American Lung Associations in
America...don't worry this product got a variety of models are available for different room sizes and the number of times per hour you prefer the air to be changed in the specific area...hope you get a bit information of this product..for more details contact Mormarks Corporation(M)Sdn Bhd at 1300-88-9898 or log on to www.mormarks.com....that all...
Defroy Kudong
I was thinking about the future of medicine and I found that breakthroughs will build from the incredible progress made in nanotechnology, biotechnology, computers, the information learned from deciphering the human genome and other scientific and technical areas.
Therefore this upcoming technology will identified the sickness on patients and will help the doctor to find the solve as quick as can.
Find more details on http://www.futureforall.org/futureofmedicine/medical_technology.htm
Hi there,
Did you know about the renewable energy sources? renewable energy comes either directly or indirectly from the sun. Solar energy can be used directly for heating and lighting, for generating electricity and a variety of commercial and industrial uses.
From my read,this energy is very cheap and natural and we are not need to depend on chemicals.
For more details please visit to http://www.futureforall.org/energy/future_of_energy.htm
The world have be facing the crisis on fuel, imagine that one day the fuel already finish? Therefore the scientists already found the solution that is vehicles will use high tech electronics to assist drivers in a wide variety of ways. Vehicles will communicate with each other, with the road and with traffic signals. Autos and trucks of the future will use vision enhancement devices to help you navigate through bad weather and warn you of a possible collision with a pedestrian or animal. They will also let you know if you are getting drowsy or straying from your lane. Cars of the future will be radically different than the automobiles of today, and so will the driving experience.
And I am strongly agree with this technology will reduce the pollution and save the fuel which is getting to lost.
Today, I want to share about my hobby. Actually, I am very like to play a game which is known as Soduku. Do you like to play this game?
For your information, Sudoku is a logic-based, combinatorial number-placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3x3 boxes (also called blocks or regions) contain the digits from 1 to 9 only one times each. The puzzle setter provides a partially completed grid.
Completed puzzles are usually a type of Latin square with an additional constraint on the contents of individual regions. Leonhard Euler is sometimes incorrectly cited as the source of the puzzle, based on his related work with Latin squares.
The modern puzzle was invented by an American architect, Howard Garns, in 1979 and published by Dell Magazines under the name "Number Place." It was popularized in 1986 by the Japanese puzzle company Nikoli, under the name Sudoku, meaning single number. It became an international hit in 2005.
In my opinion, I think that Soduku is a very good to test your focus. If you have not focus, I believe that you cannot complete this game. So, what are you waiting for? Try to play this game and complete all columns with the right number. I believe that you can do it! That’s all from me, thank you.
Find more information at:
Hi, Today i will share the something interesting with you all.
Do you know what is April fool?
Although April Fools' is not a holiday in its own right, is a notable day celebrated in many countries on April 1. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, family members, enemies, and neighbors, or sending them on fool's errand, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible.
Traditionally, in some countries, the jokes only last until noon: like UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa, someone who plays a trick after noon is called an "April Fool". Elsewhere, such as in Ireland, France, and the USA, the jokes last all day.
April fool is celebrate in Malaysia too. Many people like this day to make fool of others but some don't like to be fool by others so they hate this day.
I also don't like April fool because of this matter.This day is celebrated by school childrens too.This day is known by everyone in the world.If you celebrating this day,please don't hurt other persons feeling.Try to celebrated it wisely without making any bad incidents to occur.
So remember this advise guys...
Asslamualaikum and HeLL0o0...
Do You know the mysteries of our mind??? There are 10 top mysteries of the mind:
1) Consciousness
When you wake in the
morning,you might preceive that
the Sun is just rising,hear a
few birds chirping and maybe
even feel a flash of happiness
as the fresh morning air hits
your face.In the other
words,you are conscious.This
comnplex topic has plagued the
scientific community since
neuroscientist considered
consciousness a realistic
research topic.
2) Deep Freeze
Living forever may not be a
reality.But a pioneering field
called "cryonics" could give
some people two lives.The idea
is that a person who dies from
a presently incurable disease
could be thawed and revived in
the future when a cure has been
found.The body of the late
Baseball legend Ted Williams is
stored on one of Alcor's
freezers.Like the other human
popsicles,William is positioned
head down.That way,if there
were ever a leak in the
tank,the brain would stay
submerged in the cold
liquid.Not one of the
cryopreserved bodies has been
revived,because that technology
doesn't exist.For one,if the
body isn't thawed at excactly
the right temperature,the
person's cells could turn to
ice and blast into pieces.
3) Mortal Mystery
Living forever is just for
Hollywood.Bt why do humans age?
We are born with a robust
toolbox full of machinisme to
fight disease and injury,which
we are think we should arm you
against stiff joints and other
ailments.But as we age,the
body's repair mechanisms get
out of shape.In effect,your
resilience to physical injury
and stress declines.Theories
for why people age can be
divided into two categorised:
a) Like other human
characteristics,aging could
just be a part of hhuman
genectis and is somehow
b)In the less optimistic
view,aging has no propose and
results from cellular damage
that occurs over a person's
A handful of researchers,however
think science will ultimately
delay aging at least long enough
to double life spans.
4) Nature vs Nurture
In the long-running battle of
whether our thoughts and
personalities are controlled by
genes or environment,scientists
are building a convincing body
of evidence that it could be
either or both.The ability to
study individual genes points
to many human traits that we
have little control over,yet in
many realms,peer pressure or
upbringing has been shown
heavily influence who are and
what we do.
5) Brain Teaser
laughter is one of the least
understood of human
behaviours.Scientist have found
that during a good laugh three
parts of the brain light up:a
thinking part that helps you
the joke,a movement area that
tells your muscles to move and
elicits the "giddy" feeling.But
it remains unknown why onpe
person laugh at your brother's
foolish jokes while another
chuckles while watching a
horror movie.Others in the
human field point to laugher as
a way of signaling to another
person that this action is
meant "in fun".One thing is
clear:Laugher makes us feel
6) Memory Lane
Some experiences are hadr to
forgot,like perhaps your first
kiss.But how does a person hold
onto personel movies?.Using
techniques,scientists are
unraveling the mechanism
responsible for creating and
storing memories.They are
finding that the
hippocampus,within the brain's
gray matter,discriminatory.It
turn out that both true and
false memories researchers ask
a subject to recall the memory
in context,something that's
much more difficult when the
event didn't actually occur.
7) Mission Control
Residing in the hypothalamus of
the brain,the suprachiasmatic
nucleus,or biological
clock,programs the body to
follow a 24 hour rhythm.The
most evidincw effect of
cicadian rhythm is the sleep-
wake cycle,but the biological
clock also impacts
temperature,blood pressure and
hormone production.
8) Phantom Feelings
It's estimated that about 80%
of amputees experiance
warmth,itching,pressure and
pain,coming from the missing
limb.People who experience this
phenomenon known as 'phamtom
limb',feel sensation as if the
missing limb were part of their
bodies.One explanations says
that the nerves area where the
limb served create new
connections to the spinal cord
and continue to send signals to
the brain as if the missing
still there.Another possibility
is that the brain is hard wired
to operate as if the body were
fully intact-meaninng the brain
holds a blueprint of the body
with all parts attached.
9) Slumber Sleuth
Fruit flies do it.Tigers do it
and human can't seem to get
enough of it.We're talking
about shut-eye,so crucial we
spend more than a quater of our
lives at it.Yet the underlying
reasons for sleep remain as
puzzling as a rambling
dream.One thing scientists do
know:sleep is crucial for
survival in mammals.Extended
sleeplessness can lead to mood
swings,hallucination and in
extreme casses death.Some
scientists think NERM sleep
gives your body a break,and in
turn conserves energy similar
to hibernation.REM, sleep could
help to energize
memories.However,this idea
isn't proven and dreams during
REM sleep don't always
correlate with memories.
10) Sweet Dream
If you were to asl 10 people what dreams are made of,you'd probably get 10 different answers.That's because scientists are still unravelling this mystery.One possibility:Dreaming exercises brain by stimulating the trafficking of synapses between brain cells.Another theory is that people dream about tasks and emotions that they didn't take care of during the day and that the process can help solidify thoughts and memories.In general scientists agree that dreaming happens during your deepest sleep,called Rapid Eye Movement(REM).
nurul azean binti yanto
Good news to all us women
What to know why?
Well, like any normal women who love their breast, they wouldn't want to get breast cancer, wouldn't they?
Now, don't worry just increase our intake of soy based food in our diet. That's just it. Study shows that Asian women especially Japanese and among the east Asians, the percentage of them being affected by cancer is reduced by 58% compared to women who take less soy base food. So, what say you?
To me, as a girl, we have to take care of our breast by not only eating lots of soy base foods but also to do monthly breast check after and after menstruation in order to detect any changes to our breast. This early detection can help us to maintain the health of our breast and indirectly our body. Breast is a apart of us women..so love, take care and appreciate our breast.
This article can be viewed from the malay mail website under the subheading of life style
Eurica Ak Dihem
Do you know something, sometimes if you try to goods things it can change problem to you.
I have read an article in NST that shows, a trip to a friend's house in Bandar Mahkota Cheras turned into a nightmare for a couple after they were robbed at knife point and the woman raped.
The couple was driving to visit their friend when they noticed two men by the roadside waving for assistance about 10pm on Thursday.
The 26-year-old man stopped the car to ask how he could help. One of the two men, believed to be Indonesians, threatened him with a knife.
They got into the car and ordered him to drive to a deserted area 300 meters away.
Six other men were waiting there. The man and his girlfriend were ordered to get down from the car and hand over their personal belongings.
As they did so, the man ran and escaped the robbers. Upon reaching the nearest house, he borrowed a phone and called the police. During this time, the girlfriend, a 24-year-old China national, was dragged into a forest by two men who took turns to rape her.
A police patrol car responded to the man's call and took him back to the scene of the incident. There, they arrested a man and rescued the traumatised girlfriend.
The moral value from this story is, we cannot trust any person in this world. Human has not civilized yet and they acted like animals.Every persons need to thought moral values. Malaysia police need to observe every place frequently to prevent this kind of incident.Don,t give lift to strangers that look suspecies at night.
This article was from STAR online.
Taken your shower?
Do Malaysians shower before going to bed?
Less than half of Malaysians hit the showers before they turn in for the day.
According to a recent survey conducted by Clove TWO.com and Kosmo! newspaper, only 44% shower right before going to bed.
Still, while showering before bedtime is important, it's absolutely crucial that antibacterial soap or shower gel is used.
When showering, extra attention should be given to areas of the body where most people neglect, such as the back, behind ones ears and ankles, and between the toes – all bacteria-prone spots.
And why is it important to shower just right before bedtime? Well, simply because everyone, whatever their age, are constantly exposed to bacteria; at school, in the garden, at the office.
Then of course there's the little forgotten fact that the bed itself makes for the perfect breeding ground for all sorts of microorganisms. Dead skin cells, perspiration, the body's natural oils etc all contribute to making your bed the ideal harborage for bacteria, dust mites, and bed bugs. All these could lead to a wide range of health problems.
Showering in the morning, before the activities of the day, is also recommended. It freshens up the body, removing the build-up of bacteria during the night, and of course, perks you up to start the day.
For those with sensitive skin who are prone to skin irritation that leads to scratching, showering twice a day - in the morning and night - is absolutely vital.
Shower is important in our daily life to live healthier.We can remove dirt, bacteria,death cells by showering.This information provide a lot of knowledge about share that some people don,t know.It is better to use antibacterial soap to kill bacteria in the body.I also use antibacterial soap for my shower like DETTOL. Germs is everywhere, so take care of your health.We must be concern about our health.
So guys better take bath twice a say.
Did you ever imagine cane can cause problem?
The dilemma of how best to handle problematic students is compounded by conflicting views on cause and effect.
SPARE the rod and spoil the child” may be a common refrain for previous generations. For today’s youngsters, however, the stereotypical image of the cane-wielding school teacher may well be on its way to history.
Caning in schools is increasingly unpopular and public caning has practically become taboo.
But the recent spate of serious disciplinary cases has raised questions on whether the cane should be banned altogther.
A article has show that a student had died after caning by his teacher because of his nervous system. In my oppinion,the caning system should not banned because some students need to be cane to do their work, if not they will not do their homework. The caning system make students more dicipline. The education ministry must considered this matter to make a safe enviroment to the students.
I read this article in Star online.
i've just read about Brain machine interface at the internet.
do you know what is Brain machine interfaces (BMIs)?
It is activity in the brain to be sent to, or received from, a computer. Some BMIs use sensors mounted in a removable cap or MRI technology to read signals from the brain. Others connect directly to the surface of the brain, through tiny wires and an array of micro-electrodes. BMIs can also be entirely implanted in the brain. And this can help paralyzed patients communicate, control robotic arms, computers and other devices. In the future, BMIs could provide a path to brain enhancement and memory upload/download, And agree with this technology because it is use full for our community.
For more details please visit to http://www.futureforall.org/brain/brain_mind.htm
Hi maybe its to early but i have to say it, gud morning averybody,
Today I have read about TITANIC. Many of us already know about it and I want to share something that was hotly debated for a number of years, that is tragic sinking of Titanic, by the comments and reports from survivors the ship broke into two sections, this become questions for the people as well as scientists and researchers the question was question was exactly what had occurred to sink the 'unsinkable' Titanic.
While there was no doubt regarding the collision with a gigantic iceberg, many wondered how even such an impact could have caused enough damage to result in the rapid sinking of the huge ocean liner.
And recently the researchers have found the answer and proven the report of survivors that was the ship had not sustained one long gash upon impact with the iceberg, as many people has insisted upon for years. Instead, it was much more likely that the ship had sustained several, much smaller, wounds when the iceberg scraped the hull of the ship. Theories now indicate that the rivets intended to hold the hull plates together were unable to withstand the impact and popped upon contact. As a result, the plates buckled and separated. The ship immediately began to take on water and less than three hours later, sank to it final destination on the ocean floor.
Hello there,
I want to share something which is important to everybody of us that is about water.Water is important elements in our daily life without water we can’t perform important process such as cooking,construction,even in our body function, and today I want to share how the water effect on human civilization.
Civilization has historically flourished around rivers and major waterways; Mesopotamia, the so-called cradle of civilization, was situated between the major rivers Tigris and Euphrates; the ancient society of the Egyptians depended entirely upon the Nile. Large metropolises like Rotterdam, London, Montreal, Paris, New York City, Shanghai, Tokyo, Chicago, and Hong Kong owe their success in part to their easy accessibility via water and the resultant expansion of trade. Islands with safe water ports, like Singapore, have flourished for the same reason. In places such as North Africa and the Middle East, where water is more scarce, access to clean drinking water was and is a major factor in human development. The statements have shown to us that water played important roles from ancients time until now.
For more information please log on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water
Thank You
Assalamualaikum and HeLLo0o0...
COFFEE: Can It Keep Your Brain In Shape??
Guys I have something to share with you all about type of drink,that is "coffee".Coffee's ability to forestsall mental decline has been the subject of some very interesting research lately.First a study from France showed that women who drank three or more cup of coffee were 30% lee likely to have memory problems at age 65 than women who drunk a single cup of coffee or less.Besides that the researchers said that the caffeine in coffee acts as a cognitive stimulant and also hepls reduce levels of beta "Beta Amyloid" protein in the brain.Accumulations of this protein underlie Alzheimer's disease.So,if you like coffee,and it has no adverse effects on you,you may benefit mentally over time.On the down side are coffee's well-documented side effects:anxiety,insomnia,tremor and irregular heartbeat.It aslo can irritate the digestive system,bladder and prostate.If you experience any of these effects,you're better off avoiding coffee and decaf,which still contains substances that may contribute to the system no matter what potential health benefits it may afford.The way cofee affects you is your surest guide to whether or not you should be drinking it at all and if so,how much.If you don't like coffee's,switch to tea.It is because tea is a healthier alternative.
Resource: new straits times online.
Date: (April 2, 2009)
I have read news about Pupil dies after teacher canes him on the palms.
A nine-year-old pupil of Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina Kg Tiong in Gemas, who was caned on his palms by a female teacher at the school yesterday, died on april2, 2009.
According to Negeri Sembilan police chief Datuk Osman Salleh, the boy had complained about feeling dizzy after the caning session and on seeing his condition was taking a turn for the worse, the school authorities contacted his parents before sending him to the Segamat Hospital for treatment.
"The parents, however, had him transferred to the Sultanah Aminah in Johor Baharu but later brought him back home the same day after being told by the hospital authorities that chances of their son recovering were slim," he told reporters after attending a blood donation campaign at the Negeri Sembilan police headquarters here today.
He said it was understood the boy had central nervous system problems and dismissed allegations that the caning had caused his death.
He added that the boy died at home at 3.30am today.
Osman said that on a personal note, in future, he advised parents to inform school authorities if their children were suffering any ailments.
"This way the schools will have proper records on the health condition of their charges...teachers will be extra cautious when taking any disciplinary action against them," he said.
In my opinion, I think that this news is very sad news expectably for their family. Who can imagine that the pupil was died after female teacher canes him on the palms? I hope this case not happen again. It is because actually I am not agreeing if teacher canes their student. That’s all from me, thank you.
hi, i'm back again with some information...this is about a swimming pool.do you all know that almost everybody wants to have a awimming pool in their backyard,the hours of fun one would have with family,friends and even neighbours is reason enough to bulid one...Desjoyaux,a public-listed swimming pool company in France listing with more than 500 showrooms worldwide which wants to transforms their garden into a haven for the children and entire family...the company's special patented structured and technique allows you to custom-make your pool according to how much land space you have..the construction method requires no underground piping,balancing tank and pump house that can cause leaking problems,well don't worry about it..the electricity consumption(less than one horsepower) makes it a cost-saving affair...we also can choose to add other features like the cross currents swimming system,spa and hydrotherapy massage which all promoted good health and relaxation....but for more information you all can just log on to www.desjoyaux.com.my...have a nive day....
Defroy Kudong
Assalamualaikum and HeLLo0o0...
5 Top Healhng Food
Do you consider certain food to be medicinal?? There are foods that can play a role in helping our bodies heal,such as:
a) Kefir
Strange name,big health payoff.This cultured milk drink isn't as popular as yogurt,but that's just because people don't know about it.Loader with healthy probiotics,helath experts believe it may help boost your immune system.If you all feeling under the weather,makesure you have a glass of "kefir".
b) Wheat Germ
This foods loaded with folic acid and Vitamin E,take it as much as you you all can in your daily food.
Dr.Andrew Weil is experts about healthy and he said that garlic healing the and antibacterial properties with naturally.
Everyone could use more green in their diet.That's why people always ask for extra chopped on their favorite food.You can eat this at Italian Restaurant.
e) Herbal Tea
A cup of herbal tea calms you like nothing else.Besides that a cup of tea will reduction a stress,so make it a habit of it and you all will notice the difference.
Assalamualaikum and HeLLo0o0o...
SmiLe!! Optimistic women Live Longer
Do you tend to see the glass halfull or half empty??If you picked halffull,ypu might live a longer,healthier life.A new study suggest that optimistic women are more likely to live longer that their pessimistic peers.The study controlled for other variables that affect health,such as diet,education and lifesytle.So even if two women have similar eating and exercise patterns,the optimistic one is still more likely to live longer.Researchers aren't sure why optimism can boost longevity but suggest it might be because optimistic people tend to have more friends they can rely on.Plus,people who look on the sunny side also cope better with stress..So what we need to do is always think positive..
the headline...creative force come to life...actually this i took from newspapaer variety,sunday 18 january 2009...old story but this had made me to read it..this all about Comic Fiesta,the annual gathering of local amateur artist and cosplayers,moved to the new sunway convention Hall at the sunway pyramid shopping centre in Selangor when the 2008 edition was staged last month...the event boasted a new theme'Bridging the creatives,and a renewed focus too:to improve the local creative content industry.....there was the portfolio pavilion,where budding artists could get their works reviewed by industry professionals from companies such as Multimedia Development Corporation(MDec),Eden Animation,Animasia studios,and Imaginary Friends Studio from Singapore...that all what i can share...thanks you..
Defroy Kudong
Assalamualaikum and HeLLo0o0o...
Love is any of a number emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection.The word "love" can refer to a variety of different feelings,states and attitudes,ranging from genetic pleasure to intense interpersonal attraction.A person can be said to love a country,principle or goal if they value it greatly and are deeply commited to it.We can categorized it as Impersonal Love.Interpersonal Love refers to love between human beings.It is more potent sentiment than a simple liking for another.Such love might exist between family members,friends and couples.Psychological basis is a depicts love as a cognitive and social phenomenon.Intimacy is a form in which two people share confidences and various details of their personal lives and is usually shown in friendships and romantic love affairs.That is love definition from scientific opinion,but word of "LOVE" is to large for some people.We can share our feeling to many thing such as our family, our God,friends,our pets,our religion and so on.We can show our feeling with share our problem,take care of them,respect them and so on.So express your love with them...
today i want to share about the amazing number..some kind of number can make easy to clculate the promlm and probabylity..some of people idnot like about number because they thing that number is very difficult and not interesting..
so i hope you can learn something about number and you will love that...
pb08067 \
muhammad zulhelmi bin mohd hadzair
hai my friends...
we meet again..
today i want to share about something..you all can read yourself.
the butterfly nad the flower...
once here was a man who asked ALLAH for a flower and a butterfly,but instead ALLAH gave him a cactus...and caterpillar..so what do you thing about that?
i thing that ALLAH alway give the best way even if to us it seems wrong.....
muhammad zulhelmibin mohd hadzair
today i want to tell you all about antivirus.....kaspersky antivirus provides all types of anti virus protection antivirus scanner ,monitors,behaviorblockers and intrgrty checker.kaspersky antivirus supports al of he most polar operating systems,e-mail,gateaways and farewalls.so all of tyou using this anti virus?
it so good to protect you pc...
zulhelmi mohd hadzair
I have a read about Spirulina. So I want share about that to all. This is the half from that article about spirulia;
“Spirulina is the common name for human and animal food supplements similar to Chlorella and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (Blue Green Algae.) Spirulina comes from two different species of cyanobacteria: Arthrospira platensis, and Arthrospira maxima. These and other Arthrospira species were once classified in the genus Spirulina. There is now agreement that they are a distinct genus, and that the food species belong to Arthrospira; nonetheless, the older term Spirulina remains the popular name. Spirulina is cultivated around the world, and is used as a human dietary supplement as well as a whole food and is available in tablet, flake, and powder form. It is also used as a feed supplement in the aquaculture, aquarium, and poultry industries”
Spirulina have many nutrients and other chemicals like protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins , B12 and mineral. I think it very well to take for additional food to us especially among students because it helps to add energy and help us keep our health.
I have a read about Spirulina. So I want share about that to all. This is the half from that article about spirulia;
“Spirulina is the common name for human and animal food supplements similar to Chlorella and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (Blue Green Algae.) Spirulina comes from two different species of cyanobacteria: Arthrospira platensis, and Arthrospira maxima. These and other Arthrospira species were once classified in the genus Spirulina. There is now agreement that they are a distinct genus, and that the food species belong to Arthrospira; nonetheless, the older term Spirulina remains the popular name. Spirulina is cultivated around the world, and is used as a human dietary supplement as well as a whole food and is available in tablet, flake, and powder form. It is also used as a feed supplement in the aquaculture, aquarium, and poultry industries”
Spirulina have many nutrients and other chemicals like protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins , B12 and mineral. I think it very well to take for additional food to us especially among students because it helps to add energy and help us keep our health.
Hasfaresah Bt Ahmad
hello guys!!!.......
The relationship between men and women has always been a love-hate type. This article will describe what a woman finds most annoying in her partner.
Though women publicly admit that they like men who are strong, secretly they like a man on whom she can wield certain amount of power.
It is also likely (majority of the times) that a woman would not like a person who would show insensitivity towards her feelings. This is a mistake that many men make and women do not like this attitude from them. There are many other factors that women generally do not like in men such as arrogance, lies, submissive behavior, etc. Never ever show a woman that you have a weak character. This is one of the traits that women dislike in a man. It is a mistake that many men make by making a woman feel that he is ready to fall at her feet. Contrary to a man thinking that a woman would appreciate it, women get annoyed with men who are too submissive and ready to do anything for her. This does not mean that a woman does not want a sensitive man who is open about his feelings, but it does mean that a woman still wants a man to be his own person, think for himself and claim what he wants from a relationship.
A woman always likes a man who has a big heart and ready to share and care. A self-centered man is rarely loved by women and more often than not will crave for female company.
Manipulative attitude is something that women dislike in a man. Hence, try to be as open in your behavior as possible and at the same time do not fall prey if she displays manipulative behavior. Keeping these points in mind, you can win over a woman. Remember that love blossoms slowly and you need to give your woman time and space if you really want to win her over..
hello guys!!!...
What causes cancer?..
Doctors often cannot explain why one person develops cancer and another does not. But research shows that certain risk factors increase the chance that a person will develop cancer.
Many of these risk factors can be avoided. Others, such as family history, cannot be avoided. People can help protect themselves by staying away from known risk factors whenever possible.
If you think you may be at risk for cancer, you should discuss this concern with your doctor. You may want to ask about reducing your risk and about a schedule for checkups.
Over time, several factors may act together to cause normal cells to become cancerous. When thinking about your risk of getting cancer, these are some things to keep in mind:
• Not everything causes cancer.
• Cancer is not caused by an injury, such as a bump or bruise.
• Cancer is not contagious. Although being infected with certain viruses or bacteria may increase the risk of some types of cancer, no one can "catch" cancer from another person.
• Having one or more risk factors does not mean that you will get cancer. Most people who have risk factors never develop cancer.
• Some people are more sensitive than others to the known risk factors.
One of the common factor contribute cancer is Sunlight
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation comes from the sun, sunlamps, and tanning booths. It causes early aging of the skin and skin damage that can lead to skin cancer.
In order to prevent this, there are several things highlighted by the specialist;
Doctors encourage people of all ages to limit their time in the sun and to avoid other sources of UV radiation:
• It is best to avoid the midday sun (from mid-morning to late afternoon) whenever possible. You also should protect yourself from UV radiation reflected by sand, water, snow, and ice. UV radiation can penetrate light clothing, windshields, and windows.
• Wear long sleeves, long pants, a hat with a wide brim, and sunglasses with lenses that absorb UV.
• Use sunscreen. Sunscreen may help prevent skin cancer, especially sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15. But sunscreens cannot replace avoiding the sun and wearing clothing to protect the skin.
• Stay away from sunlamps and tanning booths. They are no safer than sunlight.
Edited from: National Cancer Institute
My comment:
So this is the time to use the umbrella. Even it is not so cool for guys. But a healthy skin is even better than a burning faces...
You should also consider to have a uv protecting cream in your pockets...
that all,thank you...
Family or high paying salary?
An article from The Reader's Digest the October 2007 edition,page 90 to 96 titled 'Brotherly Love", has touched me deeply.
Can you imagine carrying the responsibility of bringing up and raising up 4 children when You yourself have just graduated from a university, not having any means to support a family at a very young age?
This article tells the story of Antonio Seay who had lost his mum due to AIDS and left with the responsibility of taking custody of his 4 younger siblings. IF he wants to, he can run and just leave his siblings to die in the streets, but because of his brotherly love, he not only accept the responsibility willingly, but perform his responsibility very well. This was proven when his sisters grades improve from C's and D's to A's and he manage to instill discipline in each and every of his siblings.
From this article, i learnt that we cannot choose our family. So, no matter what, family is still important in everybody's life, it comes first. Even when you face the most difficult moments in life, still you turn to your family for help and support except for special cases.
Not all people willing to sacrifice their future for their family, but not Antonio Seay. I really respect him for what he has done for his siblings.
His siblings better appreciate what he did for them. Without him, they could've have died in the streets. Kudos to Antonio Seay..Excellent job..Not any ordinary people could have done that.
Eurica Ak Dihem
Do you all know that in our daily days we always never aware that sometime what the equipment we used to cook are not safe to eat…an example that I got the information through my reading on newspapers and I had read on an advertisement of rice cooker made in aluminum/Non-stick surfaces are hazardous to health..If I not read this one I will not aware of that serious thing…this is had been quoted from National Institute of Health, USA and Penang Consumer Association…as the advertisement mentioned about this problem it stated that the prolonged exposure to these external toxin can be a burden to our liver and kidneys..This ability varies with individuals and it weakens with age. So why we take the risk? Don’t worry now we has the solution, the Khind Anshin Rice cooker comes with a high quality stainless steel inner pot which is scratch-proof and corrosion resistant...And it offered us 10-years warranty on its inner pot and 3 years on the outers….and what is the more important, this product is absolutely safe for us to a healthy cooking…..if you want to know more about this you can visit: www.khind.com….
Defroy Kudong
This article really makes me think twice when helping people.
This article tells that how a helping hand actually can lead to being taken advantage of.
Well, a couple on the way to a friend's house, was stopped on their way by 2 men believed to be Indonesians.
It turned out that, it was a trap. When the man came out of the car, they quickly ask all their valuable belongings and as for the poor girlfriend was raped by 2 men.
Now, every time when a stranger asks for a favour or help, I think I better ignore them..well, because we never know whether they are really in need of help or just using that as a trap. So, to be save, it is best to ignore them, I mean strangers whenever they ask for help. At least we have an assurance that we are safe.
Eurica Ak Dihem
The article could be viewed from http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Monday/National/2518466/Article/index_html
Eurica Ak Dihem
today i want to tell you about behavior at the work place...
they have many kind of behavior like twist their fingr and do something not expectationwhen we see they are doing the job..they have the unique character when they show performance...some time we will laugh after we do observation....
so if youwant to know their behavior you need follow and list whatever they do at the work place..
zulhelmi mohd hadzair
hye everyone...
there is a good news for those who really like possing in front of camera or collect the cameras as the hobby...
I get it from Galaxie magazine,the title is Sound And Vision,page 14.
the article is about a digital camera that comes with external speakers.it produced by Samsung company.With this camera, we can put on the right music to set the mood for a photo shoot.can you guys imagine that we can put any music we like as photo shoot.if i can buy this camera one day i want to put cat's sound(meow) as my photo shoot.it is really interesting,isn't it?Samsung's sleek looking I8 is an 8-mega pixel slim and compact that enables the user to store videos and photos as well as music.
it is also come with a 2.7 inch high resolution display so that you will be able to review your photos without needing to squint..
this camera makes people feel more enjoy taking the pictures..so do I.
nurul ain bt abdullah
do know about football???
now i want to tell you about football...
the player in 1 team about 22 player ..11 from them is the best performance and the 11 is the reserve..one of them is the goolkpr 4 of them is defensive,4 of hem is midfield,and 3 of them is the strike...so the couch will give the brifing before they coming to compertition...they couch have many stragies to win the competion...so the football can make people cooperation to achive the target...
so...i hope all my friend like to excersice to keep they self healty..
zulhelmi bin mohd hadzair
i want to share about shoes..
A shoe is an item of footwear evolved at first to protect the human foot and later, additionally, as an item of decoration in itself. The foot contains more bones than any other single part of the body, and has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years in relation to vastly varied terrain and climatic conditions. Together with the proprioceptive system, it is what makes possible balance and ambulation.
Most of the time there have been people, most people have not worn shoes. Until recent years, shoes were not worn by most of the world's population—largely because they could not afford them. Only with the advent of mass production, making available for the first time the cheap flip-flop-type sandal, for example, has shoe-wearing become more or less universal.
Appearance and design have varied enormously through time, and from culture to culture. They may, for example, have very high heels or no heels at all. Contemporary footwear varies in style, complexity and cost, from the most basic sandal, via high fashion shoes for women sometimes costing thousands of dollars a pair, through to complex boots specially designed for mountaineering or skiing. Shoes have traditionally been made from leather, wood or canvas, but are increasingly made from rubber, plastics and other petrochemical-derived materials. shoes is so important to us because it will protect human foot.so you all must using shose for your healty.
zulhelmi bin mohd hadzair
Today i want share to all about how to study from Effective study skills.In effective study you must have strategie. In the strategi it have many ways. That is thingking skills, the SQ3R method(survey, question,read,recit and review), reading, getting the main idea,extracting important details, don't read aloud to yourself,taking notes, where to keep notes and outlining textbooks.
so, with the tips we may together be to use it to ready before the final test.
Hasfaresah Bt. Ahmad
Hi guys, Do you know the latest news that Datuk Seri Najib will be our next prime minister.
King consents to Najib's appointment as 6th Prime minister.
The Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin has consented to the appointment of Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak as the sixth prime minister of Malaysia, Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan announced today.
He said in a statement that Najib would be presented his letter of appointment as prime minister and would take his oath of office, loyalty and confidentiality before the Yang di-Pertuan Agong at Istana Negara at 10am tomorrow.
This morning, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had an audience with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to hand over the letter relinquishing the post of prime minister in accordance with the agreed transition of power from him to Najib.
Najib, who succeeded Abdullah as the Umno president at the party general assembly last week, also had an audience with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong at Istana Negara today.
For your information Pak lah was appointed as the fifth prime minister of Malaysia on Oct 30 2003, having succeeded Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. I think Pak lah has done an amazing work during his service as a prime minister.Pak Lah seems to be cool without any worries that he is resingning .However,Malaysians will be sad for certain period because the loss of a great leader.
We will miss you Pak lah.
you all want to know about diamond??In mineralogy, diamond is the allotrope of carbon where the carbon atoms are arranged in an isometric-hexoctahedral crystal lattice. After graphite, diamond is the second most stable form of carbon. Its hardness and high dispersion of light make it useful for industrial applications and jewelry. It is the hardest known naturally occurring mineral. It is possible to treat regular diamonds under a combination of high pressure and high temperature to produce diamonds that are harder than the diamonds used in hardness gauges.
Diamonds are specifically renowned as a material with superlative physical qualities; they make excellent abrasives because few substances can scratch them. As a result they hold a polish extremely well and retain their lustre. Approximately 130 million carats (26,000 kg (57,000 lb)) are mined annually, with a total value of nearly USD $9 billion, and about 100,000 kg (220,000 lb) are synthesized annually.diamond very expensive and it will get more profit if we sold it.so let find the diamond and sold to get the money...
i just want to share about one of the article that i had read in the book titled 'program rakan siswa(raksi)'..it's about the ways how to make the effective reading..so,the ways are :
Recite and Review
>KWLH=What you know,what you
want to know,what you have
learned and how to find the
and Test
>READS=R(range),E(eye span),
interaction) and S(survey)
so,that's all the point i want to share today..hpe we all practice all of these ways to get the effective information...thank's..
asheddie asih
i have read the article about the importance of foot care in our life.our feet is important to us in daily life.take good care of your feet and they will take care of u.normally,we hardly remember this part our body as it located at the lowest of our body.i found out the way of foot care tips so that everyone of you can stop neglecting your feet.
a) keep your feet clean and dry as often as possible
b) check your feet regularly for any abnormal colour or skin problems.
c) keep your feet moisturized with a good moisturizer
d) pay close attention to any fungus that you find on your feet.
if you take care of your feet they will take good care of you for many years to come.
asheddie asih
the article that I read is about 'why we must protect ourself from enemy?'..I suggest to my friends to learn anythings for protected ourself..
actually it is a weapon to protect ourself..this is because when we have this weapon,it make ourself brave doing something..this is what I want for myself..that all from me..thanks...
the article that I read is about 'why we must protect ourself from enemy?'..I suggest to my friends to learn anythings for protected ourself..
actually it is a weapon to protect ourself..this is because when we have this weapon,it make ourself brave doing something..this is what I want for myself..that all from me..thanks...
asheddie asih
i had read an article about top 10foods for healthy hair.so i want to share to all of you.
when it comes to foods that pack a beauty punch,it's hardto beat salmon.loaded with omege-3 fatty acids,this high quality protein sorce is also filled with vitamin B-12 and iron.
spinach like broccoli and Swiss chard,is an excelent source of vitamins A and C,which your body needs to produce sebum.the oily substance,secreted by your hair follicles,is the body's natural hair conditioner.it also provide iron and calcium.
legumes like kidney beans and lentils should be an important of your hair-care diet.not only do they provide plentiful protein to promote hair growth,but ample iron,zinc,and biotin.while crare can be result in brittle hair.
brazil nuts are one of nature's sources of selenium,an important mineral for the health of your scalp
asheddie asih
Hi..today I read one in the website http://www.enchancedhealing.com.I like this article….its about ‘HEALTHY FOOF TASTES FOOD’ .The author ,Ingela Berger shared her experience about eating problems..Well ,she shares her knowledge how to improve the eating habits..:
1) reduce the fat in the daily diet….exchange the fat such as butter and margarine with extra-virgin olive oil….Instead of milk you may want to drink yogurt (containing live cultures) which is better for the stomach.
2) Eat fish at least twice a week. If you don’t like fish, make sure you get enough of the omega-3 fatty acids.
3) Eat lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, cereals
4) Drink water with every meal and in between meals. You can't get enough of water
5) Take some vitamin and mineral supplement every day
6) Try a day of fasting from time to time to rinse your system. Drink only fruit juices, water and green tea that day.
7) Reduce the sugar
asheddie asih
hye everyone...
its me again...
i want to share something interesting about a product produced Crocs.i get this article from Galaxie magazine(pg 14).the title is Dial A Crocs.
Crocs is well known with its unique design of shoes and we can say that most of malaysian wear that shoes.
Now,Crocs come with new innovation product which is super cool Crocs can house our handphone.can you imagine shoes can used to house our handphone?its sound interesting. it so cute thing to hold it.Crocs-o-dial phone case(modelled after Crocs Cayman).
it comes with many colours and fashion statements for which Crocs is known into a fun and functional accessory.It also come with a lanyard as well as a plastic clips so we can choose how we want to wear Crocs-o-dial.
Besides that,there is also an internal sleeve within the crocs-o-dial to carry items like our Mykad,credit cards and more.this product has many uses that give benefit for consumers.So, it is worth for you guys if you want buy it.It only costs RM65.Soon,I will buy it for myself..
thats all..i hope all of you dont think i am going to promote this thing just want to share something unique product which was had created..hehe
nurul ain bt abdullah
Do you think environment is important??Of course it's important because without it we will die a long time ago...I think we should do something like campaign for the world.For example green day and the latest one is the earth hour campaign.We pick out the volunteers for the campaign to pick up trash at the beach, the park and somewhere else.We should practice ourselves of 3R that is; Reuse, Reduce and Recycle for our beloved world.Think about the whole world and global warming.If others can do it why can't you??Think about it guys if you love your world.
you like study history...yes? let' check mean term history..History is the interpretation of past events, societies and civilizations. The term history comes from the Greek historian (ἱστορία), "an account of one's inquiries," and shares that etymology with the English word story. The 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica stated that "history in the wider sense is all that has happened, not merely all the phenomena of human life, but those of the natural world as well. It is everything that undergoes change; and as modern science has shown that there is nothing absolutely static, therefore, the whole universe, and every part of it, has its history." i have you more like history after this..hihi
asheddie asih
Love At First Sight
Does love at first sight exist? Two people are attracted to each other at the instance they met. At that moment, the world seems has stopped spinning and the voices around them faded away. Without any reasonable explanation, they want to know more about each other and keep in touch. They want to spend more time together. They become part of each other. Just like story in those romantic movie.
On the other thought, how can love at first sight can happened?. You might say, how can you possibly fall into someone that you don't even know? You barely know that person. You haven't even spend time with that person, how will you know that she or he is your life partner?
I can't totally deny that one of the reason making me believe in love at first sight is that it is beautiful. Honestly, it is really beautiful. Like the first stanza of the poem,
"They're both convinced, that a sudden passion joined them. Such certainty is more beautiful, but uncertainty is more beautiful still."
It never happens on me but I still want to believe in it. I wish I will have those sweet moments...Love is beautiful. Love in inspiring. Love is the strongest power. Love is magical...
that all..thank you..
hello..today i read the article abot the dengue in the Asia-Pacific.From my reading,World Health Organization(WHO) states that nearly two billion people in the Asia-Pacific region will be at risk from dengue fever unless governments do more to fight the disease.98% of all dengue cases and 99% of all dengue death. in the region between 2001 and 2004 included Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore, French Polynesia, Fiji, New Caledonia and China.A dengue swept across the region between 1991 and 2004, peaking with 350,000cases in 1998. 1.8 billion live in the Western Pacific(Of the 2.5 billion people at risk globally)...
asheddie asih
Hi my friends,
I have read the article on stage Fright Help on
I was interested on topics steps and strategy in overcoming stage fright the tips he/she gave is true and suitable in using to fight the fear on stage. I also been mostly have a same fright when I was first time on stage but One thing I do before I step on the stage is to try to think positive and always be prepared in what ever thing I do. Stay focused, relax my thoughts and always take a deep breath.
Thank you
salam..hai everybody...
Do you know the relation between your two eyes?They blink,move,cry,see things and sleep together.Though they never see each other,friendship should be like that.Life is hell without friends.We must care with each other without any reason.Treasure them before it's gone.We don't know when we stop breathing,so don't waste every moment with friends as no man is an island and we need to communicate with each other and we are inter-dependent,no one can survive without others.As in the world we are live together and rely on each other,this is the way of living.Hence,don't let your friends be alone and try not to hurt them as well.
that all..
Do you all remember what happen last December?
Cannot figure out it.
Okey.I will tell you all what happen last December.
There was a land slight in Bukit Antarabangsa in the early Dicember.
The place is cleaned now for reconstruction. Contract workers is appoint to build drainage system beside the land slight that occur last year.
This drainage system was build to ensure land slight wont occur in the coming years.
This information was taken from Berita Harian Online.
I have read one article on managing anger, anger is a natural response by all beings in this world example animals also have a anger habit as well as human and plants.
Today in this article I have learn/read on how to see the anger habit in two ways. Firstly how to see the anger habit in positive think, and also in the negatives think.
Therefore the positive think are:
Anger is part of natural response that helps our survival and helps us to protect others for example
* It gives us the courage to defend ourselves or those we love.
* It motivates us to improve the world by inspiring social action and justice.
* It confirms our individuality, especially when we are children.
* It warns others not to take advantage of us.
This is the examples of when anger is helpful and healty
Secondly we will see how to describe the anger in negative think that will might destroy relationship with others.Here the article gives us some example on negative and unhealthy anger:
* A pattern of repeating the same angry words or deeds in particular situations.
* An inclination to shout at people or to use violent words.
* A tendency to brood or fantasise about angry scenes with people.
* An inability to deal with difficult situations without becoming angry.
* A temptation or recourse to violence, possibly resulting in trouble with the law.
* A reliance on getting angry to make you feel better.
* Substituting getting angry about a problem for solving or learning to live with that problem.
* Anger-linked health problems such as hypertension or digestive trouble.
* Being recognised as an angry person and so teased, appeased or feared by others.
* Having a strong prejudice against strangers because of their race, gender, etc.
* Avoiding situations because you fear your temper.
So this is few details on positive and negative anger.
you can get this details on
Thank You.
hi everyone
in Canada, seal hunting is the largest hunt for marine mammals in the world. Each year roughly 250,000 seals are mercilessly killed for their pelts. Approximately eight out of ten seals killed are newborn pups between the ages of twelve weeks old. Most are either shot or clubbed to death. This shows the safety of animal still cannot be fully protected with. So , we should keep together and ensure the safety of animals protected.
Seventeen April 2009
Hasfaresah Bt. Ahmad
Now days people are worry about losing the meaning full things, friendship, love, marks for us as students is most worried items in our university life because it is become a turning points in our life whether we can get our degree or not now we are as on the ship in the sea. So all of this can cause to "stress".
So here I have some tips how to managed the stress by Ronnie Nijmeh. The author give four simple tips how to manage the stress I have read it and it helps me a lot so you try to read it out it can help you.
Thank You
Hi there, have a lovely mid night,
Just now I have read a book about "How to improve your memory" fifth edition by Ron Fry. This book you can find at our library but not now because I still on my hand, sorry. This was the best book I have read ever. I was attracted by the author foreword/introduction. It is most like telling about our life and our memories.
And I also found the activities how to improve the memory, it is fantastic because if we attend any seminar on improve the memory power it has cause us lots of money and time, and most of the seminar really dumped and boring. But by doing activities in this book by following the orders we can do it. It is truly helped me a lot. So only you must do is go to our library to get this book.
Thank You
i would like to share some information from my reading today..actually,i have read the article about Mount Kinabalu at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunung_Kinabalu..what i like about Mount Kinabalu are it is prominent mountain in Southest Asia.It is located in Kinabalu National Park in the east Malaysian state of Sabah. In 1997, a re-survey using satellite technology established its summit (known as Low’s Peak) height at 4,095 metres (13,435 ft) above sea level, which is some 6 metres (20 ft) less than the previously thought and hitherto published figure of 4,101 metres (13,455 ft).[1] The mountain is the fourth tallest in Southeast Asia behind Hkakabo Razi of Myanmar (5881 m), Puncak Jaya (4884 m) and Puncak Trikora (4750 m) of Papua, Indonesia.Its elevation is 4095 metres(13,435 ft) and the range is Crocker Range.Besides,i would like to climb this mountain if i have a chance to do it myself.Before this, i saw it in television and newspaper..that's my dream to go the Mount Kinabali one day
asheddie asih
Hi sweet mid night to Mdm Wan Jumani and guys who are struglling to finish their comment i this blog. hehehehe,
Yesterday I was read an article on Natural Disaster, how the this disaster happening? Is that this is God plan to decrease human quantity in this world? Or this is all because of human behaviour towards natural?
What I found that this all cause of human thinking that planet Earth belongs to us. That why human does not care about nature but they have forgot about the power of natural.
For more information we can get it from www.time.com/time/specials/2007/top10/article/0,30583,1686204_1686252_1690260,00.html or science.nationalgeographic.com/science/earth/natural-disasters - 47k
Thank you
Guys what you think about cartoons? fun or boring? good or bad? wasting time or spend the time?
Same story most of cartoon makes you fade up? or to much of talking than action make you lost interest?
You think anything about cartoon, but I have different types of view about cartoon, guys why not you create on cartoon and sound by yourself is this sound interesting? well while I’m boring I try get some information on cartoon than I have found on website on sound on cartoon it is free to download. So why not you try this out? the sound are fantastic.
For more information please visit to www.a1freesoundeffects.com/cartoon.htm and to www.pixeldigest.com/cartooneffect.html
to learn how to create the cartoon.
Thank You
i got alot of reader's digest book,
so i have read some of them..
here a my comment on how to save the earth by slow the fuel flow. just followw some tips here:
1) plan your route
2) don't speed
3)use cruise control
4)make sure your tyres are inflated
5)don't drive aggresively
6)get regular servicing
7)use air-conditioning sparingly
8)avoid short journeys
asheddie asih
Today I have a read about Fresh Air Anyone? There are more gas emissions going into our air from various sources than ever before! While most people are aware of how air pollution can affect the planet, not enough is being done about it. Everything from pesticides, smoke from factories and cars to open burning has filled our one clean air with toxics like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and a whole list of other dangerous gasses. These gasses prove dangerous to us and every other living thing on the earth. So, we as living beings on earth let attempt to reduce expenditure gases that may affect earth. This because it will also give a bad impression of us.
Hasfaresah Bt. Ahmad
i really like to read about plastic surgery's article at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/plastic_surgery.Actually,plastic surgery includes:
(a)craniofacial surgery
(b)hand surgery
(c)burn surgery
(d)pediatric surgery
the word'plastic'comes from the Greek plastikos.Plastic surgery was being carried out in India by 2000 BCE. Sushruta (6th century BCE) made important contributions to the field of plastic and cataract surgery..The transfer of skin tissue in plastic surgery is one of common procedures.Plastic surgery is famous way to the celebrities..from my reading,plastic surgery is not only used in beauty but also in health(burns,traumatic injuries,infection or disease and removal of cancers and tumors).Thus,is really give advantage to people ..that's all from me...
asheddie asih
i read about the legend world boxer,Muhammad Ali which is born as Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. on January 17,1942.He is American boxer and former 3-time World HeavyWeight Champion..He is also The winner of an Olympic Light-heavyweight gold medal.He changed named after joining the Nation of Islam in 1964.What i like about him is he willing sacrifice his career for his new religion although people misunderstood about his changed religion.His daughter,Laila Ali have talent in boxing same like him..Her daughter participated in World Heavyweight Champion..Actually,she is new generation in their family involved in boxing sport..
that's all from me
asheddie asih
i have read about effective interview(key to getting the job we want).
What employers look for in the job interview:
(b)positive attitude
(c)stable work history
(d)clear sense of purpose
(e)interest in the company and position
(f)communication skills
(g)high performance standards
Preparing For The Job Interview:
(a)Do some research about the company that we want to work occasionally.you will feel more confident and comfortable
(b)know the place and time of the interview,the interviewer's full name.Find out how many people are involved in the interview process.
(c)Be prepared to ask questions during interview.Avoid questions that relate about salary,benefits,vacations,and retirement.
(d)Allow sufficient time for the interview
(e)Dress appropriately. Men should wear a dark suit, white shirt, a solid or striped tie, and black shoes. Women should wear a knee length skirted suit or tailored dress with matching jacket, neutral colored sheer hose, dark pumps, and a minimum of make-up and jewelery.
(f)Keep a positive frame of mind.Relax.
asheddie asih
hello everyone….
Stop the chopping!
Did you know that if deforestation continues at this rate, in two decades the Amazon rainforest will be reduce by 40%. In order to make way for a growing human population and its demands, we have resorted to chopping down trees and building over forests. The result has been devastating in numerous aspects from increasing global warming and greenhouse effect, to loosing natural resources and wildlife. So we must do something to safe trees. The steps maybe taken is pick up gardening and plant extra trees and separate all paper products and put them in recycling bins.
Hasfaresah Bt. Ahmad
i want to share about the mini car..
The Mini is a small car that was produced by the British Motor Corporation (BMC) and its successors from 1959 until 2000. The original is considered an icon of the 1960s, and its space-saving front-wheel-drive layout (that allowed 80% of the area of the car's floorpan to be used for passengers and luggage) influenced a generation of car-makers.The vehicle is in some ways considered the British equivalent to its German contemporary, the Volkswagen Beetle, which enjoyed similar popularity in North America. In 1999 the Mini was voted the second most influential car of the 20th Century, behind the Ford Model T.
This distinctive two-door car was designed for BMC by Sir Alec Issigonis.It was manufactured at the Longbridge and Cowley plants in England, the Victoria Park / Zetland British Motor Corporation (Australia) factory in Sydney, Australia, and later also in Spain (Authi), Belgium, Chile, Italy (Innocenti), Portugal, South Africa, Uruguay, Venezuela and Yugoslavia. The Mini Mark I had three major UK updates: the Mark II, the Clubman and the Mark III. Within these was a series of variations including an estate car, a pickup truck, a van and the Mini Moke — a jeep-like buggy. The Mini Cooper and Cooper "S" were sportier versions that were successful as rally cars, winning the Monte Carlo Rally four times from 1964 through to 1967, although in 1966 the Mini was disqualified after the finish, along with six other British entrants, which included the first four finishing cars, under a questionable ruling that the cars had used an illegal combination of headlamps and spotlights.Minis were marketed under the Austin and Morris names until Mini became a marque in its own right in 1969.The Mini was again marketed under the Austin name plate in the 19.mini car is very unique and wonderful..now the mini car get interact the young people to drive that car...
zulhelmi b mohd hadzair
i want to share about the biycle...The bicycle, bike, or cycle is a pedal-driven, human-powered vehicle with two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other.
Bicycles were introduced in the 19th century and now number about one billion worldwide.They are the principal means of transportation in many regions. They also provide a popular form of recreation, and have been adapted for such uses as children's toys, adult fitness, military and police applications, courier services, and competitive sports.
The basic shape and configuration of a typical bicycle has changed little since the first chain-driven model was developed around 1885.Many details have been improved, especially since the advent of modern materials and computer-aided design. These have allowed for a proliferation of specialized designs for particular types of cycling.
The bicycle has had a considerable effect on human society, in both the cultural and industrial realms. In its early years, bicycle construction drew on pre-existing technologies; more recently, bicycle technology has, in turn, contributed both to old and new areas.today most of the peolpe forget about bicycle because they are always using the car and don't want excersice again...so they healty no good today...
zulhelmi b mohd hadzair
hai everyone....
do you know about heart attack?
A heart attack occurs when blood flow to a section of heart muscle becomes blocked. If the flow of blood isn’t restored quickly, the section of heart muscle becomes damaged from lack of oxygen and begins to die.
Heart attack is a leading killer of both men and women in the United States. But fortunately, today there are excellent treatments for heart attack that can save lives and prevent disabilities. Treatment is most effective when started within 1 hour of the beginning of symptoms. If you think you or someone you’re with is having a heart attack, call 9–1–1 right away.i hope my friend can take care their healty because it will kill any one without they know...tq
zulhelmi b mohd hadzair
Meeting made easy (Monday,Febuary 9,2009)-new strait times..
virtually meetings could represent significant cost savings for businesses of all sizes as they allow staff from various locations to converge, meet and discuss virtually from wherever they are…Cisco Telepresence is one such cutting-edge virtual meeting enabler…it allows high-definition video and audio communication to take place at multiple locations at one go, making it a good platform to conduct collaboration among the workforce across several organizations….telepresence also contributes to a greener, this was a good quality of things..Not only one company just want to collect more profit...But it’s must be environment friendly. Having implemented the system internally, Cisco as a global organization that has been reduced 10 percent of its carbon emission in 2007 and saved over US$150 million (RM540 million) on air travel in 12 months…working to cater to multiple locations, telepresence employs the standard IP technology and integrated voice,video,and data network. The system supports high-quality, time voice and video communications with branch offices using broadband connection…currently telepresence can accommodate up to six people session smaller-scale version, telepresence 500, and a larger-scale version setup, Telepresence system 3200, are available…we actually in the developing country that many countries made new inventions to make our time, work and the hard things could be done faster..As conclusion to my information I would like to say that the technology is not for bad things but it for our needs now...But not use it for nothing and then cause do many troubles...Just things about it.
Defroy Kudong
Headline: (Monday, February 9, 2009)-new strait times.
Romancing the blog with local touch
Mila Aria a blogger and writer, she posted her best works on blog which include short stories and novels…and we can find her works at http://thydivaonthelosse.blogspot.com. Mila ‘s passion for creative writing started in high school with the material derived from personal observations…she firstly online novels serve to satisfy her hunger for the kind of stories that she wants to read…she written her stories in contemporary Malay rather than standard Malay language, to depict a more natural interaction among characters..She started posting stories online since 2007 in Cari.com.forum…she thought it would be better to start a blog and posted it…and for more information can chose Blogspot.com for hers user-friendly interface..you all also can come into her blog..happy blogging everyone..
Defroy Kudong
Do You ever imagine helmets can control robots?
NOW its had become reality for sure.
An elaborate electronic helmet that allows the wearer to control a robot by thought alone has been unveiled by researchers in Japan.
Scientists at the Honda Research Institute demonstrated the invention by using it to move the arms and legs of an Asimo humanoid robot.
To control the robot, the person wearing the helmet only had to think about making the movement.
Its inventors hope that one day the mind-control technology will allow people to do things like turn air conditioning on or off and open their car boot without putting their shopping down.
The helmet is the first "brain-machine interface" to combine two different techniques for picking up activity in the brain. Sensors in the helmet detect electrical signals through the scalp in the same way as a standard EEG (electroencephalogram). The scientists combined this with another technique called near-infrared spectroscopy, which can be used to monitor changes in blood flow in the brain.
We can see that the technology is improved well.In few years they will also find to clone peoples.Its also make our daily routine easier by this kind of invention.
So guys think an inovative product like this for our product exhibition.
i want to share with you all about recycle bin...
A recycling bin (or recycle bin) is a container used to hold recyclables before they are taken to recycling centers. Recycling bins exist in various sizes for use in homes, offices, and large public facilities. Separate containers are often provided for paper, tin or aluminum cans, and glass or plastic bottles.
Many recycling bins are designed to be easily recognisable, and are marked with slogans promoting recycling on a blue or green background. Others are intentionally unobtrusive. Bins are sometimes different colors so that recyclers may differentiate between the types of materials to be placed in them. Blue bins usually indicate metals and plastics and green indicate papers.
Recycling bins are a common element of municipal kerbside collection programs, which frequently distribute the bins to encourage participation.
recycle bin using to save the world from the polution ...it also can make we love the flora n fauna ..
so don't throw the rubbish anywhere..you must take care the enviroment ..
zulhelmi b mohd hadzair
SecoNd hEARTbEaT...
We exercise regularly. Some people prefer to jog around the park, and some like to do aggressive sports like football, rugby and others. Those activities can keep you healthy as it increase your heart beats and make you sweat. It is important to make sure your heart can pump blood as many as your body needs. But, what i want you to know here is how to increase your heartbeat without sweating. Actually,several studies in the last decades tackled the question whether and how hearing music affects your heart rate. Ellis and Brighouse (1952) said that Jazz music increased slightly the heart rate. Dainow(1977) said that fast music increases the heart rate slightly while slow music decreases it slightly. Surveys he cites claim that any type of music increases the heart rate, probably because of its emotional effect. Iwanga, Kobaiashy and Kawasaki (2005) say that excitative music makes the heart go faster.
So, maybe some of you like to hear 'romantis' songs and maybe you should change your song for more hardcore or hard rock music.But, this only can help for several and you still have sports to do. Lastly, you better get it.
hye guys...
do you know a korean actor named Lee Joon Ki.more about him on Galaxie magazine(pg 17).the article's title is "I am not a girl".
He was one of actors on korean movie,my Girl and one of my favourite korean actor.He was well known with the beautiful face he has, like the girl..
As a result, his pretty face made the girls whom he is interested in,turn away from him.
furthermore,the blokes among his TV crews tend to give the actor prefential treatment.They treat him like a girl and watched him closely because they are so scared that he might fall and hurt himself on the set..
i just cannot believe that the famous actor faces the such problems.it is not his fault if he has a beautiful face like a girl..so,just accepted how the other people are..right guys?
nurul ain bt abdullah
pb08067 zulhelmi b mohd hadzair
how are you?
do ou know about tabacco?
Tobacco is an agricultural product processed from the fresh leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana. It can be consumed, used as an organic pesticide, and in the form of nicotine tartrate it is used in some medicines.In consumption it may be in the form of smoking, chewing, snuffing, dipping tobacco, or snus. Tobacco has long been in use as an entheogen in the Americas. However, upon the arrival of Europeans in North America, it quickly became popularized as a trade item and as a recreational drug. This popularization led to the development of the southern economy of the United States until it gave way to cotton. Following the American Civil War, a change in demand and a change in labor force allowed for the development of the cigarette. This new product quickly led to the growth of tobacco companies until the scientific controversy of the mid-1900s.
There are many species of tobacco, which are all encompassed by the plant genus Nicotiana. The word nicotiana (as well as nicotine) was named in honor of Jean Nicot, French ambassador to Portugal, who in 1559 sent it as a medicine to the court of Catherine de Medici.tabacco very dangerous because it will make you get the lung cancer or heart attack.so be careful went you smoking..
The Nutrition and Magic of Mushrooms.
It's spring, and mushrooms are popping up all over, including in your local produce aisle. You don't have to be a top chef to prize the lush, earthy flavor of exotic mushrooms. But whether you pick smoky morels or the familiar buttons, you'll get some newly discovered health benefit.
Safeguard against cancer.
They supply hard-to-get nutrients.
They help you cut calories.
Do you know,
One medium sized mushroom supplies as much potassium as a medium-size banana.
So guys what are you waiting for, go to the nearest grocery store and buy mushroom.
That why i love to eat mushrooms.
This article is from readers digest book.
Assalamualaikum ya sahabat wa sahabiah..
I wanna comment about The Dark Half movie.
Somewhere in the dark recesses of over-fluffed and processed Stephen King movie adaptations, there lies this jewel of a film: "The Dark Half."
After having it watched it about three times, I'm still quite at a loss as to why this movie has been, more or less, forgotten or simply passed over by the horror movie community. Not only is it a fairly neat adaptation of a great King novel, but it's also directed and written by a true horror movie icon: the one and only George Romero. Isn't this the kind of "team-up" that fans would, under normal circumstances, go absolutely bananas over? I know that I did.
Anyway ... the movie is about a writer, Thad Beaumont (Timothy Hutton), whose past - quite literally - comes back to haunt him. As a young man, he wrote pulpy crime novels (that I can only imagine were directly inspired by Richard Stark's hardboiled, master thief, Parker) that sold well ... though his literary yearnings tended to veer toward a much less marketable direction. We learn that when he was writing those pulps, his personality suffered. He drank, yelled at his wife, probably slept around, too. Having successfully exorcised that particular demon, when we meet him, Beaumont has a couple kids and an office at some New England university, teaching - you guessed it - creative writing. But when the bodies of folks close to him (i.e.: his agent, biographer) begin cropping up, the small-town police fun finger is pointed at Beaumont. But ... there's a much more sinister twist in this jet-black yarn. We learn that Beaumont indeed has a "dark half."
The direction is perfect, the writing is perfect, the acting is perfect. What more do you want in a film? I'm not exactly certain what King's response was to this film ... I've heard rumors that if he's not directly involved in the production process, he generally scoffs at the final film product. (For example ... he's all but urinated on all the goodness that was Stanley Kubrick's adaptation of "The Shining," which not only marked a substantial turning point in horror cinema, but it's also one of my personal favorites.) Then again ... from what I understand to be true of King and Romero both ... they're friends. Hell, they made "Creepshow" together ... which is another favorite of mine, though I'm more than just a little bit guilty about it.
"The Dark Half" also does one hell of a job at creating a genuinely creepy atmosphere. And who could listen to "Are You Lonesome Tonight" again the same way ... after hearing its soft melodies during a particularly uncomfortable dream sequence?
All of this, compounded with the fact that Timothy Hutton is a damned fine actor (albeit sinfully unknown by most these days) ... makes "The Dark Half" an explosively well made horror/thriller. The proverbial mind meld of King and Romero made "Creepshow" an instant cult classic. So, I ask again ... why was "The Dark Half" a blink-or-you'll-miss-it flop? Maybe these horror titans just can't share the same marquee, anymore.
Indie :P
I sat on my chair, while hearing some fresh music, i have heard about Indie band. what is that? is it an Indian brand new music??? actually,it's some old brand genre coming from alternative rock music. It is first introduced at UK in 1980's by independent underground music. 'Indie' stand for independent that describe an independent artist (and the labels of themselves).Some definitive British indie rock bands of the 1980s were The Smiths, The Stone Roses and The Jesus and Mary Chain, whose music directly influenced 1990s alternative rock movements such as shoegazing and Britpop. Actually, it is another flow of alternative rock that were more popular such as grunge,Britpop, and Gothic rock. Separated by two genre with 'indie pop' and 'indie rock'. Both originated by Jangle pop,Punk rock,Post-punk,and power pop.In 1990, it had become more widely popular especially among college students as there were many band form at that time. However, it was after first half, while it was led by grunge band such as Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam. In this new season, there were many band that came with same genre like The Killers, Kaiser Chiefs,Arctic Monkeys,The Libertines,Oasis and many more.
Lastly, you better get it. Its such an awesome music and have so meaningful lyrics. In addition, most of this band creatively wrote the song themselves.
hello guys!!!
Cigarette?do you really know what actually things contains in cigarette?know more details in http://www.smokefree.gov/quit-smoking/in_cigarette.html
Your body gets more than nicotine when you smoke.
There are more than 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke. Some of them are also in wood varnish, the insect poison DDT, arsenic, nail polish remover, and rat poison.
The ashes, tar, gases, and other poisons in cigarettes harm your body over time. They damage your heart and lungs. They also make it harder for you to taste and smell things, and fight infections.
can you guys imagine that all terrible things are smoked by the smokers?the rat poison that could kill human? all kinds of things enter through your body and slowly effect tour health..
so, i hope for those whom interested to smoking should think deeply before they start smoking..think for your own sake!!
nurul ain bt abdullah
Hi guys,
Do you know?
Eat More to Weigh Less.
It cannot be belive by us but its real.
We lose muscle mass after middle age, which slows metabolism and causes weight gain. Eating up to 50 percent more protein may help, says a new research, and its safe for most people (except those who have kidney disease).
In my opinion, I think this only include protein kind of food not any calories food.You can eat more protein food to weigh less.
So guys eat more protein food if you want to weigh less.
This article is From Reader's Digest book.
numBer ohh Number..!!!
It's just 1.26 a.m, while I'm not sleep yet. Tomorrow must be wake up early for my classes. huh!!.. My heart said, it's okay, you are a teenager. 'Night is still young.You are still 20 men!!'. huhu... Like Nescafe advertise, 'sebelum bermula, sekali lagi'. Well, in our life, there were many things related to number. You know, your age, weight, and so on. As a result, many people start to become phobia to numbers. But, be careful, you may get arithmophobia. huh?? what's that ? In other name, it is also called:
* The fear of numbers
* Number phobia
* The fear of certain numbers
* The fear of large numbers
* The fear of numerals
* The fear of numeric digits
* The fear of mathematics
* The fear of arithmetic
* The fear of calculations
* The fear of logic
Wow, it's seems like a very bad things. urm..not really. But, may be harmful to your future. haha..
Actually, number make us sick !!. When your look at your bank account that decrease with time, look at your age, and many more. Yeah, for businessman, when last year they got 1Billon profit,but only 0.5billion for this year, they start to become sick. They always compete with their past.For women, maybe when they weight for this month, Oh my god, I've got 55kg. huh] 'i must diet' , said them. Well, when they got 50kg for the next month; 'i must get 48kilo's. HUh] a bit complicated. haha.... Well, you yourself know how number influenced our life. It may make us easy, and maybe goes the other way. In this world today, people compete against each other to get number(MONEY-$-). Well, don't be too obsess. World is not long, when we die, nothing could help us. huh]
Well, good luck for this semester, hope you get (4.0).Huh]..(pretend to become arithmophobia).
That's all. Good night..!!
'0ng' or not 'ong'???
.Well, when i was young, (pretend like I'm an old man) i always see many animal in the calendar. Seems like interesting. So, when time changes, i now know that all that animal in the calendar is what in the Chinese ancient calendar. For this year is cow year, where it was second year in Chinese calendar. Mine is dragon .'Cow year' have many relation to what Chinese people's said 'ong'(hope so),where cow shows how practical, obey and stability. While pig year always relate to difficulties in financial. Actually, what is this? Horse, cow, pig, bla...bla...blaa...? This is called zodiac,same like at west, they called Taurus, Leo and others. This element is actually what we called as star. Star always orbit at their own axis,like earth orbit the sun, and moon orbit the earth, and so on.In a billion stars there must be either one that we call 'ong'. So, just wait it cross at our sky (i guess). Don't understand? Actually, just search it at internet. haha. When we talk about 'ong' or lucky, it is very complicated. In your life, how many time you have lucky, and how many time you are unlucky (ask yourself). Well, because of the curiosity about lucky and unlucky, so people started to survey about this. That's why how 'feng shui' exist in Chinese believer.In 'Feng Shui',people believe that when they wear this colour ,something bad will happen to them. At the certain time, what underwear colour that they will wear is relate to lucky and unlucky.That's how they believe.But, its just believer.For those that always care about this, don't be so obsess with this because this only can make us sick!!. huh] well, that's all i can say. For all Chinese in Malaysia ,Happy Chinese New Year.
'0ng' or not 'ong'???
.Well, when i was young, (pretend like I'm an old man) i always see many animal in the calendar. Seems like interesting. So, when time changes, i now know that all that animal in the calendar is what in the Chinese ancient calendar. For this year is cow year, where it was second year in Chinese calendar. Mine is dragon .'Cow year' have many relation to what Chinese people's said 'ong'(hope so),where cow shows how practical, obey and stability. While pig year always relate to difficulties in financial. Actually, what is this? Horse, cow, pig, bla...bla...blaa...? This is called zodiac,same like at west, they called Taurus, Leo and others. This element is actually what we called as star. Star always orbit at their own axis,like earth orbit the sun, and moon orbit the earth, and so on.In a billion stars there must be either one that we call 'ong'. So, just wait it cross at our sky (i guess). Don't understand? Actually, just search it at internet. haha. When we talk about 'ong' or lucky, it is very complicated. In your life, how many time you have lucky, and how many time you are unlucky (ask yourself). Well, because of the curiosity about lucky and unlucky, so people started to survey about this. That's why how 'feng shui' exist in Chinese believer.In 'Feng Shui',people believe that when they wear this colour ,something bad will happen to them. At the certain time, what underwear colour that they will wear is relate to lucky and unlucky.That's how they believe.But, its just believer.For those that always care about this, don't be so obsess with this because this only can make us sick!!. huh] well, that's all i can say. For all Chinese in Malaysia ,Happy Chinese New Year.
Certain Beers May Help Your Heart.
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine say Guinness stout has more heart-healthy flavonoids and triggers more anti-clotting activity than light-colored beer. And beer hops contain xanthohumol, a flavonoid that may help ward off some cancers, say Oregon State University researchers. Hops may also fight hot flashes and osteoporosis.
But you’d have to drink a whole peg to get enough of the flavonoid to make a difference—and we don’t recommend that! Luckily, there may soon be a “health beer” with enhanced concentrations. For now, porter, stout and ales have the highest levels. So raise a toast to the hearty hop.
So guys if you are beer drinker you can drink stout to take care of your health.
I think our class students are good persons who don,t drinks beer.
I think this article is not encouraging people to drink, but it providing information about that.
So, guys don,t misuse of it
This article is from readers digest book.
Improving your pronunciation is a large task that can't possibly be tackled in a day. If you are really serious about improving, it will take some practice over time. Here are three fun ways you can improve your pronunciation and become a better speaker.
1. Watch TV
Yes, I'm really telling you to become a couch potato! The first step to improving your pronunciation is training your ear to hear the difference between different sounds. If you can't hear the difference between the vowel sound in man and the vowel sound in men, you will have a very tough time producing these sounds on your own.
It would be best to watch quality television like the news on BBC or CNN (depending on the accent you prefer) instead of sitcoms and movies, for example. Although not always perfect, this is about the closest you'll get to the most accepted standard pronunciation in British or American English.
As you watch TV, be sure that you pay very close attention to how the words are pronounced. If you watch both stations, see if you can pick up on some of the pronunciation differences between British and American English.
another language improving technic...
Minimal pairs are words that are identical except for the one problem sound you are focused on practicing. For example, if you have trouble with the sounds /r/ and /l/ you might practice reading a list of words like read/lead, road/load, fry/fly, fright/flight, crutch/clutch and so on. Slowly say these words out loud and really focus on the sounds and the way you use your voice. Here are some helpful hints to practicing minimal pairs:
- Say the words in a mirror. Exaggerate your facial expressions. Watch your tongue, lips and jaw, and note the differences when you make the sounds. Don't worry if you look a little strange at first! As your mouth learns how to make the sounds correctly, you won't have to make such weird faces to produce the correct sound.
- Record yourself saying the pairs. Listen to the recording and see if you can hear a difference between how you pronounce the words.
- Choose one word from each pair and say them out loud to a friend. Have your friend write down the words he/she hears. See if your friend heard the words you were trying to say. (You can also do this on your own by noting the words you choose as you record yourself saying them. Listen to the recording a few days later and write down the words you hear. Compare your list to the list of words you recorded.)
like legendary stories or maybe folk tales?
for those who love it this is one of the most popular folk tales passed upon generation to generation.
this story is about nyai lara kidul.her maiden name was Dewi Srengenge (the sun maiden).she was the most beautiful maiden ever lived in the kingdom of Banyumas in Central Java.
the king of banyumas fell in love with her and made her his favourite wife.one of the king's wife Dewi Kundali jealous of the beeauty Dewi Srengenge and employed a wizard who used hi magical power to turn Dewi Srengenge into an ugly and frightening creature.
Dewi Srengenge was so distressed that she ran away from the kingdom.
as she wondered,she met a kind hearted old man and told him her sad story.the old listened and took pity to her.he reported the story to the kings.Dewi Kundali and the wizard were senteced to death.but still Dewi Srengenge is still the ugly and frightening monster.in deept sadness, she roamed from villages to villages until finally she reached the southern coast of west java.
at the beach near samudara in Pelabuhan Ratu of sukabumi,she heard voices calling "come Dewi Srengenge,come! a kingdoms awaits you.you will regain your beauty and llive forever!"
lured by the voice,Dewi Srengenge entered the sea and from then on was known as Nyai Lara Kidul The Queen Of The Indian Ocean.
this story doesnt end here..
want to
just a wonderful story to read.
makes me want to read and read and read.
maybe you should try it to.
happy reading------<@...:P
pb08067 zulhelmi
do you know about cake?
Cake is a form of food that is usually sweet and often baked. Cakes normally combine some kind of flour, a sweetening agent (commonly sugar), a binding agent (generally egg, though gluten or starch are often used by vegetarians and vegans), fats (usually butter, shortening, or margarine, although a fruit purée such as applesauce is sometimes substituted to avoid using fat), a liquid (milk, water or fruit juice), flavors and some form of leavening agent (such as yeast or baking powder), though many cakes lack these ingredients and instead rely on air bubbles in the dough to expand and cause the cake to rise. Cake is often frosted with buttercream or marzipan, and finished with piped borders and crystallized fruit.
Cake is often the dessert of choice for meals at ceremonial occasions, particularly weddings, anniversaries and birthdays. There are countless cake recipes; some are bread-like, some rich and elaborate and many are centuries old. Cake making is no longer a complicated procedure; while at one time considerable labor went into cake making (particularly the whisking of egg foams), baking equipment and directions have been simplified that even the most amateur cook may bake a cake.
everyone like cake ...ilike cake.can can make someone hapy and lost their sad.
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