Ooh, wow! How fast time flies! It's now March and soon, the semester will be over, but not without some pain. You guys heard it before, "No pain, no gain!" Remember, your proposal is due this week. Then be ready to make that invention happen before you can present it to the the world. In between, there's your progress report some time in week 12. Okay, and for those still unclear on what you need to do when you see this "Reading Entries" heading, here's what you need to do:
- Read anything you like. It could be a book, a short story, a poem, an article in a magazine, or from your nasi lemak wrapper, or an online article, information off a cereal box, anything - but the reading materials have got to be in English.
- Then, go to your own blog or this one, whichever first is okay, and share with us the following info: (a) what you read (b) where you read it from - e.g., if it's from a magazine, state the article title, name of magazine and page of article and if it's an online article, share the link. You may copy and paste the article but that should not be the only content of your blog entry. (c) what you thought about the article - i.e., whether you liked it or not and why OR (d) what the article reminded you of OR (e) a summary of the article OR (f) all c, d and e. Sign off with your name, matric number and section.
- Then after you have posted your entry, copy and paste what you've written into the other blog depending on which blog you went to first. If you have no blog of your own, then you just need to come here to post your comments.
Okay? Any questions, ask me when you see me. :) By the way, for the reading entries, you may post as many entries as you like. There's no limit. It all depends on how much you've read and how much you'd like to share with us.
A well known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?"
Hands started going up.
He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this." He proceeded to crumple the dollar bill up.
He then asked, "Who still wants it?"
Still the hands were up in the air.
"Well," he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe.
He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty. "Now who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air.
"My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20.
:::just a note from me::: huhu~
Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way.
We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. You are special - Don't ever forget it!
nur aisyah (sa08025)
~long distance relationship~
recently,i've read about an article about "long distance relationship"... there a several tips to keep maintain this kind of relationship,such as;
1.Ask the important questions at the onset. this to make us both clear on the parameters of the relationship.
2.Talk about your future together. just assuming that ultimately you'd want to live together.
3. Visit often Try to make the time to visit each other as often as possible or as often as your budget permits you to.
4. Avoid jealousy and be trusting One of the easiest ways to destroy a perfectly healthy relationship is to poison it with jealousy and drama. When you start a long distance relationship you must be realistic of the difficulties ahead.
People in long distance relationships can have a hard time staying connected, because couples are limited in what they can do together. Many are limited to phone calls, emails, instant messaging, and texting which can become a bit humdrum over time, if you ask me.It is important to keep things interesting..trust me!! :)
[aRiE] sA08o21
I recently read an article about 'Eat Those Carbs!' on CLEO page 176...
as you all know, low-carbs diet can help us drop kgs but word is,it also can cause your grey matter to shrink!!!
the researcher at Tufts University,Boston US said that Atkins-dieters who warded-off pasta,bread and potatoes has been found to perform less in the tasks given(that consist of visual attention,long-term memory,attention span and spatial memory)...
so food and mental fitness does have a relationship..
I recently read an article about 'Eat Those Carbs!' on CLEO page 176...
as you all know, low-carbs diet can help us drop kgs but word is,it also can cause your grey matter to shrink!!!
the researcher at Tufts University,Boston US said that Atkins-dieters who warded-off pasta,bread and potatoes has been found to perform less in the tasks given(that consist of visual attention,long-term memory,attention span and spatial memory)...
so food and mental fitness does have a relationship..
Munira A.Aziz
'To The Left, To The Left' on CLEO page 178
It is about boys.. hehe..
In this article said that profess your undying love for him in his left ear.....????!!
This is based on a study of dichotic listening published in The Journal of Laterality:Asymmetries of Body,Brain and Cognition...
the respondents showed that their left ear is better at judging emotional tone of speech than their right ear....
they were presented with dichotic wordpairs of emotion-related such as loving, baby and etc. and non-emotion-related words such as weather, saucer and etc. and were instructed to memorise the entire list....
it turned out that a left-ear advantage for words that describe emotions!
the right hemisphere of the brain is more aware and receptive of what's being said and how it's said while left hemispheres control the 'opposite' side of our bodies....
so if you wanna say something sweet,try whisper it to his left ear!
Munira A.Aziz
Salam madam Jumani,
I just came across an expression that really make me thinking about it truthfulness.
Woman was made from the rib of man,
She was not created from his head to top him,
Nor from his feet to be stepped upon,
She was made from his side to be close to him,
From beneath his arm to be protected by him,
Near his heart to be loved by him.
How far this expression is true???Nowadays we could see or hear a lot of news reported harshness and castigation to woman or even female child by a human being called MAN!!!Woman had been stepped and not protect by them but have to be their slave in sexual!!
I think this expression not being follow as their guide in life.That's why they love to intolerable women.
This issue always be a hot topic in news nowadays. So, let us not be one of their cruelness!Go GIRL!
sa 08072
Within an hour I had read an e-book source from internet...
Looked interesting right the title???
"Why A Man Gets 'Scared Away' When You Try To Get Him To Commit For A Long-Term And What To Do About It....."
From the reading, I would like to give some opinion and some question for you to think about it about it.Just answer it in your heart.
Have you ever met a guy who seemed to be "Mr. Right", but after getting to know him better you could tell that he just didn't feel that same level of "connection" you felt?You were attracted to him, but he just wasn't into you the same way you were into him?
In your mind, you could sense what a great guy he was, and that, somewhere deep inside, you both shared this strong "chemistry" that made you feel close and comfortable. But for some reason he didn't want to truly connect with you.
I could tell that guy don't like to show his feel to girl that he love.You were trying to get CLOSER to him, and somehow he kept moving farther AWAY from you.But he never seems to do this mistakes or even he miss you.
And the worst part of all: You kept thinking about it.
In fact, it really GOT TO YOU. And I'll bet the REASON why it got to you is because you worried that it might have been something to do with YOU (and not just because he was a total jerk).TO THIS DAY you still have the feeling that YOU may have done something wrong, and that you may have CAUSED some of the problems in the first place... and if you would have known the RIGHT thing to do, things would have turned out differently...
Unfortunately, the bad news is that you're probably right. Chances are you DID have something to do with it, and things probably WOULD have turned out differently if you would have known how to deal with the situation.
You COULD have done something about it... if only you had known WHAT to do...
this week is the worst week in my life.i got many things to do either ready for quizzes,tests and assignments.as we all know,our final just around the corner.of course there many students getting stress.however,some stress is actually necessary for you to function at your best,too much takes a mental and physical toll.it also teach us to manage stress levels to prevent anxiety,depression and other conditions. so,i find out the article about 'how to limit stress':
1)begin preparing for your exams before finals week.make sure you have all of the notes that you need,begin making outlines and create a study schedule that you can handle during finals week.
2)limit caffeine intake during finals week.caffeine is a stimulant that can actually make you feel more stressed.caffeine can also keep you from getting enough sleep.
3)Be sure to get enough sleep during finals week.not sleeping enough can make you feel more worried about your finals.it also can weaken your immune system,increasing the chance of you getting sick during finals week.this will only increase stress.
4)eat healthy during finals week.this will keep you energized for studying and keep you healthy,both of which will help you reduce stress.
5)only study for an hour at a time.after that,take a five to ten minute break.this will help you stay on task without getting frustrated or a headache from reading too much material at one time.
6)don’t party at all during finals week,even if you do have an off day.this could set you back in your studying,make you sick and actually make you do worse on your finals.resist the urge to party until after you finals are done.it will be well worth it.
7)make sure to get some exercise during finals week.this will keep you healthy during the week,help you to be energized for both studying and your tests and actually help to reduce stress.when you begin to feel stressed,go for a quick run or lift some weights.the gym is a great place to work off some stress.
nik rohani bt nik mustapa
this is what i have read:
“A son’s sacrifice towards his parents is not complete until a situation arises whereby he buys and frees his parents from becoming slaves.” As we already know, we cannot deny the greatness of our beloved parent’s sacrifice, how they have spent most of the time lives to secure our future; their children’s future. From the time we were infants until we become useful people, they care for us. This is a story that relates to their sacrifice; a story about a boy and a tree in a countryside.
Once upon a time, when a boy was a small child, he used to play with a particular tree everyday as a hobby. Tree was very happy and wished that it could stop time from going on so that it could stay with the boy forever. But time goes on by and the boy gradually grows older day by day, year by year. Eventually, he doesn’t play with the tree anymore. So, the tree becomes very sad and lonely.
One gloomy morning, as the tree was standing alone, remembering the happy days they had together, it got a shock joy as the boy come back. He had come to ask for money and the tree didn’t hesitates even the least to give and sacrifice all it had with its capability, shedding all its leaves to give to the boy, leaving it bare and cold. The boy went away happily but didn’t return for along time.
A few years passed by and the boy has grown into a handsome man. Eventually, he came back to visit the tree, asking yet another favor for wood to build of his house. Once again, the tree sacrificed itself and was partly cut down. But again, the boy left the tree alone and never come back anymore.
In this story, the tree symbolizes our parents. The reality today is just as such. Children never appreciate their parents’ sacrifice but always asking for more. Parents, on the other hand, never abandon their children’s hope and sacrifice all they could. Some nowadays think that money could pay for what they have done, that is by giving their parents money. Actually, this concept is totally wrong.
Always remember, love has no substitute, be it billions of dollars or ringgit, no value can match the price of love. One thing need to remember is that, even if you service your parent for whole of your life, you still cannot pay for what they have done for you. The parent’s sacrifices are invaluable.
read this articles, make me think that i have not being a good enough daughter to my parents..
i miss my mom so much!
nor illiana
rue Colorsis New York Times bestselling author Kristin Hannah’s most provocative, compelling, and heart-wrenching story yet. With the luminous writing and unforgettable characters that are her trademarks, she tells the story of three sisters whose once-solid world is broken apart by jealousy, betrayal, and the kind of passion that rarely comes along.
The Grey sisters have always been close. After their mother’s death, the girls banded together, becoming best friends. Their stern, disapproving father cares less about his children than about his reputation. To Henry Grey, appearances are everything, and years later, he still demands that his daughters reflect his standing in the community.
Winona, the oldest, needs her father’s approval most of all. An overweight bookworm who never felt at home on the sprawling horse ranch that has been in her family for three generations, she knows that she doesn’t have the qualities her father values. But as the best lawyer in town, she’s determined to someday find a way to prove her worth to him.
Aurora, the middle sister, is the family peacemaker. She brokers every dispute and tries to keep them all happy, even as she hides her own secret pain.
Vivi Ann is the undisputed star of the family. A stunningly beautiful dreamer with a heart as big as the ocean in front of her house, she is adored by all who know her. Everything comes easily for Vivi Ann, until a stranger comes to town. . . .
In a matter of moments, everything will change. The Grey sisters will be pitted against one another in ways that none could have imagined. Loyalties will be tested and secrets revealed, and a terrible, shocking crime will shatter both their family and their beloved town.
With breathtaking pace and penetrating emotional insight, True Colors is an unforgettable novel about sisters, rivalry, forgiveness, redemption---and ultimately, what it means to be a family.
::my comment::
i had read the book and love aurora characteristic. the book tell the true and lies in life. somehow sister are important and sometimes they are supporters when were down. seriously miss my family especially my sisters.
hamdya farhana
Danielle Steel celebrates families of every stripe in her compelling new novel—a tale of three very different couples who struggle and survive, love, laugh, and learn to take life…
Coco Barrington was born into a legendary Hollywood family, her last name loaded with expectations. Her mother is a mega-bestselling author who writes under the name of Florence Flowers—and her sister, Jane, is one of Hollywood’s top producers. They’re not your typical family by any means.…Jane has lived with her partner, Liz, for ten years, in a solid, loving relationship. Florence, widowed but still radiant, has just begun a secret romance with a man twenty-four years her junior. And Coco, a law school dropout and the family black sheep, works as a dog walker, having fled life in the spotlight for the artsy northern California beach town of Bolinas.
But when Coco reluctantly agrees to dog-sit in Jane’s luxurious home, she soon discovers how much things can change in just a matter of days.…It turns out Jane’s house comes complete with an unexpected houseguest: Leslie Baxter, a dashing but down-to-earth British actor who’s fleeing a psycho ex-girlfriend. Their worlds couldn’t be more different. The attraction couldn’t be more immediate.
Suddenly Coco is seeing things differently: Leslie is not just a celebrity, he’s a single dad to an adorable six-year-old girl. Her mother is not just a self-centered walking advertisement for great cosmetic surgery, she’s a woman in love, with vulnerability and new insight. And Jane and Liz are about to take the bravest plunge of all—into parenthood. AsCoco contemplates a future with one of Hollywood’s hottest stars, as her mother and sister settle into their lives, old wounds are healed and new familes are formed—some traditional, some not so traditional, but all bonded by love.
With wit and intelligence, Danielle Steel’s new novel explores love in all its guises, taking us into the lives of three unusual but wonderfully real couples. Funny, sexy, and wise, One Day At a Time is at once moving, thought provoking, and utterly impossible to put down.
::my comment::
sounds nice.actually i haven't read this but want to buy this book in future because the synopsis sound like an interesting story.
hamdya farhana
I read this article in the internet..
How can you avoid stress?
Stress is a fact of life for most people. You may not be able to get rid of stress, but you can look for ways to lower it.
You might try some of these ideas:
~ Learn better ways to manage your time. You may get more done with less stress if you make a schedule. Think about which things are most important, and do those first.
~ Find better ways to cope. Look at how you have been dealing with stress. Be honest about what works and what does not. Think about other things that might work better.
~ Take good care of yourself. Get plenty of rest. Eat well. Don't smoke. Limit how much alcohol you drink.
~ Try out new ways of thinking. When you find yourself starting to worry, try to stop the thoughts. Work on letting go of things you cannot change. Learn to say "no."
~ Speak up. Not being able to talk about your needs and concerns creates stress and can make negative feelings worse. Assertive communication can help you express how you feel in a thoughtful, tactful way.
~ Ask for help. People who have a strong network of family and friends manage stress better.
:: comment::
So, I hope for those who is stress, you might try this to reduce your stress..don't keep your stress because it will make yourself become worst..
~~ wanie~~
When a Mexican mother and her daughter come to the United States, the mother, Flor Moreno, gets a job as a maid at the home of a successful chef John Clasky, his insecure wife Deborah, their two children, and Deborah's mother. Despite Flor's lack of an English language vocabulary, she tries the best she can to assist the Clasky family in more than just house cleaning matters. However, when Flor is forced to live with the family over the summer, she has no choice but to bring her daughter, Christina along. Deborah, much to Flor's disliking, treats Flor's daughter much like her own and at the same time she hurts the feelings of her own daughter, Bernice, as well as Flor. When John's dreams begin to unravel, he begins to feel like his whole world is coming down around him, but with the love of his children and with the help of Flor, he finds himself trying to get through it all. Flor's daughter Christina, through which this story is told in a college letter to Princeton University, serves as a translator for the beginning of the film, but after Flor breaks the communication bridge by learning to speak English, Christina must learn that things come and go in life, but family is the most important thing a person can have.
comment :
laughter is the best medicine.
How To lose fat...
After the semester break,I realised that I already had increase my weight .
Oh, it's to shy. My friends and my mum always said" wanie, why you look so fat now?".
So, now I promise with myself to lose my weight.
I do some research on the internet, then I found some steps to lose fat.
Here, I want to share with all of you about this:
1. Eat a diet low in simple carbohydrates. Sugar, white flour, white rice, baked goods, sweets, pasta, and any other yummy thing made with simple carbohydrates will make losing fat and building muscle near impossible.
2. Eat whole grains, such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, oats, and any other whole grain food. Whole grains don't turn to sugar as fast in your blood stream, and take longer to digest.
3. Eat lean protein rather than high fat options. Turkey breast, white meat chicken without the skin, lean beef, and pork, and fish, are all great low fat protein choices. Beans and legumes, eggs, low fat cheese, and fat free milk are also great options.
4. Eat protein whenever you eat a carbohydrate. Healthy carbohydrates are fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Eating a protein, such as low fat cheese, or a slice of turkey breast, will make the digestive process take longer. This will enable you to eat less often and be satisfied.
5. Exercise!!It can't be stressed enough, EXERCISE builds muscle. When you eat a healthy diet, and exercise, you will be losing fat and building muscle. That is the key, EXERCISE regularly.
6. Drink at least six glasses of water a day, This will give your muscles fuel to burn the fat. It will also keep you hydrated in the process
So, I hope with this information will help my friends that have same problems with me. For me, we doesn't need to buy an expensive product to make us loss weight, but we can try to do some exercise and control our eating habit is better.
~~ wanie~~
For me, it is very difficult to manage my money well in university.Money management doesn't sound familiar with me as I am not exposed to it before.It seems to be none of my business to think anything regarding money.Last week, I have read an article entitled " Money Talk " in Reader's Digest ( October 2007, pg.140 ) which states some ways how parents can teach their kids to manage their money properly.
~ when at the ATM
~ when grocery shopping
~ when giving them allowance
~ when shopping
~ when planing a holiday
After read this, I realised that this article is very useful to me. It's teach me to list down the items that I want to buy before going for shopping and buy the things that I need, not the things that I want.This article help me to manage my money.
Nurhazwani bt Musa
Woman Safety...
this article is about woman safety.
Here, I would like to share with you how to protect ourself.
~ Walking on the street- Walk on the opposite side of the road where you can see traffic coming towards you. Do not listen to your iPod/walkman while walking because you’ll be “shut out” from your surroundings and become an easy target.
~ Handphone- Don’t use your handphone while walking on the street. This makes you an easy target.
~ Bling bling - Avoid wearing valuable jewellery if you are taking public transportation or walking alone in the car park. You could be a prime target.
~ Moviegoer- Try not to go to the cinemas alone to avoid being a target for sexual harassment or assault.
~ Cash in hand- Avoid going to the ATM alone especially if you are withdrawing a substantial amount of cash. Try to go with a friend and always be aware of your surroundings.
~ Keep calm- While driving, please do not show “the finger” when you are stressed out. This could lead to violence or road bullying because you do not know who you are dealing with.
~ Taking the lift- If you are working late, avoid sharing the lift with a man. This may lead to sexual harassment or other criminal acts.
~ For smokers- If you smoke inside the car, do not completely wind down your window and rest your arm on it.
~ Drive safe- When driving, do not put your handbag / laptop on the passenger seats, whether in front or at the back
~ Poorly lit areas- Avoid dark or poorly lit streets and alleys even if it means taking a longer route to your destination.
So, if everybody read this article, I hope you will take some precaution steps to avoid yourself from being a target.
~~ Nurhazwani bt Musa~~
I think this article is very interesting to share with all of you..
How to improve your mood with colour?
Colours, like people have different personalities and these are perhaps the reason why we are attracted to different colours according to our mood, or general disposition.
~ Black can give you confidence but can be quite harsh on the complexion of many people. Charcoal or medium Grey can still be formal but more flattering to wear.
~ White is the colour of purity and innocence
~ Brown is an earthy colour and is associated with friendliness and comfort. By wearing brown, you will appear more relaxed and approachable.
~ Blue is the colour of logic.
~ Red is an energetic colour. It can give confidence to the wearer, making them feel in control. It is an exciting colour too and often worn by vivacious or outgoing people.
~ Pink is associated with gentleness and empathy.
~ Green is the colour of vegetation and often loved by creative and imaginative people
So, which colour are you?Hope this article will help you to improve you mood because every person have different types of colour.
Nurhazwani bt Musa
The Mysterious Zodiacal Light
I was scanning through my favourite section of the news, the astronomy and astrology page when I saw this uncannily interesting article about the mysterious sighting of a light. According to the author, during the next few weeks on some clear moonless early morning, far from any haze and bright lights, if you are lucky you might catch a glimpse of a ghostly column of light extending upward into the sky when you keep a close watch on the eastern horizon about two hours before sunrise.
Many have been fooled into thinking that it is the beginning of a morning twilight, quoting the Persian astronomer, mathematician and poet Omar Khayyam (1050 -1123) who referred to this ghostly glow as the "false dawn" in his poem, The Rubaiyat. That faint ghostly glow was once thought to be solely an atmospheric phenomenon, reflected off of a non-uniform distribution of interplanetary materials, densest around the immediate vicinity of the sun, but spread out along the plane of the ecliptic. Hence the reason for the name Zodiacal Light is because it is seen projected against the zodiacal constellations.
To a discerning eye, its diffuse shape somewhat resembles a tilted cone, wedge or slanted pyramid. At its best, it can approach or even equal the Milky Way in brightness, but more often than not it is so faint that even a small amount of atmospheric haze can obscure it. On exceptionally clear nights, the tapering cone might be seen to stretch more than halfway to the zenith. In fact, if we should be blessed with such conditions with absolutely no artificial lighting, smoke or haze; we can actually see the Zodiacal Band, which runs along the entire ecliptic and usually averages about 5 to 10-degrees in apparent width.
This amazing discovery of the Zodiacal Light is truly a remarkable creation of God and anyone who has the opportunity or chance to observe this beautiful sighting should admire it to the fullest at least once in their entire lifetime. I, for one, cannot wait to see this beautiful and enchanted light, being such a huge enthusiast of astronomy. This shall be a resolution for me in the coming new year. Wish me luck then!
Cornelia Chin
Section 02
A Love Story
I was flipping through the 'Reader's Digest' the other day when I came across an extremely touching and sweet love story from China. It is the story of a man and an older woman who eloped over half a century ago. In the beginning, it sounded like any other love story that you can easily read from a novel but as I read on, the expression of love that the man had for his wife was indeed heartwarming.
Over 50 years ago, Liu Guojiang a 19 year-old boy, fell in love with a 29 year-old widowed mother named Xu Chaoqin. Similar to a 20th century adaptation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, their relationship was objected by family and friends because of their age difference and the fact that Xu already had children. At that time, it was unacceptable and immoral for a young man to love an older woman. Thus, to avoid criticism and gossips from the village folks, the couple decided to elope and lived in a cave in Jiangjin County in Southern ChongQing Municipality. In the beginning, life was harsh as they were barren of any basic necessities. Xu felt a deep sense of remorse as she felt she had tied Liu down and repeatedly asked him if he felt so, but Liu would always comfort her and assured her that everything would be alright if they both worked hard at it.
In the second year of living in the mountain, Liu began and continued for over 50 years, to hand-carve the steps so that his wife could get down the mountain easily. In 2001, a group of adventurers were exploring the forest and were surprised to find the elderly couple and the 6,000 hand-carved steps. According to one of the couple's seven children, his parents loved each other so much, they have lived in seclusion for over 50 years and had never been apart a single day. Liu who had just past away this year, was 72 years old, when he returned from his daily farm work and collapsed. Xu sat and prayed with her husband as he passed away in her arms. The love that the couple had for each other was so great, no one was able to release the grip he had on his wife's hand even after he had passed away.
In 2006, their story became one of the top 10 love stories from China , collected by the Chinese Women Weekly. The local government had decided to preserve the 6ooo steps which was renamed the 'love ladder' and the place they lived in as a museum, so that this love story can live forever. This is undoubtedly a story worth reading, of a couple's love so great and pure, it proved unbreakable.
Cornelia Chin
Section 02
A Testimony
It is a wonder how we live our lives sometimes, oblivious of what is going on around us. This is probably the case for most of us in this 21st century and I am not referring to people living in suburban or desolated areas but rather townfolks. The reason why I came up with this statement is because I came across a really touching testimony of a businessman from a local tabloid that really made me realise how much we are missing out in live, just focusing on our daily routines every single day.
This man who prefered to be anonymous shared about the few minutes he spend cruising across a peacefull neighbourhood in the countryside, which changed his mindset forever. This is because he met a little boy who threw a brick at his brand new 'Jaguar', to catch his attention because his little brother had fallen of the wheelchair and was injured, but he did not have enough strength to lift the brother up. The moral of the story is that most of us live our lives everyday like this businessman, in such a fast-paced manner that we do not even realise what is happening to the people around us until something major has happened, that even money cannot reverse, just like the dent the little boy has created in the brand new 'Jaguar' and in the man's heart.
So, once in a while, no matter how important our job or our studies are to us, we should always have time for reflection and healing of the soul. I would personally love to go hiking and snorkelling soon.
Cornelia Chin
Section 02
As I was reading some articles the other day, I came across one that caught my eye straight away. It was entitled F-A-M-I-L-Y. The first thing that came into my mind at that point of time was that it was going to be a sweet story on family. Out of curiosity, I decided to take a look. The story indeed turned out to be an eye opener for me.
The story started with a scenario in a local park, where a teenage boy was jogging in the evening. As he was mesmerised by the breath taking view of the man-made lake directly facing the park, he knocked into an old man. The teenager stopped abruptly and immediately caught hold of the old man's wrist. He was apologetic and repeatedly said "I'm so sorry!". Then, they went their separate ways.
When the teenager reached home, the wonderful aroma of chicken soup led the boy running to the kitchen where his mother was cooking dinner. Without noticing his mother was coming out of the kitchen, he bumped into her and the pot of hot soup spilled all over her arm and his pants. He immediately shouted at her and mocked her, accusing her of deliberately dirtying his pants. He stormed back to his room without even realising that his mother's arm was burned and sore. His mother, not wanting her son to be sad, bought a new pair of 'Nike' pants for him the next day.
In the living room, where his father sat watching his favourite soap operas, the boy came in and sat next to him. Without even asking his father, he immediately grabbed hold of the remote control and started changing channels. His father just keep quite as he understood the boy just came back from school and needed to take a break.
This story, really made me feel that all this while, we, as children have really neglected our parent's feelings and taken them for granted, when, they, on the other hand, have always only thought about us and how to please us even if it means hurting them. From the story, it shows that we show greater sympathy and care for a stranger rather than our own biological parents. So, after finished reading the story, my immediate reaction was to call up my parents and told them how much I missed them. The word F-A-M-I-L-Y is actually abbreviated for 'Father And Mother I Love You!'
Cornelia Chin
Section 02
Love at First Sight
By Wislawa Szymborska
They both thought
that a sudden feeling had united them
This certainty is beautiful,
Even more beautiful than uncertainty.
They thought they didn't know each other,
nothing had ever happened between them,
These streets, these stairs, this corridors,
Where they could have met so long ago?
I would like to ask them,
if they can remember -
perhaps in a revolving door
face to face one day?
A "sorry" in the crowd?
"Wrong number" on the phone?
But I know the answer.
No, they don't remember.
How surprised they would be
For such a long time already
Fate has been playing with them.
Not quite yet ready
to change into destiny,
which brings them nearer and yet further,
cutting their path
and stifling a laugh,
escaping ever further;
There were signs, indications,
undecipherable, what does it matter.
Three years ago, perhaps
or even last Tuesday,
this leaf flying
from one shoulder to another?
Something lost and gathered.
Who knows, perhaps a ball already
in the bushes, in childhood?
There were handles, door bells,
where, on the trace of a hand,
another hand was placed;
suitcases next to one another in the
left luggage.
And maybe one night the same dream
forgotten on walking;
But every beginning
is only a continuation
and the book of fate is
always open in the middle.
When I read this poem..
I was so attracted to its title..
"Love At First Sight"..
That not really familiar with me..
I think I'm not yet in this situation..
But as I can see that there are a lot of beautifulness for the person who has experienced it..
And all that I can says..
This kind of love is fate's will..
It is called destiny..
And destiny will unite this couple..
Sound like a sweetdream..
Full of romantica..
I guess..huhu
< Che Mohd Aizal bin Che Mohd >
< SA08065 >
That is af fact about IPODS. Maybe a lot of people do not know about this.Close encounters with iPods will caused interference with cardiac pacemakers. When the iPods were held 5cm from our chest for 5-10 seconds, some pacemakers could misread heart function and in some case, the life preserving device temporarily stopped functioning.
Maybe, the typical pacemaker patient may not be an iPods user, but when they often in close contact with the iPods user, they might be get it.
So, after this please make sure we stand far from people who used iPods to avoid from this situation.
Nurhazwani bt Musa
People must use their eyes while studing, watching TV or even when surfing the net. Futhermore,during the exam week. Many student will stay up until morning to do some revision and may be more prone to eyestrain and fatigue.
Here, there are some ways to overcome this problem:
~ eat fresh fruits and vegetables may help to promote eye health because these are contains with vitamins and antioxidants. The main focus is to get antioxidant vitamins A, C and E which mostly can be found in oranges, carrots, tomatoes and green leafy vegetables.
~ look at herbal remedies to help prevent watery or dry tired eyes.Eye herbs such as Bilberry and Eyebright are used to improve oxygen supply to the eyes, acting as anti-oxidants and strengthening tiny blood vessels.
So, if mostly people follow this guideline, I'm sure that this problem can be solve.
Nurhazwani bt Musa
hey and assalamualaikum...
i just read articles in the internet and i found this. 'New plan to reduce planes' CO2 emissions'. how cool huh?? and this is the article wrote:
GENEVA – Aviation groups in Europe announced a plan Tuesday to change the way commercial planes land in order to reduce their global-warming emissions of carbon dioxide.
By 2013 some 100 European airports will allow planes to descend all the way from cruising altitude to the runway in one smooth glide, saving up to 450 kilograms (992 pounds) of CO2 per landing, the International Air Transport Association said.
In all, airlines are hoping to save 500,000 metric tons (515 US tons) of carbon gas this way each year, said IATA's head of infrastructure Guenther Matschnigg.
The measure — the first continentwide plan of its kind — is part of the airline industry's effort to combat climate change, IATA said.
It also comes amid concerns that the current global economic crisis could keep governments and businesses from transforming their carbon-dependent economies.
what i'm amazed is by the time the government just about to introduce new, better, less emission fuel, the RON 95, Europe is far ahead. they even calculate the optimum flying altitude, the fuel usage and even the landing technique. we not talking about cars or buses, but airplanes. imagine we can reduce up to 450 kilograms of CO2 per landing. that's almost a weight of F1 car (although it is 600 kg, but errrr.. still consider almost same, haha..) imagine for every airplane landing in such way, we can reduce a huge amount of CO2 emission for a period of one year. with the introduction of hybrid car, electric car, energy efficient electrical appliances, i believe the future will be brighter than today. but all these things available only in Europe. we do not have energy efficient electrical appliances. we only consider to buy cheap one, as long as it reliable, it's our choice. people in Europe are thought of the importance of environment. they recycled, reuse. i hope we can follow their behavior. together we can make this world a better place to live, peace..
for your reference.. visit: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090331/ap_on_bi_ge/eu_aviation_climate_change;_ylt=AnUSwYUW2Ckqna2gjyiRe5IPLBIF
If tomorrow comes by Sidney Sheldon...
I am a novel lover and I think this novel is really interesting because it gives me a lot of moral values. It tells about a woman who is put into jail for a mistake that she had never done. Facing all the troubles, she was very strong and she tried her best to survive in a really new jail environment but at the same time, she worked very hard to prove that she was innocent and she also tried to escape to find the person who put her into troubles to get back peoples's believe on her.
Thank you...
Yusriha binti Mohd Yusoff
Article about LOVE.
How to define love.
1.A strong positive emotion of affection or pleasure.
2.Any object of warm affection or devotion or liking.
3.Beloved: a beloved person; used as a term of endearment.
4.A deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction.
5.Sexual love: sexual intercourse between two people.
Expressing love may start as flirting with smiles, winks and maybe even kissing, but it is usually infatuation at this point, approaching with curiosity by one or both parties. While time is usually spent looking to discover more about this intriguing person, much time will be spent pondering the many possibilities of what could happen, or the consequences that may become of a certain action, or on the other hand the good that may come of it.
intan shafinaz
hye everyone...
today i want share some tips about 5 FACTORS DIET....
a)from the recommended five meals a day, with recipes that contain no more than five ingredients, or take no more than five minutes of prep time and five minutes of cooking time.
b)a five-day exercise plan, which -- no surprise - consists of five exercises you do for 5 minutes each. And, there's a "cheat day" once a week, when you can eat anything you like
c)nutritionist Cathy Nonas, MS, RD, believes this approach hits all the right notes for orchestrating successful weight control for many people
d)healthy plan that incorporates all the food categories in appropriate proportions. The exercise is a combination of cardio and strength training, and you don't need any expensive equipment to do it
e)try to convince yourself otherwise is somewhat misleading
assalamualaikum cikgu
Luffy is renowned for wearing his trademark Straw Hat (from which he gets his nickname 'Straw Hat Luffy') which was given to him when he was young by the legendary pirate captain Red-Haired Shanks. His outfit somewhat mimics Shanks' own outfit in that he wears short trousers (although his are much shorter then Shanks') and sandals. Luffy also wears a red vest and has a scar underneath his left eye (he got it in Chapter 1, to prove his courage to Shanks and his pirates) and short black hair.
Luffy, for some reason, has the same outfit over most of the series, as opposed to the rest of the crew. Luffy may wear a different outfit to suit the climate of an island (like a winter coat on Drum Island or desert robes in Arabasta), but will switch back to his trademark vest and shorts after the adventures on that island are over. Notably, in Enies Lobby he wears black shorts because they had pockets in which he could carry meat, on the Thriller Bark Island he wears an orange vest and red shorts, and on the Sabaody Archipelago he wears a blue vest. He does, however, no matter where he is, wear his straw hat through absolutely everything though at the start, the hat was prone to getting knocked off his head easily forcing Luffy to either put it aside or have someone hold onto it during battles. Since then he gotten a string strap for it, allowing the hat to hang from his neck during fights.
Eiichiro Oda has mentioned that Luffy mostly resembles a monkey (he sometimes even makes a monkey face) [5]. According to Oda, Luffy is represented by the color red, and smells like meat.[6]
As of Thriller Bark, he has been wearing a glass armband that he found in the loot stashed on their ship. [7] During the most recent arc, he gave his armband to Buggy in exchange for information on how to get to Ace (which happened after Buggy discovered that the armband is a treasure map).
At first glance, Luffy does not appear to be very intelligent; his apparent lack of intelligence is the source of his brave attitude towards life.[8] Luffy can easily be amazed by the simplest things, such as hermit crabs, and can be confused by concepts such as that by digging a hole right next to another he may be unintentionally filling the other hole. He also has no knowledge of medicine, when Nami had a high fever he told her to eat cold food and later tried to make Zoro better (after battling Kuma) by pouring Sake onto him because Zoro likes sake. When attempting to think up a plan to get off of Amazon Lily, while he managed to make some logical sense of where to look, he is seen to strain himself and notes that he is going to feel sick from too much thinking.[9] His simple mind actually saved himself against Hancock's powers because he mistook it for another beam, which brought out a fear of being slowed down though later it is shown he is simply immune to her powers.[9]
Because he views the world in a straightforward and simple manner, he occasionally is the only person who can see past events that have taken place and realize the true goal, yet at other times he can fall into the simplest of traps. He is, however, a genius when it comes to fighting, such as when he figured out how to defeat Crocodile's Devil Fruit power on the verge of death, how to use Soru from sight, and developed a number of effective counters to Enel's "Mantra" ability. He does have a habit of holding a grudge even in dire situations (such as calling Franky a "bastard" in the middle of his fight with Rob Lucci causing Franky to retort "Now's not the time to be mad at me"). When drawing him, Oda has said he tries to make Luffy very straightforward about what he wants to be and how he feels.[10]
As a person with the middle initial D, Luffy shares the common trait of not fearing of death. He will often state that if he reaches his goal, that's fine, but if he dies on the way, that's fine too. He even smiled when he was nearly executed by Buggy the Clown in Loguetown , although he did had a look of shock and surprise in his eyes before this happened when Sanji and Zoro tried to rescue him. [11]
Luffy also has an extreme thirst for adventure, which he has stated is the main reason he wants to become the Pirate King, having the belief that the Pirate King would be the one on the entire ocean with the most freedom for adventuring. This adventurous nature also makes him tend to avoid taking 'the easy way out' at times, such as when he destroyed the Eternal Pose to Arabasta given to him by Robin(Miss All-Sunday at the time), stating that he did not want an enemy to decide his destination. He also has no intention of trying to learn what or where One Piece actually is until he finds it himself, and once stated he would quit being a pirate if his crew tried to find out, not wanting to 'go on a boring adventure'. [12]
“ We are NOT asking him where the treasure is hidden!!! We're not even asking him whether there IS any treasure or not!! I'm not sure, but... ...everybody set out to sea, risking their lives to search for it!!! If you ask this old man anything about it here and now... Then I'll quit being a pirate! I don't want to go on a boring adventure like that!
-Luffy speaks out on learning what One Piece is from Rayleigh.
Luffy seems to have an unstoppable appetite which is another common "D" trait, as well as a strong belief in dreams.[13] Like other D's so far, he also is a glutton, despite his skinny appearance: he especially loves meat and can eat a fish whole - bones included [14], because of this, a running gag is Luffy constantly stealing other peoples' food with his rubber arms, causing them to yell at him and sometimes hit him. Another running gag is his habit of being amazed of various abilities of villains often yelling out "AMAZING" with stars in his eyes and around his head. He also constantly insults his opponents by giving them degrading nicknames (such as calling Gecko Moria a "leek" or Enel "earlobes"). Luffy also seems to have a slight obsession when it comes to outfitting himself with full-body armors, and has a knack of wearing himself one whenever he gets the chance, but every armor that he manages to find and outfit himself with usually ends up destroyed either in a battle or by some other comedic scenario.
Luffy never kills any of the villains (no matter how cold-hearted they are); instead, he frequently sends the villain flying, knocking them out or until the point that they are almost near death. Oda explains that it's not a question of morality so much as a matter of punishing the villains for their crimes - he feels that killing the villains lets them off too lightly, whereas he considers letting them live to see their dreams be ruined a far more fitting punishment.[15]
Another dominant trait of Luffy is his humble nature: he doesn't brag about the powerful foes he's defeated in the past, though he's not above about claiming that no one has ever beaten him in the past, - which is not true, having been defeated at several times , at least once by Ace, twice by Crocodile and once by Aokiji in the past and now by Magellan. Despite this, he remains humble despite having done outrageous acts like defeating Shichibukai-level pirates and issuing the order to burn down the World Government Flag back at Enies Lobby. When Franky pointed this out, Luffy only replied that it was nothing to get worked up over, for he and his crew were only there to take back a crew member who was taken from them. Over the series Luffy has become more mature and levelheaded, though he only shows this part of his personality when he and his friends are in dire situations or someone insults him, calling people like him and their beliefs foolish; other than that he still acts the same as he was at the start of the series.
Luffy calls every mixed-appearance creature he finds by whichever creature is its secondary (non-dominant) part. On Gaimon's island, the dog/chicken was referred to as a chicken when it was mostly a dog, the snake/rabbit a rabbit even though it was mostly snake and the pig/lion a lion even though it was mostly pig. [16]This becomes a running gag: later when he meets Bananawani, he calls them bananas with crocodiles attached to them. Also, after seeing Pierre transform, he continued to refer to him as a "horse" instead of a bird. And related to this running gag, when on Longring Longland island, he called every animal by what he thought they resembled rather then the actual species they were.
Luffy is very loyal to his crewmates and other friends, and can lose his temper quickly if they are harmed in anyway. Luffy is willing to do drastic things to avenge and defend those dear to him, even if it means breaking a promise to his friends (such as striking Bellamy down for attacking Montblanc Cricket's crew even though promising Nami he would not pick a fight, and punching Tenryuubito Saint Charloss in the face for shooting Hatchan, despite promising not to defy the World Nobles). Aside from his own loyalty, Luffy also believes that all people should be loyal to their nakama, and if Luffy sees anyone betraying their own comrades, he would stand up for the victims (even if they are enemies). Notable examples of this are Captain Kuro killing his own crew, Don Krieg attacking Gin, and Boa Hancock petrifying her fellow Kuja tribe members. He also shows respect for things that a person is willing to die for, be it a treasure or a secret, to the point of even fighting to protect that which the person would throw their lives away over. [17] Also, as a bit of a running gag, Luffy, when talking about money, tells his crewmates to budget their money, only for them to react in return that it all goes towards to feeding him.
edit Relationships
[edit] Crew
“ To find such loyal companions... your son is indeed amazing... Dragon.
-Bartholomew Kuma, commenting on Luffy and his crew
Because he is the captain and recruited all the crew mates, Luffy cares tremendously for his crew. As far as captaincy to Luffy is concerned, he sees his other crewmates as equals in contrast to other pirate captains, who mostly sees theirs as subordinate underlings (his crew mostly calls him by name, rather than with an honorific or "Captain"). Much like his idol, Shanks, Luffy is the kind of benevolent pirate captain who doesn't seek to actively harm others unless they give him and his crew (or anyone he cares about) a very good reason to. Though during the Jaya arc he was willing to start a fight with Blackbeard. Luffy also has the rare ability to cheer up just about anyone with his idiotic antics, even pulling a smile every now and then from the serious Zoro and Robin. Usopp and Chopper, as the youngest of the crew, often join him in singing and fooling around. Brook, the newest member, also joins in with the three because of his fun-loving personality. Nami often scolds Luffy's airheaded-ness, but he never gets angry at her, even when she manipulates him. Zoro also sometimes gets impatient with Luffy, but respects him as his captain. Robin is especially grateful to him for taking her in despite the risks it involved as well as for pursuing her all the way to Enies Lobby. He adores Sanji's cooking, especially meat, dropping anything he's doing for a meal and liking it despite Sanji's claim that he puts considerably less effort into his food than for the women's meals.
He likes to make fun of other's imperfections and character traits, such as Zoro's bad sense of direction (though he is rarely better). Luffy also likes to comically imitate his crew members, and sometimes even himself; despite nearly dying from being frozen by Aokiji, he covered himself in flour and hopped while frozen in a pose to imitate the experience
i jz cant get enough
about another character of one piece
he so cool,
Shanks always wears a long black cape over his shoulders and until he met Luffy, wore a straw hat that he had worn for many years beforehand. He always wears trousers that are cut below the knee as well as a pair of sandals and is unshaven with a short beard. The most striking thing about Shanks is the color of his red hair, of which his nick-name 'Red Haired Shanks' comes from. He also has three scars across his left eye, which were revealed to have been given to him by Blackbeard[3], as well as having a missing left arm. He usually carries a Sabre on his right hip.
At the start of One Piece, Shanks bore much more similarity to Luffy. As Oda's style changed, Shanks began to become more distinct. The shape of his eyes are drawn much sharper. His nose has become more redefined, similar to how Nico Robin's nose is heavily defined from other character's in the series.
Shanks is one of the most laid back characters in the world of One Piece, preferring to take his time as he and his crew travels around the world rather than rushing from one place to another. Shanks isn't cruel like many other pirate captains, nor does he rule over his crew with fear to gain respect. His friendly nature means he won't purposely seek to harm others, and he is able to make serious characters like Mihawk join in with his fun. Yet despite how simple minded he appears at first, Shanks is a complex person with some rather difficult to understand views. For example, he believes if two people share very different views, its better they go their seperate ways.[4]
Shanks doesn't seem to mind what happens to himself. He'll take others throwing food and drink or spitting on him without even fighting back, laughing with his crew at his own misfortunes. Even losing an arm did not bother him much. However he would never forgive anyone for attacking a friend. Shanks and his crew are almost always seen partying and drinking alcoholic beverages whenever they make an appearance, as the captain's favorite pastimes are attending and hosting parties and banquets. According to Oda, Shanks is the one character that resembles himself the most out of all the One Piece characters, because of his fun-loving partying nature. [5] He also is against the idea of needless bloodshed, even if honor is involved and so far seems to only step up for a fight when a friend is in danger.
He also likes teasing people, as demonstrated by his apparent reactions to Luffy as a child. [6] Oda also stated that if a child asked Shanks for a Devil Fruit he'd tease them about being 10 years too young to eat one. [7] Shanks himself was like Luffy (as a child) in his younger years. [8]
Despite being calm and brave most of the time, he has displayed a side of him that likes to panic when things go wrong.
for reference
mohd fauzan bin abdullah
@haikal zakuan
10 tips to say 'I love you'
1. Place notes in your lover’s lunch telling him how much you love him.
2. Page you sweetheart with an I Love You page.
3. Tell why you love her very much
4. Make everyday things special.
5. Give your love a little note or sending him an e-mail with a poem in it.
6. Listen to her every word.
7. Making a list of everything you love about them. No matter how
8. Spend quality time with the one you love.
9. Have flowers delivered with a note attached saying simply, “I love you.”
10. Give more surprise to her
nor ain syuhada zuhaimi
Top 10 ways to boost your energy
By Colette Bouchez
1. Increase Your Magnesium Intake
2. Walk Around the Block
3. Take a Power Nap
4. Don't Skip Breakfast — or Any Other Meal
5. Reduce Stress and Deal With Anger
6. Drink More Water and Less Alcohol
7. Eat More Whole Grains and Less Sugar
8. Have a Power Snack
9. Make It a Latte
10. Check Your Thyroid Function and Complete Blood Cell Count
hope all this tips will help us to boost our energy
intan shafinaz
Recently, I have read about an article that title 'mosquitoes'. I found it when I was serching for denggi fever. From this article, I realised that they are flying insects in the family Culicidae. There are about 3,500 species. They have a pair of scaled wings, a pair of halteres, a slender body, and six long legs. The females of most mosquito species suck blood (hematophagy) from other animals, which has made them the deadliest disease vector known, killing millions of people over thousands of years and continuing to kill millions per year by the spread of infectious diseases.
Thank you,
Yusriha binti Mohd Yusoff
Recently I had discover about a new desease among women..we had commontly know about breast cancer but we did'nt know about breast larvae infection..it is similar with breast cancer but when i read this article i realized that this desease it also dangerous and freak..yes it is freak...
Wash before Wearing!
It is horrible. Guys tell your wife, sisters, girlfriends, and girl cousins wash bra before wearing.
This is not for the weak; I have never seen anything like this. Read the article first before looking at the picture and film. This looks horrible. Oh my God!!!!!!! Ladies this could happen to you and Guys this could happen to your wife, girlfriend, partner so please BEWARE,and also warn others.
It has been reported that this is happening in Zimbabwe as well, please make sure you iron your undergarments before you wear them and make sure that your clothes are ironed when they are dry and not damp. The picture is horrible but I felt that I should share with you. After anthropologist Susan McKinley came back home from an expedition in South America, she noticed a very strange rash on her left breast. Nobody knew what it was and she quickly dismissed it believing that the holes would leave in time. Upon her return she decided to see a doctor after she started developing intense pains. The doctor, not knowing the exact severity of the disease, gave her antibiotics and special creams. As time lapsed the pain did not subside and her left breast became more inflamed and started to bleed.
She decided to bandage her sores however as Susan's pain grew more intense she decided to seek help from a more certified doctor. Dr. Lynch could not diagnose the infection and told Susan to seek the aid of one of his colleagues who specialized in dermatology whom was sadly on vacation. She waited for two weeks and finally was able to react the dermatologist.
Sadly,a life changing event was about to unfold during her appointment.
To Miss McKinley's surprise, after she removed the bandages, they found larva growing and squirming within the pores and sores of her breast. Sometimes these wicked creatures would all together simultaneously move around into different crevices.
What she didn't know was that the holes were in fact, deeper than she had originally thought for these larvae were feeding off the fat, tissue, and even milk canals of her bosom.
Can you imagine it..i dont want to upload the pictures because it is too freak and danger if boy look at it..hehe but for girls please search about it and see the picture by yourself.
nur syarmim
Assalamualaikum and hello to everyone.
Everyone agrees on the importance of eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, but not enough people are following this important advice. Dietary experts recommend that every person should eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Increasing your consumption of fruits and vegetables is one of the easiest changes you can make to increase your level of health, lose weight and gain fitness. Study has shown that a diet rich in fresh fruit & vegetables lowers the risk of certain cancers, heart disease and other chronic diseases and conditions. One reason for the recommendation that everyone increase their consumption of fruits and vegetables is that many of these foods have been shown to have strong antioxidant qualities. Many fresh fruits & vegetables have high amounts of many antioxidant vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C. Many people do not realizes, that in addition to vitamin C, oranges, grapefruits and other citrus fruits also contain significant amounts of fiber. Fibers play an important role in digestion, and have protective qualities against heart disease and some forms of cancer. In addition, fiber also has the ability to lower high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Besides that, fresh fruits and vegetables have high nutrition, low fat, and low calorie. A diet low in fat can be quite effective for long-term weight loss. In addition, fruits and vegetables contain no cholesterol, and they are lower in calories than many other types of foods. No matter what your reason for following a healthy diet, I believe you will find that eating more fruits and vegetables is a delicious, as well as a nutritious, way to get the vitamins and minerals you need every day. Thank you.
nor ain syuhada zuhaimi
Great cooks community...
This is an article about food from all around the world. Reading this article make feel hungry because it tells about the tastes in every cook and they all sound very yummy. In addition, I also learned about the special food in different countries.
Yusriha binti Mohd Yusoff
How to Handle Embarrassing Body Problems
By Colette Bouchez
Whether you have small leaks when you sneeze, laugh, or cough , or a bit larger loss while you exercise , urinary incontinence can cause extreme embarrassment. Known as stress incontinence, it's the most common type of bladder control problem in women. Another type, called urge incontinence or overactive bladder, happens when you have a strong need to urinate but can't reach the toilet in time.
You can try emptying your bladder before engaging in activities that might bring on a leak, such as exercising or dancing, says Fabienne Daguilh, MD, a family practice physician. Avoid coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate if you're going to be away from home and a bathroom
ere you are in that business meeting with all the top brass. Just as you rise to give your presentation a loud growl is heard throughout the conference room. Yup, it's your stomach.
Worse still, are the times you open your mouth to speak and a belch erupts or you get a case of the hiccups.
More pressure we put on ourselves to be perfect, the more likely our body will respond by doing something we don't like.
intan shafinaz
Bermuda Triangle: The Open Gate To Another Side of World
The Bermuda Triangle, also called the Devil's Triangle, is an imaginary area that can be roughly outlined on a map by connecting Miami, Florida; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and the Bahamas, an island chain off the coast of the United States. Within that triangular area of the Atlantic Ocean have occurred a number of unexplained disappearances of boats and planes. Additionally, readings on directional devices do not operate normally inside the triangle. In March 1918, during World War I, the USS Cyclops, name for a ship was vanished in the Bermuda Triangle. That ship may have been a casualty of war, but the December 1945 disappearance of Flight 19, a training squadron of five U.S. Navy torpedo bombers, became the most notorious of disappearances associated with the Bermuda Triangle. The squadron left Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with 14 crewmen and disappeared after radioing in several distress messages. A seaplane sent in search of the squadron also vanished. Those two airplane disappearances were frequently cited as the Bermuda Triangle legend grew during the 1960s and 1970s. Few of those stories included telling details. Nevertheless, there are many documented disappearances that occurred within the triangle. They include a four-engine Tudor IV air-plane lost in 1948, with 31 aboard; an American freighter, which sunk without a trace; a British York transport plane, disappeared in 1952, with 33 aboard; a U.S. Navy Lockheed Constellation airplane, vanished in 1954 with 42 aboard; a U.S. Navy seaplane, 1956, with a crew of 10; a French freighter in 1970; and a German freighter lost in 1972 with a crew of 32. Theories about why so many air and water ships disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle involve strange magnetic fields, time warps, the lost continent of Atlantis, and alien abduction. The area known as the Bermuda Triangle is one of the two places on Earth where a magnetic compass does point towards true north, a phenomenon called compass variation. Navigators must compensate the amount of variation or the craft they are on will go off course. A region commonly called the "Devil's Sea" in the Pacific Ocean is the other area of compass variation.
nor ain syuhada zuhaimi
Procrastination : The Results Killer!
By Tony Jeary
He said that procrastination is like an addiction because it is the symptom of a thinking problem and like any other addiction, its difficult to break!
Here are two types of procrastination which are positive and negative.
-Positive procrastination is when you legitimately need some “mental percolation” time to gather your thoughts and get clear on what you need to do.
-Negative procrastination based on some pretty flimsy excuses to avoid doing something, which will ultimately affect your results in negative ways.
intan shafinaz
How to hide anything...
Readers digest
In this article, I learned about how to hide kitchen problems, a few extra pounds, a few extra years, personal info in my laptop, my anxiety when speaking in public, mymedical identity and my tracks online. I think this article really suits me because I am quite a secretive person and now, I know how to keep secret better.
Yusriha binti Mohd Yusoff
This article is about smile. Why we always smile? As for me, I like to smile even I have a lot of problems. That is because, I think when I smile, I could reduce the bad things in my memories. What is smile actually? In science, smile is a facial expression formed by flexing those muscles most notably near both ends of the mouth. Among humans, it is customarily an expression denoting pleasure, happiness, or amusement, but can also be an involuntary expression of anxiety, in which case it is known as a grimace. Cross-cultural studies have shown that smiling is used as a means of communicating emotions throughout the world. Happiness is most often the motivating cause of a smile. But many biologists think the smile originated as a sign of fear. As for me, I do not care what the real meaning of smile is. As long as I could smile, I will appreciate it and always smile in order to ensure person around us feel the same feeling like us. I am happy when other person, especially my friends happy. So, just smile to have a better life style.
nor ain syuhada zuhaimi
Good morning madam..
Twilight is a young-adult vampire-romance novel written by author Stephenie Meyer. It was originally published in 2005 in hardback. It is the first book of the Twilight series, and introduces seventeen-year-old Isabella "Bella" Swan who moves from Phoenix, Arizona, to Forks, Washington, and finds her life in danger when she falls in love with a vampire, Edward Cullen. The novel is followed by New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.
sabella "Bella" Swan moves from sunny Phoenix, Arizona to rainy Forks, Washington to live with her father, Charlie, while her mother, Renée, travels with her new husband, Phil Dwyer, a minor league baseball player. Bella attracts much attention at her new school and is quickly befriended by several students. Much to her dismay, several boys compete for shy Bella's attention.
When Bella is seated next to Edward Cullen in class on her first day of school, Edward seems utterly repulsed by her. However, over the next few days Edward warms up to her, and their newfound relationship reaches a climax when Bella is nearly run over by a fellow classmate's van in the school parking lot. Seemingly defying the laws of physics, Edward saves her life when he instantaneously appears next to her and stops the van with his bare hands.
Bella becomes hellbent on figuring out how Edward saved her life, and constantly pesters him with questions. After tricking a family friend, Jacob Black, into telling her local tribal legends, Bella concludes that Edward and his family are vampires who drink animal blood rather than human. Edward confesses that he initially avoided Bella because the scent of her blood was so desirable to him. Over time, Edward and Bella fall in love.
Their relationship is thrown into chaos when another vampire coven sweeps into Forks. James, a tracker vampire who is intrigued by the Cullens' relationship with a human, wants to hunt Bella for sport. The Cullens attempt to distract the tracker by splitting up Bella and Edward, and Bella is sent to hide in a hotel in Phoenix. There, Bella receives a phone call from James, who claims he is holding her mother captive. When Bella surrenders herself, James attacks her, but Edward, along with the other Cullens, rescues Bella and kills James. Once they realize that James has bitten Bella's hand, Edward sucks the venom from her system before it can spread and transform her into a vampire, and she is then sent to a hospital. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their school prom and Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, which Edward refuses.
12 Spring DIY Projects to Save You $5,000
- Readers Digest
In this article it prepares a lot of step by step pictures for easy learning to create our own stuff in order to save a lot sum of money. For example, one of the oroject is build a classic Pergola. The estimated savings is about $1400. We can spent less money but at the same time we can get more shade with this low-maintenance retreat. The whole project can be built in a couple of weekends, with another weekend for staining and painting.
Yusriha binti Mohd Yusoff
Good morning madam..
Recently i have read a novel entitled 'p/s: i love you'. The novel is very interesting and romantic. Here is the summary of the story.Set in Ireland, Holly Kennedy is beautiful, smart and married to the love of her life - a passionate, funny and impetuous Irishman named Gerry. So when Gerry's life is taken by an illness, it takes the life out of Holly. The only one who can help her is the person who is no longer there. Nobody knows Holly better than Gerry, so it's a good thing he planned ahead. Before he died, Gerry wrote Holly a series of 10 letters that will guide her, not only through her grief but in rediscovering herself. The messages are Gerry's way of informing Holly life goes on. The messages include various tasks and treats Gerry has left for Holly. This is his way of letting her know he will always be there for her. Each letter sends her on a new adventure and each signs off in the same way: "P.S. I Love You." Holly's mother and best friends, Sharon and Denise, begin to worry that Gerry's letters are keeping Holly tied to the past, but, in fact, each letter is pushing her further into a new future. With Gerry's words as her guide, Holly embarks on a journey of rediscovery in a story about marriage, friendship and how a love so strong can turn the finality of death into new beginning for life.
Why I Chose Islam -
Jemima Goldsmith (Wife of Imran Khan)
This article about a non muslim woman who convert herself to become a muslim.
She had has made a hasty decision without really considering the consequences—thus effectively condemning herself to a life of interminable subservience, misery and isolation.
She was nevertheless fully aware that women are sometimes exploited and oppressed in Islamic societies, as in other parts of the world.
Her decision to convert to Islam was entirely her own choice and in no way hurried.
(Sunday Telegraph, May 28, 1995)
intan shafinaz
'Just Do It'
Have you ever heard this motto? Everything you need is already inside. Just Do It. Nike with this kind of motto was found in the year of 1968 by Philip H.Knight who is currently the owner, Chairman and CEO of the company. Nike is traded sport wear and equipment supplier based in United States. I love this brand of sport wear because of the high quality of products and that's why Nike ranks among the top 3 companies on a survey conducted about climate-friendly companies. Nike has signed top athletes in many different professional sports to promote their products. Nike has been one of the major clothing and footwear sponsors for the first and second world class ranking tennis players, Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer. Nike also is the official sport wear partner of the leading club in world football, Manchester United.
nor ain syuhada zuhaimi
You Be the Judge: Should This Soccer Mom Go to Jail?
-Readers Digest
Marie Walsh hadn't been Susan LeFevre since 1976, the year she escaped from a Michigan prison. At age 19, she'd been arrested after selling three grams of heroin to an undercover cop. She'd served just over a year of a 10- to 20-year sentence when, one morning, she climbed over a barbed wire fence, ran to a nearby street where her grandfather waited in a car, and drove away. Weeks later, she bummed a ride to California.
That's where she'd been ever since, going by her middle name, Marie, and using a Social Security number she says she made up. She married waste-industry executive Alan Walsh and raised three children, lived in an $800,000 house in San Diego, drove a Lexus SUV, and volunteered with several charities. She was a fugitive, yes. But for almost two thirds of her life, she'd also been a law-abiding soccer mom. That is, until an anonymous tipster led federal agents to her door.
When the marshal showed LeFevre, 53, fingerprint evidence (and reminded her she could get into even more trouble for lying), she came clean about her true identity. Then she asked him, "Are you sure you have to take me?"
This is a part of the article that I have read. To me, this person should go back to jail because she had done several major mistakes which are delivering drugs, ran away from prison and lying about her true identity. She was having a life of luxury when she is actually a prisoner that should go through punishment. That sound rarely unfare for those who is innocent but still trap in the prison
Yusriha binti Mohd Yusoff
Good morning madam..
Darkness At Noon - this is one of my favourite novel ever. The language and words are really make me feel like i was one of the character. Here are the summary of the novel. Rubashov has been one of the leading forces in the Bolshevik revolution, and has been active in supporting Communist parties in other countries. He is roused in the middle of the night and arrested. This brings back memories of his previous arrest in Germany, when he was tortured under interrogation. He is taken to a new prison and placed in a cell. There he is almost isolated as a leading member of the party, but he makes unsatisfactory contact with the prisoner in the neighbouring cell, who is unsympathetic towards him.
His first interrogation is by an old friend, Ivanov, who tries persuading him to consider signing a false confession. In due course, Rubashov shows willingness to admit to certain crimes. However, Ivanov is arrested in the meantime, ostensibly for being "too soft" on Rubashov. Rubashov is then ruthlessly interrogated by Gletkin, a representative of the new-type Party official.
As Rubashov is forced to confess to false charges, he thinks of all of the times he betrayed agents in the past — the young German, Richard; and the Dutch, Little Loewie, who hangs himself, and Rubashov's own secretary-mistress. Rubashov recognises that his treatment is carried out with the same ruthless logic as that which he himself employed. Ultimately, his commitment to following his logic to its last conclusion — and his own lingering dedication to the Party — lead him to confess fully and publicly. The novel ends with Rubashov's execution.
What is Mysticism
By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
The concept of spiritualism or mysticism has existed in the world for thousands of years. It has many schools of thought, which must be dealt here, albeit briefly, in order that the Islamic concept of spiritualism can come out clearly vis-à-vis other schools of spiritualism.
Three basic concepts are worth mentioning here. According to the first concept, spiritualism means to establish contact with one’s own inner personality.The second concept of spiritualism is, academically, a baseless concept, yet in both, the philosophic and religious circles.
It is an indication of his deprivation from divine sustenance. It is because the intellectual journey of a recipient of spiritual sustenance will always continue is indicative of the fact that he has been deprived of spiritual sustenance. For when one continues to receive a share from spiritual sustenance, the journey of his intellectual development too will continue.
intan shafinaz
1. Thomas Edison 1847-1931
The first great invention developed by Thomas Edison was the tin foil
phonograph. A prolific producer, Edison is also know for his work with lightbulbs, electricity, film and audio devices, and much more.
2. Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1869
Alexander Graham Bell
In 1876, at the age of 29, Alexander Graham Bell invented his telephone. Among one of his first innovations after the telephone was the "photophone," a device that enabled sound to be transmitted on a beam of light.
3. George Washington Carver 1864-1943
George Washington Carver was an agricultural chemist who invented three hundred uses for peanuts and hundreds more uses for soybeans, pecans and sweet potatoes; and changed the history of agriculture in the south.
4. Eli Whitney 1765-1825
Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1794. The cotton gin is a machine that separates seeds, hulls and other unwanted materials from cotton after it has been picked.
5. Johannes Gutenberg 1394-1468
Johannes Gutenberg was a German goldsmith and inventor best known for the Gutenberg press, an innovative printing machine that used movable type.
6. John Logie Baird 1888-1946
John Logie Baird is remembered as the inventor of mechanical television (an earlier version of television). Baird also patented inventions related to radar and fiber optics.
7. Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790
Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rod, the iron furnace stove or 'Franklin Stove', bifocal glasses, and the odometer.
8. Henry Ford 1863-1947
Henry Ford improved the "assembly line" for automobile manufacturing, received a patent for a transmission mechanism, and popularized the gas-powered car with the Model-T.
9. James Naismith 1861-1939
James Naismith was a Canadian physical education instructor who invented basketball in 1891.
10. Herman Hollerith 1860-1929
Herman Hollerith invented a punch-card tabulation machine system for statistical computation. Herman Hollerith's great breakthrough was his use of electricity to read, count, and sort punched cards whose holes represented data gathered by the census-takers. His machines were used for the 1890 census and accomplished in one year what would have taken nearly ten years of hand tabulating.
while searching for the invention for our product, this is what i found. since it is about invention i think it is better if we know a little bit about the history of innovation.
something funny that i think people should read.. trust me!
The following are all replies that British women have put on Child Support Agency forms in the section for listing father's details. These are genuine excerpts from the forms. Be sure to check number 11, it takes the prize.
1. Regarding the identity of the father of my twins, child A, was fathered by Jim Munson. I am unsure as to the identity of the father of child B, but I believe that he was conceived on the same night.
2. I am unsure as to the identity of the father of my child as I was being sick out of a window when taken unexpectedly from behind. I can provide you with a list of names of men that I think were at the party if this helps.
3. I do not know the name of the father of my little girl. She was conceived at a party at 112 Grand Avenue Headsborough, York where I had unprotected sex with a man I met that night. I do remember that the sex was so good that I fainted. If you do manage to track down the father, can you send me his phone number? Thanks.
4. I don't know the identity of the father of my daughter. He drives a BMW that now has a hole made by my stiletto in one of the door panels. Perhaps you can contact BMW service stations in this area and see if he's had it replaced.
5. I have never had sex with a man. I am awaiting a letter from the Pope confirming that my son's conception was immaculate and that he is Christ risen again.
6. I cannot tell you the name of child A's dad as he informs me that to do so would blow his cover and that would have cataclysmic implications for the British economy. I am torn between doing right by you and right by the country. Please advise.
7. I do not know who the father of my child was as all squadies look the same to me. I can confirm however that he was a Royal Green Jacket.
8. Peter Williamson is the father of child A. If you do catch up with him, can you ask him what he did with my AC/DC CDs?
9. From the dates it seems that my daughter was conceived at Euro Disney; maybe it really is the Magic Kingdom.
10. So much about that night is a blur. The only thing that I remember for sure is Delia Smith did a program about eggs earlier in the evening. If I'd have stayed in and watched more TV rather than going to the party at Miller Drive, mine might have remained unfertilized.
11. I am unsure as to the identity of the father of my baby. After all, when you eat a can of beans you can't be sure which one it was that made you fart.
It all started when I was 16 years old. While I was playing outside on my farm in California, I met a boy. He was an average kind of boy who teased you and then you chased them and beat them up. After that first meeting in which I beat him up we kept on meeting and beating each other up at the fence. That only lasted for a little while though. We would meet at the fence all the time and we were always together. I would tell him all my secrets. He was very quiet he would just listen to what I had to say. I found him easy to talk to and I could talk to him about everything. In school we had separate friends but when we got home we would always talk about what happened in school. One day I said to him that a guy I liked hurt me and broke my heart. He just comforted me and said everything would be okay. He gave me words of encouragement and helped me get over him. I was happy and thought of him as a real friend. But I knew that there was something else about him that I liked. I thought of it that night and figured it was just a Friend kinda thing that I was feeling. All through high school and even through graduation we're always together and of course I thought of it as being friends. But I knew deep inside that I really felt differently. On graduation night even though we had different dates to the prom I wanted to be with him. That night after everybody went home I went to his house and wanted to tell him that I wanted to see him. Well, that night was my big chance and all I did was just sit there with him watching the stars and talking about what I was going to do and what he was going to do. I looked into his eyes and listened to him talk about what his dream was. How he wanted to get married and settle down. He said how he wanted to be rich and successful. All I could do was to tell him my dream and cuddle next to him. I went home hurting because I didn't tell him how I was feeling. I wanted to tell him so bad that I loved him but I was too scared and frightened. I let my feelings go and told myself that someday I would tell him just how I felt. All through college I wanted to tell him but he always had someone with him. After graduation he got a job in New York; I was happy for him but at the same time I was sad to see him go. I was sad also because I didn't tell him how I felt. But I couldn't let him know now that he was leaving for his big job. So I just kept it to myself and watched him go on the plane. I cried as I hugged him for what I felt was going to be the last time. I went home that night and cried my eyes out. I felt hurt that I didn't tell him what I had inside my heart. Well, I got a job as a secretary and then worked my way to a computer analyst. I was proud of what I had accomplished. One day I got a letter with an invitation to a wedding. It was from him; I was happy and sad at the same time. Now I know that I could never be with him and that we could only be friends. I went to the wedding the next month. It was a big occasion. It was a big church wedding with the reception at a hotel. I met the bride and of course I talked to him too. I fell in love one more time. But I held back so it wouldn't spoil what should be the happiest day in his life. I tried to have fun that night but it was killing me inside watching him being so happy and me trying to be happy covering up my sadness tears inside of me. I left New York feeling that I did the right thing. Before I left on the flight, he came running out of nowhere and said his good-byes and how he was very happy to see me. I came home and just tried to forget about what went on in New York. I had to go on with my life. As the years went on, we wrote to each other on what was going on and how he had missed talking to me. On one occasion he never wrote back to me at all. I was getting worried as to why he hadn't written anything for a long time after I had already written 6 letters to him. Well, just when everything seemed hopeless and sad in my life, I got a note that said: "Meet me at the fence where we used to talk about things". I went and saw him there. I was happy to see him, but he was broken-hearted and sad inside. We hugged until we couldn't breathe anymore. Then he told me about the divorce and why he hadn't written for a long time. He cried until he couldn't cry anymore. Finally, we went back to the house and talked and laughed about what I had been going and to catch up on old times. But in all of this, I couldn't tell him how I felt about him. In the days that followed, he had fun and forgot about all his problem and his divorce. I fell in love again with him. When it came time for him to leave back to New York, I went to see him off and cried. I hated to see him leave. He promised to see me every time he could get a vacation. I couldn't wait for him to come so I could be with him. We would always have fun when we were together. One day he didn't show up like he said he would. I figured that he might have been busy. The days turned into months and I just forgot about it. Then I got a call one day from a lawyer in New York. The lawyer said that he had died in a car accident going to the airpor, and that it took this long till everything was settled. It broke my heart. I was shocked about what took place. Now I knew why he didn't come that day. Again, I was broken-hearted. I cried that night, cried tears of sadness and heartache. I asked questions: "Why did this happen to a kind guy like him?" I gathered my things and went to New York for the reading of his will. Of course, things were given to his family and his ex-wife. I finally got to meet her since the last time we met at the wedding. She explained to me how he was and how he always provided. But he was always unhappy. She would always try everything but she couldn't get him happy, as he was that night at their wedding. When the will was read, the one thing that was given to me was a diary. It was a dairy that of his life. I cried as it was given to me. I didn't know what to think. Why was this given to me? I took it and flew back to California. As I flew on the plane I remembered the good times that we had together. I started reading the diary and what was written. The diary was started with the day we first met. I read on till I started to cry. The diary told of him saying that he had fallen in love with me that day I was broken-hearted. But he was too afraid to tell me what he had felt. That is why he was so quiet and liked to listen to me. It told of how he wanted to tell me so many times, but was too afraid to say anything. It told of when he went to New York and fell in love with another. How the happiest time he had was seeing me and dancing with me at the wedding. He said he imagined it was our wedding. How he was always unhappy till he had no choice but to divorce his wife. How the best time in his life was to read the letters written to him by me. Finally, the diary ended when it said, "today I will tell her I love her". It was the day he was killed. The day I was going to finally find out what was really in his heart. So the moral of the story, If you love someone, don't wait till tomorrow to tell him/her. Maybe the next day will never come at all..
such a sad story. from this i can say that, when the opportunities are in front us, garb it!! it might be gone by tomorrow.
because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
A sharp tongue can cut your own throat.
If you want your dreams to come true, you mustn't oversleep.
Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.
The best vitamin for making friends..... B1!
The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
The heaviest thing you can carry is a grudge.
One thing you can give and still keep...is your word.
You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself
If you lack the courage to start, you have already finished.
One thing you can't recycle is wasted time.
Ideas won't work unless 'You' do.
Your mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.
The 10 commandments are not a multiple choice.
The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime!
It is never too late to become what you might have been.
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right, and forget about the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it change's your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
Friends are like balloons; once you let them go, you might not get them back.
Sometimes we get so busy with our own lives and problems that we may not even notice that we've let them fly away.
Sometimes we are so caught up in who's right and who's wrong that we forget what's right and wrong.
reena says:
thoughts that really touches me..
We are not be able to live alone, everyone needs a friend to share filling and experience, sadness and happiness and to help each others. But maybe sometime you feel alone, nobody around you care with your filling. You want to make many friends that understand you but you can not do it. Maybe you have no time to do that or you feel ashamed to begin. There is a simple way ! make friends online..haha
A collection of the most important letters received from teens responding to the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul series, this book is a powerful reflection of the feelings of generation of readers. Some letters will make readers laugh and others will make them cry; but all the letters reveal that teens share similar outlooks, experiences and feelings.
Teens have been writing letters in response to the teenage Chicken Soup books since the birth of the series in 1997. These letters represent reactions to a wide array of issues and events, all of interest to teens, whose consistently enthusiastic response to the series indicates an ongoing interest. Letters from contributors to previous volumes, along with letters from the organizations that support teens, provide a nice complement to this collection.
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Letters, with its candor and compassion, is sure to be the next great success in this blockbuster series.
:::::::just a comment from me:::::
This is a realy good book i hat readin but when my mom got me this i count put it down. It really helps you with troubles in your life.This book is about things that teens face in the world. Some of the things this book talks about are helping others, dealing with death and friendship. I think that some of the stories in this book are really good and helpful, but some of the stories are depressing. It's easy to read because this book is a bunch of short stories. I think teens should read this book even if it has some depressing parts. The goal of this book is to teach teenagers how to deal with daily life. It is not a book with one author but a book made up of letters and stories that people send in to the editor. I think that the authors and editors met their goal to teach teens. Because they met their goal, it is a good reason to read this book.
ThE StRaNgEr #@*
Madam Ju can read, this story from my blog,Moon's lady...
It was so fun story and thinking story..I fun read this "Stranger".
This story thought provoking tale came through the e-mail. I take from “THE STAR” newspaper.
And this story was sent in by John Forsythe to the starmag@thestar.com.my
Hahahaa....Hohohoho...Hahahaha!!! [GROUP GIGGLING]
So, I can say that after finished reading this article I'm also the one of this members . Because I can see it, when I entered to secondary school until I'm study at university now I'm always laught. But my parent always told me not to laugh too much because it can make me become fat. Now, their position to me are change because I had showed this article to them that laugh can make me more health. Today, I'm as the laughter as I'm before.
From my blog - Moon's lady
I read it last year, on Tuesday
(02/09/2008), my mom 41st birthday….Just now, I had wished her birthday by use my handphone. Because I’m still study at university right now. So, I would like to post another story in my blog, the title of my story “MOM” for my mom birthday…
This was so touching story...
That made me so sad...
About the mom, only have one eyes with her son
I hope Madam JU, can read it in my blog...
To Be ThE BeSt GuEsTs-
This article about how to be the best of guests. I think if you practice this, you will be the best guest…..Actually, I had tried its after read this article, and it give good effect to me.
Planning to stay with friends or relatives? These tips can make the experience more enjoyable for everyone. And you might even get invited back.
CALL FIRST. See to it that your hosts know in advance your arrival and departure dates, and make sure your schedule fits the plans. For instance, they might have other guests visiting at the time.
DOUBLE CHECK WHO’S REALLY INVITED. Don’t bring pets or children unless they are specifically invited. Your dog chewing up the family’s shoes or your kids destroying the furniture can be a host’s worst nightmare. If your children are welcome, make sure they are on their best behaviour.
DON’T COME EMPTY-HANDED. Bring a gift, such as their favourite drink or a decoration for the house, to show your appreciation.
LEND A HAND. Help out with the chores whenever possible. Straighten up your bed in the morning, hang your towel properly in the bathroom. If the hosts have house help, a small tip for the extra work is often appreciated.
PHONE HOME WITH CARE. Your hosts may refuse to accept money for long-distance calls, and then regret their graciousness when the bill arrives. To avoid problems, use a calling card.
GO WITH THE FLOW. Adapt your lifestyle to the way your hosts run their house. Don’t expect them to stay up to the small hours with you if they usually go to bed at 10 p.m.
HAVE FUN. Make your visit a joyful one. Your hosts aren’t running a hotel-they invited you because they like your company. Don’t hide in the guest room, and invite them along when you make plans to go out.
BUY DINNER. Take your hosts out to their favourite restaurant. This gives both the cook and their budget a break.
SAY THANKS. A card or phone call to say thanks will be appreciated. Even better, send a small gift.
SO TRY IT!!!!!..........
Here's a list of tips that I want to shared with you, that how you should consult when shopping online. I suggest you , print this page and keep it in a handy place so it will be easy to review before you order.
If you don't feel comfortable buying or bidding on an item over the web, or if you feel pressured to place your order immediately, maybe you shouldn't.
Take special care to familiarize yourself not only with he rules and policy of the auction site itself but with legal terms ( warranties, refund, policy,etc.) of the seller 's items that you wish to bid on.
Be suspicious of prices that are too good to be true. Also consider carefully whether you may be paying too much of an item, particularly if you're bidding through an auction site. You may want to compare shop before you buy. Make sure there is no extra shipping or handling costs.
Read the privacy policy first carefully to find out what information the seller is gathering from you, how the information will be used, and how you can stop the process. If a site doesn't have a privacy policy posted, you may not want to do business with it. If it does not have a privacy policy , there will probably be a link to it from the seller's home page, or it could be included with the Legal Terms.
Before you give your payment information, check for the indicators that security software is in place.
You should print out and date a copy terms, conditions, warranties, item description, company information, even confirming e-mails, and save them with your records of your purchase.
Look at your purchase carefully as soon as you receive it. Contact the seller as soon as possible if you discover a problem with it. Tell the seller in writing about any problems you have, ask for a repair or refund, and keep a copy of your correspondence.
Potato recipes
The article above I take from - interestingarticles.net
Actually, after I had done read this article, it give me idea about our country nowadays have less rice so why not we take another way to solve for the our basic food which is rice to the potato. It was ineteresting food. Beside that, it give good benefit to our healthy such as protein.
Here's a quiz. See how you do on this one:
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel, appreciated and special.
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
6. Name half a dozen heroes whose stories have inspired you. Easier?
The lesson:
The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care. Pass this on to those people who have made a difference in your life.
a lot of opportunity came in our life.
We need to choose either grab it or drop it.
the opportunity just came once.
it may change our life.
it doesn't change anything.
we can't decide what the right decision to be made.
we need help to make decision.
nobody can help us.
Sometimes...when we lose it, we'll regret.
Sometimes...when we grab it, we had a joy.
Sometimes...we just waiting it to be true.
Sometimes...it came when we need it.
Sometimes...it never come although we wish for it.
So, when it come, choose the right decision and grab it as you wish for...
this poem really match to my life
nor illiana
hello..i wanna share somethng that i've read recently..it all about love,knowledge and time..
Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for Love.
Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.
When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.
Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said,
"Richness, can you take me with you?"
Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."
Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. "Vanity, please help me!"
"I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, let me go with you."
"Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"
Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her.
Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder,
Love asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who Helped me?"
"It was Time," Knowledge answered.
"Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?"
Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."
i think this is kinda interesting story..sometimes when we are too happy,we forget all around us..i agree with the last statement that "only time is capable of understanding how valuable love is."
hye..its me again..
let me ask u this question..do you really believe in first love?? heh how you convince that you first love will be your true love?? i wanna share the article that i've read recently..it's about first love and hurt..well for me,if you and your first love stat together without any problem,obstacles and no such bad things it's kinda bonus for you..maybe the way both of you tolerate to each other lead both of you through the happy ending..but,for me there's no way if you never have fight with your gf/bf..there must be once in your lifetime..why i said so?? although our parents also had fight sometimes, so why we (just couple,doesn't matter first,second or how many love) didn't have some fight?? it doesn't make sense..well it's just my opinion..don't trust anybody even they are your lover,unless you get married.. :)
hello0..i've read an article tittle "what really matters in life?" here goes the story..
A vacationing American businessman was standing on the pier of a quaint coastal fishing village in southern Mexico when a small boat with just one young fisherman pulled into the dock. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish.
"How long did it take you to catch them?" the American casually asked.
"Oh, a few hours," the Mexican replied.
"Why don't you stay out longer and catch more fish?" the American businessman then asked.
The Mexican warmly replied, "With this I have more than enough to support my family's needs."
The businessman then became serious, "But what do you do with the rest of your time?"
Responding with a smile, the Mexican fisherman answered, "I sleep late, play with my children, watch ballgames, and take siesta with my wife. Sometimes in the evenings I take a stroll into the village to see my friends, play the guitar, sing a few songs..."
The American businessman impatiently interrupted, "Look, I have an MBA from Harvard, and I can help you to be more profitable. You can start by fishing several hours longer every day. You can then sell the extra fish you catch. With the extra money, you can buy a bigger boat. With the additional income that larger boat will bring, you can then buy a second boat, a third one, and so on, until you have an entire fleet of fishing boats.
"Then, instead of selling your catch to a middleman you'll be able to sell your fish directly to the processor, or even open your own cannery. Eventually, you could control the product, processing and distribution. You could leave this tiny coastal village and move to Mexico City, or possibly even LA or New York City, where you could even further expand your enterprise."
Having never thought of such things, the Mexican fisherman asked, "But how long will all this take?"
After a rapid mental calculation, the businessman pronounced, "Probably about 15-20 years, maybe less if you work really hard."
"And then what, senor?" asked the fisherman.
"Why, that's the best part!" answered the businessman with a laugh. "When the time is right, you would sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions."
"Millions? Really? What could I do with it all?" asked the young fisherman in disbelief.
The businessman boasted, "Then you could happily retire with all the money you've made. You could move to a quaint coastal fishing village where you could sleep late, play with your grandchildren, watch ballgames, take siesta with your wife, and stroll to the village in the evenings where you could play the guitar and sing with your friends all you want..
::just a comment from me::
we as human should really know what really matters in our life,and we may find that it is already much closer than you think!!
hello..i have read a magazine recently and i've attracted by the article tittle "it's what you do with it"..for me,it is not so much what happens to each of us that determines our quality of life, but rather our reaction to what happens. Though we may have no choice in unexpected events that happen to us, we most certainly have choice in how we interpret what happens, and in what we choose to do about it. These choices make all the difference in how we experience our world and very much determine our quality of life.
Neither does what we own play a major role in quality of life. One person with all the money and possessions in the world may have a miserable life, while another in the lowest income bracket may absolutely love their life. It is what we do with what we own that affects our level of satisfaction and joy in life. It's not what you possess or what happens to you in life that matters, but rather what you do with it.
Every moment something is happening in our lives. And every moment we make interpretations or judgments about what happens. By choosing to become more conscious of how we react to what happens, we can shift towards what we really want in our lives. Rather than following habitual, reactive patterns which lead to more of the same, we can recognize and transform our old habits to move powerfully in the direction of creating the life we really want. Yet to do this, we must first find the courage to look at some of the disempowering, often unconscious patterns which get in the way and don't serve to increase our quality of life.
i wanna share with you what i've read in the newspaper yesterday..it is all about the creator or the victim..whether you like it or not,you are given many opportunities in life to choose to be a victim or to be a creator. When you choose to be a victim, the world is a cold and harsh place. "They" did things to you which caused all of your pain and suffering. "They" are wrong and bad, and life is rotten as long as "they" are around. "They" might be one or more individuals in your family or community. It might be the terrible politicians or your boss or the evil cabal of the power elite that rules the world. The essence is that "they" are to blame for all your problems, because "they" are ruining your life. And the truth is, your life is likely to stay that way as long as you see "them" as having control and yourself as the powerless victim.
Those who choose to be creators look at life quite differently. They know that there are powerful individuals and groups who might like to control their lives, but they don't let this get in the way. Creators feel no need to blame anyone as they know that whatever happens, they have choice in the matter. So,victim or creator?? you choose your own,this is just my opinion..
hello madam jumani,i want to share what i've read with all of you..it is about choosing a quality life,but it is kinda relate with what i have read before which is the victim and the creator...
for me,none of us is perfect. We all have made and will continue to make mistakes and bad choices in our lives. When we fail, there is no need to blame ourselves or anyone else. We can choose to simply accept that we didn't do what we had intended and then work to understand why, so that we might do better the next time. Notice when you find yourself blaming others and stop for a moment. Take a look inside and ask, is it really empowering you to be blaming someone else, even though you may be sure you are right and they are wrong. Is this the quality of life you want, or is there something better and more fulfilling?
By choosing to see and inspire the creator not only in yourself, but in everyone around you, you can create powerful transformation in your life and world. If you have spent a lot of time in victim mode, it may not be easy to make the shift, but it is entirely possible. By choosing to explore your core issues and habits and work to transform them, and by choosing to stop blaming others and take responsibility for your life, you can gradually make the shift. There will most certainly be times where you slip back into old patterns. But by continually reminding yourself of your intention to be a creator, you can transform your life. rite huh??
At times you will look back and realize that you let yourself be the victim again. Even when you fail at making the shift from victim to creator, you can be gentle with yourself. You can accept that you didn't follow your intention and then do your best to learn from what happened. By fully accepting the past and allowing the future to be a great, unknown, infinite potential, creators fully trust that their dance with each sacred moment is a gift. They know that in the long run every experience can bring more meaning and a richer experience of life. They understand that storms are a natural part of life which can bring the rain needed for emotional and spiritual growth. Creators also know that by choosing to nurture and inspire all around them to shift from victim to creator, life becomes better not only for themselves, but for all whose lives they touch. You can have a higher quality of life right now by choosing to transform the victim within and by inviting and welcoming into your life the powerful creator that you are..thank you~~
do you really know what is you deepest fear?? how we wanna figure out our deepest fear?? i have read a poem written by Marianne Williamson..from the poem, i can conclude that our deepest fear is that WE ARE POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE and it is not that we are inadequate..it is our light,not our darkness which most frightens us..
sometimes,we ask ourselves,who am i to be brilliant,gorgeous,talented,fabulous? now i realize,the correct question we should ask ourselves is "WHO ARE WE NOT TO BE??" let us think what we really want in this world..we are a child of God,we are all meant to shine, and we were born to make manifest..it is not just in some of us,but it is in everyone..And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.As we're liberated from our own fear,our presence automatically liberates others.
i am listening to good charlotte songs tittle "we believe".. i recall the lyrics again and again and sudeenly i find something that i can share with all of you..
in this world there's no regard for life,what i can say is,everybody wanna make things right,but we are not perfect..sometimes,things happend just so suddenly and we haven't expect it and don't even prepare ourselves..
We are all the same,human in all our ways and all of pain,So just let it be because there's a love that could fall down like rain..
Let forgiveness wash away the pain..for me,no one really knows what they are searching for..we are all confusing ourselves...
Dear bestie,
Every day you walk into my room,
You knocked twice on my door,
Already recognize your footsteps at that time,
You sit and lay on my bed,
Chat bout our daily life.
To you I am special
You said I have a pair of shining eyes,
You like them very much,
Though you always remind me how cute I am,
I never said you cute but deep in my heart you are,
To me you are special
“Do you mind if I sleep first?”
No, I won’t as I love to watch you sleep,
You told me you admire me,
I never said I admire you but deep in my heart, I am,
Goodnight! That was your magic word for me every night
What a big fight we had one night,
You were terrified by me,
Neither you nor I ever fight like this before,
You wait long for this,
After all you put me through
We faced the problems together,
The quarreled brought us friendship again,
As time flies we weren’t hide anything anymore,
We appreciate our time most at that moment,
Only eye to eye we speak,
You hand me a little cute notebook,
You have one too,
There is something we can’t tell by words,
We tell each other by write,
On my exam week and also my final week,
Every morning,
I woke up to find a good luck note in my shoes,
It was certainly from you,
You full of surprised,
But I already wrote you notes for your exam weeks,
Cause I no longer beside you at that time,
Although knowing you only about a year,
I am very happy to know you,
Though not seeing you,
Listen to your voice and your laughs would make me happy,
Will be missing your orange blanket,
As you miss my stinky pillow and my bear,
This feeling only comes once in a blue moon,
I just like to be friend with you,
There something in you,
As I walked into your heart I found a home,
I knew that I already found a true friend,
You are the delightful blend of thoughtful ingredients that make up a true friend,
This is how true friend resembles
Forever and always,
::my comment::
I'm proud to be her bestie. But I'm not the girl that she talk. I love her as much as she love me. We always spend our time together after class at basketball court or small garden near our hostel. Miss her damn much but now I'm quite busy and haven't enough time to contact her. Hope she won't agree with me. I'm afraid to have another bestie because day after day we will be far apart from each other...
Nik Rohani bt Nik Mustapa
11 hints
It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.
A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go.
The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.
It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.
It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
Don't go for looks; they can be deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it only takes a smile to make a dark day seem bright.
Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be; because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to.
Always put yourself in the other's shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other too.
A careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a life; a timely word may level stress; a loving word may heal and bless.
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.
Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends with a tear. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live life so that when you die...you are the one smiling and everyone around you is crying..
Always remember- Life is precious, don't let it slip by...
My Best Friend's Girlfriend
Falling in love was the furthest thing from my mind, until i met the one i couldn't live without.
This forbidden love was story bout Patrick Clark who has been Jeremy Thomas's best friend since third grade. Jeremy thought nothing could come between them, until now. When Patrick asked Jeremy to give Patrick's new girlfriend, Liz Carlson, a ride to his beach house, Jeremy ended up falling in love - with his best friend's girlfriend.
Jeremy tries to ignore his feeling for Liz, but every time he looks into her eyes he falls even deeper.
anyone who want to read this,
please come to my room okay
C2 303,
please coming!!
The story of 3 friends
Not long ago, three friends came to the New York city. They decided to stay in a hotel during the visit.
It so happened that their room ended up being on the 60th floor.
The policy of the hotel was that everynight after 12:00 a.m. the elevators are shut down for security reasons.The next day, the three friends rented a car and went out to explore the city. They enjoyed movies, concerts, and other things throughout the whole day. At one point, they remembered that they have to get back to the hotel before 12 a.m.
When they arrived, it was beyond 12 a.m. at night. The elevators were shut down. There was no other way to get back to their room but to take the stairs all the way to the 60th floor. All of a sudden, one friend got an idea.
He said “For the first 20 floors, I will tell jokes to keep us going. Then another one of us could say wisdom stories for the next 20 floors. Finally, we will cover the other 20 floors with sad stories.”
So, one of the friends started with the jokes. With laughs and joy,they reached the 20th floor. Now, another friend started saying stories that are full of wisdom. So, they learned a lot while reaching the 40th floor. Now, it was time for the sad stories.
So, the third friend started thus, “My first sad story is that I left the key for the room in the car.”
Now, what is the point of this story?
This story resembles our lifecycle. For the first 20 years of our life, we spend time in joking and enjoying whatever is out there. Then, after we reach 20, we go into the work force, get marriead, have kids and this is the time when we use our wisdom. Then, if we reach 40, we finally see the white hairs and begin to think that my life is coming to an end and the sadness begins.
a man that has fren
mohd fauzan b abdullah
sa 08007
a boy with a tree
As Salaamu‘alaykum and peace to all,
“A son’s sacrifice towards his parents is not complete until a situation arises whereby he buys and frees his parents from becoming slaves.” As we already know, we cannot deny the greatness of our beloved parent’s sacrifice, how they have spent most of the time lives to secure our future; their children’s future. From the time we were infants until we become useful people, they care for us. This is a story that relates to their sacrifice; a story about a boy and a tree in a countryside.
Once upon a time, when a boy was a small child, he used to play with a particular tree everyday as a hobby. Tree was very happy and wished that it could stop time from going on so that it could stay with the boy forever. But time goes on by and the boy gradually grows older day by day, year by year. Eventually, he doesn’t play with the tree anymore. So, the tree becomes very sad and lonely.
One gloomy morning, as the tree was standing alone, remembering the happy days they had together, it got a shock joy as the boy come back. He had come to ask for money and the tree didn’t hesitates even the least to give and sacrifice all it had with its capability, shedding all its leaves to give to the boy, leaving it bare and cold. The boy went away happily but didn’t return for along time.
A few years passed by and the boy has grown into a handsome man. Eventually, he came back to visit the tree, asking yet another favor for wood to build of his house. Once again, the tree sacrificed itself and was partly cut down. But again, the boy left the tree alone and never come back anymore.
In this story, the tree symbolizes our parents. The reality today is just as such. Children never appreciate their parents’ sacrifice but always asking for more. Parents, on the other hand, never abandon their children’s hope and sacrifice all they could. Some nowadays think that money could pay for what they have done, that is by giving their parents money. Actually, this concept is totally wrong.
Always remember, love has no substitute, be it billions of dollars or ringgit, no value can match the price of love. One thing need to remember is that, even if you service your parent for whole of your life, you still cannot pay for what they have done for you. The parent’s sacrifices are invaluable.
a son of a parent
mohd fauzan b abdullah
sa 08007
peghensheep(frenship) ~chuckle
Friendship is a most beautiful thing happened to human being. We all meet some people with whom we never had a kinship, but they become so special in our life that it becomes hard to live without them. Let us see some points we should consider while playing a role in friendship. Many poets have described friendship as one of the most fascinating bond we ever make in our life. It's the most beautiful thing that happens to us.
Friendship is a relation that is entirely based on trust, belief of two friends in each other. We come across many things in our lives, about which we do not tell anything to people near and dear to us, but we freely tell everything to our friends. Many people find good friends but they fail to continue with their friendship, because they do not know their role as a friend.
Let us see some important points that we should take care of if we wish to be good friend for someone:
Be a secrete admirer of your friend:
If your friend is good at something then do not praise him/her in his/her presence. Praising a person for what he/she is good, does not improve his/her qualities, but can cause over-confidence to be induced in him/her, which surely will be harmful for your friend. A good friend should never miss an opportunity to praise his/her friend in front of others when he/she is not around.
Don't proved him/her wrong in public:
As it is important not to praise a friend openly in his/her presence, it is also very much important to abstain from proving him/her wrong in front of other people. Take him/her away from the crowd and let him/her know where he/she is wrong. There is no point in proving your friend wrong in other's presence; it will spoil your friend's image in other's view. And additionally your friendship will be in danger.
Try to understand your friend:
It is always important to understand what your friend is worried about or what problems he/she is facing. Always try to understand the situation your friend is in and try to soothe him/her. It is evident that if people are undergoing some problems, they will not speak up their problems to their brothers or sisters, they will instead tell everything to their friends. Let your friend speak up, just listen to him/her and be with him/her until your friend does not come out of frustration.
Pull Your Friend Away From Making Mistakes:
If your friend is doing something wrong, it is your duty to let him/her know it at earliest. Keep in mind; best friend has to play a role of critic if he/she wants his/her friend to stop doing wrong things. But again keep in mind not to show your friends mistakes in front of other people. Sometimes it is important to understand your friend's intentions behind his/her actions and try to analyze situation, then only you should give your opinion.
The Ego Problem:
Never let ego spoil your friendship. It is no reason to be jealous if your friend is not at all able to speak to you and is with someone else, you have to be his/her friend, do not expect word of gratitude from the person you think is your friend. Sometimes there could be a clash between you and your friend, and you both stop talking to each other for some time, it is not at all wrong to speak first and say sorry to your friend, no matter what happens.
Try to Teach Good Things:
If you are a true friend, you should never give your hungry friend a fish, instead, you should teach him/her how to fish, this will give your friend food for lifetime. A good friend will never wish his/her friend to be dependent on someone.
Do Not Interfere:
Most important point that one should take care of is that your friend has his/her own life and you should not interfere in his/her life. You have a right to tell your friend what is good and what is bad, but you do not have a right to make someone do what you wish. Hope this will help you out solve some of your problems you are facing in friendship.
a boy that has fren not sheep
mohd fauzan b abdullah
Baskin-Robbins is a global chain of ice cream parlors founded by Burt Baskin and Irv Robbins in 1945 in Glendale, California. It claims to be the world's largest ice cream franchise, with more than 5,800 locations, 2,800 of which are located in the United States. Baskin-Robbins sells ice cream in over 30 countries, including Canada, Japan, Mexico, Bahrain, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, South Korea, India, and Taiwan.
Baskin-Robbins is known for its "31 flavors" slogan. When the first Baskin-Robbins store opened, it offered 21 flavors, an innovative concept at the time. The idea for having 31 flavors came from the Carson-Roberts advertising agency (which later became Ogilvy & Mather) in 1953, along with the slogan "Count the Flavors. Where flavor counts." 31 was also more than the 28 flavors then famously offered at Howard Johnson's restaurants. Burt and Irv also believed that people should be able to sample flavors until they found one they wanted to buy ― hence the iconic small pink spoon. During a now famous promotion, Amy Boggioni led a group of three who finished 31 scoops of all 31 flavors in under 31 minutes.
::my comment::
i really love this ice cream so much. I love every flavor that provided but more into to chocolate chip flavor. really makes me melt to have their ice cream. so in love with this ice cream.
hamdya farhana
Maki Horikita (堀北真希 Horikita Maki?, born October 6, 1988, in Kiyose, Tokyo) is a Japanese actress. Maki Horikita started her acting career in 2003 as a U-15 idol and has since starred in a number of Japanese television dramas, TV and magazine ads, and films.
Maki Horikita was born the eldest of three girls on 6 October 1988 in Kiyose, Tokyo, Japan. She was boyish during her childhood days, like in middle school, she enjoyed playing basketball and baseball with her friends on holidays. While she was in junior high, she preferred to play Dragon Ball Z with the boys more than playing with the girls. This was because with the girls, she couldn’t play the princess the way she wanted in the princess make-believe games.
When she attended as a guest on KAT-TUN's variety show, Cartoon KAT-TUN, she stated that she loved imitating her mother when she was young.
In her junior high years, she served as student council vice-president and basketball club vice-captain. She was also described as the “Boss of 3-C” in a number of various writings, in recognition of her status as class leader. As she became more active in the entertainment industry, she put her club and council activities on hold. Being unable to meet her many commitments and after much deliberation, she finally withdrew from her school activities, plainly concentrating on her studies and career.
After completing her senior high education, she passed the entrance examination for Chuo University, known for its Law school, but it is uncertain whether she will study Law.
Later in 2003, Horikita started to model for various advertisements and star in TV dramas and films in supporting roles. Her first photobooks featured her as a mild-themed gravure model. However, her career in the said modeling field was indeed short-lived since she gradually dropped gravure-themed modeling when she started to get busy with TV appearances.
Her well-known commercials are her advertisements for Fujifilm (wherein she appeared alongside Japanese idol Nagase Tomoya) and Lotte (particularly for its sub-brands Ghana and Airs). Her current advertisements for the said chocolate brand are its Ice Yogurt and Shasha.
Horikita has appeared in numerous men's and teenage magazines, most of them featuring her on the cover.
Currently, Horikita is a constantly praised U-20 Japanese idol, her rise to fame seemingly gradual but certain.
In 2005, she gained much recognition from her back-to-back TV dramas, Densha Otoko and Nobuta wo Produce.
Her exemplary portrayal in Nobuta wo Produce as the shy Nobuko Kotani, bagged her a Best Supporting Actress award in a Japanese award-giving body. On the other hand, the chemistry between her character, Nobuko, commonly known as Nobuta, and Kusano Akira, played by Japanese male idol Tomohisa Yamashita, was recognized as well, leading both of them to star in another drama, Kurosagi. Horikita bagged her second Best Supporting Actress award from the same award-giving body for her performance in this drama.
Come 2007, her role as Ashiya Mizuki in the Japanese adaptation of the gender-bender manga Hana-Kimi, or Hanazakari no Kimitachi e, earned her a Best Actress award, her first one to date. After filming the series, she has been attending press conferences for her three projects: the Taiga drama, Atsuhime; the suspense movie where she plays the lead character who has a multiple personality disorder, Tokyo Shōnen, and the sequel of her breakthrough movie, Always: Sunset on Third Street.
All her exceptional work paid off when Horikita was chosen by Vogue Nippon as one of its eleven Women of the Year (award) for 2007. Recipients of this same award include Ayase Haruka and Anna Tsuchiya.
Horikita is also one of the six young female hosts of the radio show, GIRLS LOCKS!, a sub-portion of the Japanese radio program, SCHOOL OF LOCKS!. She usually gives her letter-senders a call as a form of reply and gives book recommendations to her listeners. Her stint is at ten in the evening, every third or fourth week of the month. Other hosts of this radio show include Yui Aragaki and Erika Toda.
Voice Acting
She has also debuted as an anime seiyu for a Doraemon animated movie, Nobita and the Green Giant Legend 2008 as the young princess of the "Green Planet," who transfers all of Earth's plants there because of the Earth's advancing environmental destruction.
On January 20, 2008, she did a public 'after-recording' at a studio in Meguro, Tokyo for the Doraemon movie, along with other guest voice actors like Maria Genesis (GT). She already has done a voice recording for a video game series, Professor Layton series since 2006, but she said it's harder to get used to dubbing in the animation, than it is for the game. She was asked who, in the Doraemon series, is her favorite type of a boy. She replied that she has a lot in common with Nobita; a similar interest in sleeping, string figures, and shooting (as seen in western movies).
::my comment::
She is my idol which achieve many awards in such age. Love her appearance and her skills in the business that she involve in. Really like her courage and determination.
Hamdya Farhana bt Mohidin
A show-quality Persian has an extremely long thick coat, short legs, a wide head with the ears set far apart, large eyes, and an extremely foreshortened muzzle. Their eyes are often gooey, and the owner should clean their eyes at least once every day. The breed was originally established with a short (but not non-existent) muzzle, but over time this feature has become extremely exaggerated, particularly in North America, and Persians with the more extreme brachycephalic head type are susceptible to a number of health problems (specifically affecting their sinuses and breathing) caused by it. Their short muzzle also causes them to have dust and debris cover the inside of their nostrils more often, which makes it very difficult for them to breathe.
The 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica (Encyclopædia) suggests that the Persian is derived from the Pallas Cat. A photograph accompanying the entry in the Encyclopædia shows a Blue Persian Cat, the conformation of which we would now call a "Doll Faced Persian" or "Traditional Persian". Early photographs and drawings from magazines show the Persian as a Traditional Persian Cat. The Persian was first registered with the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) in 1871 when the association first kept records.
Photographic records indicate that Persians, up until the 1960s, show a difference in appearance to cats of the early 1980s onwards (i.e., from the Traditional "doll face" to the "extreme", "ultra", "flat-faced" or "snubby" face of today). However, the Persian Breed Council's standard for the Persian had remained basically unchanged over this period. The Persian Breed Standard is by its nature somewhat open ended and focused on a rounded head.
It is generally accepted (and by the Breed Council) that through selective breeding, in an attempt to develop the ideal Persian appearance, the Ultra Face came about. This has been called ultra-typing. The Persian Breed Council's standard was changed during the late 1980s to limit the development of the extreme appearance. In 2007 the Persian Breed Standard was altered to reflect the flat face and it now states that the forehead, nose, and chin should be in vertical alignment.
Conscientious breeders take into account and minimize health issues by careful choice of breeding stock with more moderate head type, as the stated goal of most breeders is first and always healthy cats.
Persian cats can have any color or markings including pointed, golden, tortoiseshell, blue, and tabby. Tipped varieties are known as Chinchilla. Point varieties are called Himalayan in the United States and Colorpoint Persian in Europe.
In the USA, there was an attempt to establish the Silver Persian as a separate breed called the Sterling, but it was not accepted and Silver and Golden longhaired cats, recognized by CFA more specially as Chinchilla Silvers, Shaded Silvers, Chinchilla Goldens or Shaded Goldens are judged in the Persian category of cat shows. In South Africa, the attempt to separate the breed was more successful: the SA Cat Council (SACC) registers cats with 5 generations of pure bred Chinchilla as a Chinchilla Longhair. The Chinchilla Longhair has a slightly longer nose than the Persian, resulting in healthy breathing and no tearing of the eyes. Its hair is translucent with only the tips carrying black pigment: a feature that gets lost when out-crossed to other colored Persians. Out-crossing also may result in losing nose and lip liner, which is a fault in the Chinchilla Longhair breed standard. One of the distinctions of this breed is the blue-green or green eyecolor only with kittens having blue or bluish purple eyecolor.
Because their fur is too long and dense for them to maintain themselves, Persian cats need regular grooming. To keep their fur in its best condition, they must be bathed regularly, dried carefully afterwards, and brushed thoroughly every day. Their eyes need to be checked for problems on a regular basis because some animals have trouble keeping them clean. As they grow older, Persians tend to develop a crusty-like object under the eyes. Likewise, Persians are particularly susceptible to a genetic disease which causes kidney failure, PKD, Polycystic kidney disease, among other diseases. However, cats can now be DNA screened for the gene that causes PKD, so these affected cats are gradually being removed from the Persian gene pool by responsible breeders.
Longevity is usually between 10 and 19 years on average. The White Persians eye-color can be orange-eyed, blue-eyed, or odd-eyed. The blue-eyed type is prone to deafness.
::my comment::
i have a persian cat in home named cepuce and momon.
i really miss them because i they always be by my side whether im happy or sad..
i always play with them and fight with them..
i really love them and that why makes me feel that im missing them badly..
i had read about the article on how to manage stress since lately i was so stress with my study because final exam getting closer..so..here, i wanna share it with all of the bloggers..
here it goes..
You may feel stressed out in your personal life, but more than anything people find that they have difficulties dealing with their professional life. Few people actually enjoy working, and especially since it takes time away from the ones that they love. We all know what pressure is like at work what with having to get up early and meet those deadlines. There are things that you can do however to help deal with stress at work, and this includes adopting a healthy lifestyle for one. If you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly you are going to be feeling a great deal better and this will show in your day to day living. You may still have to deal with the same annoying tasks at work but you will be able to deal with them better because you are feeling so much better about yourself in general.
You also should learn to accept the things that you cannot change. For instance if you are in a job that you absolutely detest, waking up frustrated and angry about having to go into work each morning is not going to be benefiting you in any way. Instead, try to find something positive or uplifting about your job and use this to make yourself even remotely interested to head into work each morning. Taking time out to rest and relax is also critical here, and if you do not want to get burnt out then it is vital that you take a reasonable amount of time each day or even each week to calm down and take a breathe. Even just hanging out and laughing with friends will help you to feel better and you will perform much better both in your personal and professional life after a much needed break.
Although men and women address stress somewhat differently, remember that friends and family are going to be most important in these sorts of situations, no matter if you’re a woman or a man. If you want to relax and feel better about yourself then you are going to want to have a good support group around you. Friends and family help you to see things in a different way and so if you do become stressed, even though you may not think it, the best idea is to engage yourself in some form of physical or social activity.
i hope this can help you for at least a bit..
siti ramlah
Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.
Not everyone accepts or believes in positive thinking. Some consider the subject as just nonsense, and others scoff at people who believe and accept it. Among the people who accept it, not many know how to use it effectively to get results. Yet, it seems that many are becoming attracted to this subject, as evidenced by the many books, lectures and courses about it. This is a subject that is gaining popularity.
It is quite common to hear people say: "Think positive!", to someone who feels down and worried. Most people do not take these words seriously, as they do not know what they really mean, or do not consider them as useful and effective. How many people do you know, who stop to think what the power of positive thinking means?
The following story illustrates how this power works.
Allan applied for a new job, but as his self-esteem was low, and he considered himself as a failure and unworthy of success, he was sure that he was not going to get the job. He had a negative attitude towards himself, and believed that the other applicants were better and more qualified than him. Allan manifested this attitude, due to his negative past experiences with job interviews.
His mind was filled with negative thoughts and fears concerning the job for the whole week before the job interview. He was sure he would be rejected. On the day of the interview he got up late, and to his horror he discovered that the shirt he had planned to wear was dirty, and the other one needed ironing. As it was already too late, he went out wearing a shirt full of wrinkles.
During the interview he was tense, displayed a negative attitude, worried about his shirt, and felt hungry because he did not have enough time to eat breakfast. All this distracted his mind and made it difficult for him to focus on the interview. His overall behavior made a bad impression, and consequently he materialized his fear and did not get the job.
Jim applied for the same job too, but approached the matter in a different way. He was sure that he was going to get the job. During the week preceding the interview he often visualized himself making a good impression and getting the job.
In the evening before the interview he prepared the clothes he was going to wear, and went to sleep a little earlier. On day of the interview he woke up earlier than usual, and had ample time to eat breakfast, and then to arrive to the interview before the scheduled time.
He got the job because he made a good impression. He had also of course, the proper qualifications for the job, but so had Allan.
What do we learn from these two stories? Is there any magic employed here? No, it is all natural. When the attitude is positive we entertain pleasant feelings and constructive images, and see in our mind's eye what we really want to happen. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy and happiness. The whole being broadcasts good will, happiness and success. Even the health is affected in a beneficial way. We walk tall and the voice is more powerful. Our body language shows the way you feel inside.
Positive and negative thinking are both contagious. All of us affect, in one way or another, the people we meet. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through thoughts and feelings transference and through body language. People sense our aura and are affected by our thoughts. Is it any wonder that we want to be around positive persons and shun negative ones? People are more disposed to help us if we are positive. They dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity.
Negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment.
::my comment::
i'm actually in the middle of my attidude adjustment from a negative thinker to a positive thinker. this article really helps me a lot. I used to be a person who lack of confident and always being bullied by others. I can't handle my problem well and used to blame others by do stupid things like throwing things, crying a lot and my anger level was always the top. Now i realize that it didn't help me a bit and just let me down. I read a lot about positive thinking and one of it is by Adam Khoo that say my attitude at that time is just because of this negative thinking really covered me the truth and like to blame others and may say that i'm the right and doing those stupid things for no reason. I've been bullied because of i did not want to change to be look more stronger and don't just let other look down on me. If i did not like something just express it in a good way. After I discovered about this positive thinking my life is more smooth and better. I love my life now and I love myself now. Thank god that give me chance to learn something that make me what i am now.
most of malaysians do not realize that they are actually not live in a healthy habits..so, here i wanna share top 10 unhealthy habits to break..i read about this article from internet and i think it helps a a lot!!
Unhealthy habit # 1 - Sleeping less
Fatigue is a feeling associate with lack of sleep. Being tired most of the time causes you to eat indiscriminately, drive recklessly, and be very irritable even in mild situations. Get at least eight hours of sleep per night.
Unhealthy habit # 2 - Too much sugar
A high glycemic index is associated with foods that contain lots of sugar. This will quickly increase your blood sugar and give you quick energy bursts. This however, will not last for long, and when the sugar is gone, you will feel a debilitating exhaustion. Eat healthy snacks like fiber rich crackers or fruit.
Unhealthy habit # 3 - Being a worry wart
Worrying about something that we cannot do something about will only do us more damage than good. If we have a problem, try to solve it with a proactive stance; if it can’t be solved, simply forget about it, after all, you can’t do anything about it anyway.
Unhealthy habit # 4 - Exercising less
Many health conditions like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and arthritis are all linked to a sedentary lifestyle. Your body is made to move and so get moving to avoid these health conditions while increasing your energy level and reducing stress. At least thirty minutes of physical activity per day will do the job. Brisk walking can be enough for most people who have no time for, or prefer to avoid the gym.
Unhealthy habit # 5 - Forgetting the floss
Food particles in between your teeth don’t only damage your teeth, but also your gums. Gum infections can lead to heart disease, so floss at least once a day and stay away from heart disease.
Unhealthy habit # 6 - Fizzy soft drinks
14% of an average American adult’s calorie and energy intake comes from sodas. This can be very disturbing especially for those watching their sugar levels and their weight. Go for the healthy alternative - water or low fat milk, or even flavored waters if you insist on getting that soda buzz.
Unhealthy habit #7 - Hurried meals
Eating in a hurry can cause poor digestion and overeating. Enjoy meal time, sit at the table, relax, listen to some music, and mind your food - mind your body too, it will tell you when you are already full.
Unhealthy habit # 8 - Overtime work
Do not live to work, work to live. The figures of overworked Americans have doubled in the past 20 years. Keep your work at the workplace, and have some extra quality time for yourself and your family.
Unhealthy habit # 9 - Chowing down on food that are made of stuff with names that sound like hieroglyphics
Check the labels of the food you eat. If you notice that the item you have has a long list of ingredients that sound like they came from a post-graduate chemistry lecture, put that item down. Eat more fresh and natural foods.
Unhealthy habit # 10 - Smoking
Cigarette smoking equals death. Half a million Americans die each year from smoking-related health conditions. Other than just the health risks, smoking can also decrease your lung capacity and prevent you from doing healthy activities like biking, trekking, jogging, and walking. Find some peer or professional support and get rid of this bad habit.
siti ramlah
surround by many people
with many problem
and many thought
making me realize
how grateful I am
thanks to GOD
i am grateful with the life you gave me
and all the memory from sweetest to the worst
make me think out of the box
that i am alive
and i am grateful
::my comment::
life without obstacle is impossible because the obstacle make us mature in certain things. life is about learning, learning to be adults. so be grateful to God for giving us a chance to live in this world and give us a lot of memories.
about life
choices to make life better
choices to make life even more better
choices to make decision
choices to make own path in future onwards
we have too many choices to choose but there is still one waiting ahead us
the one with satisfaction but still to know which is the one
..hard...so hard..
heart really control mind but still mind can think which one the better
so choose wisely..
::my comment::
its true we always have an option to make decision and the decision may change our life forever. so choose it wisely.
have wing
fly around happily
fly without worries
so beautiful
but their life is not like what it seems
may see it beautiful and freely
but they lives for just a week
having thought of giving up
think about nature
you will see the answer
everything happen for a reason
be strong
::my comment::
everything happened for a reason so be strong to face it.
muhammad yazid
recently,i have read an article on how to be a successful student.im sure everyone would want to be a successful student.here are some tips for you...
step 1
As we know planning is important in achieving anything in life. Devise a plan to study and adhere to it strictly. Put together a quota system and make sure you try your best to reach it everyday. This strategy will keep you in check.
Discipline is very important for studying. Make sure nothing hinders during your study time. Eliminate all distractions early on from your studying time.
Focus is key for studying efficiently. Without focus you can lose a good amount of valuable time pondering upon useless stuff. To stay focused you should take short breaks to stretch or feed yourself. This will provide maximum blood flow to your brain for maximum output.
muhammad yazid
being a respectful person is what i planned to be.im sure you want to be one too.here are some tips for you..
Older people have been through a lot than you, give them the respect they deserve. Also give respect to your teachers and professors. They made a great sacrifice to come back and teach. You get a lot of knowledge and wisdom by being respectful of others.
Whatever you do not like, do not do to others. Demand to be treated with respect by others when you accord them respect. Everything in life is a two-way street.
You have so much to learn in life. You do not know it all. You need to be respectful of those who know to access the knowledge you need. Make yourself a delight in every company.
Because you do not know everything, make every effort not to mercurial at every provocation. Level-headedness pays in the long run. A respectful person always keeps his enemies guessing.
State what you want in life and stick with it. Just because you are respectful does not mean people can run over you. Do not hesitate to let disrespectful people know your displeasure. If someone does not deserve your respect, don't give it.
4 Things to Buy Before the Economy Improves
1. Women's Clothing
According to the Consumer Price Index, women's outerwear, shoes and accessories have all seen lower prices in February compared with a year ago. Recently, women have begun flocking to "value" retailers, according to Piper Jaffray retail clothing analyst Jeffrey Klinefelter. That means less expensive clothing stores can lower their prices through lower production costs, and more expensive clothing stores will be forced to have more sales and clearance racks.
2. Laptops
Paul Ryder, vice president of consumer electronics for Amazon.com, says laptop prices have dropped thanks to the interest in netbooks. Although the Consumer Price Index does not break out laptop computers from others, it seems to broadly support this claim, with personal computer prices falling 13 percent in February from a year earlier.
3. Televisions
Each year it seems as though TVs get cheaper and cheaper, but this year those decreases are starting to make larger flat-panel TVs far more affordable. The radio/television category in February's Consumer Price Index was down 9 percent from a year ago as more manufacturers get into the flat-panel business, driving prices down.
4. Diamonds
Don't wait for the economy to improve before popping the question. Diane Irvine, chief executive officer of leading online diamond retailer bluenile.com, says that the recession has quashed demand for diamonds, creating deals. According to Ken Gassman of the Jewelry Research Institute, prices for polished diamonds are down 14 percent, on average, from their highs last summer.
-Muhammad Azhar Bin Mohd Yunus-
6 Reasons Why dancing is good for you
1) Great way to exercise and stay fit
2) Burn calories and lose weight
3) Improved health
4) Greater Coordination
5) Good for bones and joints
6) Build confidence
-Muhammad Azhar Bin Mohd Yunus-
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