Or how the feet looked when you took off the shoes?

How about a long neck?
Or heavy earrings that elongate your earlobes?

An elderly Kenyah woman with traditional long earlobe resulted from years of wearing heavy “earrings”.
Isn't it amazing, what people consider beautiful and what they would do to be in that category?
When you read the two articles on the corset and feet-binding, what went on in your head? Me, I thank God that feet-binding is banned, and that present day corsets are not what they used to be. Those poor poor feet and those poor poor children...
Penny for your thoughts....
Good day!
By looking at those pictures, I have mixed feelings by each pictures, I felt horrible at first, particularly at those feet binding pictures, amazed by the long neck pictures and the earrings. These pictures show how the perception of beauty is really diversified. How hard it is to get along with those perception by society over there, sacrifice your body just to satisfy others eye, or even satisfy the culture within.
To me, there's one simple way to become beautiful, being Healty, healty in physical and also in your Faith.
Everybody is beautiful, just don't expect to much..
Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran
After looking at all the pictures,honestly i said it such a violence to ourself.Its too ridiculous in order to make you become more beautiful and attracting.As our technology going more advanced,i think this such thing should not happen anymore.However there's still has.
Frankly,you actually must appreciate on what you have and who you are. No matter either your feet are not small or your neck not long,just be yourself.Dont ever try to change your natural beauty.How beautiful you are,one day it will fade too..REMEMBER THIS GUYS!!!
By looking at those pictures, many things went into my mind.
This make me realised that what human can do just to make them look beautiful and attractive according to their own way or by how their culture perceive beauty.
Some are willing to suffer just to achieve those desirable trait. For example, the foot binding custom. According to the chinese culture that was dated back many years ago, the smaller the feet was, the more beautiful it was perceived. In my opininon, this is ridiculous. Not only ridiculous, it only cause the bone of the toes broken and constant pain was experienced by the wearer. I don't think, it's worthwhile to do those things which cause pain and suffering just to be beautiful. well, looking at it from a different perspective, this shows how unique beauty is perceived in different places in the world. As for the long neck and the big ear lobe..again..this practice is unique..this makes each of us different. Personally, it's fine if you want to enhance your beauty, but not to the extent where you have to suffer in pain. When you decide to do anything, just anything..not only enhancing Your beauty..please consider the consequences of the action you will take. And the most important thing is, be gratefull with what god has given you. Now with the advancement in the cosmetic industry, becoming beautiful has become costly. Well, if you think that beauty is the only measurement of happy life..go ahead..get a cosmetic surgery..but then don't regret when the result is not as you have expected. In the end of the day, it is your emotional and social qoutient that really counts.
Eurica Ak Dihem
Good day.. its me again.
I quite disagree with the person commented about at above, I'm sorry for not mentioning his/her name because there's no signature over there.
Yes its true that you must appreciate yourself, 100% correct! Your beauty is your own, not others.. But did you guys ever heard of this quote "The beauty is at the eye of beholder"? Literary from what I understand, often people see beauty in different kind of way. What people think is beautiful not nessesary same as other think. My point is, I simply think people want more of beauty, they want to change it into their liking. Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately the person in the pictures don't have choice to be themselves because they are following their culture, and at the same time they might be proud of their looks because it represents their culture!! And yes it does hurt to be beautiful... I'm personally okay with "hurting" youself is a good way, mind you in a good way meaning if it's not harmful to your health! Prime example is the foot-binding culture, its a relief they banned it!! Because it simply cruel to see, poor those young females, and it worsens as they get older. What about the earings? I don't think it looks painfull, females also pierce their ear right? Does it hurt? Maybe a bit. In modern worlds you can see nose-piercing which originates from India, being followed by westerners. Moreover isn't it better to "hurt" yourself by doing heavy exercise if your're obese? Or having special "injection" to gain some weigh because you're too skinny? No pain no gain!! As my previous post said, being healty is beautiful enough!!
Thanks, Cyetha Binti P.K. Balachandran PB08005
Hi everyone.
I am afraid to look this kind of pictures really, meanwhile i am amazed that people can fit into it by looking at this pictures.
This culture or traditional is not longer used in now day in some places. I cannot imagine that people wearing feet binding on those days.
In my opinion this is a kind of foolishness. I am happy what i have and what i am. I am happy god created me like this.We don't have to hurt our self to look beautiful.One is beautiful according to their heart.
Be great full what you are.
Sasi Devi
salam ...
i am afraid and i don't believe that what i see n i read about that.i think that they are so brave to wear feet binding on those day.they not fell sick wearing the foot binding?
some time i think they are very unique and look beautiful wearing the foot binding.my opinion ..don't force yourself to be beautiful but you must grateful what u have.
zulhelmi pb08067
hai everyone.....
after i look this picture honestly i said this tradition is very radiculous.Now in Malaysian have many technology for more beutiful. if there are use heavy earings for more beutiful i think this is not true. but the heavy earings to cause there are more ugly. for all women especially who wants to be a beautiful this ways not suitable for beautiful but this ways very dangerous because all stuff made of iron and something is heavy. if there are use this stuff for long time the bad effect we can see in born.the born not normal like all people.that all....tq
siti hajar
hello everyone...
today i read article about 'how to be a good project manager. this article very suitable to all my friend in project managment. in this article have 5 skills all project manager must have.this skills is:
a)organizational skills
b)communication skills
c)problem-solving skills
d)leadership skills
e)team-building skills
but for me not enough if the one project manager just have this skill. for me if the one person wants to be a good project manager she/he must have enough knowledge in project manager and have many skill for negotiate with many people in the project. the project manager also must have many time in the project. the lastly for all my friends not easy became the project manager.this because in project manager we are must communicate with people,and for communicate with people we must have many skillthis because for ensure all people satisfied is not easy like to make sure all machine operate.tq
siti hajar
good morning everyone, i hope that you all be fine...what can we see about ourselves it sure a miracle from creator..what i want to comment on this thing about the feet binding...it's was interesting and unique but actually they hurt themselves with such pains..how can we imagine that they want to make that thing which is binding their feet to make them more attractive but actually it was nothing because many problems caused by this practised...and also they cannot move anywhere they like to go and whenever they go need sombody to escort them, this will make them like a disable person but they choose it..let we see now on what the human being doing to make their body look nice they are doing anything to make it better..as my conclusion we are the human being that have heart and brain to think let us think about it advantages or disadvantages to us...we can choose it..but make it a better one..happy good day..
defroy kudong
After looking those picture, I very impress with the their ability to do so merely for looking beauty. I think a way that is does not give a good profit for them to do because it will be painful themselves. But according to their opinion , they are very proud of what they do. So I really happy what I have and I don’t do like that.
Hasfaresah Bt. Ahmad
Hello everyone...
In my comment when i look this pictures i feel so horrible...first i want to talk about the beautiful.The beautiful is come from your inside...and everybody is beautiful so we don't expect to much to be the beautiful..when i look this pictures their foot is really ugly..the nice to look just their shoes...And what i feel now may be the used feel the effect caused the effect from used the small shoes....the effect what can we look is their health..
that all about my comment..
Siti Hazwani binti othman
hye guys..
I just want to share with all of you what i feel when i see these amazing pictures.When the first i see at that picture i am just could not say anything..it is so amazing!this is all because of they want look beautiful.They do foot binding and wears some rings at their neck.when i see the pictures, it looks burden to them..if it is me i will not do the same thing.it is crazy thing..
In my opinion it is true that people wants looking different from the others.But in certain way they like to abuse them self to look more beautiful.After looking that photo,I think they must have reasons doing that such things eventhough it is hurt them.Maybe they do that because of their culture or their tradition and maybe the girl or those in that race did not have choice then they must do it.I'm agree that this kind of culture consequences damaging and change permanently the structure of their bone.Now most people like doing plastic surgery to look more beautiful and attracting.Plastic surgery is the modern way to change our face or body but it is to costly.But this is not mean I courage people especially girl out there to do the plsatic surgery.We can't valued the beautiful by looking their face or physical because is is all comes from inside such as their personality,the way they talk or their attitude.What the most important is we must gratefull with what we have.Live with healthy is the best way to look more beautiful.
Today, i want to comment on this thing about the feet-binding. It's was interesting and unique thing in this world. In my opinion, i think that it’s actually can hurt themselves. I always imagine on how they can walk such a normal person. Can they move anywhere they like to go? How can they choose this to make themselves more attractive than others person? Actually i can’t believe it! But,in my conclusion we are the human being that have heart and brain to think. After looking those picture, I very impress with the their ability to do so merely for looking beauty. I think a way that is does not give a good profit for them to do because it will be painful themselves. But according to their opinion , they are very brave and proud of what they do. So I really happy with my original feet which is bringing by the god.
sori for the very late comment..today i would like to comment about the picture above..i have already see the picture about the long neck and heavy earring..more than that, i also watching some story on tv about that..in my opinion, they do like that because that is one of their traditional society..besides that, i also known from that story, they do like that to be more beautiful among them..that is one of their trust..in my opinion,negative effect also can come. one of the example of negative or bad effect is they can not do many work or heavy work for the women with long neck..so thats all for my comment..thanks..
razuan shah razak
My first impression after reading the corset and feet-binding articles was that I marveled how tradition could led up to such practices in which people especially women had to suffer in abiding to them. But then again, these traditions had been put into practice from one generation to another because they had their own point of views on how beauty was supposed to look like. No offence but personally I think these traditions were absurd since people at that time regard beauty as such. Think about how their normal feet became distorted and health problems that arose due to such practice. Banning the feet-binding practice is a wise thing because women nowadays do not have to go through all these sufferings anymore. Besides, corset is not a must-wear garment these days and women can choose whether to wear them or not. The way humans perceive beauty has changed tremendously at this present day compared to the olden times.
Elizabeth Davidson
Hi everyone...
Today i would like to share my think too when i see this picture... first time i see this picture i think there are unique and very interesting....they doing that for get more beaty in their life. Actually i had watch at majalah3 about tradisional or tradision that they doing on thier comunity. They doing that to get more attention from others and espeacially their husband...if i not wrong, the women that have long earlobe and long neck she are very beauty on their comunity they will be respected.But now that tradision not be follow by young people because they consider the culyure already long and if they follow that tradision perhaps would affect their relationship with outsider would consider they as curious. so, i think thats all for my think about this picture...as the conclusion, beautiful is important in complementing our lifew, but if we guard our beauty from in will brighten up else alive we... so if you want to beautiful do not necessarily need persecuted self by wearing something which not our requirement. Thank you...
Siti Rosnani Binti Suliaman
hai, everyone...
Now I want to give my comment when I saw this picture. In my opinion, too extreme to be pretty. I think when wearing the feet-binding, long neck and wearing heavy it will make he or she feel ill. However, there is traditional tradisition to be beautiful. Aright if we practice. the even if interested and not fear ill. For me, if we real want to be pretty, we must confident to own self and we not need this traditional technical. That all. Tanks you.
My first impression after looking at those pictures was gruesome and at the same time I feel that was miraculous. Well, I do agree with the above comments that was a crazy thing.
Even though, it has their own bad effects but we can not say anything since it is their tradition. Maybe, it is their way to become more beautiful.
Assalamualaikum ya sahabat wa sahabiah..
How about feet-binding? You've read the article but did you imagine how small was small?
My answer...
Feet-binding is just like a smallest shoes. But this is the first time I look at feet-binding, fuhhh very very small..
Or how the feet looked when you took off the shoes?
According to the pictures, the feet looked like an alien's feet. So, weird and so ugly..
How about a long neck?
When I look at those pictures, I feel so sympathy for the girl because her neck is just like a giraffe..
Or heavy earrings that elongate your earlobes?
The heavy earrings also some kind of inhuman did. So ugly earlobes..
Isn't it amazing, what people consider beautiful and what they would do to be in that category?
It is really really bad and didn't amazing for me.
When I read the two articles on the corset and feet-binding,I feel it is some kind of discrimination and inhumanity to the girl. Why we must change what the God gave to us? Why we must change the beauty of oneself? Truly, we must give thanks to God for the beauty of human like us..
When I am looking at those pictures, it makes me feel sympathy to them while at the same time I also give my respect to them. That is their culture since long ago from one generation to one generation perhaps it’s still continuing until right now. Well, it depends to them to think what the best way for them to become beautiful. Maybe for us, that is not the correct way to be a beautiful. I can feel illness and horrible when I am looking at those pictures no matter for feet-binding, long neck or heavy earrings. Enough for me to accept myself as well, what God give me I appreciate and thankful to Him.
Nurrahma Binti Haji Romainor
For me, people dare to do anything to make themselves beautiful even though it will affect their health as well. By picture that is shown, we can know that it had been practiced since long time ago. But through many years, people being more educated and being more awareness about their health. But nowadays, people use other different alternative to look beautiful whether it is harmful or safe to health.
hello everyone.........
today i want to comment about the long neck and the heavy earrings that elongate your erlobes.....for me its look so horrible.its not look pretty but its really look hurt..
the beautiful we are can look from other side..but not like that...really hurt..but it just my comment..and me have to respect its the is their are culture so their are have to follow up to their next generations about their culture..
thats all about my comment..
thank you..
Assalamualaikum...ai everyone!!!!..today i like to share about long neck and and heavy earrings...wow all that's are realy2 unique...even its hard to make it but for them its something important in there life..this is one of there culture..so for me there have something to show to public what kind of culture they are...so what about us? i think we also have a lots of culture in our country..for example dikir barat, wayang kulit, zapin, boria and so on..so as a Malaysian people we must to be proud with our self because our country is full of culture..go Malaysia!!!!..yeah..he3..thats all thank you..;)
PB 08085
hi everyone...here i want to add something about the tradition like we had seen on the pictures where they used to make their earlobes to elongate for their own reason maybe for make them more beutiful...but i think that everybody have their own choice..but not make it wrong..think about it before practise it...example like the women made her teeth black..as my grandmother told me long time ago my tribe also done the same things where they will turn thier teeth into black and trying to make it more black because if you make it more black than other person who will be looked more beautiful than anybody..and if you teeth not black but white and pure they will said you not handsome or beutiful..well as conclucion they all used to do the same things..but now it had changed at all and this not happen again but now want to make it clear like a snow..what can we say that this also will evolve through the time..how the perception about it..but we must not follow the bad and not benefited us but made any troubles to us..well think about it wisely in case to make more attractive or beautiful will not pay for a great suffering and pain..thank for reading..hope you enjoy...
Defroy Kudong
aramai tie...
ehem...erm talk about corset...
when i look picture on the page...
i think this is their own culture...
mybe other people says..its just for health or they just want to look beauty...
in my personal opinion....
the reason they wearing that corset maybe they believe it is a traditional for their tribe...
they want to other tribe know who they are....
thats all laaa....
asheddie asih
Actually I can’t make myself believe that a human can wear such a weird and amazing stuff called corset, heavy earrings and girl that have a long neck. This is so unbelievable!!
I have read a book that story about a race that has a custom that required their people to wear a ring at the neck to make their neck become long. Beside, this tradition is also almost lost because of globalization’s influence that’s why not much people know about this tradition.
Also in Malaysia, wearing a heavy earrings exist .This was carry out by the older people before modern . They believe that the more their ear become long the more they are beautiful. Wow! Well the picture just show an old woman so maybe “beautiful” refers to the time that they were young. Hehehe.
The corset also was a famous trend for majority woman in long time ago. They wear a shoe that so small than they leg in purpose to be looks beautiful and famous among the society. The more their leg looks small the more people will jealous and respect her.
But in this era is this would be called beauty? Do all woman in this era are will to wear ring at their neck? Heavy earrings? Corset? In addition wearing a corset have a bad impact, it caused the leg get sick and damage.
Well friends, becoming beauty is not wrong but we also have to think what the consequences are and it should give a benefit to you not a disease.
Thank you
Sorry guys I have typed a wrong sentences in my previous comment .
hahahaha. funny!
And sorry.
Actually I can’t make myself believe that a human can wear such a weird and amazing stuff called corset, heavy earrings and girl that have a long neck. This is so unbelievable!!
I have read a book that story about a race that has a custom that required their people to wear a ring at the neck to make their neck become long. Beside, this tradition is also almost lost because of globalization’s influence that’s why not much people know about this tradition.
Also in Malaysia, wearing a heavy earrings exist .This was carry out by the older people before modern. They believe that the more their ear become long the more they are beautiful. Wow! Well the picture just show an old woman so maybe “beautiful” refers to the time that they were young. Hehehe.
The corset also was a famous trend for majority woman in long time ago. They wear a fit blouse or something that so small than their body in purpose to be looks beautiful and famous among the society. The more their body looks gorgeous the more people will jealous and respect her.
But in this era is this would be called beauty? Do all woman in this era are will to wear ring at their neck? Heavy earrings? Corset? In addition wearing a corset have a bad impact, it caused the BODY get sick and damage.
Well friends, becoming beauty is not wrong but we also have to think what the consequences are and it should give a benefit to you not a disease.
Thank you
corset, feetbinding... ??!!
whatever it is we have to accept and try to live with it. for me it is a unique tradition even though it is hazardous specially the foot binding method, but i am really proud as a human being to live and still can see this kind of tradition. not just that, whatever it is, whoever done it, we have to accept it because all around the globe there were so many people and maybe out there theres race or kind of people that we have never met before or maybe still not discovered yet. how about some mind refreshing and try to view this tradition from a different angle.
thank you
Hi everyone. In my opinion about the picture, I think it interesting because not everyone can do like they do. Everyone have what their belief right? So, we must respect their culture and tradition. Ok that’s all from me. Thank you.
From the picture, I can say it is interesting corset. It is the tradition of Chinese people. The corset look very nice. It functionally use for female kids when they are in age of 7 years old until they grow up. The corset useful as the beauty for them but it feel really painful.
In my opinion, corset is not good things for them to wear it because it is very dangerous for the gurls when they grow up.
Thank you.
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