Or how the feet looked when you took off the shoes?

How about a long neck?
Or heavy earrings that elongate your earlobes?

An elderly Kenyah woman with traditional long earlobe resulted from years of wearing heavy “earrings”.
Isn't it amazing, what people consider beautiful and what they would do to be in that category?
When you read the two articles on the corset and feet-binding, what went on in your head? Me, I thank God that feet-binding is banned, and that present day corsets are not what they used to be. Those poor poor feet and those poor poor children...
Penny for your thoughts....
I think corset and foot binding are look crazy.i don't think it can make people beautiful.they thight their feet,neck and elongate earlobes are very crazy.
the definitions of beautiful are differ from others perspective. it goes the same for the corset and foot binding. same with you, i'm really relief that foot binding is banned because as we can see the effect of this tradition is really2 bad compare to corsets.
i don't think that doing foot binding, corset, neck binding or elongates the earlobes are the to look beautiful. it just the ways how to torture themself. most of the people that used to do all such things are most of women. women do that because they used to to be beautiful in front of men...yes..being nice in front of men is a must but they should not tortured themselves until their physical is totally changed.
thanks to God..recently all this weird practices were banned by the government. but for some rural place they still doing that practices. and poorly to said that there are some hands that take advantages from these innocent people. american explore about the long neck women and interpret them as girrafes people. american are so mean..
farah wahida yusof
Ouch! The feet binding pictures made me unspoken! How can they managed to face the torture!
For me, feet binding is a torturing beauty! How horrible it is! How can she walk with that feet?
Since centuries ago, people did everything for beauty. Some of the methods are so torturing and unacceptable now a days. These phenomenon are not just for women but also for men.
Do you know about 'plate faced' men in Oceania Ilands? They did it for beauty too!
Sometimes, there are some truth about what people said, "people will do anything for beauty, and beauty is for love".
In first sight, these methods are uncivilized but if we think again, tey were civilized people!
Thank god that people today just need to use shampoo and make ups to be beautiful. However, there are some of them really want to beautiful by cosmetic surgery.
salam everyone...
well done!!!nice post madam..i love this post.it is about a corset and feet-binding..i had already give my comment about that and i think it maybe a big isues that i need to repeat it again..but never mind,,i still can do it..
i can imagine what will be happened to my legs if i wear it..and what happened to my neck..owhhh,, i can't imagine that...
but,for the past,i think the feet-binding is their tradition from the past generations. they also think it is a beautiful part at that time.
and the last one is i am agree with madam that it is cruel for the children..so so poor..
noor aifadilah junoh
what a wierd thing to do this modern era..
there are a lot of beautifull activities that can be practice nowadays
opss.. sory nasrol, i posted the comment by using your name
When I read the article of the corset and the footbinding I was amazed what woman would do just to make sure they looked pretty.As for the corset, the girls would rather have difficuties in breathing just to looked beautiful.I think that beautiful is not everything in this world.It will not last forever also.As for the footbinding, I also agreed with Madem Jumani that I am happy that it is not done by the woman in Malaysia. Why must people do such things so that they could get married.This show that China's man are quite mean.Besides that also why must all this footbinding, and corset is used only by girls. This is not fair. So that is my opinion on the corset and footbinding.
After i finished read the article about corset,foot binding, and neck binding, I think that it just only to look more perfect beutiful.The most common and well-known use of corsets,foot binding and so on are to slim the body and make it conform to a fashionable silhouette.The body and foot become more small. I also think that as a women, we must think about fashion and beutiful because we are women!, but we also must think what we will get if we do like that.As a muslim,we must accept what we have and don't try to change it like that. Maybe we can diet to get a ideal body and we can choose the suitable shoes for our foot.
salam ...
i am suprise and i don't believe that what i see n i read about that.i think that they are so brave to wear feet binding on those day.they not fell sick wearing the foot binding?
some time i think they are very unique and look beautiful wearing the foot binding.my opinion ..that have any ways to look beutifull to make people happy......
huh...so amazing..foot and neck binding..actually beauty is something that are really subjective..sometimes people will doing anything 2 make sure that they are looking better in front of others..even if other people have their own perspective about beauty..however it is..why don't we just respect each others culture..so that we can live in harmny life..
waaa....before this i don't what are the foot binding and neck binding and now,i know very well about that by looking the picture.It's so amazing.I don't know why people can do that only for looking better in front of other people.But,i believe that,in a rural area they still do this because they must follow their culture even it will make their became sick.
exotic.. that is the suitable words for those rituals. Most of them did it just only for beautiful and to attract male to like them without thinking about the effects to their health.I hope this damn ritual are not do anymore because it brings harmful to people who did it.Pity of them.Just because beauty they need to do that.
That's all frm me..
assalamualaikum and good day.
after i see all these picture, i think that it was amazing thing in the world because they can create something different and it not just for beauty especially but more to culture in certain races.Corsets are only promote good posture and also can reduce pain and improve function for people with back problems or other muscular/skeletal disorders.
Some large-breasted women find corsets more comfortable than brassieres, because the weight of the breasts is carried by the whole corset rather than the brassiere's shoulder straps. Straps can chafe or cut the skin. However, if a bra is properly fitted, the weight of the breasts is carried by the band and not by the shoulders, thus eliminating this problem for even women with very large breasts. Then, for the foot binding, it is only make pain for us because we cannot walk properly and also make our body not stable. All these things are make us pain.Many disadvabtages compare to advantages. But, now we cannot see the people wearing all of them because people nowaday prefer to look efter health.
nurul fatiehah adnan
actually i had never seen the pictures of bound feet before,and the foot binding pictures were horrible and very disturbing!but i have seen people wearing heavy earrings that elongate their earlobes,and trust me it looks even more scary compared to pictures posted by madam jumani.my friend always says that beauty is pain,and by looking at this picture i totally agree with her. i really feel bad and can’t imagine the suffering had been gone through by young girls and womens those days just to impress and look pretty infront the guys. this torturing tradition is not only dangerous but also can cause many serious health problem for those who are practising this tradition.so say NO for any torturing tradition.be yourself and never force yourself!!!!!!
santhana m05
hmmm...beautiful....such a word for girl..but for me..beautiful is come from heart...good heart heart makes beautiful personality..what that i can say about these photos is...everyone have their own opinion and this make them do what ever it takes to make they look beautiful..from my eye..it doesnt look beautiful..eeuuww...look horrible..haha..ops..sorry..its just my opinion..however.its their traditional.so..up to them to do with their neck..foot..or ears..
Supprissing!! Do you want to wear the things that bring you suffer as like as the two things that you have looked which are corset and foot binding. Honestly, when I see the picture are, with shaking my head,I can say that this tradition look very horrible. Can you imagine your feet become very ugly and also does not look nice when you see it at a glance? Ouch God!! Very sorry for them if I refused this tradition for our generation and the next generation indeed. Before I forget, we are already know that an elderly Kenyah woman wearing heavy earings.Actually, this earings are wore in order to increasing of their ages. It's so amazing!!
But, nowadays, people can do whatever they want. Especially, girls or women, they can make another alternative to look very well in front of men without suffering on their own whether using cosmetics or others.
foot binding??hmm, i just cant imagine how our feet was binded such that. then oor feet become too little..huh??for us, maybe we can say that such thing does not give any advantages to us, but not to Chinese people. it is from their generation.
i have read that bound feet were a status symbol, the only way for a woman to marry into money.fuh, just to become more wealth, they bind their feet..huh!!
i also read that women that do this have regret with their own decision.maybe they then know that binding foot give many problem to them.
thank you.
siti nor hafizah binti mohd sapawi
It so scary to look...they willing to do that because they want to look beautiful...There are many way to look beautiful such as diet,drink a lot of water......its just my opinion..however.its their traditional.so..up to them to do with their neck..foot..or ears..
~muhammad izzuddin bin masrom~
People will do anything to fulfill their goal.That is occur to people who wear corset to look more beautiful and do a foot binding.But the effect will risk their life.In order to look beautiful, it looks weird and it look suffer for them when they should follow the traditon from last generation.People should think globally and analyze the effects before we make a decision.
Thats all.
Thank You.
assalamualaikum and good day.
the pictures of foot binding make me really scared..scared than watching horror movie..eeaauwww..they sacrifice their health only for beauty...so stupid..for me..beauty not only for looking good,great and so on but it is about our behaviour,attitude and many more..
As we look at the picture,I can say that it more to the tradition.Like our country too, we also have the tradition, but it's not crazy like what we can see at the picture.They have their own reason why they willing to wear the small shoes,have the long neck and wearing heavy earrings.It is good to show the different tradition in our country, but as we can look at picture,we can look it have our physical. it make our fit body become unfit body. they have to sacrifice their beautiful body just for make tradition not lost in our world.
As we look at the picture,I can say that it more to the tradition.Like our country too, we also have the tradition, but it's not crazy like what we can see at the picture.They have their own reason why they willing to wear the small shoes,have the long neck and wearing heavy earrings.It is good to show the different tradition in our country, but as we can look at picture,we can look it have our physical. it make our fit body become unfit body. they have to sacrifice their beautiful body just for make tradition not lost in our world.
-Azrulhafiq bin Mohd Azizi
What a ridiculous tradition! As everyone mention in their comment,they maybe have their own reason to wear the small shoes, but if we think again, do we need to sacrifice our body to look beautiful. Maybe some people says that they willing to do anything to became more beautiful, especially woman. In this case, who we must blame for? Though they didn't want to wear that tiny shoes,but they must do so because of one reason..tradition.
Ahmad Aiman Ramlan
salam everyone.
the meaning for beauty is very high for a women. however in way to look beautyfull, they are willing to do such a stupid things to their body. however maybe there are their tradition.
hi everyone!!
this is my opinion about corset.
thank God this practice is forbidden for now. i think, women and girls don't like cprset to much. they just follow the practice becuase it is a tradition for them.
i can't imagine if my leg is bind. i'll suffer for the whole life. i can't walk, can do anything that i want. i wonder how women and girls whose practice this can stand for it.
thats all about my opinion. just wanna say sorry to madam because post this commet for the last minute.
I do think it's really amazing,
but I still can't consider it as beauty.Maybe my perspective of beauty is totally differ than Kenyah women..hee
One more thing,does people who done feet-binding think that they were beautiful when their foot hurt to walk??
People will do anything to fulfill their goal.But we should think globally and analyze the effects before can make a decision that may be risk the rest of our life.
Thats all.
Thank You.
~MA 08123~
~MA 05~
hi madam and all..
its true.as they said 'no pain no gain'.but in this case, i personally think it is more like 'no thanks pain! cause i dont wanna gain that kind of pain'.well,everyone will do anything to get the perfect.but being perfect isn't everything.there are several ways to look amazingly beautiful and also didn't hurt yourself.so you might consider that kind of methods rather than feet-binding and etc. that will result a permanent harm on yourself.however, inner beauty is much much important than outer beauty.when you are beautiful inside, your outer beauty will outshine itself.thats the meaning of beauty to me.so whatever you do, you must remember to love yourself first.
that's all.thank you.
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