Ooh, wow! How fast time flies! It's now March and soon, the semester will be over, but not without some pain. You guys heard it before, "No pain, no gain!"
Remember, your proposal is due this week. Then be ready to make that invention happen before you can present it to the the world. In between, there's your progress report some time in week 12.
Okay, and for those still unclear on what you need to do when you see this "Reading Entries" heading, here's what you need to do:
- Read anything you like. It could be a book, a short story, a poem, an article in a magazine, or from your nasi lemak wrapper, or an online article, information off a cereal box, anything - but the reading materials have got to be in English.
- Then, go to your own blog or this one, whichever first is okay, and share with us the following info: (a) what you read (b) where you read it from - e.g., if it's from a magazine, state the article title, name of magazine and page of article and if it's an online article, share the link. You may copy and paste the article but that should not be the only content of your blog entry. (c) what you thought about the article - i.e., whether you liked it or not and why OR (d) what the article reminded you of OR (e) a summary of the article OR (f) all c, d and e.
- Sign off with your name, matric number and section.
- Then after you have posted your entry, copy and paste what you've written into the other blog depending on which blog you went to first. If you have no blog of your own, then you just need to come here to post your comments.
Okay? Any questions, ask me when you see me. :) By the way, for the reading entries, you may post as many entries as you like. There's no limit. It all depends on how much you've read and how much you'd like to share with us.
Web cams are video capturing devices connected to computers or computer networks, often using USB or, if they connect to networks, ethernet or Wi-Fi. They are well-known for their low manufacturing costs and flexible applications.
Started in 1991, the first such camera, called the Coffee Cam, was pointed at the Trojan room coffee pot in the computer science department of Cambridge University. The camera was finally switched off on August 22, 2001.
The coffee machine was repaired for free by Krups.
The oldest web cam, as the technology came to be known, still operating is Fog Cam at San Francisco State University, which has been running continuously since 1994.
One of the most widely reported-on web cam sites was JenniCam, started in 1996, which allowed internet users to constantly observe the life of its namesake, somewhat like reality TV series Big Brother, launched three years later. More recently, the website Justin.Television has shown a continuous video and audio stream from a mobile camera mounted on the head of the site's star.
Recently, Apple and other computer hardware manufactures began building web cams directly into laptop and desktop screens. This eliminates the need to use an external usb or fire wire webcam.
Women in Islam is a multidimensional and a complex topic. The teachings of Islam are based essentially on the Qur'an (God's revelation) and Hadeeth ( elaboration by Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him ). The Qur'an and the Hadeeth, when properly and unbiasedly understood, provide the basic source for any position or view which is attributed to Islam.These two basic Islamic concepts are:
* Islam is not a common religion in the popular understanding of most people, rather Islam is a way of life to be practiced constantly and be reflected in all of our actions. The basis of these actions is the strong belief in God's commands in total obedience to his role. What our Creator commands is not for us, as his creations, to question. If one thinks of these commands, one does not find them insulting to his or her intelligence but rather they serve to enrich and improve humanity's well being. In this context, a Muslim man or woman understands their mutual role in society.
* The status of woman in Islam is something unique, something novel, something that has no similarity in any other system.
Secrets of the Sand
So what is the secret of a supersized sandcastle? According to research by the BBC for a television series called Coast, there's one key piece of science. For every eight parts of sand, you need one part of water.
Every child knows - as they say - that you can't make a sandcastle out of sand that's completely dry. It's the surface tension in the water between the sand grains that holds them together. Add too much water, though, and the whole thing goes mushy, because there's not enough air-water surface.
But BBC Focus magazine begs to differ. For their summer special issue, they have checked out the strength of damp sand - and found that "wet sand's strength is more or less constant for anywhere between one and 30 per cent water." That's because there's a trade-off between the strength of each bond between the grains - which lessens as the sand gets wetter - and the number of bonds, which increases as the sand becomes more saturated.
5 ways to improve your English
1. Start your own English language blog. Even for people who don't have to write in English, writing can be a great way of properly learning the kind of vocabulary you need to describe your own life and interests, and of thinking about how to stop making grammar mistakes. The problem most people have is that they don't know what to write about. One traditional way to make sure you write every day in English is to write an English diary (journal), and a more up to date way of doing this is to write a blog. Popular topics include your language learning experience, your experience studying abroad, your local area, your language, or translations of your local news into English.
2. Listen to English music. Even listening to music while doing something else can help a little for things like getting used to the natural rhythm and tone of English speech, although the more time and attention you give to a song the more you will learn from listening to it again in the future.
3. Sing karaoke in English. The next stage after understanding and memorising a song is obviously to sing it. Although some words have their pronunciation changed completely to fit in with a song, most of the words have the same sounds and stressed syllables as in normal speech. Remembering which words rhyme at the end of each line can also be a good way of starting to learn English pronunciation.
4. Online chat. The closest thing to speaking for people who don't have the chance to speak English is online chat, as you have to think and respond quickly, and the language is short and informal just like speech.
5. Watch films in your language with English subtitles. If you are finding English films with English subtitles too difficult or you can't find English films with English subtitles in your local video shop, this is a good second best option. Looking for local films with English subtitles can also sometimes be a good sign of quality, as it means the producers of the film are expecting it to be popular internationally as well.
written by Jean Ure....
This book is about a girl name Mandy. In school she had trouble writting but no trouble speaking so her teacher suggested her to record her life story in tape. From there she tell the story about her family. She comes from a family that is not that rich. The best part of this story was that her family has weird character.So she said that she try very hard so that she will not become a total fruit and nutcase like her family. From the video she recorded she learns how to write.This is a very interesting story to read. When I read it I won't get boring because of Mandy family that is so weird. So I suggested people to read it.
i had read about second life from it's website. second life is actually about the virtual world that developed by Linden Lab that launched on June 23, 2003. it can be access via the internet.users must download the applications.
i am personally interested with this second life world.we can communicate with others via the this world.we can know the other residents in the second life world.it is good for us.we can developed our communication skill there.it is so good for the people who is not too good in show off their talent can show off here.it's just a normal life but in different world...=]
hi everyone!!!
while i was surfing the internet, saw an intersting article which made me wondering....it is true???
so, i would like share the article
1. If you are right handed, you will tend to chew your food on your right side. If you are left handed, you will tend to chew your food on your left side.
2. If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. For when a human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts off.
3. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
4. Your tongue is germ free only if it is pink. If it is white there is a thin film of bacteria on it.
5. The Mercedes-Benz motto is “Das Beste oder Nichts” meaning “the best or nothing”.
6. The Titanic was the first ship to use the SOS signal.
7. The pupil of the eye expands as much as 45 percent when a person looks at something pleasing.
8. The average person who stops smoking requires one hour less sleep a night.
9. Laughing lowers levels of stress hormones and strengthens the immune system. Six-year-olds laugh an average of 300 times a day. Adults only laugh 15 to 100 times a day.
10. The roar that we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear is not the ocean, but rather the sound of blood surging through the veins in the ear.
santhana m05
hi friends
my mother has told the story ramayanam since i was young.The Ramayanam is one of the two great Indian epics,the other being the Mahabharata. Rama, the hero of the Ramayana, is a popular deity worshiped in the Hindu religion.According to Hindu tradition, Rama is an incarnation (Avatar), of the god Vishnu. The main purpose of this incarnation is to demonstrate the righteous path (dharma) for all living creatures on Earth.Rama lived his whole life by the rules of dharma in fact, that was why Indian consider him heroic. When Rama was a young boy, he was the perfect son. Later he was an ideal husband to his faithful wife, Sita, and a responsible ruler of Aydohya. "Be as Rama," young Indians have been taught for 2,000 years; "Be as Sita."
hi friends
my mother has told the story ramayanam since i was young.The Ramayanam is one of the two great Indian epics,the other being the Mahabharata. Rama, the hero of the Ramayana, is a popular deity worshiped in the Hindu religion.According to Hindu tradition, Rama is an incarnation (Avatar), of the god Vishnu. The main purpose of this incarnation is to demonstrate the righteous path (dharma) for all living creatures on Earth.Rama lived his whole life by the rules of dharma in fact, that was why Indian consider him heroic. When Rama was a young boy, he was the perfect son. Later he was an ideal husband to his faithful wife, Sita, and a responsible ruler of Aydohya. "Be as Rama," young Indians have been taught for 2,000 years; "Be as Sita."
santhana m05
I am a huge fan of all six episodes of Star Wars and thought episode III was wonderful. Maybe it's because of the love story and Anakin's struggle to find the right path to go down, but it was really good.i also really enjoy watching star wars trilogy.in the last episode anakin finally turns bad,palpatine reveals himself as the sith,the jedi and the republic are destroyed. kenobi is betrayed and padme dies.its a great and powerfull story.well done for mr.lucas and his team...
santhana m05
Your Intelligence Makeover!
This book is simply superb. When I glanced through few pages I realised that there are many things that how one can learn to nip and tuck his or her knowledge. You will double or triple your reading speed and dramatically improve your memory. Then you will have access to a wide body of information to kick it up a notch and rise to a higher level of intellectual plane.
Besides, your intelligence makeover is a fascinating book that helps the reader focus on learning in a more effective manner. By strengthening our reading, memory, writing, and speaking skills I realised that we can achieve a richer, fuller life.
This book also includes great tips on raising reading speed and comprehension where it aids one to remember details in a well organised way. I feel that the intelligence quizzes are worth the price of the book, just to take it for gathering to test my friends.
All in all, I feel this is a great book to stimulate the growth of knowledge.
santhana m05
Public Safety!
Public safety is essential as it ensures social peace and stability in the country. The two components of the Public Safety Index are crime rate and road accidents. The crime rate was measured as per thousand populations while road accidents were measured as per thousand vehicles. The Public Safety Index declined during the period from 78.4 points in 1980 to 72.1 points in 1998, mainly due to an increase in road accidents, while changes in the crime rate were constant except in 1985-1986 and 1997-1998, coinciding with the period of economic downturn.
Crimes per thousand population increased from 5.3 in 1980 to 7.2 in 1998, while the average crime rate for the 19-year period was only 4.7. For the period 1980-1989, the average crime rate was 5.1, as compared to 3.8 for the period 1990-1996, indicating an overall decline in crime rate during the period of strong economic growth. Crime rate however, rose to 5.6 and 7.2 in 1997 and 1998 respectively during the period of economic slowdown.
Road accidents per thousand vehicles decreased from 25.1 in 1980 to 23.6 in 1998, as reflected by the declining trend of the road accidents sub-index. Theaverage rate of road accidents per thousand vehicles for the 19-year period was 22.6. Normally during festive seasons almost all the road networks in the country will be used to maximum capacity, especially during the days prior to and after a festival. Records indicate an increase in road accidents during festive season as compared to a normal day. In 1998, most fatal accidents occurred on State and Municipal roads and only 7 percent of the fatal accidents occurred on privatised expressways.
The quality of life of Malaysians during the period 1980-1998, witnessed an overall improvement as reflected by the upward movement in the MQLI. In almost all areas, substantial improvements were attained as evident by the positive developments in the areas of income and distribution, education, family life, health, transport and communications, social participation, housing, and working life. Although environment and public safety recorded declines, primarily due to a deterioration in the river water quality and an increase in the number of road accidents, continuous efforts are being undertaken to remedy the situation to ensure that the people continue to enjoy a better quality of life.
santhana m05
Did you know that healthy diet spoils taste for cigarettes?
A research and study has been conducted on approximately 200 smokers. The result obtain was 45 per cent of these smokers said that coffee enhanced the taste of cigarettes, while 44 per cent and 11percent that alcohol and milk had the same effect.
Food that spoilt the taste of cigarettes are milk, fresh fruits and vegetables and filtered water. Smoking is highly habitual behavior... it is a hardcore interest which is hard to let go of. Anything that can worsen the experience of smoking can help one to break the habit.
SECRET RECIPE??..hurmm..when we are talking about it..the first thing that may come through out of your mind must be a cake..is it right?..actually the words 'SECRET RECIPY' was already synonyms with cakes..actually secret recipe was a lifestyle cafe chain that has become a household name following its debut in 1997.It has succesfully established its brand name in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, China and Philippines by virtue of its fine quality cakes, fusion food and distinctive service.And for your all information Malaysia was leading and have the largest cafe chain , with Halal certification awarded by Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM).
Aside from the probability that most students will be wealthier than the average first time buyer or working class citizen, thanks to their immunity from the credit crunch (for the time being anyway) they continue to live in more luxury than most would imagine. On top of their loans, most students will also work to afford other essentials like car insurance, food and print outs/photocopies from the library. I once assumed that printing in university would be free since we pay over three grand a year, but no. There is one myth however, that I must endeavour to put to a deserved death...the laziness of students.
For the last six weeks I have been slaving away on a university features assignment. We were told that we had to write three feature articles at a total of 5000 words and that we had only six weeks to complete them. The features had to be written in the style of three different and established publications of our choice. We were also to choose original and current stories that had not been reported on before. Not only did they all have to be investigative features, they had to include over ten different interviewees including major opinion formers, pressure groups and leading government MPs as well as interviews from the average Jo Blogs.
Six weeks adds up to two weeks per feature, not including the time that we would need to find and speak to our contacts (exceedingly difficult if you're trying to get to any senior politician or police spokesperson) and think of what the hell we were going to write about. After we completed this we then had to lay out the magazine on a computer programme in the style of the publication we had written our article for. Then we had to write a production analysis of how we thought the whole process had gone and hand that in too.
So if you wonder why students sleep in so late or why they have permanent colds, don't judge right away. It may not be that they have been out boozing all week, feeding their immune system with regular instalments of chili drenched kebab and cheesy chips. It could be that they have spent the last month dutifully banging keys in front of over worked computer keyboards whilst trying to fit in their commitments to the time hungry hockey club/ bar job/ university newspaper.
noor aifadilah junoh
As I was surfing the internet, I came across this beautiful flower called Daisy and this eventually lead me to share with you some informations about Daisy
As we all know, there are lots of beautiful flowers in the huge Compositae family, and daisies are very typical of the group. Although the three plants described here are not really closely related, they are in the same family and have the connection of the common name "daisy."
A very satisfying native perennial to grow, Engelmann Daisy (Engelmannia pinnatifida), pictured above, is hardy and prolific. The flower grows from a huge tuberous root and sends up numerous fuzzy stems and leaves, sometimes reaching about 3 feet in height and sprawling about that wide as well. During the spring, each plant produces lots of bright yellow blossoms, and when seen in a field or along a road, they are very eye-catching. As the seed heads mature, the stems die and by mid-summer, almost all of the foliage is dead and the plant remains dormant until late winter.
Zexmenia (Wedelia hispida) is another well-adapted native perennial. Other names for this plant include orange daisy and hairy wedelia. It is extremely common, grows under any conditions, and is easy to start from seed. The dark green foliage is attractive, but the plant gets to be rather spreading and messy looking, and the flowers are usually not very profuse during the hottest parts of the summer. It seems that when the temperature is over 100°F many species of plants either stop producing blossoms or the individual flowers are small and misshapen. The zexmenia flowers are not very large but they are a beautiful orange color and the plant blooms non-stop from late winter to early winter.
The final flower here is the cultivated English daisy (Bellis perennis), which also does well for us. This perennial slowly spreads into a mat of small green leaves, managing to survive the really hot spells and blooming when it cools or if we have some rain. Most of the blossoming occurs in the early spring, but an occasional flower pops up throughout the summer. The center blossoms are arranged in a mathematician's dream spiral pattern. I'm sorry, but I don't know the formula offhand. The symmetry of the white petals and yellow center is very appealing to us humans, but merely another meal for a hungry caterpillar
Why Kindness is Good For You
We've always admired those who are kind. Now we're discovering that kindness will not only make you happier, it might help you live longer.A new theory called ''survival of the nicest'' says that because of kindness, the human race prospered as a species. Professor Sam Bowles from the Santa Fe Institute in the US analysed ancient societies and found that kindness was a key component of the survival of communities. Research shows kindness can also make us happier. Professor Sonja Lyubomirsky from the University of California asked participants in a study to perform random acts of kindness over ten weeks. She found happiness increased over the study period, although there was a catch: people who performed a wide variety of kind acts – holding the door open for a stranger.
For me,kindness will be happen if we know how to appricate somebody.Everybody can be like this.Practice make perfect!
nina nadia binti sahim
What's in That Bottle?
Before I finish read the book, I never think about what's in that bottle? It look simple word and simple thing but it can influence our daily live.
Evocative names and labels depicting pastoral scenes have convinced us that the liquid is the purest drink around. But given the lack of labelling requirements for bottled water, how much do consumers really know about what's in the bottle? ''The public should not assume that water purchased in a bottle is better regulated, more pure, or safer than most tap water. Water utilities are required to tell the public more about their tap water than bottled water companies are,'' says Mae Wu, a bottled water expert at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a nonprofit organisation in the US devoted to protecting health and the environment.
In conclusion, I now that our bottle have some dangerous chemical.We can't use the bottle more than one time if the bottle have recycle symbol.
nina nadia binti sahim
Effect of cold water
Today i read one article about effect of cold water and i want to share it with everyone.After i read this article i realize that cold water can cause a most dangerous disease that is cancer.
Everybody must like to drink cold water,me also particularly when hot day.But we must beware of this habit especially after take a meal.The cold water will solidify the oil stuff that you have just consumed after a meal.This action will slow down the digestion.
When this 'sludge' reacts with acid,it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food.It will line the intestine and when the time come it will turn into fats and lead to cancer.
For my advice to who love his/her health,the best thing to do is drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.Let's be careful and be aware of what we eat and drink everyday because the more we know the better chance we could survive.
nina nadia binti sahim
Eat and stay slim
One can find so many advertisements on slimming just about everywhere. The world is talking about it. With the health problems that come with obesity, there is a real good reason to look within ourselves.
I believe we should be conscious of the food we put into our mouths. Easier said than done. But why are there still so many obese people? Has obesity something to do with genetic inheritance? Maybe, but looking around me, I think environment factors are the cause. We are influenced by our peers, friends and our family in what we eat or not eat.
Malaysians are blessed with many varieties of food and delicacies that come from our multi-cultural background, and it is indeed difficult to resist the temptations at times.
If your body is screaming for teh tarik, most probably there is some health imbalance that causes the cravings. Your craving for roti canai, a refined carb food, may be due to the fact that your blood sugar level is low and is a signal for the body to produce more insulin. Depending on your age, it is advisable to have a yearly medical check up to understand yourself better.
Staying slim or losing unwanted kilos is a serious business and it demands serious attention and effort. If you have a weight issue and a very good reason to lose some, make a decision and commit to a plan. There is no success without a plan and as the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
The truth is we can still live, eat and enjoy food without the many health problems plaguing us in the later part of our life's journey.
nina nadia binti sahim
I want to give some tips to prevent the pimples. For information the pimples is the physical result of a blockage of the skin's pore. Inside these pores are sebaceous glands that produce a substance called sebum. Whenever the outer layers of our skin shed then sometimes these dead skin cells can be left behind "glued" by the sebum. This is what causes the blockage in the pore and ruins our potential for high school proms.
Here are a few tips on how to prevent pimples. First, keep good hygiene-wash the area in question with soap and rinse on a daily basis. May tempted to put on heavy make up to hide pimples but since looking for advice on how to prevent pimples, know that this is counter-productive, as makeup has fatty content along with other strange chemicals that we don't want on our sensitive face. The best type of makeup, at least the type that can help on how to prevent pimples is hypoallergenic brands.
Two factors involved in how to prevent pimples are a person's diet and hormones. Fatty foods can lead to further oily build up on the face while birth control pills have been known to both alleviate and worsen the problem for different people. Obviously, buying skincare products may help in how to prevent pimples but make sure that research the product online to see if customers are satisfied and if it can be applied safely. Some people have noticed that washing their face with cold water, instead of warm, can help to seal the pores and tighten up the skin. Lastly, drink lots of water as this well help in how to prevent pimples and also provide plenty of other health benefits as well. So, let’s try to prevent the pimples.
life is just mirrow
Actually life is really just a mirror because every seem to be acting in the real world. They do not want to show they real personality to other so rather than acting. The mirror will just reflect the best thing of humanity and won’t reflect the bad side of human look. The mirror surface is smooth and every thing seem to be good but maybe actually inside that is rotten already. The human heart won’t simply show off, we do not know whether someone heart is in good condition or already rotten in the early of life. So we cannot just judge a people according to their outlook. Some people look like ugly or normal but actually inside their heart, they are very nice people. Maybe they alway help other that needed their help. They will do what they can do and what they can contribute. Reversely got some people look very beauty and nice look but actually they all are rotten inside. They will just act like very kind to other people that needed help in front of the person they like or interest so that the person their like have good impression to them. This kind of people is the worst because they didn’t threat other indeed from heart but just act for someone see. So whatever we do, we need to look into ourself so that we won’t make big mistake like acting in front of people. We need to face other by our real charateristic and personality so that we will remember by other forever not because we are acting but is we are very best friend. So here, I advise you all must see inside of you all so that you won’t just acting in front of people.
nina nadia binti sahim
You know how grateful I am;
You made me feel I don't deserve all the kindness that You've given me.
You know how thankful I am;
You made me believe that all Your goodness that I received, are the returns of all the pains that You've tested me.
You know how hopeful I am;
You made me realise there are people whom I really care, really care for me.
You know how peaceful I am;
You let me know they will always be there,
to hold me whenever I drown,
to help me whenever I am down,
to love me unconditionally, and put a smile on my face in every single dawn.
But You made me realise You deserve much more than this.
I'm sorry...
this poem i took from my schoolmate. This poem make me realize about we need to thank all of the kidness. We must thankful for anything that we have because it is give us many experience.
Learn How Plant Grows In A Hydroponic System
Indoor growing permits the gardener to entirely master the growing conditions. All of the nutrients your plants call for to grow must be provided by your indoor hydroponic arrangement. Lighting, heat, oxygen, carbon dioxide, pH, and plant food should be looked at prior to commencing the set up of your growing organization.
Reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) measurements can also limit your plant's capacity to photosynthesize. Plants can synthesize much more carbon dioxide than is commonly seen in the standard atmosphere. You can enhance the quantity of carbon dioxide usable to your plants by using a carbon dioxide system in your indoor hydroponic lay out.
Plants grow better between a certain spread of temperatures. Extreme temperatures may lead to smaller development and deficiency of fruit output. Of course, good growing temperatures can diverge from species to species, but warm-season veggies and many kinds of flowers grow better in between about 65° and 80° F. Other cooler-season vegetables such as cabbage ordinarily grow better in between 50° and 65° F.
interesting right??so,,let's together gardening now..
noor aifadilah junoh
Zodiac Signs and Horoscopes: Who am I compatible with?
Love and compatibility with another is something that we all strive for. It is something that is talked about in every social circle and in every walk of life. This notion of love and compatibility is always a hot topic when discussing your “sign” with someone. One of the main reasons for a person to read their horoscope is to find out about their past, present and future love life. So it’s only natural for us to wonder which zodiac signs are compatible with one another. So who are you compatible with?
Aries – is most compatible with Leo & Sagittarius, compatible with Aquarius & Gemini and opposite from Libra.
Taurus – is most compatible with Capricorn & Virgo, compatible with Cancer & Pisces and opposite from Scorpio.
Gemini – is most compatible with Aquarius & Libra, compatible with Aries & Leo and opposite from Sagittarius
Cancer – is most compatible with Pisces & Scorpio, compatible with Taurus & Virgo and opposite from Capricorn
Leo – is most compatible with Aries & Sagittarius, compatible with Gemini & Libra and opposite from Aquarius
Virgo – is most compatible with Capricorn & Taurus, compatible with Cancer & Scorpio and opposite from Pisces
Libra – is most compatible with Aquarius and Gemini, compatible with Leo & Sagittarius and opposite from Aries
Scorpio – is most compatible with Cancer & Pisces, compatible with Capricorn & Virgo and opposite from Taurus
Sagittarius – is most compatible with Aries & Leo, compatible with Aquarius & Libra and opposite from Gemini
Capricorn – is most compatible with Taurus & Virgo, compatible with Pisces & Scorpio and opposite from Cancer
Aquarius – is most compatible with Gemini & Libra, compatible with Aries & Sagittarius and opposite from Leo
Pisces – is most compatible with Cancer & Scorpio, compatible with Capricorn & Taurus and opposite from Virgo
All of your horoscope and zodiac information in one place at http://www.horoscopehaven.com
John Kim has written articles on various topics including Astrology and Horoscopes. To view more information related to Zodiac Signs and Horoscopes go to http://www.horoscopehaven.com
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com
noor aifadilah junoh
I just read a article about fever. So, i would like to share the information with u all.
Fever (also known as pyrexia, from the Greek pyretos meaning fire, or a febrile response, from the Latin word febris, meaning fever, and archaically known as ague) is a frequent medical sign that describes an increase in internal body temperature to levels above normal. Fever is most accurately characterized as a temporary elevation in the body's thermoregulatory set-point, usually by about 1–2 °C.
Fever is caused by an elevation in the thermoregulatory set-point, causing typical body temperature (generally and problematically considered to be 37 °C ±1 °C, see below for specifics) to rise, and effector mechanisms are enacted as a result. A feverish individual has a general feeling of cold despite an increased body temperature, and increases in heart rate, muscle tone and shivering, all of which are caused by the body's attempts to counteract the newly-perceived hypothermia and reach the new thermoregulatory set-point.
Fever differs from hyperthermia in that hyperthermia is an increase in body temperature over the body's thermoregulatory set-point, due to excessive heat production or insufficient thermoregulation, or both.
A fever is considered one of the body's immune mechanisms to attempt a neutralization of a perceived threat inside the body, be it bacterial or viral. Carl Wunderlich discovered that fever is not a disease, but the body's response to a disease.
Fever is actually a response our body towards viruses and bacteria. I learned this when I’m in form 6. Our body rises our body temperature to kill those viruses and bacteria.
Today i want to share an information about hyperactive kids.
Firstly,do you know what is ADHD??.ADHD is stand for attention dificit hyperactivity disorder.Kids who has this disoder they may have problem to pay attention or siting still in their seat.Their also act on impuls.Where they can act without thinking first.Sometimes they can be disorganized,distracted or forgetful.In fact, three times as many boys have ADHD then girls.
Sometimes,parents often frustrated when dealing with hyperactive kids.This following tips may help better respond to hyperactive kids.Firstly,set the rules and boundries for the hyperactive kids and for the whole family.Don't be flexible because hyperactive kids really needs rules they clearly understand.This because,limits is the best way then we hitting or spitting.Secondly,establish regular routine.This can help them to recognize their day.Thirdly,use free time to trip in the park,junggle trakking,reading book together or etc.In addition,keep watching television is in minimum and don't allow watching television at night.Loud or seperfluous sound can really up hyperacive kids.Itis important to regognize that they can't always control what they do.So don't fault what they can't control..
So,don't disppointed with having hyperactive children.But,love them like other normal kids.
santhana m05
I really love watching avatar : the last airbender , a anime series.acctually The term "Avatar" comes from the Sanskrit word avatara, which means "descent". In Hinduism, the gods manifest themselves into Avatars to restore balance on earth, usually during a period of great evil. This is an Emmy award-winning American animated television series that aired for three seasons on Nickelodeon and the Nicktoons Network. The series was created and produced by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, who served as executive producers along with Aaron Ehasz. Avatar is set in an Asian-influenced world of martial arts and elemental manipulation. The show drew on elements from East Asian, South Asian, and Western culture, making it a mixture of what were previously traditionally separate categories of anime and US domestic cartoons. The series follows the adventures of the main protagonist Aang and his friends, who must save the world by defeating the Fire Lord and ending the destructive war with the Fire Nation.there are three season
Season One: Avatar: The Last Airbender (season 1)
Season Two: Avatar: The Last Airbender (season 2)
season three : Avatar: The Last Airbender (season 3) , Sozin's Comet: The Final Battle
hope you all will watch my cutest ang(the avatar) in action hehehe.....
santhana ma08113
i read it from one of magazines that i saw at book shop...
it just about songs...guitar cords...and so on...songs..u know what really songs mean to our life..?
well..what i wanna write here is all about my opinion towards songs..and my opinion is same with the article that been write in the magazine..hmmm...one of it is totally all of us in this world hear or sing everyday...maybe in your room or in your bathroom..
Songs can be hear by radio...mp3...walkman..tv..and so on..
Songs also can come exactly same with your situation...sad..emo...happy..frust
and so on...you see how amazing song ..?
Songs also can comes in Blues..Rock...Jazz...Nasyid...or..Slow rock...so...songs is part in our life..
im sure as a student...u have your own PC..and same goes to me...i will hear it everyday..when im bored...or when im lonely....alsowhen im in any mood that i mention above...thanx ...
Begedil (Malaysian Deep Fried Potato Patty)
Begedil is a Malaysian term for deep fried potato patty usually eaten alongside other Malaysian curries and this is a family favourite of ours.Some like it with bits of browned mince beef but I prefer mine plain with the exception of chopped cilantro,green onions and fried shallots.It's up to you to add or omit whatever additional ingredients but this is how it is done in my household...
1/2 kg potato, peeled washed and cut into circles
1 bunch spring onion, chopped finely
half bunch cilantro, chopped finely
1/2 cup fried shallots
egg, beaten and used for coating purposes before deep drying (at least 2)
white pepper
black pepper
enough oil (for frying)
Most people deep fry the potatoes,drain the oil and then mash them in a dry bowl. Boiling ,however is a healthier alternative and I have done it a lot of times. Works either way.
Throw in all the chopped ingredients including shallots and mix thoroughly.
Season well and shape into medium sized balls with the palms of your hands before flattening.
Coat begedil in the beaten eggs and fry till lightly browned.
hmmm...interesting right??so,what are you waiting for?let's try...
noor aifadilah junoh
I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow."
"I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life." "I've learned that making a 'living' is not the same thing as 'making a life'."
"I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance."
"I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back."
"I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision."
"I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one." "I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone."
"People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back."
"I've learned that I still have a lot to learn." "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
**i take this article from iluvislam link..juz to share with all, this article teach us to appreciate all thing that we have and we have just to know that there is a reason why ALLAH did something to us..don forget to always remember ALLAH in our life..
thank you..
siti nor hafizah bt mohd sapawi
What is AIDS? What causes AIDS?
AIDS stands for (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).
An HIV-positive person receives an AIDS diagnosis after developing one of the CDC-defined AIDS indicator illnesses. An HIV-positive person can also receive an AIDS diagnosis on the basis of certain blood tests (CD4 counts) and may not have experienced any serious illnesses. A positive HIV test does not mean that a person has AIDS. A diagnosis of AIDS is made by a physician according to the CDC AIDS Case Definition.
Over time, infection with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) can weaken the immune system to the point that the system has difficulty fighting off certain infections. These types of infections are known as opportunistic infections. Many of the infections that cause problems or that can be life-threatening for people with AIDS are usually controlled by a healthy immune system. The immune system of a person with AIDS has weakened to the point that medical intervention may be necessary to prevent or treat serious illness.
Hurmm...this is some entries that I have read to share wuth you all.. bye..
A Poem For My Mother
I miss you so much,
your laugh, your smile, your touch.
You always brightened my days
with all the smiles you sent my way.
I need you as my angel
to always be at my side.
I need you as my angel
to give me peace of mind.
I like to think your near to me
to know that you are there.
Even though I can not see you,
I feel that you are near.
Please do not forget me mom,
for you are always in my heart,
my thoughts and prayers.
I love you.
oh...so touching!!! it's so very sad if you are not appreciated your mom...I miss u mom!
The Wrong Way
by RainDreamer
The wrong way, no one ever does this,
We're the best of friends but at one time longed to kiss,
We have done things in opposite array,
But for us maybe God intended it this way.
I ended it all with following words from a friend,
From a pretend friend, who wanted my world to end.
You were my world, each breathe I took, everything I dreamed,
A friendship shouldn't come from this, but amazingly through the dark it beamed.
Maybe my mistake was some sign,
That you were meant to just be a great friend of mine.
I am feeling happy that we are still so close,
Even though we don't shared what I wanted most.
For now I understand what I have gained from all this,
A special friend, someone who for not one moment do I want to miss.
this poem was described about the friendship between two friends. As we all know,i can said that friends was important in our life because friends give more effect in our life.but,the best thing is if we have a bestfriend..we will have a strong relationship that cann't be separate forever...
noor aifadilah junoh
here,i want to comment about Ayuls' comments post..It is about song..I totally agree with him that song are appear in various types which is blues,jazz and others...
Sometimes songs can make me feel relax..also can released my tension too.
'songs is part in our life'.i'm also agree with this ayuls' statement..i heard songs every time when i'm bored..
that's all..thanks
noor aifadilah junoh
I have read about the article that has five easy steps to a flat stomach. To really lose the fat, strengthen the abs, and develop real six pack abs, follow these five easy steps.
1. Write down in a notebook everything you eat for three days; be sure to estimate the quantity as closely as you can.
nina nadia binti sahim
2. Do a search on the internet for calorie counters to find out the calorie content of the foods you've listed. Then list the calories for each item on your list.
3. Add up your total calories for the three days, and then divide by three. This is your average daily calorie consumption.
4. Determine where you can cut 250 calories per day by analyzing where you are consuming excessive calories, or calories with little nutritional value. Don’t forget to include what you drink.
5. Begin some type of exercise to burn 250 additional calories per day. These can include your abdominal exercises of course, but if you want to supercharge your calorie burn, try and incorporate some aerobic training. It doesn't take much exercise to burn 250 calories. Walking just 2-3 miles will accomplish this for most people.
I hope this article can help us to make our healthy always in a good condition. For mens, to avoid us from have a big stomach in the future, let’s try these tips. I know you will love it..Good Luck My Friends!!
There was a young man who went overseas 2 study for quite a long time. When he returned , he asked his parents 2 find him a religious scholar or any expert who could answer his Three Questions. Finally his parents were able 2 find a muslim scholar.
"Who r u? Can u answer my questions?," asked the young man.
"I am one of Allah's slaves and insyaAllah, I will be able 2 answer your question," replied the scholar.
"Are you sure? A lot of professors and experts were not able to answer my questions."
"I will try my best, with the help of Allah Ta'ala."
"I have 3 questions,"
1. Does God exist? If so, show me His shape.
2. What is fate(takdir)?
3. If syaitan(devil) was created from fire, why at the end he will be thrown to hell that is also created from fire. Did God not think of it this far?
Suddenly, the scholar slapped the young man's face very hard. The young man, who was shocked and hurt by the slap became confused.
"Why are you angry a me?"
"I am not angry. The slap is my answer to your 3 questions."
"I really don' understand," the young man said. He was really confused.
The scholar began to explain. " How didi you feel after I slapped you?"
"Of course, i felt the pain!"
"So, do you believe the pain exist?"
"Now show me the shape of pain!"
"I can't"
"That is my 1st answer. All of us feel God's existence without being able to see His shape."
"Last night, did you dream that you will be slapped by me?"
"Did you ever think that you will get a slap from me, today?"
"That's takdir.....My hand that I used to slap you, what is it creted from?
"It's created from flesh."
"How about your face, what is it created from?"
"Flesh as well !"
"How did you feel after I slapped you?"
"In pain."
"Even though syaitan(devil) and hell-fire were created from fire, if Allah wants, insyaAllah the hell-fire will become a very painful place for syaitan."
can we think it for a while?
The wise scholar had answered all 3 tough questions by one slap. ^_^
Sleep as we grow older
In the most recent issue of Current Biology, researchers suggest that healthy old people lose some capacity for sleep. The research group at the University of Surrey, UK, recruited 18 participants aged between 60 and 72 years, and 35 participants aged between 18 and 32 years. They were all healthy and none had any problems in sleeping. Their sleep patterns were assessed by self-reporting, and those reports were followed up by formal monitoring overnight in a sleep laboratory.
Over the period of the study, the older group went to sleep and woke earlier. The young preferred sleeping after midnight and waking later. The older slept between 7 and 9 hours, while the younger slept between 6 and 10 hours. But it is important to recognise that the two averages were quite similar, i.e. 8.1 hours for older participants and 8.5 for younger ones. Finally, if older adult slept less at night, there was no increase in any afternoon napping to catch up. The older group simply prospered on less sleep. As an aside, in their self-reports, the younger participants appeared to underestimate the length of time they slept. There is evidence that people have more accidents and make more mistakes when they are tired. This is perhaps an indication that younger more active people should actually sleep for longer.
There has always been anecdotal evidence that sleep patterns change as people age, but there is little objective evidence of this. For the purposes of diagnosing and treating sleep disorders, it always has been important to collect scientific evidence. If older people do naturally sleep less, they should be persuaded that fewer hours in bed are simply a part of the ageing process and there there is no problem to be treated with powerful medications like ambien. People should only take drugs when they genuinely need them.
Child Bullying - It’s Everyone’s Problem
As parents, we bring children into this world knowing well the tasks and dedication that will be required of us in order to raise them into responsible adults. We walk them though life caring and teaching them about the major facets that can affect them. Sometimes, with so many issues that need attention in a parent-child relationship, we tend to overlook smaller aspects. Child bullying, the key issue discussed here, is what we as parents may consider a small aspect of child rearing, but one that could very well be an enormously serious issue to the child. We must understand the manner in which a child perceives this ‘smaller aspect’ in life and we must be well aware and prudent in our handling of the situation.
Being bullied or the perception of being bullied may well be one of the most frightening events in a child’s young life. What makes it even more difficult is the fear the child may have in trying to talk to someone about the problem.
It is of the utmost importance for any individual who sees the signs of bullying to act positively in support of the child. If we as parents and adults do not keep an open line of communication with our children, who else do we think will?
If a bullied child realizes that he or she can safely talk to someone, that is a good beginning step in resolving the problem. They will not go to someone who is going to brush off their concerns, or become too aggressive, or blame them, the victim for the situation. They must know the person they are talking to is going to listen and help them work out a solution. Bottom line is they must be able to feel secure.
How Can I Determine If My Readers Will Understand What I Write?
Your writing skills may be superb, but what if your readers can't understand your text? Technically, your readers may have problems with your document's "readability," but what truly counts is the document's "understandability." Most average literate Americans can read a well-crafted document; the question is will readers understand the text in the same manner you want them to? This is where determining the "understandability" of your documents makes more sense. A scholarly piece of text is of no value to a sixth grade readability level reader. Similarly, a disoriented piece of writing makes no sense to a reader with a twelfth-grade readability level. It's always advised to determine the reading level of the text for the targeted readership before publishing it.
A handful of popular readability formulas are available to address this issue. These formulas apply a mathematical application to a text to determine its readability grade level. Presently, there are more than 200 readability formulas with varying degrees of accuracy; the more accurate ones include: Dale-Chall, Flesch Readability Ease, Flesch-Kincaid Readability Formula, Fry Graph, etc. No matter how many readability formulas you use on your documents, the best approach is to write clear, uncluttered, short-sentenced documents, with the use of comprehensible words.
MS-Word has an inbuilt feature that can assess the readability of a document and give you the results of Flesch Readability Ease and Flesch-Kincaid Readability Formulas. Here are the instructions to determine the readability of a text in MS-Word:
1. Write or copy the text on a Word file.
2. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then select Spelling and Grammar.
3. Select the Check Grammar with Spelling check box.
4. Select the Show Readability Statistics check box, and then click OK.
5. On the Standard toolbar, click Spelling and Grammar…it will display the information about the reading level of the document
This is the easiest option to determine the readability level of your text. However, if you want to apply different formulas on your text, then you'll have to perform manual calculations under the respective readability formulas. Visit my website, http://ReadabilityFormulas.com, for instructions on calculating readability formulas.
The crux of any document is to convey a message. Keeping in mind the target audience, your text should communicate the contents effectively. If the readability level of your text is too hard for your target audience, your first reaction should be to simplify the text. Simplifying your text reduces the readability level and ensures your target reader can process and comprehend your material.
This year, Earth Hour has been transformed into the world’s first global election, between Earth and global warming.
For the first time in history, people of all ages, nationalities, race and background have the opportunity to use their light switch as their vote – Switching off your lights is a vote for Earth, or leaving them on is a vote for global warming. WWF are urging the world to VOTE EARTH and reach the target of 1 billion votes, which will be presented to world leaders at the Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 2009.
This meeting will determine official government policies to take action against global warming, which will replace the Kyoto Protocol. It is the chance for the people of the world to make their voice heard.
Earth Hour began in Sydney in 2007, when 2.2 million homes and businesses switched off their lights for one hour. In 2008 the message had grown into a global sustainability movement, with 50 million people switching off their lights. Global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome’s Colosseum, the Sydney Opera House and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square all stood in darkness.
In 2009, Earth Hour is being taken to the next level, with the goal of 1 billion people switching off their lights as part of a global vote. Unlike any election in history, it is not about what country you’re from, but instead, what planet you’re from. VOTE EARTH is a global call to action for every individual, every business, and every community. A call to stand up and take control over the future of our planet. Over 74 countries and territories have pledged their support to VOTE EARTH during Earth Hour 2009, and this number is growing everyday.
We all have a vote, and every single vote counts. Together we can take control of the future of our planet, for future generations.
VOTE EARTH by simply switching off your lights for one hour, and join the world for Earth Hour.
Understanding anger
It's important to realise several things about anger before you start tackling it. First, anger is a normal process that has allowed humans to evolve and adapt. It isn't a bad thing in itself, but problems occur if it isn't managed in the right way.
Anger is also a mixture of both emotional and physical changes. A big surge of energy goes through your body as chemicals, such as adrenaline, are released.
Once the cause of the anger is resolved, you may still have to deal with the physical effects - all that energy has to go somewhere. This can be taken out on another person, such as a partner, or an object - by punching a wall, for example. This last option can lead down the road to self-harm.
The other alternative is to suppress the energy until the next time you're angry. This may mean you release so much pent-up emotion that you overreact to the situation. Realising this can lead to feelings of shame or frustration when you reflect on your actions, and to further repression of your feelings.
On the other hand, just letting your anger go in an uncontrolled fashion can lead to a move from verbal aggression to physical abuse - don't forget, the other person is probably feeling angry with you too.
But there is a flip side to anger. Because of the surge of energy it creates, it can be pleasurable. This feeling is reinforced if becoming angry allows the release of feelings of frustration, or if a person's response to your anger gives you a sense of power.
It's important to acknowledge and keep an eye on this side of the problem - it can have an almost addictive element.
Next page
Revision strategies
There are many different techniques students can use to help them revise. In order for Revision to be successful you must find the technique that suits you best. The different techniques are outlined below:
* Note making
This is revision in its most common form. You must remember that just making notes is not enough to get you through the exam. But it does help in view of the fact that you will often find it easier to learn and understand something that is written in your own particular style, than something written in a more complex way in some book. To help you remember certain concepts or keywords you should use different coloured highlighters in your notes, as you can implicitly remember a concept or keyword by associating it with a particular colour.
* Revision Cards
This is practically the same as making notes, however, the size of a revision card limits the amount of notes you can make. This means that any notes that you do make are in a condensed form and therefore much easier to remember.
* Diagrams
Visual aids help like colours do, because they allow key points to be absorbed more easily. A typical example of such a visual aid is a spider diagram. Many people use spider diagrams when they are generating ideas. However, they have been proved to be a very effective Revision technique.
* Group based revision
This is another useful technique because you can push each other to do more work. Also you can test each other, which will highlight topics or areas of weakness. The other main advantage with group based revision being that if you encounter a problem, it is more likely to be solved as the problem can be tackled as a group. However, there is a danger that you will not do any work at all.
*i take this article from http://www.merlinhelpsstudents.com/resourcecentre/studyguide/exampreparation.asp. it is impotant to us to study smart before exam. it is because we will be more stresses during exam..so, gud luck to all my friends..
siti nor hafizah binti mohd sapawi
azizulhasni..i'm proud of you..
assalamualaikum and good day.i'm one of the sport's fan in Malaysia. Yesterday, we got a good news from Pruszkow, Poland where our Champion in cycling give us the silver medal in his tournament.
The 21-year-old lost out to fastest qualifier Gregory Bauge of France in the second meeting en route to Malaysia's first ever silver medal at the UCI Track World Championships in Pruszkow, Poland.
The reigning Asian champion in sprint, Azizul lost the first heat by a millimetre to Bauge in the first heat of the final but won the second by a clear margin, before losing out in the decider.
This came a day after Rizal Tisin delivered Malaysia's first ever medal at the World Championships when he won the bronze in the 1km time trial in Asian record time.
But the 21-year-old felt that without a crucial error in the decider he could have caused a major upset.
"I'm still happy with my silver medal. It's not too bad, but I'm a little bit sad because I knew I could do it," Azizul said.
"After I drew the second match I felt I had the legs to do it, but sometimes we make mistakes, right?
"I made a mistake during my last ride and I couldn't get the speed up that I needed."
Asked how his achievement will be met at home, Azizul added: "I think everyone's happy.
"Especially as we came here not really thinking about medals, we just wanted to perform well and break a few national records.
"For me to get the silver and Rizal the bronze in the kilometre is a big bonus for Malaysia, and for Asia."
It was a hectic final two rounds last night as Azizul handed Australia's World Cup champion Shane Perkin two straight hits in the semi-finals to set up his meeting with Bauge, who was the fastest qualifier with a time of 9.930s, in the final.
this article is about Mind Maps
[A Powerful Approach to Note Taking]...
from mind mapping, we can summarize all information. we alaso can consoliding information from different research source. then, we also can thinking through complex problems. last but not least, we are presenting information in a format taht shows the overall structure..
i think that mind map is very useful for us as student because we can study at any place and bring it easily.
nurul fatiehah bt adnan
Stay The Same
Joey McIntyre
Don't you ever wish you were someone else,
You were meant to be the way you are exactly.
Don't you ever say you don't like the way you are.
When you learn to love yourself, you're better off by far.
And I hope you always stay the same,
Cuz there's nothin' 'bout you I would change.
I think that you could be whatever you wanted to be
If you could realize, all the dreams you have inside.
Don't be afraid if you've got something to say,
Just open up your heart and let it show you the way.
Don't you ever wish you were someone else,
You were meant to be the way you are exactly.
Don't you ever say you don't like the way you are.
When you learn to love yourself, you're better off by far.
And I hope you always stay the same,
Cuz there's nothin' 'bout you I would change.
Believe in yourself.
Reach down inside.
The love you find will set you free.
Believe in yourself, you will come alive.
Have faith in what you do.
You'll make it through.
Don't you ever wish you were someone else,
You were meant to be the way you are exactly.
Don't you ever say you don't like the way you are.
When you learn to love yourself, you're better off by far.
And I hope you always stay the same,
Cuz there's nothin' 'bout you I would change.
i really like this song because the meaning of lyrics.
-we must have srtict desicion.
-we cannot be hypocrite
-be yourself.
-we need to love what we do in my life.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh,and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Can you read it? For me, I can read it fast because the order of letter is not important. How amazing our mind can catch up the word and read it faster.
Nurul Fatiehah Adnan
I have read one interesting article about what woman hate about man. So, for those who are men, try to read this, so that you will know what are the worst that woman do not like.
The relationship between men and women has always been a love-hate type. This article will describe what a woman finds most annoying in her partner.
Though women publicly admit that they like men who are strong, secretly they like a man on whom she can wield certain amount of power.
It is also likely (majority of the times) that a woman would not like a person who would show insensitivity towards her feelings. This is a mistake that many men make and women do not like this attitude from them. There are many other factors that women generally do not like in men such as arrogance, lies, submissive behavior, etc. Never ever show a woman that you have a weak character. This is one of the traits that women dislike in a man. It is a mistake that many men make by making a woman feel that he is ready to fall at her feet. Contrary to a man thinking that a woman would appreciate it, women get annoyed with men who are too submissive and ready to do anything for her. This does not mean that a woman does not want a sensitive man who is open about his feelings, but it does mean that a woman still wants a man to be his own person, think for himself and claim what he wants from a relationship.
A woman always likes a man who has a big heart and ready to share and care. A self-centered man is rarely loved by women and more often than not will crave for female company.
Manipulative attitude is something that women dislike in a man. Hence, try to be as open in your behavior as possible and at the same time do not fall prey if she displays manipulative behavior. Keeping these points in mind, you can win over a woman. Remember that love blossoms slowly and you need to give your woman time and space if you really want to win her over..
Recently I have read a article about car autoshow.Can you imagine how can you drive without a steering?Maybe you think it is impossible.But Mercedes Benz innovation car provide a car with no steering.You can drive it using joystick only and no pedals also.So children also can drive it.Thats the reality today when people always think a new idea to easily people life in new day.
The influence of video games in our lives has really arrived.
Thats all.
Thank You.
Ferguson says Barca could foil
MU’s bid to retain title;
Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson has highlighted Barcelona as the biggest threat to his side’s chances of retaining their Champions League title.
Both sides have managed to avoid one another in the quarter-finals, with United up against Porto and Barcelona facing Bayern Munich, and cannot now meet until the May 27 final in Rome.
Also through to the last eight are United’s English rivals Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool.
But although Liverpool thrashed United 4-1 in the Premier League this month and saw off Real Madrid in the last 16 of the Champions League, Ferguson said Barcelona were the team to beat.
“Barcelona are the form team, they have been terrific this season and everyone is taking notice of them,” Ferguson told Inside United magazine.
“Their first-half performance against Lyon in the second leg of the first knock-out round (which they won 5-2 at the Nou Camp) was absolutely brilliant — they were four-up in no time.
“They can be a threat to anybody and are quite rightly one of the favourites,” the veteran Scottish boss added.
“The English teams have proven the strength of the Premier League in recent years. Last season we had three in the semi-finals and two in the final, the previous year there were three in the semis and Liverpool made it to the final.
“But we have to recognise that our threats don’t just come from England, the big one will come from Barcelona.”
Barcelona won the Champions League in 2006 when then coach Frank Rijkaard put together a team renowned for their attacking football.... wait and see.....
Brittle bones
MOST people with osteoporosis have no symptoms initially because the loss of bone density is gradual. Some people never have symptoms. As the bone density continues to decrease, it leads to a fracture or gradually develops into a bony ache and deformities.
The fractures are usually at the ends of long bones and in the middle or lower spine. If several spinal bones fracture, an abnormal curvature of the spine (dowager’s hump) may result, causing muscle pain and deformity. There may also be loss of height. The long bones may fracture after a minor fall or strain. Hip fractures are a major cause of disability and independence in senior citizens. Wrist fractures are not uncommon in post-menopausal women. In addition, fractures take a longer time to heal in people who have osteoporosis.
It is not uncommon for osteoporosis to be diagnosed after a fracture has occurred. The doctor will take a history; carry out a physical examination and institute laboratory and imaging investigations. A diagnosis of primary osteoporosis is made after excluding secondary causes of bone loss.When there is a low trauma fracture, the presumptive diagnosis is osteoporosis. The objectives of investigations are to confirm the diagnosis, assess fracture risk and to exclude secondary causes of osteoporosis.
Hybrid Deere on the fairway.
Image: 8500 E-Cut - IMG # 513167.jpg
A mowing width of 100 in (2540 mm) is available on both of Deere's new E-Cut models (8500 pictured). The constant-speed electric motors are quieter and allow for better fuel economy.
I read an article about hybrid highway movers that is using the hybrid technology. This article is taken from SAE Off Highway Engineering Online, which is some of SAE online magazines.
I've put my interest on this article because this vehicle use new hybrid technology to make it working. Now days we are talking about to save the environment and this thing will contribute the increasing of environment qualities. Soon, I home that the trucks will produce less smoke so that the environment will be recover and reduce the risk of global warming crisis.
Let make our place is better for our children. Save the earth, save the world.
Taken from http://www.sae.org/mags/SOHE/5997
A Greenhouse is an important part of any self-sufficient garden based in a cool climate. In most parts of the United Kingdom for example it is impossible to grow tomatoes without the warmth and protection of a greenhouse. In addition, a greenhouse is very useful for starting off seeds and seedlings, and for protecting vulnerable plants at night or in periods of bad weather. Best of all is that greenhouses can be used to grow all manner of exotic crops from peppers, to aubergines, and cucumbers to chilli peppers.
Most people will start with an unheated greenhouse, but if you can afford the extra expense of a heated greenhouse then a wide selection of fruits can be grown year long. Ideally the temperature of a greenhouse should be kept at 4 degrees Celcius at night with the sun warming the air inside to over 10 degrees during the day time. During the sping and summer the temperature inside the greenhouse can become too much so ventilation is required to release the hot air during the day.
A mixture of one part good compost, one part good topsoil, and one part sharp sand, and a little lime is the optimal soil for use in a greenhouse - particularly for growing tomatoes. You should never use poor soil since the limited space of the greenhouse should be used to best effect. If you intend to grow the same crop year after year and not use crop rotation, then you will have to remove all of the soil every couple of years to prevent the build up of diseases.
Did you know that, smiling is a great way to make yourself stand out while helping your body to function better. Smile can improve health, stress level, and attractiveness. There are reasons to smile:
-Smiling Makes Us Attractive
We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good.
-Smiling Changes Our Mood
Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.
-Smiling Is Contagious
When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.
-Smiling Relieves Stress
Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.
-Smiling Boosts Immune System
Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.
-Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure
When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home. Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?
-Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger
The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day you'll look younger and feel better.
-Smiling Makes You Seem Successful
Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.
-Smiling Helps You Stay Positive
Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.
nina nadia binti sahim
The history of Titanic has enthralled the world quite unlike any other shipwreck known to man. A number of books, articles and movies have been made detailed the tragedy of the RMS Titanic. Both the 1950's version of the Titanic's sinking, "A Night to Remember' and the more recent film have been very popular. James Cameron's 1997 box office hit"Titanic" was so popular with viewers that it succeeded in breaking a number of box office sales records.
The public seems incapable of forgetting the tragic history of the Titanic. Numerous myths and legends have developed over the years since the ship sank on April 15, 1912. Some of the myths are true, and others have simply been derived from the imagination of the numerous people who have become somewhat obsessed with the history of Titanic. In part, some of the tales regarding Titanic history can be contributed to the tales spun by the 705 survivors. It has been speculated that more than one of the survivors 'embellished' their personal story. The 'unsinkable' Molly Brown is just one of the surviving passengers who are suspected of having added more than a little flair to their tale.
When the names of the numerous famous first class passengers who were lost were revealed, the world was astounded that so many notable figures could perish in a single day. Conversely, immigrants who survived the sinking of the ship are now known worldwide for their part in the tragic history of Titanic. Poor and confined to the steerage of the ship, these individuals were only seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Instead however they earned an immortal place in Titanic history.
Titanic history buffs are quite staunch in their dedication to preserving the truth regarding the history of the ship Titanic. When 'Titanic' was released in December of 1997 moviegoers flocked to the theaters to see the beauty and the tragedy of the fateful ship revealed on the big screen. A number of individuals who consider themselves experts on the history of Titanic were less than impressed with the number of errors contained within the film. Despite James Cameron's dedication to filming the most accurate version of the Titanic accident history possible, the movie never the less contained mistakes. Some of these mistakes had to be included in the movie to insure the viewer's suspense and enjoyment in the film. Others however were simply matters that had been overlooked during the making of the movie.
The history of Titanic continues to be one of the most popular topics in the world. An insatiable thirst for information about the Titanic prompted researchers to search for the exact location of the wreckage site for a number of years. When the Titanic wreckage was finally discovered in 1985, the world got its first look at the ship in more than sixty years.
The tragic sinking of the Titanic and history of both those who survived and were lost, will forever be remembered with nostalgia and sadness.
nina nadia binti sahim
how to manage stress?? Here are some tips to counter and reduce stress for a more well-balanced life.
-Eat Well
Our bodies use up enormous amounts of vitamins and minerals when we experience stress. This can leave us tired, run down, irritable and less able to deal with our responsibilities. Vitamins C and B complex, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc are the hardest hit nutrients. These can be restored through a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy products, nuts, yeast, brown rice, fish, liver, kelp and eggs. Food to avoid when stressed include tea, coffee, cakes, biscuits, soft drinks, chocolate and white bread.
Physical exercise releases endorphins into your body that will make you feel better about yourself and more in control of your situation.
Relaxation techniques are useful to reduce stress. Make time to relax your muscles each day and you will be amazed at how quickly the physical tension is reduced. Relax by listening to music, meditating, playing with your pet, having a nap or reading a good book.
-Practise “Realistic thinking”
When we experience extreme feelings of stress, it is often because we are having extreme thoughts. Try to think realistically about what is making you feel this way. How likely is it to happen? Ask what is the worst possible outcome of this situation? Consider how this would affect the scheme of things. Look at the big picture.
-Organise your time
We can reduce the amount of stress by using our time and energy efficiently. A realistic list of things to do for the day is a good start. Setting priorities and learning to slow down are essential ingredients in reducing your level of stress.
-Talk to someone
We often cope better by sharing our feelings with other people. This may be as simple as talking to your partner or best friend, or seeking a qualified health professional or organisation to help you manage your stress levels.
nina nadia binti sahim
One week ago, my best friends DEYA,LEYA,IZAN,BELLA AND BED give some advice, how to confront friend who are ignoring me. So, I like to share their advice to all of you. There may well be occasions in my life when my best friend abruptly cease to talk and pretend that I no longer there. They said that I may like to approach my friend during a quiet time when he is not around other people. If he has started spending time with a new friend, don't try to interfere while this person is around or they will likely close ranks together. Try to get he alone for a talk.
Ask him what's wrong. Don't cry, wring hands and beg. Just be straightforward and tell him that i simply want to understand why he appear to no longer want your friendship. Be straightforward and use words such as "I feel", "I am upset by" and "I am confused about" so as to avoid starting a blame game. Try to give the friend space to talk instead of becoming defensive.
Never get angry with him while talking. If he get extremely aggressive or violent, then walk away and leave him be. Read his body language and his tone to try and find out how he really feel. If he seem stressed do everything i can to convince him to talk through it. But be honest with him. Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy, at least in the long run.
Unfortunately, their advice doesn't work out to me, and they said i should just move on, even though it's hard to let go sometimes....
nina nadia binti sahim
14 Household Ways To Protect Your Computer from Viruses
Another article that i have read today is "14 Household Ways To Protect Your Computer from Viruses".
After i read the whole article, i feel that all the 14 ways provided by the writer are very effective to protect your computer from viruses. The most important way is your computer must have anti-virus software to protect your computer from viruses.But when you choose the anti-virus software, you must choose the one that compatible with your computer requirement and also have a firewall function. For the other 13 ways you may refer to the following website.
nina nadia binti sahim
loss best friend
Did you have an experience loss your best friend?
I have that experience. So, today I want to write about it. Losing a friend can be really tough, especially when it is through no fault of my own. Even though I might feel sad, but I realize that it's not the end of the world. Think about it.There are some tips if you also loss your best friend.
-Don't let your best friend know that you are upset because then your best friend might think he/she has won.
-If you are nice to everyone, everyone will want to be your friend!!!
-Don't let this person think that you are letting yourself go because you two aren't friends anymore. This is immature and self-destructive behavior that only impacts you and your future prospects for other friendships. People do not turn around and rescue wallowers, so try not to hold on to such a fantasy.
-Stay strong! If what this person did was bad, don't accept them back as a friend. If he or she begs or promises to be a good friend, stay firm unless you think this person has really changed or you feel it would be wrong not to. Don't be weak, you will just look and be treated like a doormat!
-If it really will, then make friends with them again. If the fight was silly and you feel it was, it is possible they are too. Start out by apologizing a few days after the fight and then leave them alone. Do not retaliate. If they say no, you will know you did everything you could.
nina nadia binti sahim
Today's installment of the diet plan is a dose of tips I've learned that make it a bit easier to eat less without feeling hungry. So, without further delay, here are my collected tips.
1. Eat less. More often. Rather than eating large meals, chop up your eating into smaller portions throughout the day. I found myself eating 3 meals most days and having a snack around 3pm as well as another in the evening. That was enough to keep me from feeling hungry while still eating less in total.
2. Don't eat right before going to bed. I've read this numerous times and don't get why it works, but it does. I set a limit of 3 hours. So I planned to go to bed at midnight, I wouldn't eat past 9pm.
3. Brush your teeth early. For whatever reason, I won't eat when my teeth still feel clean. By brushing them several hours before bed, it was easier to accomplish it.
4. Kick the sugar habit. If you drink sugared soft drinks (I used to be a Mt. Dew and Coke fan), replace them either with their diet counterparts or water. This can make a very, very big difference.
5. Eat vegetables before the main course. Whenever possible, I'd make sure to have an ample serving of a vegetable (you get very few calories for the amount you eat) before eating the denser main course--often a meat or fish. You'll need less of the dense stuff to be happy.
6. Update your spreadsheet daily. Keeping a running count will help you ration out the rest of your daily calorie allowance, which we'll talk about tomorrow.
7. Get used to leftovers. When you eat out, expect to take some of your meal home. If you eat standard restaurant portions, you'll almost certainly overeat.
8. Shop with calories in mind. When you're at the grocery store, spends some extra time reading the labels and nutritional information. You'll probably end up changing your shopping habits along the way. You'd be surprised by the how widely the calorie counts in various granola bars varies, for example.
9. Slow down! When you eat fast, you end up ingesting more food before you body has a chance to figure out that it's satisfied (not full).
10. Drink more water during the day. This is fairly generic advice, but definitely seems to help.
11. Trick yourself with gum. Sometimes we eat out of habit or because it just feels good to get some flavor in your mouth and chew for a while. Find yourself some sugar-free chewing gum and use it when the urge strikes.
12. Reduce the amount of breads, chips, crackers, and salty snacks you eat. A lot of starchy and/or salty food make you want to eat and drink even more. This comes straight out of Atkins diet culture.
"Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one." This is the first time I heard about this. Actually, this is an ancient Chinese proverb regarding the drinking of green tea. Before this, I am wondering why do the Chinese loves to drink green tea rather than black or oolong teas. After reading an article about it, I found that it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots. The latter takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots) is the leading cause of heart attacks. Why don't other Chinese teas have similar health-giving properties? Green, oolong, and black teas all come from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. What sets green tea apart is the way it is processed. Green tea leaves are steamed, which prevents the EGCG compound from being oxidized. By contrast, black and oolong tea leaves are made from fermented leaves, which results in the EGCG being converted into other compounds that are not nearly as effective in preventing and fighting various diseases. Most shocking fact is, green tea can even help prevent tooth decay! Just as its bacteria-destroying abilities can help prevent food poisoning, it can also kill the bacteria that cause dental plaque. However, the bad about drinking green tea is it can cause insomnia due to the fact that it contains caffeine. However, green tea contains less caffeine than coffee: there are approximately thirty to sixty mg. of caffeine in six - eight ounces of tea, compared to over one-hundred mg. in eight ounces of coffee.
nina nadia binti sahim
Do you have trouble falling asleep, or toss and turn in the middle of the night? Awaken too early, or find yourself not feeling refreshed in the morning? You are not alone: millions of people struggle with falling and staying asleep.
Unless you’re suffering from a serious sleep disorder, simply improving your daytime habits and creating a better sleep environment can set the stage for good sleep. By developing a good bedtime routine and designing a plan that works with your individual needs, you can avoid common pitfalls and make simple changes that bring you consistently better sleep..
There are some tips for getting better sleep:
-improving your daytime habits.
-Creating a better sleep environment.
-Preparing for Sleep.
-Getting back to sleep, television and sleep medications.
Wau or Kite in Malay is a uniquely designed Malaysian kite that has flown since times past. It is called 'Wau' because the shape of its wing is similar to an Arabic letter (pronounced "wow"). It is a marvelous tradition inherent to the culture of the people, especially in the Eastern States of the Malayan Peninsula. Today, the kite is still widely found in the traditionally rich states of Kelantan and Terengganu, especially during harvest time.
In making a wau, bamboo is used for the frame. The bamboo is split and soaked in mud for two weeks. This prevents the bamboo from being attacked by weevils as well as makes it more flexible. The bamboo splits are made into a complex but lightweight frame, tested with one layer of paper and making alterations accordingly to make sure the kite is structurally sound. Next, the patterns are meticulously cut from rice-paper and glued on piece by piece to form intricate motifs.
Apart from the performance and appearance of the Malay kite, the sound is considered important as well. The sound created or dengung as it is called, depends on the force of the wind. The higher the kite flies and the faster the wind, the higher the pitch, making the sound ... w-a-u-u-u, w-a-u-u-u. There are various types of wau such as wau kuching (cat kite), wau merak (peacock kite), and wau bulan (moon kite). Each wau also comes with a different design and size.
mohamed zulqarnain bin mohamed akram
You know that smoking is a true addiction, not just a habit as it is often erroneously called...?
Indeed, smoking is an addiction more powerful than dependence on alcohol, heroin or even cocaine! One simply needs to consider that no other drug is self-administered with the persistence, regularity and frequency of cigarette smoke. At an average rate of ten puffs per cigarette, a one to three pack-a-day smoker inhales 70,000 to 200,000 individual doses(!) of mainstream smoke during a single year.
Consider further that if your doctor has put you on some kind of medicine, say for example an antibiotic drug, which you are supposed to take for ten days, three times a day - how often do you actually forget to take it? But you won't forget to light your cigarette, every half hour or so on average while awake, and then the first thing in the morning often before or even instead of breakfast. And you continue lighting up every day for weeks, months, years, even decades despite all sorts of warnings you hear or read about. A smoking friend of mine once complained to me that after reading all that bad, bad stuff about smoking, he simply couldn't stand it any longer and gave up....reading. That's ADDICTION for sure.
There are additional input about WAU.There are many type of wau.for example Wau Bulan and Wau Sobek.
Wau Bulan (Crescent Kite)
Named because of its famous crescent-shaped tailpiece, this kite usually has a 2.5 metres wing span and height measuring up to 3.5 metres. This Light and versatile wau bulan is the favorite for competitions and are made from bamboo and paper. For a winning kite, a special bamboo, pokok buloh duri, is used. In a windy day, a wau bulan can reach a height of more than 450 metres. Malaysian Airline System has chosen it as its logo, to symbolise controlled flight.
Wau Sobek
Mostly used for decorations in many East Coast homes, uses bamboo and cloth. Cloth is used, as it has a nice texture and appearance but is simply too heavy to fly.
Maglev Transport Maglev, or magnetic levitation, is a system of transportation that suspends, guides and propels vehicles, predominantly trains, using levitation from a very large number of magnets for lift and propulsion. This method has the potential to be faster, quieter and smoother than wheeled mass transit systems. The technology has the potential to exceed 4000 mph (6437 km/h) if deployed in an evacuated tunnel. If not deployed in an evacuated tube the power needed for levitation is usually not a particularly large percentage and most of the power needed is used to overcome air drag, as with any other high speed train.
The highest recorded speed of a maglev train is 581 km/h (361 mph), achieved in Japan in 2003, 6 km/h faster than the conventional TGV speed record. This is slower than aircraft, since aircraft can fly at far higher altitude where air drag is lower and thus high speeds are more readily attained.
Do you know about zapin?
It is believed that Muslim missionaries of the Middle East namely Persia and Arabia introduced the dance to Malaya during the fifteenth century.
The dance was originally performed by males only however it is also performed by female dancers these days.
The simple version of the Zapin is performed to the rhythm &1234 and the foot is extended out to the side on the last count. It can be done on the spot, traveling forwards and backwards or diagonally in the basic form.
The carriage of the dancers is quite erect and dignified.
The music for Zapin comes from an ensemble of traditional instruments which include the lute (gambus), gypsy-type bongos (marwas) and the violin.
There are no hard and fast rules as to the number of dancers that perform. However because of the very interactive nature of this dance, it is usually performed in pairs.
The dancers can then play with each other, teasing, challenging and enjoying each others company. It is most popular in Johor.
There are numerous forms of Zapin dances and it varies from state to state. One of the most popular forms and certainly more evolved and intricate is the Zapin Tenglu from the town of Mersing. Said to be inspired by the ebb and flow of the tide and the lives of fishermen, the dance has many unexpected movements like a rotation of the body from the waist followed by a sudden accented, sharp and held movement of the arms and shoulders. It is said that these movements are derived from the feeling of being tossed around in a fishing boat and having to catch yourself before you are thrown overboard.
Another popular Zapin dance is the Zapin Pekajang.
Learning Why You Smoke Can Teach You How To Quit.....
Smokers use tobacco to fill many different needs. Studies show that most people smoke for one or more of the following reasons:
1. Smoking gives me more energy.
2. I like to touch and handle cigarettes.
3. Smoking is a pleasure.
4. Smoking helps me relax when I'm tense or upset.
5. I crave cigarettes; smoking is an addiction.
6. Smoking is a habit.
Understanding which needs smoking fills for you is important if you want to quit. Finding other ways to meet these needs can make it easier to give up tobacco.
Tips To Help You Quit
* Get enough rest. With a good night's sleep you're more likely to feel fresh and alert.
* Exercise regularly. Regular exercise raises your overall energy level, so you may feel less need for a boost.
* Take a brisk walk instead of smoking if you start feeling sluggish. Moving around is a drug-free stimulant.
* Eat regular, nutritious meals. Healthful foods are a great natural source of energy.
* Drink lots of cold water. It will refresh you as it helps clear your body of nicotine.
* Avoid getting bored, which can make you feel tired. Keep your mind active, perhaps by calling a friend, reading a new magazine, or playing a game.
* Use relaxation techniques to calm down when you are angry or upset. Deep breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, and imagining yourself in a peaceful setting can make you feel less stressed.
* Exercise regularly. Studies show that exercise relieves tension and improves your mood.
* Remember that smoking never solves the problem; figure out what will, and act.
* Avoid or get out of stressful situations that might tempt you to smoke.
* Get enough rest. Take time each day to relax, no matter how busy you are.
* Enjoy relaxation. Take a long hot bath. Have a massage. Lie in a garden hammock. Listen to soothing music.
Folk Dance in East Malaysia
Folk Dance is very much alive in the Eastern Malaysian States of Sabah and Sarawak.
These States have many different Indigenous Groups such as Ibans, Kenyahs, Bidayuhs, Kadazans, Bajaus and Muruts.
Since there are so many groups with different beliefs and thus there exist numerous festivals and ceremonies.
There is therefore an uncountable number of dances that are performed.
As with most ethnic cultures around the world, the people held strong animistic beliefs and many were pagans.
The spread of both Islam and Christianity has not totally eradicated this but in fact a certain amount of assimilation of these beliefs has occurred.
The movement vocabulary of most ethnic dance is fairly simple and the dance phrases and sequences are often repeated.
The beauty lies in its simplicity.
The style is fairly relaxed and appears to be without tension or too much muscular action.
Very often the dance movement depicts nature, life in the jungle, movement of the birds and other daily activities.
The uniqueness of the dances from Sabah and Sarawak can also be seen in the beautiful costumes of both the dancers and the musicians. The costumes are very ornate, often with an elaborate headgear and other accessories like beads, chains, coins that indicate the tribe of origin and status within the tribe.
The musical instruments are also different from that of west Malaysia.
Primarily a 4 stringed, elongated guitar for the Sarawakian Dance and the Kulintanfan for the Sabahan Dance. These instruments are mostly handmade and very artistic.
I found this article at http://www.dancemalaysia.com/Dance/Traditional/Folk_Dance_East/folk_dance_east.htm
Silat Seni Gayong was formulated and founded by Mahaguru Dato' Meor Abdul Rahman bin Uda Mohd Hashim. He was of bugis decent born in 1915 and was the great-grandson of Daeng Kuning, commonly known as Panglima Hitam. Meor Abdul Rahman began learning the knowledge of silat at the age of twelve from his grandfather Tuan Syed Zainal Syed Idris Al-Attas. Syed Zainal is one of the warriors who fought against the British colonialism of the 19th century, in Pahang. Syed Zainal inherited his silat knowledge from Daeng Ambok Solok, a bugis warrior residing in Jambi Sumatra at that time.
For three years, Meor Abdul Rahman trained and learned with other students of Syed Zanial. At 19, Meor Abdul Rahman successfully achieved the understanding and the 'selok-belok' (the ins and outs), the art of seni gayong. However, his grandfather did not perform the "ritual of authorisation" of silat gayong on him, as he had foreseen in a prophecy that Meor Abdul Rahman will have this ritual performed on him by a greater (unseen) warrior.
In 1936, the "ritual of authorisation" was performed on Mahaguru Meor Abdul Rahman by none other than the legendary Hang Tuah. Needless to say, this was an incident on the meta-physical (spiritual) level. Some stories report that the whole ceremony took place in a kind of "dream". This incident occurred on a large black rock by the river at Hutan Menam (now Southern Thailand). All the secrets and knowledge of Silat were transmitted to him and he was given the trust to teach and spread Silat Seni Gayong to the best of his ability.
Silat Seni Gayung Malaysia
Meor Abdul Rahman was given the title Panglima Sendo (invincible warrior), by his Royal Highness Sultan Alang Iskandar, after demonstrating his skills and ability to the royal court and dignitaries. The Sultan was so impressed and pleased by Meor Abdul Rahman that he took him as his adopted son. Meor Abdul Rahman stayed at the palace until the Sultan's death in 1938.
Karate Tips
Improving your flexibility
The best way to improve your flexibility is by regularly using stretching exercises. Through stretching, you gradually condition your muscles to stretch to a new limit of extension. Its important for the stretching to be slow and consistent. If you overstretch and injure your muscle, you have to go back to a lower level of flexibility and start again. Easy does it is the Key!!! Aim for results over a period of months and not weeks.
Its best to start your flexibility training with 10 minutes of Cardio Vascular work as the increased blood flow helps to improve the suppleness of the muscles, after this you can then move onto joint loosening exercises followed by static stretching exercises. The total workout should last no more than 20 minutes.
A word of caution, don’t be tempted to overstretch, a mild pulling should be felt but it should not be too uncomfortable. Also don’t bounce when you stretch as this can tighten the muscles and could cause injury.
Karate Stances
Hachi-dachi, or "ready stance" is one of the natural posture stances of Shotokan. From hachi-dachi, you can move into any other stance.
Kiba-dachi, or "horse-riding stance" is one of the basic training stances of Shotokan. It's name is derived from the fact that the stance looks as if the practioner is riding a horse.
When in the stance, the feet are parallel to each other and about two shoulder widths apart. The knees are pushed out to the sides so that the legs are bowed. Grip the floor with your toes. You should feel pressure on the outer edges of your feet if your knees are pushing out properly. When looked at from the front, the stance should look as if the practioner is riding a horse. Since the stance is quite wide, it is very strong from the side. However, because the stance is not very long, it is very weak from the front and back.
Zenkutsu-dachi, or "Forward stance" is one of the fighting stances of Shotokan. From here, the practioner can move forward and back, turn and throw any number of techniques.
When in the stance, the feet are parallel to each other and about one and a half shoulder widths apart. The stance is about two shoulder widths long from front to back. The front knee is bent such that the practioner cannot see the toes of that foot. The knee of the rear leg is locked out. The locking of the rear knee and flexing of the front allows the hips and trunk to squarely face the front. Keep the shoulders directly over the hips. Grip the floor with your toes.
This stance is extremely strong from the front. In fact, when pushed from the front, the practitioner should not be able to be moved backward.
Children need to learn how to work out their conflicts without fighting or hurting others.
MANY parents think that discipline is about physical punishments and scolding their children. Children learn from their parents. If force is used to end a conflict, then they will learn that it is all right to hit, shout and threaten when you are angry.
We teach our children to share and help one another. Parents can make a difference because children learn by observing them in action rather than receiving verbal lessons on doing good. Little gestures such as being courteous on the road or giving up your seat in the LRT and bus for someone in need can go a long way.
Peaceful conflict resolution means solving problems without violence. Children need to learn how to work out their conflicts without fighting or hurting. They can learn to negotiate or offer exchanges to solve problems.
Silat Cekak
Silat Cekak is one of the largest schools of Silat, the martial arts practiced throughout Malaysia.
Its prominent feature is its straight postured approach in its defensive or offensive moves. Silat Cekak is different from other martial arts that it doesn't employ any evasive or side-stepping moves. Instead, Silat Cekak moves forward in order to defeat the enemy. Therefore, this Silat can be applied while fighting in tight quarters such as on a boat or inside an airplane. Silat Cekak employs straight postured position in order to teach its practitioner calm, patience and courage. Therefore, this Silat will only teaches its students the offensive move at the end of the syllabus.
Silat Cekak is also different from other Silat since it is not used for entertainment (such as Silat Pulut) or for sport/sparring (such in Silat Olahraga). Therefore this silat doesn't have any dance-like moves and does not require any traditional malay musical instruments.
Netherlands beats Macedonia 4-0
AMSTERDAM (AP): The Netherlands took a major step toward qualifying for next year's World Cup by beating Macedonia 4-0 Wednesday.
Dirk Kuyt scored the first of his two goals by converting Arjen Robben's cross to put the Netherlands in front in the 16th, and Klaas-Jan Huntelaar doubled the lead in the 25th by curling in a left-footed shot after another Robben-led attack.
Kuyt added another off a pass from Wesley Sneijder in the 40th and substitute Rafael van der Vaart scored the fourth in the 87th. The Netherlands is unbeaten in qualifying and leads Group 9 with 15 points, one point away from qualification.
"We saw some beautiful goals," Netherlands captain Giovanni van Bronckhorst said. "If we fail to qualify from this position, that would be bad, really."
Sneijder was recalled in midfield to replace the injured Robin van Persie, just four days after he protested against his omission from the starting lineup against Scotland.
But it was Huntelaar, who had an early chance to put the Netherlands ahead, getting Sneijder's fifth-minute pass before missing the target with a left-footed shot from the edge of the area.
Camel!!!what do you know about camel???
In this blog i want to share some information about camel to all.
Camels are large mammals that live in dry areas. There are two types of camels: the one-humped camel (the Arabian Camel or Dromedary) and the two-humped camel (the Bactrian Camel). The Arabian camels are found in the very hot deserts of North Africa and the Middle East. Bactrian camels are found in the rocky deserts and steppes of Asia that get very hot and very cold.
The Hump: The camel's hump contains fat (and NOT water). The camel can go without food and water for 3 to 4 days. It is well adapted to desert life.
Anatomy: Camels are very strong mammals with wide, padded feet. They have thick leathery pads on their knees and chest. Camels have nostrils that can open and close, protecting them from the desert environment. Bushy eyebrows and two rows of long eyelashes protect their eyes from sand. Their mouth is extremely tough, allowing camels to eat thorny desert plants. Camels are over 7 feet (2 m) tall at the hump and weigh in excess of 1,600 pounds (725 kg).
Diet: Camels are herbivores (plant-eaters). Most camels are domesticated and are fed by people; they eat dates, grass, wheat, and oats.
Classification:Class Mammalia (mammals), Order Artiodactyla, Suborder Tylopoda, Family Camelidae, Genus Camelus, Species C. dromedarius (dromedary camel) and C. bactrianus (Bactrian camel).
With this information,I hope we can learn something from it.Thank you.
The Malays, like most other people of the world, have their own unique culture.
One of the aspects of culture normally associated with the Malays is the practice and art of self–defence techniques called "silat". This very graceful martial art is inherent to the Malays of Malaysia and some parts of Indonesia.
In the old feudal days, the Malay children, including those of the royalties and high palace officials, are taught silat as part of their growing up and education system, and not purely for self-defence purpose.
Silat training is meant not only as a self-defence technique, but also to inculcate the child with values of self - discipline, and to instill in him the qualities of self-dependence, self-respect as well as respect for others. This is to ensure that the child would be a rounded human being, useful and beneficial to society.
The Malay silat, as a self-defence technique, has many variations and forms based on the different locations it originates from and the masters who established them.
The Malay silat during training and exhibition must normally be accompanied by the silat music, and the musical instruments comprise the drum, the gong and the flute. This is the real silat, with accompaniment of music, without which not.
In the old days, the music played are varied. During a battle or war, music which encourages bravery and to uplift the spirits are played. During training, a different tune is played for different dance movements.
Nik Muhamad Firdaus B Nik Salahuddin
Dikir Barat
Dikir Barat in my belief came about from an Indian performance, usually seen during the harvest season. This performance, has the same concept comprising of a choir, musicians & a main singer. I believe that they (the Indians, who, at that time were popular with working on merchant ships) have transcended this culture to the places that they made their port of call, namely the East Asian regions. One of these ports have to be Thailand that resulted in this art being absorbed into their culture. However, it seemed to have gained a popular momentum among the malays in Kelantan (a state in Malaysia) which is very close to the Thai border. It has then since been a a performance art associated with Malays rather than the Thais. From Kelantan, it was immersed into the other regions of Malay Peninsula and the Malay Archipelago until it eventually resides in Singapore.
Dikir Barat interest in Singapore was sparked off in 1983 when a Malaysian student from Kelantan mooted the idea of a Dikir Barat performance as one of the cultural items to celebrate Teachers' Day. The NYJC Malay Language and Cultural Society takes pride in having played a prominent role in promoting this art form in Singapore. 1984 saw the College pioneering the first inter-school/college Dikir Barat competition. "Gema Dikir Barat" or "The Echoes of Choral Singing" became the rallying and thematic call of the competition. The response was overwhelming till to date that it has become the father of all Dikir Barat competitions in Singapore.
The speciality of Dikir Barat is is that it has a certain kind of energy which revives the audience in a way through its musical form. Dikir Barat is a verbal art form. It centres in a matching of wits between two teams of not less than 10 people each. Each side has a leader. Each team weaves a continuous stream of impromptu, rhythmic verses, ridiculing and pinning down the arguments of the opposing site. The main characters in this performance is the Tok Juara and the Tukang Karut. The earlier, being the 'head' of the group, who usually sings a long song comprising of a chorus and several verses. The Tukang Karut, on the other hand, sings songs in short bursts. He is usually the wittier of the two and does most of the ridiculing. The rest of the group is made up of the choir and the percussionists who play the instruments to make the music.
These percussionists, usually made up of around 5 people, have a role to play. The main percussionist, plays the main drum, which is called the Rebana Ibu. It is quite a big drum which is locked in place betweem the players foot and knee, making a full sound when hit. The next person plays the Rebana Anak, a smaller version of the Rebana Ibu, thus making a much more sharper sound. The third person then plays the Gong, one of which is quite familiar to not only Malay culture but to other cultures as well. The rest of the percussionists plays the Canang (which are smaller versions of the gong) or the Maracuss.
The rest of the group, are called the 'Awok-Awok'. Literally translated it is the plural of you (in other words "you all"). It came about from the Kelantanese dialect "awok" which means 'you'. The 'Awok-Awok' are sometimes considered by the audience, as the life of the dikir barat group with their choral singing and synchronised body and hand movements. These movements sway rhythmatically to the beat of the song, thus, making it an awesome spectacle to watch.
The costumes that a dikir barat troupe put on is usually made up of the basic malay baju Melayu for men and baju kurung for women. Several touches are added here and there to give the clothes a majestic feel and to liven up the group. Colors used range from a huge variety, - from bright red to even pale blue.
Nik Muhamad Firdaus B Nik Salahuddin
Why is HIV dangerous?
The immune system is a group of cells and organs that protect your body by fighting disease. The human immune system usually finds and kills viruses fairly quickly.
So if the body's immune system attacks and kills viruses, what's the problem?
Different viruses attack different parts of the body - some may attack the skin, others the lungs, and so on. The common cold is caused by a virus. What makes HIV so dangerous is that it attacks the immune system itself - the very thing that would normally get rid of a virus. It particularly attacks a special type of immune system cell known as a CD4 lymphocyte.
HIV has a number of tricks that help it to evade the body's defences, including very rapid mutation. This means that once HIV has taken hold, the immune system can never fully get rid of it.
There isn't any way to tell just by looking if someone's been infected by HIV. In fact a person infected with HIV may look and feel perfectly well for many years and may not know that they are infected. But as the person's immune system weakens they become increasingly vulnerable to illnesses, many of which they would previously have fought off easily.
The only reliable way to tell whether someone has HIV is for them to take a blood test, which can detect infection from a few weeks after the virus first entered the body.
Nik Muhamad Firdaus B Nik Salahuddin
Muay Thai
Muay Thai(Thai Boxing) is a form of hard martial art practiced in large parts of the world, including Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries. The art is similar to others in Southeast Asia such as: pradal serey in Cambodia, lethwei in Myanmar, tomoi in Malaysia, and Lao boxing in Laos. Muay Thai has a long history in Thailand and is the country's national sport. Traditional Muay Thai practiced today varies significantly from the ancient art muay boran and uses kicks and punches in a ring with gloves similar to those used in Western boxing.
Muay Thai is referred to as "The Art of the Eight Limbs", as the hands, shins, elbows, and knees are all used extensively in this art. A practitioner of Muay Thai ("nak muay") thus has the ability to execute strikes using eight "points of contact," as opposed to "two points" (fists) in Western boxing and "four points" (fists, feet) used in the primarily sport-oriented forms of martial arts.
Nik Muhamad Firdaus B Nik Salahuddin
Basic Badminton Rules
Before the 2006 Thomas/ Uber Cup, the official scoring format was the 15 points format. The IBF (International Badminton Federation) then tested a new scoring format which is the 21 points rally format in the 2006 Thomas/Uber Cup. This 21 points rally format has since become the official one replacing the 15 points format.
15 Points Format
There are a lot of people who still prefer the old format. So I have listed down the basic badminton rules for this format here if you have this preference.
- To win a match, you have to win 2 out of 3 games.
- To win a game, you have to score 15 points for men and 11 points for women.
- If the score becomes 14-all (10-all in women's singles), the side which first scored 14 (10) shall exercise the choice to continue the game to 15 (11) points or to 'set' the game to 17 (13) points.
- If you win a rally in which your opposition served, you win back the service rights.
- Only the serving side can add a point to its score.
- You score a point when your opponent could not return the shuttle or the shuttle he/she returns fall out of bounds.
- In singles, you will serve on the right service court when your score is an even number while you will serve on the left service court when your score is an odd number.
- In doubles, if you serve and receive first on the right service court during a match, you will continue to serve there when the score of your side in an even number. Reverse pattern for your partner.
21 points Format
Currently, this is the official format used by the IBF. Here are the basic badminton rules for this format.
- To win a match, you have to win 2 out of 3 games.
- To win a game, you have to score 21 points.
- If a score becomes 20-20, the side which scores 2 consecutive points shall win that game.
- If the score becomes 29-29, the side that scores the 30th point shall win that game.
- There are no "service over", meaning you can score a point no matter who serves.
- One service only for doubles.
- Other rules shall remain the same.
So what is the difference between these two formats you may ask? For one, the old format requires more time to finish a match as there are 'service overs'. The level of fitness and stamina is really important. It is not unusual to see a match last for 2 hours.
The new format however requires less time to finish a match as it is a rally point system. It is now quite common to see matches finished just below an hour. Avoiding making unforced errors is crucial here because every rally counts.
Decide for yourself on which format you want to use. I would suggest that you familiarize yourself with the new format in case you become more serious with this game.
Nik Muhamad Firdaus B Nik Salahuddin
Stretching and Flexibility - How to Stretch
How to stretch
When done properly, stretching can do more than just increase flexibility. Benefits of stretching include:
1. enhanced physical fitness
2. enhanced ability to learn and perform skilled movements
3. increased mental and physical relaxation
4. enhanced development of body awareness
5. reduced risk of injury to joints, muscles, and tendons
6. reduced muscular soreness
7. reduced muscular tension
8. increased suppleness due to stimulation of the production of chemicals which lubricate connective tissues
9. reduced severity of painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea) in females
Unfortunately, even those who stretch do not always stretch properly and hence do not reap some or all of these benefits. Some of the most common mistakes made when stretching are:
1. improper warm-up
2. inadequate rest between workouts
3. overstretching
4. performing the wrong exercises
5. performing exercises in the wrong (or sub-optimal) sequence
Nik Muhamad Firdaus B Nik Salahuddin
i would like to share with you all about a book entitle ' detective Q'. i love to read anything that related to investigation stories. This story is all about a young man names Qyo. His ambition is,he want to be a very famous detective in the world, just like Sherlock Holmes. But to became a detective, first he need to know all the skills to find any clue at the crime scenes. From this story, i can conclude that, to became whatever you want to be..you must start from the bottom and never give up...
Ahmad Aiman Ramlan
I have read a poster about the researches in UMP. It is from the researchers from the Civil Engineering Faculty about the clean water system and supply at the rural area like village and so on. For me,it is such a great idea because it get the supply water from rains and soil, and then filtered it to get the clean water.
I hope one day I also can invent a product or researches that will bring benefits for our country and generally to the world.
muhammad shahmi bin marsahid
A ball is a round object with various uses. It is usually spherical but can be ovoid. It is used in ball games, where the play of the game follows the state of the ball as it is hit, kicked or thrown by players. Balls can also be used for simpler activities, such as catch, marbles and juggling. Balls made from hard-wearing metal are used in engineering applications to provide very low friction bearings, known as ball bearings.
Although many types of balls are today made from rubber, this form was unknown outside the Americas until after the voyages of Columbus. The Spanish were the first Europeans to see bouncing rubber balls (albeit solid and not inflated) which were employed most notably in the Mesoamerican ballgame. Balls used in various sports in other parts of the world prior to Columbus were made from other materials such as animal bladders or skins, stuffed with various materials.
Tires, or tyres (in American and British English, respectively), are ring-shaped parts, either pneumatic or solid (including rubber, metals and plastic composites), that fit around wheels to protect them and enhance their function.
Pneumatic tires are used on many types of vehicles, such as bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trucks, earthmovers, and aircraft. Tires enable better vehicle performance by providing traction, braking, steering, and load support. Tires form a flexible cushion between the vehicle and the road, which smooths out shock and makes for a comfortable ride.
Radio is the transmission of signals by modulation of electromagnetic waves with frequencies below those of visible light. Electromagnetic radiation travels by means of oscillating electromagnetic fields that pass through the air and the vacuum of space. Information is carried by systematically changing (modulating) some property of the radiated waves, such as amplitude, frequency, or phase. When radio waves pass an electrical conductor, the oscillating fields induce an alternating current in the conductor. This can be detected and transformed into sound or other signals that carry information.
The bicycle, bike, or cycle is a pedal-driven, human-powered vehicle with two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other.
Bicycles were introduced in the 19th century and now number about one billion worldwide.[1] They are the principal means of transportation in many regions. They also provide a popular form of recreation, and have been adapted for such uses as children's toys, adult fitness, military and police applications, courier services, and competitive sports.
The basic shape and configuration of a typical bicycle has changed little since the first chain-driven model was developed around 1885.[2] Many details have been improved, especially since the advent of modern materials and computer-aided design. These have allowed for a proliferation of specialized designs for particular types of cycling.
The bicycle has had a considerable effect on human society, in both the cultural and industrial realms. In its early years, bicycle construction drew on pre-existing technologies; more recently, bicycle technology has, in turn, contributed both to old and new areas.
Hello my friend,is me again.Today i am going to share some tips on how to take care your computer. It is not necessary for you to buy a branded computer so that it will last.If you take care of your computer... it will take care of you.
Here is the tips how to take care your computer:
1 Scan your computer daily when you finish working on it.
2 If on a certain day you happen to download many pages, software, programs, zipped files, exe files, etc., immediately after downloading everything, scan your computer. This way, just in case a virus existed in anything you downloaded, you will catch it in time before it infects your entire Hard Drive.
3 Use your online scanner to scan your computer once a week
4 A virus can duplicate itself to everyone on your address book and send itself out by email, without you even knowing that this has been done
5 Use your adware/spyware checker once a week
6 Set your virus checker to update itself automatically. This way, it is always updated with the latest protection.
7 Do not open any attachments in emails from people you do not know.
8 Do not open any attachments even from people you do know, if you are not expecting anything from them.
9 Do not download free music on the Internet – these free sites are always infected.
10 Do not download any free games from the Internet
11 Back up all your data on a daily basis. Use floppy disks, flash drives, memory sticks, zip disks, CD-Roms, etc.
12 Adult sites are particularly prone to viruses.
13 Print out contracts, payment forms, agreements and all legal documents and file them away in a ring-binder. Try not to keep anything to do with your finances, payment details, payment processor passwords, credit card details, etc. on your computer. A hacker could easily access all these details, if they are anywhere on your computer. And with today's online WiFi technology, it becomes possible for hackers to at least attempt to get at you.
Beginner's guide to squash
Squash is a fast-moving game that requires skill, speed and supreme fitness.
The ball can reach speeds of up to 170mph and players can burn off up to 1000 calories per hour of squash - higher than most other sports.
It began in the 19th century and was originally called squash racquets, to distinguish it from the game of racquets.
Harrow School, just outside London, is credited as the game's birthplace - when young pupils who couldn't compete with older boys for space on the proper racquets courts invented their own version using a rubber ball instead of a hard one.
The basic principle is to keep hitting the ball against the front wall until your opponent cannot get it back any more.
Players must keep one foot in the service box as they serve.
The ball must hit the front wall between the service line and the out line, and land in the area behind the short line on the opposite side of the court.
For the remainder of the rally, players must hit the wall above the board and below the out line.
The ball is only allowed to hit the floor once before each shot, but it can hit as many walls as the player wants.
If a player fails to hit the ball before it bounces twice, hits the ball into the floor before it hits the front wall, or hits it outside the out line, then they lose the rally.
A player can also lose a rally if the ball hits them or their clothing before they strike the ball.
In the traditional, British system you can only score points when you are serving.
When the player receiving serve wins a rally, the score does not change, but he or she becomes the server.
So if you are facing serve, you need to win two rallies to register a point.
A match is the best of five games, and for a player to win a game they must reach nine points.
If the score reaches eight-all, however, the player who is not serving at the time can choose whether to play to nine points or to 10 points.
During points, a player can be impeded or unsighted as they try to play their next shot, and can ask for a let.
If the referee decides this is deserved, he or she can order the point to be replayed, or award the rally to the player who has been affected.
Players use a different ball depending on their standard.
The recognised colours are:
* Double Yellow - extra super slow; competition standard
* Yellow - super slow
* Green or white - slow
* Red - medium
* Blue - fast
Modern racquets are usually made of composite materials such as kevlar and graphite.
They are 70 cm (27 inches) long, with a maximum strung area of 500 square centimetres (approximately 80 square inches) and a weight between 110 and 200 grams (4-7 ounces).
Now i want to share about how to feel beautiful every day..
-Firstly, look in the mirror, look at others. You don't look like them, they don't look like you. You're unique. No one else looks like you (unless you have an identical twin!). Say to yourself, out loud: "Unique is beautiful." Because everyone is beautiful in their own way, don't let anyone tell you different!
-Let go of all ideas that promise "beauty" and instead aim for health. Lose weight if it will make you healthy, use home made skin creams and toners to keep your skin healthy, or eat healthy foods to be beautiful.
-Exercise!it makes you feel better about yourself as well as gives you more energy.
-Smile!It'll make you feel and look a lot happier!
-Embark your day by exclaiming to yourself in the mirror each day when you get up how awesome and beautiful you are. That may seem selfish, but it will help you feel good.
-Treat yourself! Buy yourself a smoothie, go for a walk in the woods, watch a movie at home with your friends, or read a new book. Do something that doesn't involve how you look.
-Accept others for who they are as well. Just because someone is a different shape, size, or color than you doesn't mean that they don't deserve to have self confidence as well. Give people around you reasons to make them think that they are beautiful. If you do that to others, it will make you feel good, and you'll realize that beauty is abundant - around you and within you.
-nice to others. The most beautiful person you can ever see with a nasty attitude isn't beautiful at all.
-Make everything around you beautiful, whether this means decorating your room with nice lights or positive pictures from magazines, having beautiful surroundings will make you feel beautiful too!
-Your life is what you make of it. If you make yourself out to be beautiful, then that's the way you live your life, so live you life to the fullest, most beautiful way possible, and that's the way you will feel!
There are some tips to look and feel best everyday...
-First, take a shower. You sweat while you sleep and that makes you stink. So, use a good smelling soap (anything from Bath & Body Works). Use shampoo and conditioner- but not too much conditioner. Suave works great, it comes in great scents and it doesn't strip your hair out.
-Of course, brush your teeth, floss and use mouthwash. I like to use the silky floss, Crest toothpaste and Crest mouthwash.
-Although natural beauty is the best kind, if you're going to use makeup don't use too much. Choose to play up the lips or the eyes, never both.
-Make sure your nails are clean. Keep them short, and use a moisturizing lotion of your hands. People often judge you on the way your hands and nails are kept. Don't wear polish until it chips away, and don't over grow your nails. If you're going for fakes, go for the classic short french manicure look. Bold fake nails are very trashy. Never buy the plastic kind and do them yourself. Go to a salon. If you can't afford that, just keep your nails short and clean.
Try it.Have a nice day!
VASELINE (The petroleum jelly)
Everyday,I use vaseline vitalizing gel body oil. It leaves totally smooth and very nice and moisturized without being greasy (after a very few minutes anyway).
But did you know have more than 50 uses for vaseline?
-Put Vaseline on your elbows every day - they will stay soft!
- Put Vaseline on chapped lips
-Use Vaseline as lip gloss
-Mix a little Vaseline with a little Kool-Aid powder and make a colored and flavored lip gloss!
-Melt Vaseline and one chocolate chip in the microwave, mix and let resolidify for chocolate lip gloss!
- Maintains perfume scent longer when applied at perfume points before spritzing the perfume.
-Can be used as a moisturizer for acne sufferers (it is a misconception that it clogs pores)
-Moisturizes severe dry skin
-Use Vaseline on your knees to prevent that dry, ashy look
-Mix with sea salts to make a scrub!
-Applied on teeth before applying lipstick prevents lipstick from sticking on them. hahaaha....
-Massage, baby!
-Warmed up can be used as a night cream.
-Makeup remover.
-Protects skin exposed to adverse weather.
-Applied under eye shadow it can create a shiny effect.
-Applied on cheeks for a dewy look.
-Can be used to smooth and soothe skin after shaving.
-Gets rid of dry skin lines which can arise from washing
- Lubricates ear lobes and helps to make earring insertion easy and painless
-Keeps fingernails pliable and resilient
- Use with your lipstick to create a cream blusher for your cheeks
- Helps to ease off stuck on rings
-Tames unruly eyebrows
-Defines eyelashes and leaves them with a glossy and waterproof look
- Conditions scalp pre-shampooing
- Can help prevent chaffing
- Aids with healing after cosmetic surgery procedures
- Reduces scaling and itching associated with dandruff
-Theraputic when applied to lesions caused by poison ivy
- Can protect against harmful hair dyeing, perming and straightening chemicals when used as a mask around the hairline
-Use a tiny dab to put a quick shine on your shoes and bags
-Smear a tiny bit on your hands and scrunch through your hair for a choppy look
- Use just a touch on the ends of your hair to hide dry and split ends
- emove makeup stains from clothing
- Make your week old nail polish look new again - rub a small dab over the polish.
-Use a touch of Vaseline mixed with powder eyeshadow pigment to make new colors, or a more solid eyeshadow that won’t get all over your face when you put it on.
-Stretch your favorite lotion by mixing it with Vaseline.
-Put Vaseline on your lips, leave it a few minutes, then scrub your lips with a toothbrush to exfoliate and leave them so smooth.
-Remove false eyelash glue from your lash line
-Apply a small amount on dry spots on your body before fake tanning lotions are applied, and prevent uneven tanning!
Trust me.
being busy with assignment and project make us very hard to decide what should we gives more concentration on... however.. in 1st march... i was in IIUM gombak and there i learnt something about "organization"...
what do we really know about organization..?? there is many kinds of them and we may be a part of them no matter maybe in faculty's club or engineering clubs or also maybe society..
what really interesting that i learn from that day is how to become a leader and what you suppose to do or not to do when you become a leader. by being there i know that am i good leader and is it my current leader is a good one (no comment about that) huhu... that's not important.. the important thing is... when we become a leader an possess the power, we should not being cruel to our subordinates.. we must know what their needs.. guides them if they need one.. and do everything with responsibility and honors.. and never take advantages on them.. that's what i bare in minds.
It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time. In this short time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language, your demeanor, your mannerisms, and how you are dressed.
There are some useful tips to help you to do this.
-Be on time
The person you are meeting for the first time is not interested in your “good excuse” for running late. Plan to arrive a few minutes early.
-Be Yourself, Be at Ease
If you are feeling uncomfortable and on edge, this can make the other person ill at ease and that’s a sure way to create the wrong impression. If you are calm and confident, so the other person will feel more at ease, and so have a solid foundation for making that first impression a good one.
-Present Yourself Appropriately
Of course physical appearance matters. The person you are meeting for the first time does not know you and your appearance is usually the first clue he or she has to go on.
-A Winning Smile.
There’s nothing like a smile to create a good first impression.
Smiling is a winner when it comes to great first impressions.
If you own contact lenses you will want to know how to use contact lens solutions for hard contacts.
Contact lens solutions for hard contacts are made to use in a certain and proper way to ensure the health of your eyes.
Before you use any contact lens solutions for hard contacts you should wash your hands. It is important that you use the right kind of soap before you use any of the contact lens solutions for hard contacts.
You need to use contact lens solutions for hard contacts in the proper order. The first of the contact lens solutions for hard contacts to use is the daily cleaner. You need to clean your lenses as soon as you remove them using the first of the contact lens solutions for hard contacts.
The next of the contact lens solutions for hard contacts is the saline solution. This should be used to rinse the contact after you have rubbed it in the palm of your hand with the daily cleaner. Contact lens solutions for hard contacts also include a soaking solution which is what you need to use at this point. Just place your lens in the soaking solution in your contact case.
Two contact lens solutions for hard contacts will be used when you are ready to wear your contacts. You will rinse each lens with new saline solution and apply the wetting solution.
You will need to use four contact lens solutions for hard contacts once a week to clean your contacts. These four contact lens solutions for hard contacts are the enzymatic cleaner, saline solution, daily cleaner and soaking solution.
It is easy to find these contact lens solutions for hard contacts. Contact lens solutions for hard contacts are available at vision centers and drugstores. You can also order contact lens solutions for hard contacts online.
Contact lens solutions for hard contacts are easy to use if you follow the packaging directions. When you use contact lens solutions for hard contacts you are protecting your vision and adding life to your contacts.
Today I read an article about anger management.When you angry, there are some tips by Reford william to calm down.
1.If anger is a problem, let the important people in your life know about the changes you are trying to make. They can be a source of motivation and their support will help you when you lapse into old behavior patterns.
2.If another person is the source of your anger, try to see the situation from his or her perspective. Remind yourself to be objective and realize that everyone makes mistakes and it is through mistakes that people learn how to improve.
3.Angry people are often the ones who let the little things bother them. If you learn to calm down you will realize that there is no need to get uptight and you will have fewer angry episodes.
4.Angry people can be cynical people. They believe that others are going to do something on purpose to annoy or frustrate them even before it happens. If you can build trust in people you will be less likely to become angry with them when something does go wrong and more likely to attribute the problem to something other than a malicious intent.
5.Miscommunication contributes to frustrating and mistrusting situations. The better you listen to what a person is saying, the better able you will be to find a resolution that does not involve an anger response.
6.To ensure that the changes you are making go much deeper than the surface, you need to forgive the people in your life that have angered you. It is not easy letting go of past hurts and resentments but the only way to move past your anger is to let go of these feelings and start fresh. (Depending on what, or who, is at the root of your anger, you may have to solicit the help of a professional to achieve this fully)
The Orang Asli are the indigenous minority peoples of Peninsular Malaysia. The name is a Malay term which transliterates as 'original peoples' or 'first peoples.' It is a collective term introduced by anthropologists and administrators for the 18 sub-ethnic groups generally classified for official purposes under Negrito, Senoi and Proto-Malay. They numbered 105,000 in 1997 representing a mere 0.5 per cent of the national population.
The Orang Asli, nevertheless, are not a homogeneous group. Each has its own language and culture, and perceives itself as different from the others. Linguistically, some of the northern Orang Asli groups (especially the Senoi and Negrito groups) speak languages - now termed Aslian languages - that suggest a historical link with the indigenous peoples in Burma, Thailand and Indo-China.
The members of the Proto-Malay tribes, whose ancestors were believed to have migrated from the Indonesian islands to the south of the peninsula, speak dialects which belong to the same Austronesian family of languages as Malay, with the exceptions of the Semelai and Temoq dialects (which are Austroasiatic).
The Orang Asli have equally varied occupations and ways of life. The Orang Laut, Orang Seletar and Mah Meri, for example, live close to the coast and are mainly fishermen. Some Temuan, Jakun and Semai people have taken to permanent agriculture and now manage their own rubber, oil palm or cocoa farms.
About 40 per cent of the Orang Asli population - including Semai, Temiar, Che Wong, Jah Hut, Semelai and Semoq Beri - however, live close to, or within forested areas. Here they engage in swiddening (hill rice cultivation) and do some hunting and gathering. These communities also trade in petai, durian, rattan and resins to earn cash incomes.
A very small number, especially among the Negrito groups (such as Jahai and Lanoh) are still semi-nomadic, preferring to take advantage of the seasonal bounties of the forest. A fair number also live in urban areas and are engaged in both waged and salaried jobs.
There is no doubt, however, that the Orang Asli are the descendants of the earliest inhabitants in the peninsula. It has been suggested that they retained much of their identity to the present day because of their relative isolation from the other communities and the forces of change.
This is not to suggest that the Orang Asli lived in complete isolation, existing only on subsistence production. Economic dealings with the neighbouring Malay communities were not uncommon for the past few hundred years, especially for the Proto-Malay groups. Those Orang Asli living in remote forest areas also engaged in some trading with the Malays, with jungle produce being exchanged for salt, knives and metal axe-heads. There was also evidence of trade in blowpipes and blowpipe-bamboo among certain tribes. It has also been shown that the Orang Asli have played a significant role in the Malay Peninsula's economic history as collectors and primary traders as early as the 5th Century A.D. An early 19th century report also tells of Negritos providing forest products as tribute to the Malay chiefs of the river basins they resided in.
There seemed, therefore, to be a certain amount of interaction between the Orang Asli and the other ethnic groups, particularly the Malays who resided along the fringes of the forest. Some of the initial contacts, however, were unfortunately characterized by cruelty and mutual hostility.
June 3, 2004 - The long awaited days when robots do the household chores are considerably closer with the arrival of the Dyson DC06; an autonomous robotic vacuum cleaner that will clean all floor surfaces at the push of a button. Capable of 'learning' the layout of a room without and navigating safely around unforseen obstacles, the DC06 is 5% vacuum cleaner and 95% robotic intelligence.
The long awaited days when robots do the household chores are considerably closer with the arrival of the Dyson DCO6; an autonomous robotic vacuum cleaner that will clean all floor surfaces at the push of a button. Capable of 'learning' the layout of a room without and navigating safely around unforseen obstacles, the DC06 is 5% vacuum cleaner and 95% robotic intelligence.
Combining over 70 sensory devices and three on-board computers with independent wheel, microprocessor-driven SR electrical motors, the DC06 can make 10 decisions every second, enabling it to manoeuvre precisely and clean efficiently without repetition, even recognising when the job is done. The SR motors produce no harmful carbon emissions and are billed as lasting twice as long as conventional motors with brushes. The completely independent DC06 also charges its own batteries via a high-speed charger, and to thoroughly convince you of its intelligence, there's even a mood indicator light - blue for happy, green when negotiating an obstacle and red if it feels threatened by its environment.
The vacuum mechanism itself utilises Dyson's Dual Cyclone technology, a system that - apart from making its inventor James Dyson one of the richest men in the UK - requires no bag and therefore removes dust from the airflow more effectively, maintaining 100% suction. Five years and 5,000 prototypes in the making, the bag-less system extracts particles of dust by utilising centrifugal forces created when the air is driven through two cone shaped cylinders at speeds equal or greater to that of sound, forcing the tiniest of particles onto the outer wall.
The DC06 should be available in Australia at the end of the year, and is expected to cost around $6000.
Five Ways to Keep Your Hopes Alive Through Tough Times
The world might suck now, but it's not going to end!
Wars, Natural Disasters, Economic catastrophe, Global warming, Nuclear Proliferation...
If one dwells on all the bad things going on these days, you can't help but feel like things are becoming a little bleak. When will this all end, and how is it even possible to recover?
If you look back throughout history, there's always been periods where things have looked pretty grim. Imagine if you lived in Europe during World War II. Even though the US wasn't involved until 1941, most of Europe had been battling it out for years before we joined in the game. Many probably thought their worlds would completely end. Yes, many lives were lost and much was destroyed, but those who survived rebuilt their lives. Today, most of Europe is prospering and thriving. The same sort of feelings consumed those who lived through the Great Depression, too. They thought that the rest of their lives would be fraught with poverty and despair. Lo and behold, we pulled through and many of those who suffered eventually recovered and, in some cases, even became wealthy.
So, how can we remind ourselves that the world hasn't ended yet, and that things will inevitably get better? Here's a few tips that have helped me forget about the world's woes.
Stop Watching the News!
I had to install an add-on to Firefox that blocks certain websites and I added CNN.com and MSNBC.com to the list. It had become such a habit for me to check the news that I didn't even think about it. I've cut myself off now, and it really helps. Money might be tight and everything, but constantly being reminded of it doesn't help matters whatsoever.
Get Outside
Step outside and take a deep breath. Sure, temperatures might be rising and the air might be polluted, but Mother Nature's not going anywhere anytime soon. It always helps me to take a walk or sit outside under the shade of a large tree and watch the squirrels scavenge for snacks. The squirrels don't have a care in the world, other than finding a good snack and a mate. It reminds me of how simple life really is beneath all of our modern human clutter.
Spend Time with Friends and Family
Humans are social creatures. Even the most antisocial people would be miserable if they were truly alone in the world. Surrounding yourself by people you enjoy will bring smiles to everyone's faces and put a little extra joy in your hearts.
Books. Or Wikipedia
If you feel helpless to better the world around you, you can at least do something to better yourself. Read books (or online articles on Wikipedia ) about topics that interest you. Maybe tackle a few of the classics, or brush up on some philosophy. The phrase "Knowledge is power!" might be used in jest, but it's really true.
Dreaming about things you'd like to do is a great way to start making goals for yourself. Sure, there are always outside forces that might interfere, but it is up to you to at least give it a shot, right? If you want to own a house and not get mixed up in a mortgage mess like many others have, do your research and save every penny so you can accomplish that goal. If you hate your job, try going back to school to do something you'd really enjoy. Money might be tight, but that shouldn't stop you from giving your life direction.
These tips might not be for everybody, but if any of them are able to alleviate some weight off of your shoulders, then it's always worth it. We'll never get out of these messes if we're all weighed down by them! No matter what your situation, if you can keep your hopes up even through these difficult days, you can rest assured that there will be a brighter future ahead.
What is success though?
Trying a definition, success is to achieve your goals and to be among the best in your field of interest. In addition to that, one should also have all the other important fields in a good balance. In other words you can be the best in business but at the expense of your family life. Yes success has a price and it is painful to realize that you arrived in the top of the pyramid…alone… because you’ve lost the dear ones on the process.
But is the other side better? A happy family and just enough money to live decently? Well, after seeking advice from the wisest of human kings, the King Solomon, I have come to his conclusion: "better a piece of bread and love than loads of meat and hate."
But is a happy family enough? Is that all there is to success?
Successful businesses do have trustworthy advisers, experienced and trained people who’ve "been there, done that" experts who can give essential information to propel companies higher and to avoid unseen disasters. This is a key to success: a good adviser! It never hurts to hear more opinions and use your discernment to see what would work best in your case, but even the best of them might fail under certain circumstances.
Yes, a business can go well in a stabile economy and following certain steps like a good market research, good promotion strategy and a good "stay on top" plan. However there are things that cannot be foreseen, for instance what goes on in America’s economy today; it is a major crisis and experts try to find the way out.
Even if most economists’ advice relies on the principle "better prevent than cure" , not everything can be prevented. Therefore, you can have the best human experts in the field you want to be a success in but keep in mind that there are situations that no man can anticipate, circumstances that do not depend on us. So best advisers and improper circumstances can lead to a dead end on the success road.
What to do? Where can you find everything you need for success?
Looking at the life of the Best of the Best, we see 2 main ingredients for His success: (1) total dependency on His Adviser, (2) Total dependency on His Adviser and we could add a third which would be "TOTAL dependency on His Adviser" once more. You have probably guessed by now that I am talking about the most influential figure in history, namely Jesus Christ, God’s Son. If He was so dependent on His Father, on God and we see today a life lived with the highest meaning and being the greatest success, shouldn’t we take the same Adviser?
When we have God as our Leader, Friend and Father, we have everything we need to live our life to the highest of our potential because we will know what to do, when to do and how to accomplish the goals of our life.
Because God knows everything about the future, there is nothing to catch Him by surprise, causing a crisis where HE wouldn’t know what to do. No, there is no such thing with God. Adonai’s advice is most valuable because He is the Wisest, He has all the power (power that He gave to His Son Jesus Christ) and He loves you intensely that’s why HE did and does everything out of love.
Without God’s advice, our pathway would be so slippery that no man could walk on it, but God holds the hand of those who ask for His guidance, tells them the right direction and also warns them about the wrong direction and its consequences and you’ll know where to go, avoiding thus a disastrous end. God never forced anyone to choose the right way, He gave us free will but He warned us about the consequences. Here are God’s words: "I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants" Deuteronomy 30:19
What is success? I believe success is knowing God’s plan for your life and following that plan as Jesus Christ did, in complete surrender to God’s will. You couldn’t do a better, smarter, filled with more love and joy plan! God’s plan for your life will ALWAYS exceed your wildest dreams and expectations! Oh, I can tell you for a fact, not just a story! When I saw a little of God’s plan for me, I said "Incredible! WOOOW! I would have NEVER dreamt!"
Yes, a life with God is so exciting! It is a daily adventure! Try it, taste it and you will see!
Confidence and Change
Accepting the routines and the professional jealousy that we have to combat in our lives at work, it’s equally important to note that our seniors have this knack of superseding your existence, and shaking your morale. If you’ve ever noticed, you’ll find that every working person while climbing the professional ladder is placed with responsibilities and additional responsibilities as you climb higher! Most text books invite managers to take the rough path in demeaning their subordinates.
You’d notice that secretaries often feel low and there is a higher case of burn out in their jobs as along with the pay package, they seem to get lost in the crowd of their seniors. Of course the times have changed and managers understand that IQ is equally important as is EQ, but there is little that they can do.
Most seniors are dumped with responsibilities that they cannot manage. With a view to make them feel that their positions are solidified, they are given ample powers so that they don’t recognize the immense pressure that they are into. What keeps them going is just one pill; Confidence.
In the search for the perfect job, one often realizes that to make your life less miserable that it already is, its important that we take the garb of being confident. What may seem as a stoic exterior may be a shattering soul inside, but the only way to keep yourself alive in this situation, is to maintain your cool and feel confident. It’s interesting to note that many of the presentations made by experts in their fields, are painstakingly rehearsed time and again and the minute they reach the platform, they excel in everything, except that scarce confidence.
Accepting the new demands in your job can jitter you initially, but what really keeps you going is the belief in yourself that you can make it happen. This belief comes to the fore when you are confident. Most classes, especially public speaking classes make you memorize two things. One that you need to learn to relax, and the other; keep repeating to yourself that "You Can"!
Optimism at work also helps. An easier way around maintaining optimism is to have friends who are largely liked by many around the organization. Developing a hobby and perhaps pursuing it religiously also enhances your confidence. Most working people don’t have the time to develop their hobbies. Observing someone who has makes them appreciative of you, thereby making you feel great and confident that you have an edge over most people.
Try and learn from your past experiences; both good and bad! While most of us tend to brood over spilt milk, its better to analyze them again and try to develop confidence in oneself that you have come through with the knowledge that makes you stronger. It’s a lot easier said than done, I agree but its best if you could make an attempt. Remember avoiding challenges and situations are signs of poor confidence levels.
Some factors of poor confidence can be enlisted as follows:
* Thinking negatively can act as the foremost barrier in our success. You need to dream to make your dream come true. By the fear of failure, you only thrash the dream before even beginning to achieve it. Perish the negative thoughts that you are likely to succumb to!
* Most cases of attitude and pride emerge from a low self esteem. Feeling jealous of someone especially those that have so far succeeded can make one’s esteem really lo and can cause serious connotations. Suicide cases erupt from the fear of rejection.
* Start early in life.
Begin with getting up early. You might feel it’s a silly thing to do, but you’ll realize that you can achieve so much and plan well in advance. This planning may include what you wish to do in life or even planning the day. Once your plans are made, all you need is to implement them. To be a perfectionist and therefore successful, all you need is to be a great planner.
Remember; in any situation, be the first to attack and hit hard. A simple self defense principle like this one can be your mantra for life. You might not feel all that good and might have this hindering fear for being the worst, but the pretensions that everything will be to your liking; the perseverance and belief that you will excel, is what makes you confident and a winner all the way!
One Morning
Eamon Grennan
Looking for distinctive stones, I found the dead otter
rotting by the tideline, and carried all day the scent of this savage
valediction. That headlong high sound the oystercatcher makes
came echoing through the rocky cove
where a cormorant was feeding and submarining in the bay
and a heron rose off a boulder where he'd been invisible,
drifted a little, stood again -- a hieroglyph
or just longevity reflecting on itself
between the sky clouding over and the lightly ruffled water.
This was the morning after your dream of dying, of being held
and told it didn't matter. A butterfly went jinking over
the wave-silky stones, and where I turned
to go up the road again, a couple in a blue camper sat
smoking their cigarettes over their breakfast coffee (blue
scent of smoke, the thick dark smell of fresh coffee)
and talking in quiet voices, first one then the other answering,
their radio telling the daily news behind them. It was warm.
All seemed at peace. I could feel the sun coming off the water.
after pak lah be the PM for such a time that he can lead malaysia trough globalisation today, he finally give the position to dato' seri najib tun razak. all malaysian hope that najib can bring malaysia to the eye of the world and remain the peaceful of malaysia.
be a PM is a big responsibility to who are willing to do so. it is not an easy job to be carry and do. a PM must have patient, strenghtand courage to do a job that involve many people not i=only from that country itself but must consider all country from all over the world.
posting comment about this open my mind to think about how difficult it is to be a PM.
my last word is, good luck to our new PM.
I am going to talk about how important music in human’s life. Not everyone in this world love music. For those who are doesn’t like music much, music are such a noise for them. They just like to stay in a tranquil condition and doesn’t like to other sound.
But, for them who are love music very much, the y can’t live in such a silent surroundings. For them, music is a thing that they will comfortable with. If they hear for music, they will feel the peace, tranquil and patience from music.
For me, music is a medium of relaxing. If I want to study such a boring subject, I’ll use music to make the subject be more interesting to study and read. But, there are also subject that can’t be study with music. as a conclusion for it, I’ll use music depends on the suitable and comfortable it is.
hi madam...
5 Ways to Lose Weight After the Holidays
Guilty of overeating during the holidays? Here are 5 simple ways to beat weight gain.
1. Drink water. People often mistake thirst for hunger, so next time you feel like noshing, reach for water first. Drinking also helps you feel full. Some experts suggest sipping water (or iced tea) just before you sit down to a meal. Continue drinking as you eat to add volume and weight to your meal.
2. Set realistic goals. One or two pounds a week maximum is doable. Top weight-loss programs advocate stopping after the first five kilos and maintaining that loss for about six months before trying to lose any more.
3. Build in splurges. If you allow yourself to eat whatever you want for 2 meals out of every 21, you won't inflict enough damage to subvert your weight loss. And you'll feel less deprived.
4. Count to 10. Studies suggest that the average craving lasts only about 10 minutes. So before caving in to your urge, set your mental timer for a 10-minute time-out. Use the time to tackle an item on your to-do list; choose one that will give you a sense of accomplishment -- and get you out of the kitchen.
5. Eat more often. People who have kept their weight off for more than a few years tend to eat an average of five times a day. Light, frequent meals curb your appetite, boost your energy, improve your mood and even speed your metabolism, since the process of digestion itself burns calories.
So,keep on healthy!
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