Or how the feet looked when you took off the shoes?

How about a long neck?
Or heavy earrings that elongate your earlobes?

An elderly Kenyah woman with traditional long earlobe resulted from years of wearing heavy “earrings”.
Isn't it amazing, what people consider beautiful and what they would do to be in that category?
When you read the two articles on the corset and feet-binding, what went on in your head? Me, I thank God that feet-binding is banned, and that present day corsets are not what they used to be. Those poor poor feet and those poor poor children...
Penny for your thoughts....
i think this activities not only damage the user's leg, also make the tradition become more worst than ever.
abu bakar b. zulkiflli
good morning to madam jumani...
WOMEN=BEAUTY??? heh wowwww...for me,beauty is a characteristic of a person, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction. But,it's quite scary for me looking at those picture with some long ears,long neck and all those feet..OMG,in my opinion,we should be grateful with what we had,and dont be greedy..we are not perfect,so enjoy what we have..the most important thing is the...INNER BEAUTY... :)
good morning to madam jumani...
WOMEN=BEAUTY??? heh wowwww...for me,beauty is a characteristic of a person, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction. But,it's quite scary for me looking at those picture with some long ears,long neck and all those feet..OMG,in my opinion,we should be grateful with what we had,and dont be greedy..we are not perfect,so enjoy what we have..the most important thing is the...INNER BEAUTY... :)
to me all the weird thing just unique and its colour the world
with that,we know that in our world its not just us,but others with their own culture and religion,
and to me,
one size doesnt fit all,
everybody see the beauty in different way,
just like me,
i love hot n cute girls with a bla369,
mohd fauzan b abdullah
sa 08007
these are what we call customs, traditions of other races. Eventhough they look really scared and painful, but as the Malaysians that live in harmony, we have to respect their customs.
ooouuuchhhhh! that was my first impression after reading this post. it is hurt! and i'm wondering why they willing to that at their own body. during my highschool hood, i had a trip to Malacca which is well known as the historical city. there is a museum that keeps stuffs and culture from all over malaysia. i have been through the museum and one of the exhibition is about this issue. i dont think this is necessary to make ourself more pretty right? there are many way to show the beaty inside us. the way we dress up, the way we talk and walk is good enough to tell people that we are beautiful!
Being beautiful is not everything. If you have to suffer the pain just to have what you want then, I think it is not worth it. So, think twice before we want to make any desicion especially in this case because it will cause permanent harm to ourselves.
Yusriha binti mohd Yusoff
looking these pictures sometimes afraid me, sometimes amaze me.. women will go this far to achieve beauty.. a long neck?? may be getting a hard time wearing t shirts, hahaha.. long ear, just any seconds the weight of the earring will cut off the ear.. scary, hohoho.. but to me, as long they believe it is nice to look like that, and they have no problem doing that, it's okay.. but for me, all these practices is hurting and have a permanent effect, not like make up, you can wipe it out or clothes, you can change if it is doesn't fit to you anymore..
siti ramlah
sa 08031
people define the beauty in differant ways. some people think that the more it hurts the more the beauty. in my view, corset, foot binding, long ears and long neck are all so wierd. it looks wierd!! it is out of my thought on how people can survive in pain just to look beauty. the simple thing is just be the beauty in your very own way without changing the things that you should not. it is ridiculous.
the pictures of foot binding make me really scared..scared than watching horror movie..eeaauwww..they sacrifice their health only for beauty...so stupid..for me..beauty not only for looking good,great and so on but it is about our behaviour,attitude and many more..
nur syarmim binti mohamed noor
for me it is subjective..
different people look at it at different way..
so no wonder if foot binding and others beauty tecnique occur in this world..
muhammad yazid yunus
its true you know...
as they said 'no pain no gain'...
but in this case, i personally think it is more like 'no thanks pain! cause i dont wanna gain that kind of pain'! (get it?? huhu..)
well,everyone (now and then) will do anything to get the PERFECTNESS...
but being perfect isn't everything...
there are several ways to look amazingly beautiful and also didn't hurt yourself...
so you might consider that kind of methods rather than feet-binding and etc. that will result a permanent harm on yourself...
however, inner beauty is much much important than outer beauty..
when you are beautiful inside, your outer beauty will outshine itself...
thats the true meaning of BEAUTY to me....
so you dont have to do a plastic surgery, wear tons of make up and others to look beautiful...
but at least wear a biiiiiit of make up so you will look nicer... hehe..
so whatever you do, you must remember to love yourself first...
why suffering to look beatiful??that was what palying in my mind after reading it. i know at certain point ppl said that if u want to be beautiful, you need to make a change and sometimes you need to sacrifies to do so. but in this preseption, i think it is too much cause the effectness that you get after the foot binding is terrible n most frustrating is that it can cause death!
ended life in that way certainly not prefered by a lot of ppl and also to me. its like a suicide cause it stated that binding feet can cause death.
for the corset, well.. i think i can consider wearing it. it has became a fashion nowaday and corset had gone through many changes so that the wearer are comfortable wearing it and no negative effects are gain.
but most importantly, we all have to remember, the purest beautiful is in inside us is not on the outside. thats why phrase such as dont judge book by its cover cames out. but i can see that many ppl always making conclusion about someone based on thier first impression and what they saw physically. well i guess thats life, ppl had right to make their own opinion right? but just for a quick remind everyone have their own way to judge the beautifulness.
well i think thats bout it for my testimonial for this post.
we are all beaitiful, hahaha!!
thank you.
the beauty is important for everyone in this world especially for women.but for me what is the most important thing is inner beauty which means our attitude.if you are good looking but you love to talk bad about others is not truly 'beauty'.frankly i said that i won't wear this scary corset...
nik rohani bt nik mustapa
salam madam ju
beautiful now is important. everyone love to look beautiful and lovely. that reality. one's sometime really eager to look beautiful and willingly to loss their money, to sacrifice from pain and others for example people who do botox and plastic surgery where they willing to lost million ringgit just to look beautiful or also who suffer from bullemia and others disease that been suffered by people who sacrifice to look beautiful. so this binding issues and corset is how people before sacrifices pain to look beautiful same as people nowadays just different in ways to look beautiful.
but still inner beauty is make someone even prettier. if they beautiful inside and outside its a bonus though.
hamdya farhana
salam madam jumani...
First of all, I am not too shock since I knew this tradition in had been done in some culture when I watched a TV program entitled "Reply's Believe It Or Not".
I saw them binding their feet and wearing corset just for their beautiness. For me, there are a lot of things to do rather than make yourself in pain to get the beauty.
Everybody has their own way and tradition in term to get the beauty. That's their own way. So, it's not a sin for them to do that. Maybe you can try it if you want too. *wink* I'm not!
For my opinion, inner beauty is the aspect that can make the woman more beautiful.
Inner beauty is a concept used to describe the positive aspects of something that is not physically observable.
While most species use physical traits and pheromones to attract mates, some humans claim to rely on the inner beauty of their choices. Qualities including kindness, sensitivity, tenderness or compassion, creativity and intelligence have been said to be desirable since antiquity.
SA 08072
my first impression when read the post at your blog,im so scared to see the pic..how could people outside there sacrifices their body just only for beauty..errrk,it's really beauty?with long neck,long ear...i think not..so weird..
to be beautiful, not need with the nonsence way..we're the best of A llah's creations..
so just grateful with what we have..
with ♥,
Nor Ain Syuhada Zuhaimi
Morning Madam Ju,
That pictures are quit amazing and interesting for me.
Oh my god!!!
Actually I had seen the third and the forth picture before from tv show which about introducing them, and interviewing them.
They thought that there is a pretty look for them. But different cultures have different style and thinking, may be it is beautiful for them although it is very pain.
Nowadays, most of the people are looking at your outside look, if you are pretty or special, then you will attract more people and you will give that people a good image also.
But is it a well looking is more important in this world?
I don't think so.
I think if someone who has a good attitude in his/her life, then we will see how beutiful he/she is.
miao ying
hai..madam ju...
I already know about this before ..for me, they doing this just to follow their tradition..who doesn't want to look beautiful?..but, they way they show their beautiness is really weird and scared... they have to suffer the pain for a long time...does it worth?..there is a lot of ways to look beautiful..so, I hope people will think before they do this...
~~ wanie ~~
all the things in the world are already beutiful..
but it become when people tried to change the neutral of the beauty..
as human.. we are given brain to think..
just use it and do not forget that all of the things is belongs to ALLAH...
intan shafinaz
Salam Madam Ju.How are you today? Still remember me?..huhu
Alright,lets go back to our main topic. For the first time of seeing those pictures, I wonder how far a woman will do just to achieve something abstract that we called "beautiful".
It was really surprise me because this woman bear the pain just to be "beautiful". I think they just looked very very weird. Sometimes it seems so funny. But I realise that some of them that did this kind of freaky scene was not on their own intends. Maybe it was a tradition or custom for a certain race. It just some of the ways to express their beautifulness in their own looked.
Whatever but i think we have to respect their culture also because that what make them unique. As for me, I think the real beautifulness of a woman was not depends on their physical look, but the most important thing to see is their inner beauty and that make them a real woman.. =)
< Che Mohd Aizal bin Che Mohd >
< SA08065 >
The corset and feet-binding are two ancient practises that are not alient to me. This is because I have actually seen with my own eyes the gruesomeness of the effects of these practices. As a matter of a fact, my great great grandmother was a victim of feet-binding. She originated from China and had her feet bounded by her mother when she was only six years old. I remembered when I was little, I used to be so fascinated with the tiny shoes that she used to wear, which my great grandmother actually kept until this day. My fascination for these tiny feet lasted till I was much older, when I visited a village in China, where most of the old women there had bounded feet. It was then that I finally had a chance to take a closer look at their disfigured, crooked and arched feet. They looked exactly like the ones in the pictures. Some of these women's feet even had gangrene that they began to smell.
Besides that, I also had a chance to see ancient corsets used in the olden days when I visited a history museum back in London. They looked extremely bulky and hard to me. I just simply could not understand why people back then would strap themselves in such an uncomfortable piece of garment. Although I have personally seen much of these peculiar and rather illogical traditions, I have yet to accept them. As a Sarawakian, I have witness many uncommon practices by the indigenous people there, such as elongating their earlobes with heavy earings and full body tattoo.
When I read the two articles on the corset and feet-binding, the first thing that went into my mind were flashbacks of real live images that I have witnessed. Then, I began imagining the pain that women in the olden days had to endure for the sake of so-called beauty and discrimination of sexes. I am so thankful to be born in a time when these practices were long gone and beauty is far beyond looks. I strongly believe that beauty should never be generalised as everyone is beautiful in their own special way.
Oh, what kind of beautiful is it? In my opinion, I strongly disagree with this feet binding method. I can't think why people should suffer for it. I have not seen feet-binding before and I can't imagine how it the feet will look like is even how small the shoes for those people who bind their feet. Now only I knew it is just almost the same with the size of a cigarette box. After taking off the small tiny shoes, the feet are not beautiful at all. The feet become disable from its function to walk. This is such a thing that makes people annoying because they causing themselves to become disable person but they were normal people. For me, I can accept the way people make themselves beauty as long as that is not harmful. The long neck and heavy earrings that elongate earlobes still can be accepted. However, people should think probably since beauty is just nothing if compare with healthy.
hye.. beauty.. reading this post make me think that women will do anything for beauty.. long neck, feet binding, corset... huhue.. but all those things were happened many years ago.. may be some of the women in present still practising the corset thing.. but not for feet binding i think.. now, we dont need to face all those painful things. we have technologies.. we have botox.. of course for those who really dont want to get old. there's also plastic surgery for those who really want to 'change' the creatures on their face.. for me.. all kinds of thing are not important.. if we dont have the physicl beauty.. we still have the inner beauty.. perfect body shape, beautiful face is nothing compare to health..
This culture is not good to follow for me...
Because, it is not for good health for our life. I say that, this things give bad effect to our body future and also to our health..
So, is that good culture///???
I don't think so...
Although, its give to us beautiful always BUT only it short term...
So, I disagree this thing to stay go on in our culture for our good health...okay!
meaning of beautiful are different from other people.
to me, beautiful not just mean beauty at their appearance but also need an inner beauty. if to get thats kind of beauty, i think better i don't have it. i don't want to feel that suffering.
nor illiana
Hi madam Ju,
Corset, women and beauty.
I've heard bout this before.
Let see,
women done much for a guy.
Girls out there,
beauty in attitude lead you to the most beautiful girl in the world.
believe or kill me!!
salam everyone..
i think it's not to late for to give my opinion about this topic..
for me,beauty is not from the outside..
it comes from inside of a person..
and also,it's not worthy to bare the pain just for beauty..
maybe it will look beautiful at the beginning,but the wearer will suffer many health problem when they get older..
salam to all...
to me beauty is in the eye of the beholder...the surroundings also affects it though...saying that we might also think that tiny feets, long necks and ears are gorgeous if we are among them right??? haha...and who knew if they thought sexy dresses are excruciating pain...heheh....
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