Dear P02 students of mine!
Complete the sentence, "I've been reading..." or "I've read...".
Me, I've read this book by Mitch Albom entitled For One More Day. It's about a guy called Chick Benitto who comes from a dysfunctional family, and worships the ground his father walks on and blames mom when his father left. After a series of failures, he basically tried to kill himself - his biggest blow was when his daughter didn't invite him him to her wedding.
So he decides he's going to kill himself back where it all began, his hometown. In his bizarre attempt to end his life, the guy meets, of all people, his mom! His mom, who's been dead for years and he wasn't there for her. It was her birthday and he didn't turn up. Instead he was trying to rekindle his glory days but it didn't work out.
During this time he learns the truth about his parents' separation, and how he had wronged his mom and how much his mom loved him. Really, it was sad reading the parts where he retold all the times he didn't stand up for her, and how she stood up for him. Made me wonder myself what kind of daughter I am and was to my parents and they must have felt at that time. You know, we can't take back what we've done but we can always try to make up for it, and we must always show and tell our parents that we love them. Even as I write this, I am reminiscent of the impact it made on me and I feel unwanted tears welling in my eyes.
But I guess the point is that it goes both ways, imagine how Chick's mom must be feeling, that she'd failed him to a point that he's driven to take his own life...So did he die or not? If he didn't, how could he meet his mom? Or was it all a dream? Go get the book, it's worth your time, believe me.
Assalammualaikum Mdm Jumani. Firstly, I love this book damn much!!! After reading the summary/synopsis about this book I feel like i want to buy this book as soon as possible. This book motivate me a lot. I believe that this book will make me appreciate my parents more. Besides, it may also change the way I am thinking. Anyway thanks a lot for recommending this book.
Posted By: Nur Hidayah bt baharin
Matric Number:PC09036
good afternoon....
to be honest i'm not very fond of novels, actually I've never even read it. unless i am force to like during the secondary schools. but after reading the synopsis, i think i have to change. well maybe once in a while because this book sounds very interesting. i think i do need to catch it. maybe it can make me appreciate my mom even better. who knows?.
start time: 4.30
end time: 4.40
# of words: 284
hye.. i like when come to clas but i not understand serevel what you talking about anything because i have level low speaking to english. i will try study with good. i also feel you funny. thanks..
assalamualaikum Mdm jumani.firstly,i like your class but i don't understand what you tell because i have level low speaking to english..i enjoy your class because you have many idea about game... thanks........
Salam Mdm Jumani~
about this book...after i read the synopsis i like to said that i like this book so much..it is because it can give us motivation and make us realize that we shouldn't forget our parents and don't judge them if we don't know the truth...the synopsis make me excited to get this book so i hope that i'll get this book atleast 1 i think...hihihihihih
so it's all from me thanks for lend your time to read my comment...
start time: 23.00
end time: 23.17
assalamualiakum madam jumani..and happy ramadhan..after i read some more the way of this story..i learn about my self,my family achtualy my mother..all mother do any thing to make sure their child success.
assalamualiakum happy good thursday
and happy 5th ramadhan..i like you class..you have many idea too control our class..thanks for madam couse you make me so brave when i present..but i can't talk english very good..but i will study so good..insyaallah
Assalammualaikum Mdm Jumani, in the past 4 days I've been reading a book entitled 'The Way to Succeed'. The author of this book is Dr. HM Tuah Iskandar. Actually this is a motivational book. After spending almost 2 days to finish reading this book I felt that I'm highly motivated as this book thought me a lot. Frankly, I'm still not in a mood to study in UMP after having H1N1 break. My soul is left at home. But, after my mother advised me to get this book and I bought it, I realize that if i want to succeed in life I must make a lot of changes in all the thing I've been done so far. Eventually, there are a lot of thing that can make you become a 'looser' but then if you how to handle it you will be able to cope with it and of course you will succeed in whatever thing that you done. So for those who feel really 'down' right know go and get this book. It will not cost a lot of money to you. The price is only RM19.90 but the impact is really really great if you know how to implement all the thing that you've read in your daily life. See yeah.... Salam.
Matric Number: PC09036
Time Start: 2.30p.m
Time End: 2.42p.m
I plan as I write.
Words:159 words
I've been reading 'The Pearl' and I found out that this book is complicated(story within) and needs me to read it several times for me to
understand the chronology fully. The story is mainly how e pearl had change man's attitude. The value of the pearl have made peoples including the priest to be such an evil person.
I like this book because it has a nice COVER! Of course not la... The story is full of unpredictable stuff everyone should read it, buy it perhaps as the price is not that expensive.
start time:4:25
end time:4:30
no. of words:69
end time:4.34
Askm and good evening to madam jumani..
After i Read the synopsis of for one more day,i am very sad about that.we as a child should be respect our mom.Don't blame her on anything bad happen,be thankfully and proud to her
also as a conclusion,we should be always love our mother because we will never get a same person like our real mother when she died soon......so love your mother everytime,everywhere n everydays
salasiah ab rahman
Assalammualaikum Mdm Jumani. Firstly, I love this book damn much!!!
after i read some more the way of this story..i learn about my self,my family achtualy my mother..all mother do any thing to make sure their child success.
I've been reading a lyric by couple band
"i never fell for anyone i never needed to,but somehow i just find myself in need someone like you"
isn't that sweet?
start time:4:38
end time:4:40
no. of words:31
Assalaimualaikum,mdm jumani and salam ramadhan..
Hi,i'm Ain zuriati zainuddin(PC09030) from PO2.
For me,I've read this book by Mitch Albom entitled 'For One More Day.Futhermore i like to reading the novel..After reading the synopsis about this book,i feel like to buy this book.This book make me motivate a lot.Such as,during the time me learns the truth about parents separation,and how he had wronged his mom and how much his mom loved him.I believe that this book will make me appreciate my parents more.Anyway thank for recommending this book..salam and thank you..:)
Start time: 4.23
End time: 4.45
# of words:
salam mdm.
Honestly, i've never read about this book before, but from the synopsis given, its sounds kind of intresting story book. I hope that somedays i can buy and read this book. Seriously, as for me,my parents is my everything. I love them very much until my last breath and somehow, i cant understand why so many people nowadays can ignore their parents and do something that over the bouderies such as leave their parents in oldfolks homes without a reasonable reason.
I think this book can give awareness to everybody that, what ever happen in ourlifes, we cannot blame to one person especially if that thing have some thing to do with someone who we call mother because her love we can bring untill the end of our life and insyaalah to heaven. I love you 'ibu'.
Nur Amirah Binti Mokhtar
start time 1.34 am
end time 1.55 am
I write as i plan.
no of words : 139
assalammualaikum madam jumani i read the novel(air mata) hehe i like this story because a woman who faced many problems from her husband's uncle and his life .. but he always dihimpit grief patient and strive to felicitate him and eventually he got happiness .women should be more patient and strive to succeed..
i've read a one book thats are very interesting and have a good storylines.the title of the book is the pearl. this book is story about the story of the husband and his wife who have a children and love him very much.his father a fisherman who struggle to find rice bite for his child and wife. their family live with hapinness until one day, their baby was bitten by scopian. because of that, his parents were very curious about their beloved baby. then, his father went to the sea to find the money for send their baby to a doctor but accidently he found a pearl.then,The couple begins to dream of the great wealth and the benefits that their family will gain. However, evil lurked, and their lives are shattered by "something infinitely black and evil" in the town, which are symbolized by some type of matters. Certain types of objects symbolized for specific message; for instance, the color red mean love.after that, the father that was a very kind change to a very cruel character because of the wealth. he be a murderer because of money.
from this novel, i know that we must be carefull and gratefull of our wonderful life. if one day, we have get some of wealthness, we must remember taht if the wealthness will come, it is not imposible if teh wealthness is pull back. don't forget about it. thats all from me. thank you.
time : 3.10-3.36 a.m.
nur atiqah binti rahim
pc 09052
Assalamualaikum madam Jumani..
To be honest,i hate to read a novel because for me it full of words..hehe..but i after i read the synopsis i believe this book is full of motivation.It can motivate us,that we should appreciate our parents and don't ever judging people before we know the truth.I really hope one day 1 can change my mind and try to love this type of books..
fauziana binti dene
I've been reading The Prisoner of Zenda. It's about the mistaken identity and underhanded dealings set the stage for this adventure. Rudolph Rassendyll is a British tourist visiting the nation of Ruritania in the Balkans. A number of people comment upon Rassendyll's remarkable resemblance to Prince Rudolph, who in a matter of days is to be crowned the nation's new king, and the prince's staff even arranges a meeting between the two men. But Rudolph's devious brother believes it is he who should be the king, and he arranges for Prince Rudolph to be poisoned the night before his coronation. Desperate, Rudolph's minders beg Rassendyll to participate in the ceremony in Rudolph's place so that the usurper cannot take the throne. Rassendyll agrees, and the ceremony goes off without a hitch, but when the brother's men discover this subterfuge, they imprison the real Prince as they threaten to reveal the secret of the new "king." Rassendyll's dilemma is compounded when he finds himself falling in love with Princess Flavia Rudolph's intended.
There are a lot of moral values in this story which is honesty, responsibility, loyalty and honour.
We should follow the Rassendyl step because he is the brave person who shoulders the King's responsibilities. he takes care of the country and prevents Black Michael from becoming King.
Rozana Bt. Shukri
start time: 8.30 a.m
end time : 9.00 a.m
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