Dear P01 students of mine!
Complete the sentence, "I've been reading..." or "I've read...".
Me, I've read this book by Mitch Albom entitled For One More Day. It's about a guy called Chick Benitto who comes from a dysfunctional family, and worships the ground his father walks on and blames mom when his father left. After a series of failures, he basically tried to kill himself - his biggest blow was when his daughter didn't invite him him to her wedding.
So he decides he's going to kill himself back where it all began, his hometown. In his bizarre attempt to end his life, the guy meets, of all people, his mom! His mom, who's been dead for years and he wasn't there for her. It was her birthday and he didn't turn up. Instead he was trying to rekindle his glory days but it didn't work out.
During this time he learns the truth about his parents' separation, and how he had wronged his mom and how much his mom loved him. Really, it was sad reading the parts where he retold all the times he didn't stand up for her, and how she stood up for him. Made me wonder myself what kind of daughter I am and was to my parents and they must have felt at that time. You know, we can't take back what we've done but we can always try to make up for it, and we must always show and tell our parents that we love them. Even as I write this, I am reminiscent of the impact it made on me and I feel unwanted tears welling in my eyes.
But I guess the point is that it goes both ways, imagine how Chick's mom must be feeling, that she'd failed him to a point that he's driven to take his own life...So did he die or not? If he didn't, how could he meet his mom? Or was it all a dream? Go get the book, it's worth your time, believe me.
However, if you hadn't read this book, it's okay. Don't beat yourself too hard. Basically you can write about anything else you've read, preferably in English. It could be a book, a magazine article, a blog, anything! Having read it, just post your comments here about what you've read, and what kind of reading text it was, how it made you feel and why, what it reminded you of and why.
for me this story can make me feel sad, and it touched my heart although i just read it from your synopsis.
this is because,for me chick benitto should not punished her mom without know what actually happen among his father and his mom.its really hurt his mom's heart if she knew that her own son hate herself.
another things that touched my heart is his mom still stand up for chick where ever she was.its showed that his mom so loved him.for me its showed the mom's loved is so valuable and we cannot get mom's loved from other people.if we get.it still not feel the same.
from this story,i also can see the impact from hurting someone who are so loved us heart.so for me,we can't hurt people who loved us.
by farah amira pc09060
I have been reading a love novel. My sister's novel not mine. It was about a couple love each other. Named John for the man and Avril for the girl. But in the same time, Avril's sister, Sara love John very much. Sara do not know that John and Avril is a couple that planning to marry soon. Because of Avril love her sister too, she willing to let John marry his sister. Avril was forced to marry the guy who is her father's choice. That's realized me that siblings is more important than others and not everything we want, we will get it.
For me, this novel makes a very good point. No matter how you live your life and what regrets you may get along the journey, you must be able to forgive yourself . I believe this is the greats part of the story. When Charley asks his mother what did his father's wife say and his mother answered she said to forgive. He asked her if that woman wanted him to forgive her and she told him the woman wanted him to forgive himself. How true these words are. We are only human and we will definitely make mistakes BUT we must be able to forgive ourselves."
noramizah (PC09038)
by shahid...
at 2.49 pm
first of all, i'm not really into reading such knowledge books, only from certain websites, blogs and magazines. however, when i'm about to borrow some books in UMP library to finish an assignments, i found the section of automotive and aviation which is my favorites. after glancing some books, i've attracted to see the book entitled "365 Cars You Must Drive" and i'm sorry for not remembering the author. i'm still borrowing it as i'm not finished reading it yet. for your information, i've even extended the period of borrowing the book because the 2weeks time given is not enough for me. okay, about the book. as the given title, the book features of 365 of weird, sublimes and outrageous from 120 years. it is also stated there in the preface, "how many have you driven and how many you can" which means that not all featured cars can we drive as some of them are very rare and not in production anymore. the book is very interesting from the way of its page display. in each page, there will be 1 featured car, with a brief description about it plus 6'things' in minor part of the page. what are the 6'things' actually. it is attached there 1.the greatness of the car; 2.do you know?; 3.perfect passenger; 4.getting behind the wheel; 5.best route to be taken; and 6.music to listen while driving it. for example the Batmobile, it was stated that the perfect passenger is Robin. i laughed on it. ;) Then for Porsche 959 Carrera and Pagani Zonda S, they don't suggest the music to listen to because they said that "who needs a soundtrack when we have four outrageous exhaust pipes behind to listen to?" There are also interesting part about perfect passenger where they said that we should take Marilyn Monroe in 1951 Ford Convertible because she used that car in one of her commercial. for Enzo Ferrari and Chevrolet Corvette ZO6, the perfect passenger is "those who doesn't get carsick" because those two cars are extremely fast; 0-100 km/h in less than 4seconds and 330+ km/h of topspeed. Overall, it was a very interesting book for me and i'm continuing reading it and will certainly extend the time again if i'm not finish reading it. ;)
Thank you.
time: 3.15 pm
Amirul Hazmi PC09059
owh btw add me on fs, ms, fb
haha. thanx~
Name:Md Jafree bin jani
matrix no:pc09006
time start:2.30pm
time end:2.34pm
After i Read the synopsis of for one more day,i am very sad about that.we as a child should be respect our mom.Don't blame her on anything bad happen,be thankfully and proud to her
i have been reading story about sad story. this story is about love of family. there are many moral value i can take for this story. one of that is, love to our family. for this story the hero so cruel to his wife. he don't care to his wife. when his wife pregnant, he do many bad thing to his wife. his also want married with his cousin when his wife pregnant. one day, he accident. he also regret with what he do to his wife. then, he go to his wife and say sorry to her. finally they life together.
nafisah bt azman
2.27pm-2.39pm s
start time: 2.27
end time : 2.38
I have been read story about 'who move my cheese?'. This story about two rats try to find cheese for their lunch.This two rats faced a lot of problems in journey to find food, but they so brave and not give up in matters what happens in their life.This story motivated me to achieve what i want in my life. This story also teach me to be independent person and not to depends on others. For me, this story is meaningful.
write by,
Nur Fatin Binti Mat Radzi
PC 09025
for me this book give us a lot of moral value.such as we ought to love,respect and appreciate her when she still alive.
we always forget a person who brought us to this grateful world.so,this story teach us,don't ever blame our mother if we don't know,what kind of real thing happen.
we still young and need more experience to understand about life.we also not to take easy about life.for example,the guy on the story(chick Benitto).he tried to kill him self because a small matter problem.he need to think twice,life is worth more than gold.
and i think he would not kill him self because he realize that he need to change and start a new life.he also try to turn back his guilty to his mother with always remember her in a rest of his life....
Start time:2.34pm
End time:2.37pm
think before write
dear madam Jumani, i think this book is very interesting,because about loves for famaly.
i only read the synopsis. i hope madam have this book becouse i feel want to borrow. or madam tell me how to get this book.
Saadiah bt Muhammad Yusoff
assalammualaikum....n happy 5th ramadhan...i had reading this synopsis. actually im so touching when i read it..it is because as a children we should be always love our mother...im sure that no mothers in this world are not love her children... i also sure that mother is someone who relly love their son and make anything and always sacrifice on her son.
we can see that,chick benitto was not invited his mother in his wedding ceremony... if that happen with my mum,im sure that i cant apologize myself even though my mother already to forgive me...
so as a conclusion,we should be always love our mother because we will never get a same person like our real mother when she died soon......so love your mother everytime,everywhere n everydays
from 2.31-2.45pm
Actually,I don't know what I want to share here. I'm a person who not interest in reading. I don't know why. even entertaiment book or magazine also I'm not interest to read it. I just open and only read the title or just looks for the photo...
For the education book,I will read when I really needed. So,madam... can u help me to gain interest in reading...help me...
I plan as I write..
sorry madam....
i forgot to set the time...
Start time: 2:30p.m.
After reading the Malaysian Studies book for the previous days, i found that it is interesting in knowing how the Malays, Chinese and Indians came from...
I start reading this because of the Test2 that will be in the week before the Raya holidays. Initially, i have a feeling that this must be bored to read. There may be a lots of places and times have to memorize.
However, after reading that i just know where actually they came from and why they came to. I have made some notes of it in case when test2 is coming nearer i can make use of it.
So ashame to say that during my secondary school, i didn't focus on my History subject. So, i am not good in it and not really know about it.
I found it is quite interesting when i read it, may be cause by the new environment i have to adapt. My friends are mostly Malays. So, i really want to know more about them and my country.
So, after this I'll continue to read it in my room!^~^
Finished time:2:47p.m.
I write this and plan it at the same time.
Au Kai Yin(PC09034)-P01
time: 2.25
today so bored and tired because no more activity...and yesterday night so late I sleeping... :(
next weeks was begin mid term examination but more of all the subject what I learn I didn't studying... :( so sad because I so scare for keeping the mid term examination...
tonight I must start my study for "READY' and prepare in the peer mid term examination... :)
thank you...
saufi @ fiey89
I've been reading book that the total is Muslim. that book show me on how chines people excited to join Islam. this guy love Islam but the people who are Islam not do not help that guy. that chines guy always want to know about Islam..he face many thing in their journey to join Islam. once upon a time he drop by at kampung melayu, that village is so far from the busy town. at the village he meet the old guy that always stay at the mosque, so he think this is the good chance to him to now more about Islam. the old guy meet him and then show him about the Islam..now the chines guy join Islam and he very love Islam.. in this book i have found one moral value, that show the Muslim guy is not perfect in their Islam if they do not show the best of Islam to the people who are not Islam. so we as a Muslim people should be a positive guy and do not think negative to the others people from different religion. but for me I'm very proud be a Muslim guy...that all for me. salaam ramdhan. ahlan wasahlan.
start: 2:40
finish: 2:50
prepared first...
Name:Md Jafree bin Jani
matrix no:pc09006
time start:2.38pm
time end:2.48pm
today i want to share something that can give us more benefit.
it is about the appreciated in friendship.As a friend we should take care each other,love each other and also help each other.Do not make a friends as a initiative to our priority.try to learn their kindness deep in heart.Do not hurt each others,don't make them sad.1 more important thing,wherever we go,we have to be nice with friends.Friends is a part of our life.As a conclusion,try to learn in appreciate our friends
rizalman PC09022
salam ramdhan...I've been reading book that the topic is Muslim. that book show me on how chines people excited to join Islam. this guy love Islam but the people who are Islam not do not help that guy. that chines guy always want to know about Islam..he face many thing in their journey to join Islam. once upon a time he drop by at kampung melayu, that village is so far from the busy town. at the village he meet the old guy that always stay at the mosque, so he think this is the good chance to him to now more about Islam. the old guy meet him and then show him about the Islam..now the chines guy join Islam and he very love Islam.. in this book i have found one moral value, that show the Muslim guy is not perfect in their Islam if they do not show the best of Islam to the people who are not Islam. so we as a Muslim people should be a positive guy and do not think negative to the others people from different religion. but for me I'm very proud be a Muslim guy...that all for me. salaam ramdhan. ahlan wasahlan.
start: 2:40
finish: 2:50
plan first and then write
salam ramadan,my name is mohd eleas bin sulaiman,my matric no is PC 09009,i've read the historical book that title is the truth about where missile is create. that book said the first people who create the missile is Chinese people.first they use a fire cracker to test their experiment.after the experiment is success,they feel that it not dangerous to their enemy.so.they put that fire cracker with arrow.that why Chinese people get many success from their war with their enemy.today,we can see all these technology in military system.all the major power world like USA,RUSSIAN,IRAN pursue their military weapon especially build a missile at long distance.
salam...for me i like story book about love.so if i have a free time.i will read story book abut love..for example story book feel 100%.this book very good to me because this book give me more knowledge about love..and i very happy when i read this book.huhuhu.. this book have many moral value and it is very important to me or some one in love like to me.because it get help me or any readers to face problems about love.
This book can help reduce the pressure in the romance.He indirectly taught us how we cope with the pressure about love problems..if we no pressure, we can focus on learning.hahaha... so let busy-busy reading this book ..hohoho...
i've been reading Badai Semalam . its about a girl name Murni, a daughter of maid who fell in love with her mom employer's son,tengku amir. Actually at the first time, tengku amir did not like with murni. he tought murni is not suitable friend with him because murni is his maid's daughter. he more prefer to friend with other people who same level with he.
tengku amir also is a playful person. he so enjoy wiht his friend, he like to go clubbing and anything that not good for a muslim. but one day he was accident and he cannot go anywhere. during this time his friend did not come to visit him. only murni was there for him. from this time he feel that he like murni and ask she to married him. at first murni did not accept because she feel she not suitable for him. but the end murni married with him. tengku amir's behaviour was change. he did not go more to clubbing.he stay at home. but one day, tengku amir was change. he become angry person and go to clubbing. he also was beaten murni. murni so sad because the bad behaviour of tengku amir was came back. at the end murni was go away from tengku amir because tengku amir was divorce murni. actually murni was not do anything wrong.
when i read this book i felt so angry with man.this is because man can do anything to woman because of their ego.for me them should analys first what actually happened to them.
by farah amira pc090960
Askm and good evening to madam jumani..
After i Read the synopsis of for one more day,i am very sad about that.we as a child should be respect our mom.Don't blame her on anything bad happen,be thankfully and proud to her
also as a conclusion,we should be always love our mother because we will never get a same person like our real mother when she died soon......so love your mother everytime,everywhere n everydays
salasiah ab.rahman
start time:4.25 pm
end time:4.45
write as i plan.
ok,i've been reading the 4th and last sequence of twilight novel which is breaking dawn.for me,this is the most interesting novel among the 4 because here is where bella cullens at last turned to a vampire.
this book basically about vampires, human and also warewolves.i think when i started read the twilight nvl,i became addicted to continue reading the other 3.
in the breaking dawn,bella is married to edward which is a vampire.they did not expect to get a baby but miracle was going to happen.bella was pregnant but the fetus inside her was just not an ordinary human.
the fetus's diet was blood and it grew up very faster and within few months the baby wanted to see the world.
when bella gave birth to her child,her condition was bad and almost died thus edward injected his venom inside bella to save her.
so! bella finally a vampire.she learned how to hunt and control her craving thirst when being among human.
also,her bestfriend,jacob at last made a good friend with the cullens family eventhough he was a warewolf.
i dont know what lesson should i get from this novel.hehe. but this novel is very awesome and i know everyone will love it when they started reading it.
nurul azzahra bt mohd rafi.
Name: NurSyiha bt Kamardin
ID No: PC09029 (P01)
Assalamualaikum, madam...
Hi, madam.
I've been reading novel by Stephenie Meyer entitled TWILIGHT. No...no...no...actually I'm not ready yet to read this book at 1st because I don't like reading novel. Hehehee...actually, I prefer watching this movie because Edward so handsome person... buuut...after that I really want to read this novel, because I can imagine about this story.
Ok, about this story...
Twilight Saga have 4 series. I'm just been reading in series 1. this story about love between vampire(Edward) and normal human(Bella). Although Edward is a from vampire family, but his family can accept Bella in their life. One day, have one liar vampire which like at human blood want to attack Bella to get Bella's blood. Edward family's so kind and sacrifice their life to help Bella. So, at the end Bella was escape from that attack. Although Edward is a vampire, his family is not eat human blood, but just eat animal blood. So, the morale value at this story is loving and sacrifice in love. So, I'm so excited to continue for the next series.
Start time: 4.25pm
End time: 4.39pm
# of word: 210 word
Write as I plan...
Name: Syahidatul Islamiyah
Matric No: PC09018
Assalamualaikum...first of all i would like to apologize that i took such time to leave a comment..it was because i always have trouble to come early to Thursday's class..I'm sorry madam.. other than that, the connection in my hostel's block are really poor.. and I couldn't find way to connect to the internet..so, about the book.. I think it was a really interesting book.. the book really teach us about life and the way we live it..yes, that also make me wondering if I have the same character as Chick..am I an ungrateful daughter to my parent?it make me think how i always asking this and that from my parent, and how they'll try to satisfy me..they are not perfect, but they try to be perfect for their only daughter..you make me want to read that book so much..I hope I can find the book someday and make it as my collection..for your information, i really love books..the first spot that i look for when i went to a shopping mall would be a bookstore.. hope to hear more about books from you..
Assalamualaikum madam ju,story of the book by Mitch Albom entitled for one more day very interesting.After reading the synopsis of the book,I remembered my mother at home.I very love and miss her.I get many motivation especially about responsible as child.We should not forget our percents.We as child should be respect to our mom.Last week,I've read one book about getting smart with your money.This book learn me to prepared smart budjet and tell me about benefit save money.
ID NO:PC09020
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