Thursday, August 7, 2008

What I've been reading....

When I have the time I usually lurk at a blog called: OUR INNER MOST THOUGHTS. Here, click on the link and you can go there yourself -

I find the writer very mature and insightful for her age.

There are many posts you can read there but I'm picking one and putting it here. It's called GOOD TO BE HUNGRY:
Dad showed me an English online news site a few weeks ago. The headline was: “Waste not want not, Gordon Brown tells families. Britons are throwing away £1 billion of food a year”. Wow! That’s a lot of food. The Prime Minister was asking the people of England not to waste food. I am glad that he said that, but I am double glad because dad has being telling me never to waste food ever since as long as I can remember… he he. I listen to my dad, so I try not to waste anything. We never throw away good food. We never throw away not-so-good-tasting food either! I always clean up my plate. Clean, like so so clean… he he. At times when I really can’t finish my food, dad would help clean it up for me. Dad never cooks too much and whatever extra is always put into the freezer. He puts everything into the freezer; pizza, roti, pasta sauce, fried rice, curly fries, water, glow-in-the-dark bracelets… Dad said that humans are good at taking things for granted. When we have something, we never think of what it will be like not having it. We take our food and our best friends for granted. We take the clean air and our neighbours for granted. We take our body parts and our maths teacher for granted. Some times we even take our own self for granted… he he. Dad said that some people fast is because they want to know what it’s like to be hungry and learn not to take food for granted. I have never fasted but I have being hungry before. Being hungry wasn’t funny, you know? by small bright head

I guess I chose this piece because I have been fasting. Lemme see, 12 days down and 7 to go. Thank you Hana for choosing the month of Ramadan :) (That's my baby's name. Next month she'll be a year old. How fast time flies .)
Anyway, for as far back as I can remember, my siblings and I have always been told not to waste food. In fact, when I was growing up, we could not touch any of the newly cooked dishes until we have finished the leftover from lunch! Poor us. My sister once sat at the dining table sooooo long coz she couldn't finish something on her plate.
Ever heard how the rice will cry if you don't finish it? Or that every rice you leave behind is a pimple on your future partner's face? That is why, like small bright head's daddy, we freeze our food, reheat or re-cook it. My dad says if we throw away rezeki, how are we going to be blessed?
Anyway, the bottom line is we shouldn't waste any food. Imagine somewhere in the world people are dying of hunger, and the food on your plate is thrown away. So people, don't be greedy. Take only what you can eat. If I can find the youtube clip on kids dying from starvation, you'll see it here.


farah diana said...

a book edited by Erin McKean

let me share some weird word that i never heard before

aboulia-the loss of will or volition,as a mental illness.It's related to a Greek word meaning 'thoughtlessness'.

bablatrice-a female babbler.chaterestre is another word for a talkative woman.A leighster is a female liar.

draffsack-a bag of garbage,used figurativelyto mean 'a big paunch or belly,a glutton'. Draff is an old word meaning 'dregs,swill'.

emydosaurian-a crocodile.This fancy term comes from the roots emyd-,meaning 'turtle',and -saurian,meaning 'lizard'.

fleer-to laugh in a disrespectful or jeering way.a rare word found mainly in literary writing, it is probably of Scandinavian origin and is related to a Norwegian and Swedish dialect verb meaning 'to grin'.

next time i will continue giving some other words...
thanks for read it!


Anonymous said...

i've been reading a story about a a father who try to be strong when his wife left him and three chidren.First at all,the father feel like want to bring three chilren to commit suicide.But after saw his three innocent faces staring at him,he cancels the thought of killing themselves by thinking positively and optimisticly.The father try very hard to work so that he can earn enough money to raise all his three lovely children.What fortunately for him is the three children never ask for materials things but always try to save money although they are still young.After they all grow up they earn enough money to let their father enjoy a better life.The father recall back that luckily he doesn't commit suicide as all his children is good people.This tell us everything can be solve if u think positively,don't be pesimastic

chibi_enigma said...

according to Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai, the number of youth taht need to wear spectacles to coreect their short-sightedness has increase more than two-fold due to 24 hour satelilltite programmes and online games..

that prove that many youth nowadays only doing indoor activities that not good to our health..

so, us as a youth, should do a lot of outdoor activitities if you don't want to lost your eyesight..

nst 26/08/2008

Anonymous said...

hi everyone...
a few days ago,i got a link from my friend about the personality test.i had try half of the test.hope u can try it also;

Anonymous said...

If ask me what i have been reading i will always say about novels...
Let me tell about one novel...
Her mother was died.His father leave her to marry another rich woman.She live with another family but unfotunately they was died in accident.She only still have one brother(adopt,from accident family).She did not know that he was not his real brother.So keep she patient when his brother hit her.She has to go through her life with many obstacles when she live with her brother.Lastly,she find her real father and someone to live together.
Actually,the story line is so interesting.If anyone want to know the story line you can ask me directly.But if someone love to read novels i think maybe they will know this story.
What i want to say here is where is humanism when a father leave his daughter and and a man hit a girl like animal???

smart syabab said...

Assalammualaikum W.b.t..
Recently, i have a read lyric 'Andai ku tahu'...
I'm interesting their lyric which a story about death... if you all hear carefully the lyric,you all can get input a something from that's lyric... for me that lyric is very good to be a material to give a 'ceramah' at Mosque and able to be a 'Poem' for begining a motivation programe...!!

Khusairi Ae 08061

Anonymous said...

i have started reading a book-The Purpose Driven Life.It's all about the purpose for us to live in this universe.And i come to an very interesting article which is " I am not an accident". Maybe some of us think they are here is because of the 'carelessness' of our parents or maybe they never planned to have us BUT i want to encourage all of you that our existance in this universe is not an accident and it was planned by God long before we were born,when he created this world.He created us for some reasons and purposes.. So now you realise how important you are and you are in this world is not just to live a simple life but to do extraordinary things and to become someone extraordinary that may help and impact more people!!!

Anonymous said...

yesterday i read an article about cryoscopic constant and ebullioscopic constant which are in the physical chemistry subject.i got new information from that searching.

chibi_enigma said...

today i hav read about the eye on malaysia will be relocated at malacca..

like all we know, the eye on malaysia is located at taman titiwngsa kuala lumpur since january 2008.

it will be relocated at malacca in honour of Visit Mlaysia Year 2007..

only manufacturer's engineer and technicians know how to remove the big stucture to malacca..

so to who r not see the eye on malaysia yet, u can go to malacca n enjoy it..

jamilah bt mohamad
ae08082 seksyen 12

Anonymous said...

Today i read the book Purpose Driven Life again as its a book of 40days journey...Today it talks about what have driven our life.Actually i found that many of our life is driven by materials,money,authority and etc etc...everyday we are looking for life satisfations but when we take a short break and think and we will find that actually our life is so meaningless and so dear friends..
Take a short break and think the purposes of your life!why are you here on this earth? Why are you here in Malaysia? Why are you here in UMP?

life without GOD it a lfe without purpose,life without purpose is meaningless...

Anonymous said...

afiq hamdan
i hv read o book written by dr hm tuah...but sory..i forgot the title...
the book is motivation book..
very interesting....diz is because when we read the book..we will not feel like we reading the motivation book....

he story to us about his experience when travelling around the world...
many story that we can take as moral value...

Anonymous said...

I was upset when I read in news that thousands of people in Africa starve to death. Thinking about this phenomenon, I am wondering why do people still waste the food.

Back in the days when the saying “waste not, want not” actually meant something, you had to plan what would be bought, cooked and exactly how to use the leftovers. Nothing was thrown out and there was time to cook. None of the pre-packed, date-stamped unhealthy supermarket rubbish that we consume these days!

If really, you had bought excess food and you can't keep it for another days, you can donate the food to others such your neighbours,beggers and others so that the food won't be wasted.

Hard times are a thing of the past and we don’t really appreciate how good things are until it’s too late. It is particularly sad when there are so many in the world that don't have enough food to eat.

Anonymous said...

In real life...
Real life is a life filled with fulfilment, acceptance and purpose. We find it in a relationship with Jesus Christ. No one in human history has made the claims Jesus made and given such great proofs to back them up. He claimed to be God, to be able to forgive sins, and to be the only way through which we can know God the Father. Jesus backed up those claims through his resurrection from the dead. He is, truly, the most unique person who ever lived...much more than a great teacher.
The Bible says that Jesus was God who became man--"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us."1 He was "the exact representation of his [God's] being."2 In short, Jesus Christ revealed exactly what God is like. So how do we begin a relationship with him?
We don't begin a relationship with God by trying to be a better person. Trying harder to win God's approval is not the way he wants us to live. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone in which you had to try to win that person's approval? It's no fun.
God has such a genuine love for us that he himself provided the way for us to get close to him...but there is a problem. Currently, what stands in the way of us connecting with God is our sin (our self-centredness shown by our anger, our hurtful words, our impatience, our selfishness, greed, etc.). If you've ever wondered why your prayers seem to go nowhere, that is why. Our sin has separated us from God, who is holy.
So what has God done so we can have a close relationship with him? Jesus Christ ("God in the flesh") took all of our sin on his shoulders while he willingly died on a cross. He did this so we could be completely forgiven, completely acceptable to him.
Our problem is illustrated by the university student who is charged with a crime. The judge sentences her to 30 days in jail or a $1,000 fine. The student can afford neither the time nor the money. The judge, knowing this, takes off his robes, walks to the front of the bench, and with his own checkbook pays the fine. Why? Because, as a just judge, he cannot overlook the offense. But, because he is the student's father, he chooses to pay the penalty on her behalf.
This is exactly what Jesus did for each of us on the cross. He made the great sacrifice of being beaten, humiliated, whipped and crucified on our behalf. He now asks us to respond to his sacrifice by inviting him into our lives.

Anonymous said...

How we can be in real life
He wants us to know him and to experience his love, joy and peace. When we ask him into our lives, we receive his forgiveness, and we begin a relationship with him that's meant to last forever. Jesus said, "I stand at the door (of your heart) and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him (or her)."3

If this is now the desire of your heart, the following is a suggested prayer (but the words aren't as important as the attitude of your heart):

Dear God, I confess that I have sinned against you. Thank you for taking all of my sin upon yourself on the cross. I want to receive your forgiveness. I want to enter into a relationship with you. I ask you to come into my life as my Saviour and Lord. Please give me the real life that comes only from you.

For more on the meaning of life, please see The Source of a Changed Life or other articles on this site.

Anonymous said...

I once saw a documentary on tv that showed how some children (who has just started school) behaved during their meal times. They were like showing the differences between children in Japan and America.

Japanese children: sat in tidy rows, in their cute uniform. They sat quietly while the food was served by.... their classmates! Everyone waited patiently until all the serving was done and after saying their “thanks” (together), they began eating, without much fuss. They were so cute. Once done, everyone delivered their own tray to the washing station. Tables; very clean!!

American children: sat in tables of fours. No cute uniform. Not sitting quietly. Happily playing, jumping and shouting at each other while food was served, by the canteen staff. They started eating immediately when food was served to them. Don’t have to wait. Some started mini food fight. They were so fun to watch! Once done, some delivered their trays to the washing station. The rest left them on the table. Big clean up for canteen staff.

Dad said that the show was about different lifestyles and cultures. There is no right or wrong. No one is better or worst... he he. I like my dad.

Dad said that children before school already learned lots of things from their parents. They are like very good, cute little sponges. They absorb everything they hear and see, including whatever is from the television. They also pick up vibrations of love, kindness, gentleness, anger, silliness or whatever from those around them. They do nothing else day and night but just absorb and absorb. They maybe playing with their toys or watching you washing your car, but they are... Absorbing! So, don’t think that kids are just doing nothing much. They are very busy people... he he.

I know that. Even when I am doing nothing, I am doing something... he he.

Dad said that, stuff that has already being absorbed will not come out easily. Maybe if you squeeze the sponges so very hard, it might. Aiyoh! Oops, that was my idea.

Dad said that whenever he got upset, he always made sure that he was not around me, in case I absorb all his upset-ness. He he.

Anonymous said...

From Star.The decision to procure helicopters from Eurocopter was done following proper procedures and was not influenced by anyone, Defence Ministry secretary-general Datuk Abu Bakar Abdullah said.

In a statement issued Friday, Abu Bakar said the ministry chose the Eurocopter EC725 because the company had a complete tender offer that obtained the highest marks based on technical evaluation, an offset package while also being at a reasonable price.

“Eurocopter also offered a system that was proven which also fulfilled the army’s specifications,” he said, adding that the Government had no influence on prices that were offered by the company as bidding was done via an international open tender process.

Abu Bakar said the move to replace the Nuri helicopters started when a few Members of Parliament and the public voiced their concern about the performance of the helicopter.

“As a result, the Cabinet made a decision on July 18, 2007 to procure helicopters to replace the Nuri.”

Abu Bakar said the Royal Malaysia Air Force (RMAF) then prepared specification documents for utility helicopters capable of search and rescue that were also capable of being upgraded to combat search and rescue aircraft.

Abu Bakar said on Oct 10, 2007, the Economic Planning Unit approved the decision to buy new helicopters and an international open tender was announced on Nov 7 that year.

“To make it easier for prospective suppliers to put forth their offers, the RMAF held a briefing for them during the Langkawi International Maritime Airshow on Dec 6 and also explained to them that it was important for suppliers to include an offset package.”

Abu Bakar said the tender was closed on Feb 12 this year and at noon the same day the tender committee opened the seven tenders that were received while being witnessed by representatives from companies that had taken part.

The tender offers received were as such:

T521/07/A/001 - £341.88mil (RM2.08bil); T521/07/A/002 - RM663.1mil; T521/07/A/003 - €104.6mil (RM494.9mil); T521/07/A/004 - US$220.5mil (RM777.45mil); T521/07/A/005 - US$708.3mil; (RM2.49bil); T521/07/A/006 (Eurocopter) - €233.24mil (RM1.1bil); T521/07/A/007 - US$348.17mil (RM1.22bil).

“The documents were then split up into three parts for the technical evaluation committee, offset evaluation committee and price evaluation committee to evaluate,” Abu Bakar said.

He said the committees conclusions were tabled at a Tender Board meeting on July 22 and was then forwarded to the Finance Ministry on August 4 and the Defence Ministry received the green light on Sept 3.

“The letter of intention could have been issued at any time after Sept 3 and it was a coincidence that it was issued on Sept 15,” he said.

Abu Bakar said that the RMAF is always up to date with the developments in helicopter technology as its officers attend international expos while RMAF also has complete data and knowledge about the helicopters in the market.

“As such, a physical evaluation of how to operate the helicopters does not need to be done at the facility until it is brought to be discussed by the Tender Board.”

Anonymous said...

HERE’S an interesting tale: In the old days, lunch boxes of schoolchildren in Korea were thin metal rectangular boxes with a fitted cover.

Depending on the economic background of one’s family, the lunch box usually contained rice, kimchi and for the more fortunate, fried egg.

When it was time to eat, the rectangular lidded box was held tight with both hands and shaken with all of one’s might. This wasn’t done for fun, mind you, but it was for a reason!

After a hearty shake, the contents of one’s lunch of rice, kimchi and hopefully, the soft fried egg, would have been mixed up truly well. Visually, think of it as spicy fried rice!
The flavours of the salty and spicy kimchi with the egg would have coated the plain rice beautifully. All one needed to do then was scoop it up and chew

for me it was one of the unique way
to eat that i ever know...the way to eat are actually depends on their races...if korean shake thier food before eat...malay also have their own way to eat...we will lick our finger after we eat...u know why???the reason is because at our finger there are some enzyms that can help our digestion become right...but wash your hand first if u don't to get stomachache...


Anonymous said...

When to wash your hands?

•Often, especially during cold and flu (influenza) season, can reduce your risk of catching or spreading a cold or the flu.
•Before and after preparing or serving food reduces your risk of catching or spreading bacteria that cause food poisoning. Be especially careful to wash before and after preparing poultry, raw eggs, meat, or seafood.
•After going to the bathroom or changing diapers reduces your risk of catching or spreading infectious diseases such as salmonella or hepatitis A.

Hand-washing is a simple and effective way to help prevent diseases, such as colds, flu, and food poisoning.

Anonymous said...

I like to read all the comments above.All those things really open my mind and give me some ideas to write my own comment.But i think that comment from Aja is quite interesting.She tells about the documentary that she watch on television.Hopefully i can watch it too..Yeah,there a too many differences between a child that treated with a politeness rather than a child that treated with rudeness lifestyle.As a eastern people,we are treated to be more polite and life with a good attitude.But,for western people,they live with no rule.The child can do anything that they want to do.Parent give them a freedom to creat their own identity.Besides,Asian people rich with politeness and parents must play their role as a model for their childen.A good attitude comes from home.So parents have a big responsibility to teach their childen well.So the choldren know how to eat politely.Besides that,there are no more food waste if we are though by our parent to appriciate foods..=)


Anonymous said...


i just read galaxie magazine the second edition for this edition, there is a story of nicole kidman...she's from the outback..and her past was hard..but she had survived and become so famous now..and her latest news is about her pregnancy...the other reason that i choose to read this edition is that there is the jonas brothers posters...hihii....oppsss...
