Monday, March 21, 2011

Share your POEMS E11

Today we wrote POETRY. Share your POEMS here:


Anonymous said...

tomorrow is another day to go,
facing the ugly attitude of yours,
being trapped like being in hell,
living in fear is all i've felt,
give me some space so that i can breathe..

lend me a hand,i will lend you mine,
give me a chance,i will give it a try,
whether it is great or whether it is not,
i will try my best to make it alive,

get up when your falling down,
face up the obstacles that've turned you down,
a helping hand is surely supporting,
yet some consider it as a cure and a healing..

AWESOME group:)

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, I am a child,
Today, I am a teenager,
Yesterday, I am a primary student,
Today,I am a undergraduate student,
Yesterday, I know nothing about circuit,
Today, I study circuit.
Today, I am a teenager,
Tomorrow, I will be an adult,
Today, I am an undergraduate student,
Tomorrow, I will be an successful engineering,
Today, I study circuit,
Tomorrow, I create circuit.

Super Duper Junior Group

Anonymous said...

As a child,
I wish I could fly,
flying in the hyperspace,
searching for the truth in life,
the words of eternity......
Can't it be anything better than that......

Life is just like cup of coffee ,
giving out the aroma scene....
mystifying us timelessly,
the caffeine....
oh!!!! it is the spark of life,
giving us the energy.....

Life is just like a cowdung lying on the vast grassland,
giving us the hope to fertilized our dreams,
Appreciate it as it is one of the mother nature's gifts....

Sometimes it is quite peculiar to be single....
living without another piece of emotional heart,
searching for affection,
finding for the life companion,
it is not absurd....


Anonymous said...


everyday, i think of him.
i keep asking,does he remember me everyday?
everyday, i hope he will appear in front of me.
so, i can laugh and joke with him everyday.
everyday, i count down to meet him.

but now

but now, we have cellphone.
but now, we have broadband.
but now, we have webcams.
but now, we have transportation.
but now, i have no reasons to avoid communicating with you.


i was waiting for you yesterday.
but yesterday you didn't come.
i hope a miracle will happen yesterday.
but i kept on waiting alone yesterday.
i don't want something like yesterday to happen again.


tomorrow is our day.
i hope everything will happen smoothly, tomorrow.
tomorrow i will be part of your life.
we will vow to live together forever tomorrow.
tomorrow we will make our dreams come true.

maimunah bt mohd yusof
super duper generation