Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year! And Welcome to UHL2322

Dear students!
Welcome to Technical Writing aka UHL2322. If you haven't heard of me, or seen me before around campus, great! Sometimes it's nice to be a mystery and that makes us even. `Coz prior to this first class, you are all mysteries to me but as we go along, we'll peel every layer of onion skin, like Shrek (love Shrek!) and get to know the pages behind every cover. I hope the mixing of metaphors aren't confusing you; but isn't that exciting about learning English and all its little nuances?

Here are my expectations:
It's easy to get an A in my class; but you have to deserve it. For example, when you do your presentation, and you are so well prepared that I can't even minus any points off you. You are facing the audience, interacting with them, your visual aids are gorgeous, your language flawless, your content and organization makes me speechless. Hey, you might even get an A. And if you do, you deserve it. That's how you get an A in my class.

Cellphones are allowed but do keep them silent. Keep them in your room if we have exams.

I am very fair, but I am not to be stepped on.

I dress up for class, I expect you to be in your best dress as well. I like having Posh Spices, Professional Spices, Geeky Spices but please keep your toilet slippers in the toilet where they belong. Let's not have any Toilet Spices, okay?

But most of all, open your minds, learn something new and have fun!

1 comment:

D.Crusader said...

Let's get along everybody!