Thursday, October 28, 2010

Learning Styles: MUST DO THIS FIRST!

Please go to the link below and do the survey. Then post what kind of learner you are.

Guess what's my style?

Visual/Nonverbal 18 Visual/Verbal 26 Auditory 28 Kinesthetic 22

Your primary learning style is:

The Auditory/ Verbal Learning Style

You learn best when information is presented auditory in an oral language format. In a classroom setting, you benefit from listening to lecture and participating in group discussions. You also benefit from obtaining information from audio tape. When trying to remember something, you can often "hear" the way someone told you the information, or the way you previously repeated it out loud. You learn best when interacting with others in a listening/speaking exchange .

Strategies for the Auditory/ Verbal Learner:

Join a study group to assist you in learning course material. Or, work with a "study buddy" on an ongoing basis to review key information and prepare for exams.

When studying by yourself, talk out loud to aid recall. Get yourself in a room where you won't be bothering anyone and read your notes and textbook out loud.

Tape record your lectures. Use the 'pause' button to avoid taping irrelevant information. Use a tape recorder equipped with a 3-digit counter. At the beginning of each lecture, set your counter to '000.' If a concept discussed during lecture seems particularly confusing, glance at the counter number and jot it down in your notes. Later, you can fast forward to that number to review the material that confused you during lecture. Making use of a counter and pause button while tape recording allows you to avoid the tedious task of having to listen to hours and hours of lecture tape.

Use audio tapes such as commercial books on tape to aid recall. Or, create your own audio tapes by reading notes and textbook information into a tape recorder. When preparing for an exam, review the tapes on your car tape player or on a "Walkman" player whenever you can.

When learning mathematical or technical information, "talk your way" through the new information. State the problem in your own words. Reason through solutions to problems by talking out loud to yourself or with a study partner. To learn a sequence of steps, write them out in sentence form and read them out loud.

Nearly the End P13

Hi there!
Who would have thought, time flies so fast? Anyway, I hope while classes lasted, you had a good but educational time which brings me to this question. So if you had learnt something, anything, what are they? Can you tell me ONE thing you learnt from English class that you'll remember FOREVER. It could be a word, it could be grammar related, it could be a skill, it could be non academic. It could be just anything! If it's more than ONE, hehe, even better! So share with me what you learnt.

Thank you for being an energetic lot. I love it when you yell READY simultaneously that I have to give all of you the same points. I hope that that energy and enthusiasm stays throughout your scholarship here.

I'd also like to take this chance to apologize to anyone in case I stepped on your toes, said the wrong things, as it was never my intention to hurt anyone's feelings. and lastly, THANK YOU for being most cooperative and enthusiastic in class.

P.S. Remember we have a date tomorrow.