Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ideas Ideas Ideas

Here are some brilliant slides taken from SLIDESHARE. You can also view this in UHL 2312 main blog. See sidebar and click on link. There are also some other videos on presentations there.

Hopefully, this will give you some ideas when you do your first assessment. The topic is to talk about YOU.

More information to be given in class.

P.R.E.S.E.N.T your steps/ formula to becoming an EFFECTIVE presenter (2nd draft): All sections comment here

On 3rd August you have watched 11 videos. Here they are in case you want a second or third round. All sections (P09 and P10, P11 and P12, P13), leave your comments here on the questions at the end of this post. Remember to give your group name, your section and group members' names. One comment per group. Thank you.

So, here are the clips again if you want to watch them again. Or if you've missed some "on your journey of self discovery" in the words of Doug Jefferys. The Ed Tate one is not here though. Sorry! But I substituted it and added some new ones too! Enjoy!

Video 1-Microsoft Dude

Video 2-The Last Lecture: Dr Randy Pausch passed away 25 July 2008

Video 3-Visuals in powerpoint: from Slideshare

Video 4-Identity 2.0 Dick Hardt

Video 5-Mark Gungor: Tale of 2 brains

Video 6-Ed Tate: World Champion Speaker: How to deal with bullies (can't find the one I showed you on youtube...sorry guys; perhaps this is better.)

Video 7-Tony Robbins: Why we do what we do, and how we can do it better

Video 8-CBC Body Language Expert —Top Keynote Speaker—Mark Bowden

Video 9-Doug Jefferys: Killer Presentation Skills

Video 10-T.J. Walker: Don't Turn Your Back

Video 11-T.J. Walker: Making Mistakes

Here's one more that's interesting but you have to check out youtube yourself. Here's the link in case you don't see the video:

Also, here's another slideshare powerpoint which I hope will help you design better slides.

In your group, discuss:
(1) the difference between an experienced and inexperienced public speakers
(2) why people are afraid to speak in public
(3) support your answers with your own experiences
(4) revise your first draft of P.R.E.S.E.N.T.
(5) for each video you watched
(a) who do you think are the audience?
(b) what do you like about each presenter in each video (only videos 1 to 11)?

Answer all questions, yea? Again, this is a group assignment; so do not leave individual comments unless you want to. Thank you and have a great weekend this week!

P.R.E.S.E.N.T your steps/ formula to becoming an EFFECTIVE presenter (1st draft) P09 & P10

Hi there!
Aah, you've already survived the fourth week but the best is yet to come. Remember, you are on your way to becoming EFFECTIVE presenters! Put on your brave face and push away negative thoughts!

In this posting, write your first draft of your P.R.E.S.E.N.T formula. This is a group answer, not an individual answer. And this should be easy as you have presented this to your friends in class.

I will leave more instructions in the next post. Good luck!

P.R.E.S.E.N.T your steps/ formula to becoming an EFFECTIVE presenter (1st draft) P11 & P12

Hi there!
Aah, you've already survived the fourth week but the best is yet to come. Remember, you are on your way to becoming EFFECTIVE presenters! Put on your brave face and push away negative thoughts!

In this posting, write your first draft of your P.R.E.S.E.N.T formula. This is a group answer, not an individual answer. And this should be easy as you have presented this to your friends in class.

I will leave more instructions in the next post. Good luck!


For YOU to COMMENT on once you have completed all the TELL ME MORE activities assigned to you:
Please answer all the questions.
1)What do you think of TELL ME MORE?
2)Have you used TELL ME MORE before this?
3)If yes, what did you think of it then? And what do you think of it now?
4)Is it easy to to navigate?
5)Do you think the activities help you to improve your English?
6)What is your favourite activity? Why?
7)What is the activity you don't like most? Why?
8)What have you learnt as a result of using TELL ME MORE?


For YOU to COMMENT on once you have completed all the TELL ME MORE activities assigned to you:
Please answer all the questions.
1)What do you think of TELL ME MORE?
2)Have you used TELL ME MORE before this?
3)If yes, what did you think of it then? And what do you think of it now?
4)Is it easy to to navigate?
5)Do you think the activities help you to improve your English?
6)What is your favourite activity? Why?
7)What is the activity you don't like most? Why?
8)What have you learnt as a result of using TELL ME MORE?


For YOU to COMMENT on once you have completed all the TELL ME MORE activities assigned to you:
Please answer all the questions.
1)What do you think of TELL ME MORE?
2)Have you used TELL ME MORE before this?
3)If yes, what did you think of it then? And what do you think of it now?
4)Is it easy to to navigate?
5)Do you think the activities help you to improve your English?
6)What is your favourite activity? Why?
7)What is the activity you don't like most? Why?
8)What have you learnt as a result of using TELL ME MORE?


Finally, the time has come for you to have a go at the language software we have in our labs. For students who have yet to give it a try, you will soon. Get your username and password from your respective class representatives. Your username depends on the programme and section you are in, and the position you are on the attendance list. So say for example, you are taking UHL2312, from section P13, and you are the 3rd student on the name list, your username should be UHL2312P13S3. If you are S3, then your password is S3.

Please be careful logging in as the username and password are case sensitive. Do note that the username and password are in ALLCAPS or UPPERCASE.

Once in, please click on the chosen level, in this case, it's either Advanced+ or Business+. You can choose to do any one first. Then click on the green check button, then choose the FREE TO ROAM mode, then validate by clicking on the green check button again.

You have been given a Tell Me More assessment form for information on which activities to do, as well as to fill up once you have completed the activities. Remember you need to hand in this form once the allocated time for TELL ME MORE is complete. We advise you to finish all activities first before attempting to re-do any of the activities. Also bring your own headphones, as the headphones provided in the lab might not work.

If you are having problems with the PC, or the headphone and mic, please inform your lecturer so that your lecturer can report the problem to the lab manager. Or call our lab managers at 095492461.

Here are some troubleshooting advice:

1) If the PC you are using has a headphone that does not function, please do an activity that does not require the use of the headphone yet, e.g., Grammar Workshop. Grammar Workshop is the third icon after the HOME icon at the bottom left corner of your screen. Choose the relevant Grammar Workshop activity to do. Once done, trade PCs with a friend who has done the speaking and listening part.

2) Should you want to change PCs or go to another PC, please log out by clicking on 'change user account' instead of clicking on 'Quit TELL ME MORE'. If you simply quit the programme, chances are when you use the other PC, the remark that you are logged on on another PC will appear.

3) If at any time, the PC gets stuck, then you will need to turn it off and then on again. Same goes, if you can't get into TELL ME MORE, please restart the PC.

Okay, if you have any questions, you can direct them to me. Thank you.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

P.R.E.S.E.N.T your steps/ formula to becoming an EFFECTIVE presenter (1st draft) P13

Hi there!
Aah, you've already survived the fourth week but the best is yet to come. Remember, you are on your way to becoming EFFECTIVE presenters! Put on your brave face and push away negative thoughts!

In this posting, write your first draft of your P.R.E.S.E.N.T formula. This is a group answer, not an individual answer. And this should be easy as you have presented this to your friends in class.

I will leave more instructions in the next post. Good luck!

When I leave I want to work at ... P13's Wall

How many of you have ever thought about where you wanted to work once you left college? If you haven't, give it some thought and choose a place where you'd like to work at. Why do you want to work there?

Do a search on that company and find out the qualities required by that company.
1) What kind of people is the company looking for?
2) Do you have those qualities?
3) What do you think your responsibilities would be working there?
4) Are the requirements the same?
5) If yes, what requirements are similar?
6) If they differ, what aspects are different?
7) Are the requirements as you expected?
8) Do you have what it takes to seek employment there?
9) What do you intend to do now that you know what the companies require?


When I leave UMP, I want to work at ...P11 and P12's Wall

How many of you have ever thought about where you wanted to work once you left college? If you haven't, give it some thought and choose a place where you'd like to work at. Why do you want to work there?

Do a search on that company and find out the qualities required by that company.
1) What kind of people is the company looking for?
2) Do you have those qualities?
3) What do you think your responsibilities would be working there?
4) Are the requirements the same?
5) If yes, what requirements are similar?
6) If they differ, what aspects are different?
7) Are the requirements as you expected?
8) Do you have what it takes to seek employment there?
9) What do you intend to do now that you know what the companies require?


When I leave UMP, I want to work at ... P09 and P10's Wall.

How many of you have ever thought about where you wanted to work once you left college? If you haven't, give it some thought and choose a place where you'd like to work at. Why do you want to work there?

Do a search on that company and find out the qualities required by that company.
1) What kind of people is the company looking for?
2) Do you have those qualities?
3) What do you think your responsibilities would be working there?
4) Are the requirements the same?
5) If yes, what requirements are similar?
6) If they differ, what aspects are different?
7) Are the requirements as you expected?
8) Do you have what it takes to seek employment there?
9) What do you intend to do now that you know what the companies require?


How to leave your comments...

If you are still unclear on how to leave your comments, here's how.
Regardless if you have your own blogger ID or whether you choose to be anonymous, when you leave your comments, you need to include these details.
Matric No:
Source/ Url (only if you are commenting on something you have read, online or otherwise):
Your comment:

Here's a link to read more on COMMENTS GUIDELINE:

And here's a sample taken from Mdm Haslinda's blog:
Name:Afiqah Bt Yahya
Matric No:AA09097
Topic:Effects Of Hair Loss in the Women Life

5. Effects Of Hair Loss in the Women Life
This article is practically about woman life can be effected by hair loss. The way this article been written, we know that most of the women consider hair as more significant emotional and physiological problem as compared to men. This is because hair is like one of the accessories in women’s life. Hair loss will affect the women emotionally. For example is the fear of being bald. This is because most women compare their hair with others and feel unattractive if they’re losing their hair. In this article its written that most of the effect of hair loss in the women life are emotionally. It is the feeling of lacking of self confidence to face other people. This article also gives an input of how the hair loss among women actually happens. The specification in this article can give the reader much information and furthermore interested in reading the article.